Would that Shirazi Turk behold our heart; then,
.....I'll gift, to her Indian Mole, both
Samrakand and Bokhara.
Pour the remaining wine, Saghi!--in paradise you shall not find
.....the river banks so firm--nor the pleasure
of a prayer rug.
These impudent beauties of the city of confusion steal
.....patience from my heart, like a Khan
in a joyous plunder.
The face of the beloved is pleased with our unconsummated love:
.....what need the beauteous face has of
earth, water, or art?
From the ever-increasing beauty of Joseph, this I understood:
.....love rends the curtain of virtue from
Zoleykha's face.
If you curse--if you abuse me, I will pray for you:
.....bitter response suits the ruby lips
of the sweetest heart.
My love: more precious than life the lucky youth
.....holds the advice of the virtuous sage.
Come, sing of wine and minstrels--seek less the secrets of life;
.....none has solved--nor can--this enigma
with the logical mind.
Hafez, you sang ghazal, made pearls of words; come and sing:
the Universe graces your verse with a marriage to the Pleiades.
Copyright. All rights reserved by the translator.
-- Tousled
hair, sweating, a smile on her lips--drunk!...
Zolf aashofteh o khoy karedeh o khandaan lab o mast...
-- Oh,
Wind, kindly tell that tender gazelle...
Sabaa belotf begoo aan ghazaleh ra'naa raa...
-- From
mosque to tavern sauntered our guru--yesternight...
Doosh az masjed sooyeh meykhaaneh aamad peereh maa...
-- Come,
Sufi, see the clear mirror in the cup...
Soofi bi-yaa keh aayneh saafeest jam raa
-- Arise!
Fill the golden cup--with joyous tidings...
Kheez o dar kaaseh zar aabeh tarabnaak andaaz...
-- Do
not grieve: Joseph, lost, he returns to Canaan...
Yoosefeh ghom ghashteh baaz aayad beh kan'aan gham makhor...
-- For
long, our heart has yearned to possess Jamsheed's Cup...
Saalhaa del talabeh jaam-e jam az maa mikard...
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