من جنده نیستم

اگر یک زن با چند تا مرد بخوابد جنده است؟


من جنده نیستم
by Parinaz Samii

پذیرای خانم مسنی از اقوام بودم.  دو سه ماهی در منطقه’ ما بین فک و فامیل زندگی می کرد تا کار اقامتش درست شود.  به تماشای سریال های زنانه’ وسط روز تلویزیون علاقمند شده بود.  یک روز که منزل بودم گفت میشه لطفا برام بگی این خانمه توی این سریال چرا گریه می کنه؟  خوب دقت کردم ببینم قضیه چیست.  تا آنجا که سر درآوردم برایش تعریف کردم.  گفتم این خانم که الان یک مدیر موفق در یک شرکت است ، در دوره’ دیگری از زندگیش گویا جنده بوده.  بعد آمده به این شهر و رفته درس خوانده و در شهرش آدم سرشناسی شده و با یک مرد بسیار خوب خیال عروسی دارد.  حالا کسی که در شهر دیگر جاکش او بوده او را پیدا کرده و آمده سراغش و از او اخاذی می کند.  او هم گریه می کند چون نمی خواهد راز سر به مهرش فاش شود و آبرویش برود.

خانم مسن به من گفت:  پریناز خانم چرا گریه می کند؟  این جور که من دیدم توی شهر اینها همه جنده هستند!  همه’ زنهای این فیلم با همه’ مردهای این فیلم می خوابند و برنامه دارند.  این طفلکی را چیکارش دارند؟  خنده ام گرفته بود.  گفتم حاج خانم!  اینجا توی خارج با ایران یک کمی فرق داره.  اینجا فقط اگر زنی در ازا’ سکس از مردها پول بگیره فاحشه محسوب میشه.  اگر برای دلش با کسی بخوابه، هر چند بار هم که بخوابه، باز جنده نیست..

حاج خانوم و همه’ کسانی که مثل او فکر می کنند، فکر می کنند برای یک زن سکس فقط با شوهر آدم مشروعه و بس.  هر نوع رابطه’ جنسی نوع دیگر با فحشا’ براشون فرقی نمیکنه.  چطور اگر یک مرد با زنهای زیادی بخوابه، "دون ژوانه" ،  "جذابه" یا "سوکسه داره"؟  چطور مردی که همه’ زنهایی رو که باهاشون آشنا میشه بکنه، موفق و مثبت تلقی میشه، بهش آفرین میگن و بهش حسودی می کنن؟  اما اگر یک زن با چند تا مرد بخوابد جنده است؟  فاسد و فاحشه است؟  "سهل الوصول" و "لاشی" است؟

یادم افتاد که بچه که بودم، می شنیدم سالها پیش در همسایگی مان دختر جناب سرهنگی بوده که یک بار همسایه ها او و پسری را در تپه های قیطریه مشغول معاشقه می بینند و بعد هم با افتخار با تهیه’ استشهاد محلی با امضا’ تمام اهالی محله، جناب سرهنگ و خانواده اش را وادار می کنند از آن محله بروند.  یادم افتاد که گلی، گل سر سبد فامیل تیمسار ناصری، چون با پسرک ژولیده موئی خوابیده بود و بند را به آب داده بود، ناچار به ازدواج با پسره’ کون لخت شده بود و فامیل دیگر طردش کرده بودند.  هم دختر جناب سرهنگ و هم دختر تیمسار ناصری لای پچ پچ های اطرافیان، خراب و جنده اطلاق می شدند.  یادم افتاد که بار آخری که رفته بودم تهران، دکتر زرافشان می گفت دیگه توی مطبش زیاد زن حامله و نازا ویزیت نمیکنه، چون پول آسان الان بین دکترای زنان تهران همه اش پیش مرمته.  "مرمت" یعنی دوختن پرده’ بکارت دخترانی که جهت ازدواج و در راستای تقویت تفکر "باکره یعنی پاک و غیر باکره یعنی جنده" دارند پس انداز خودشان و پدر و مادرشان را خرج دوخت و دوز پرده هاشون می کنند.  آقای دکتر با خنده می گفت که حتی در چندین مورد، همزمان هم کورتاژ کرده، هم پرده’ بکارتو دوخته!

به حاج خانوم گفتم، حاج خانوم، اگه من با یک مردی که شوهرم نیست بخوابم مثلن چی میشه؟  جنده میشم؟  خندید و گفت استغفرالله ربی وتوب الیه!  این چه شوخی ای است که می کنی پریناز جان؟  اصرار کردم.  گفتم حاج خانوم اگه به شما بگم که چند تا دوست مرد دارم و هیچ کدامشان را هم انقدر دوست ندارم که بخواهم زنشان بشوم، اما باهاشون می خوابم، شما چی میگین؟  لبهاش خنده’ کمرنگی می کرد اما چشمانش جدی و نگران شده بود.  باز هم گفت پریناز جان شما از بچگی ات هم خیلی شیطون و شوخ بودی ها!  نه، شما هیچوقت خراب نمیشید.  شما از خانواده’ اصیل و خوبی هستید و پای سفره’ پدرتون بزرگ شدید.  من مطئنم اینها که شما میگید همه ش شوخیه!  خیلی دلم می خواست بحثو ول نکنم و براش چند تا خاطره تعریف کنم، بهش بگم به شوهرم خیانت کردم، با مردای غریبه خوابیدم، و از سکس لذت می برم، اما جنده نیستم.  اما نمیشد.  فکر نکنم قلبش طاقت میاورد.  حالا شاید برای شما یکوقت تعریف کردم.


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لغت پیتاره و ریشه پهلوی آن

امیر کبیر سر نبش بازار بین الحرمین (not verified)

معنی مخالفت و بغضاء و ستیز و خصوصاً مخلوقات اهریمنی که برای تباه کردن آفریدگان اهورمزدا پدید آمده اند و اصل اوستائی آن پئی تیارَ ۞ است ۞ : مخالفت . ضدیت . بغضاء. عدوان . عداوت . عناد. دشمنی . خلاف . فتنه . شور و آشوب و غوغا :

برگشت چرخ با من بیچاره
و آهنگ جنگ دارد و پتیاره .

کسائی .

نیاید ز ما با قضا چاره ای
نه سودی کند هیچ پتیاره ای .

فردوسی .

همه پیش فرمانش بیچاره اند
که با شورش و جنگ و پتیاره اند.

فردوسی .

چنین گفت کان کو چنین باره کرد
نه از بهر پیکار و پتیاره کرد.

فردوسی .

الا ای مرد پیرایه ٔ خراسان
مدار این خون و این پتیاره آسان .

فخرالدین اسعد (ویس ورامین ).

نهان گشته ز شاهنشاه دایه
که خود پتیاره را او بود مایه .

(ویس و رامین ).

بباید خریدن ورا [ یوسف را ] چاره نیست
بدین در ره هیچ پتیاره نیست .

شمسی (یوسف و زلیخا).

مر آن آبدان را به صد پاره کرد
بسی شور و پرخاش و پتیاره کرد.

شمسی (یوسف و زلیخا).

چو لطفش آمد پتیاره ٔ زمانه هباست
چو قهرش آمد اقبال آسمان هدراست .

انوری .

|| آفت . بلا. عیب . مصیبت . چیزی که دشمن دارند. (فرهنگ اسدی ) :
بجز کشتن و بستنت چاره نیست
که زنگی تر ۞ از مرگ پتیاره نیست .

فردوسی .

توانیم کردن مگر چاره ای
که بی چاره ای نیست پتیاره ای .

فردوسی .

ز مردن مرا و ترا چاره نیست
درنگی تر از مرگ پتیاره نیست .

فردوسی .

همی رفت باید کزین چاره نیست
مرا بدتر از مرگ پتیاره نیست .

فردوسی .

برآشفت بهرام و شد سرخ چشم
ز گفتار پرموده آمد بخشم
به تیزیش یک تازیانه بزد
بدانسان که از ناسزایان سزد
ببستند هم در زمان پای اوی
یکی تنگ خرگاه شد جای اوی
چو خرّادبرزین چنین دید گفت
که این پهلوان را خرد نیست جفت
بیامد به نزد دبیر بزرگ
بدو گفت کاین پهلوان سترگ
به یک پشه از بن ندارد خرد
ازیرا کسی را بکس نشمرد
ببایدش گفتن کزین چاره نیست
ورا بدتر از خشم پتیاره نیست
بنزدیک بهرام رفت آن دو مرد
زبانها پر از پند ورخ لاجورد.

فردوسی .

بدو گفت شاه آن بد نابکار
به پیش تو در، کی کند کارزار
یکی مرد خونریز بدکار و دزد
بخواهی ز من چشم داری بمزد!
ولیکن کنون زین سخن چاره نیست
دگر زوبتر نیز پتیاره نیست .

فردوسی .

شود جای خالی و من چاره ای
بسازم نترسم ز پتیاره ای .

فردوسی .

چو دانی که از مرگ خود چاره نیست
ز پیری بتر نیز پتیاره نیست .

فردوسی .

نباید که اندر نهان چاره ای
بسازد گزندی و پتیاره ای .

فردوسی .

نگر تا چگونه کنی چاره ای
کزان گم شود زشت پتیاره ای .

فردوسی .

تخواره که در جنگ غمخواره بود
یلان سینه را زشت پتیاره بود.

فردوسی .

دو چشم من چنین پتیاره دیده
چرا پرخون ندارم هر دو دیده .

فخرالدین اسعد (ویس و رامین ).

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Ari dear: what's etymology?

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Patyaareh; long time since I heard that word. So precise our language! Does Master Dehkhoda give an etymology?

Shazde Asdola Mirza

معنای چند کلمه

Shazde Asdola Mirza

با وجودیکه چندان تجربه‌ای در امور جنسی‌ ندارم و طبیعتا فردی خجالتی هستم ، ولی‌ جهت اطلاع نویسنده عزیز و سایر دوستان که پرسیده اند ، احتراما معنای چند کلمه مربوط به این مقاله را که از فرهنگ مرحوم دهخدا یافته‌ام ، به شرح ذیل عرض می‌کنم :

جنده = فاحشه ، نشمه ، و هر زنی‌ که در اضای دریافت پول خدمات جنسی‌ دهد.

پتیاره  = خراب ، لاشی ، و هر زنی‌ که بی‌ پول و جهت لذت با مردان متعدد رابطه داشته باشد.

جنده باز = فاسد ، لش ، و هر مردی که با جنده گان یا پتیاره‌ها رابطه کند.

مخنث = ملیجک ، امرد ، و هر مردی که با یا بی‌ پول به مردی دیگر لذت جنسی‌ دهد.


You said: "we all - female

by Azad99 (not verified) on

You said: "we all - female and male alike are born free of a moral code. Left as such - we all would follow the path biology has set for us - with no guilt or pretense; taking pleasure where we can - with man, with woman, with self. But what happened back in the early days of 'civilization'. Somebody somewhere decided this state of affairs wasn't good for the 'community', allegedly - so he/she went about placing a 'code of conduct' and then the brainwashing of what is right and what is wrong"

Does that mean that if we were not "brainwashed" with what is right and what is wrong, there would be no problem with us seeking pleasure by sleeping with siblings, children...etc?

I don't get it. What's the problem of some people with morals and values?!!


a fundamental question

by capt_ayhab on

how many ????

that is the question....................

Even more fundamental.......... can a man be a whore??????????? how many girl friends does he have to have to get the honor?????

capt_ayhab [-YT]


نظر ِ شخص ِ بنده

Deer Hunter - عزيز شكارچى (not verified)

First of all, let's get the terminology straight here. Jendeh generally refers to a woman who gets the money up front for the action. She gets paid in hard currency to perform the act. A woman who puts out after a fancy dinner or after receiving a nice present is not considered a Jendeh. Even a wife who has sex with her husband when he buys her a new washer and dryer or when he cleans out the garage is not considered a Jendeh. The title does not apply to a promiscuous woman who is having lots of sex (god bless them and we need more of them); she is called a Kosoo! I think that Parinaz Khanoom is writing about a Kosoo woman here. Kosoo may be regarded as a positive adjective, if you are one of the guys that had sex with her. And, it could be looked at negatively, if she had sex with all your friends, but rejected you! But, generally speaking, we need more women like her.

Ari Siletz

No more stones, but a nerf ball

by Ari Siletz on

Flying Solo:   Not to start a barrage, but since you bring up biology at birth, here's very fresh data suggesting that, free of a moral code, evolution has favored polygyny for humans. Not to be outdone, it seems women cheat biologically by passing on more genes to the offspring than the male. Sneaky!


To: Flying Solo

by An Observer (not verified) on

I have read a number of your comments, and the exchanges that you've had with Ari.

Althought you may be somewhat well-versed in the semantics at hand, nevertheless, I get the impression that you lack a certainty maturity to view the subject as a whole.

I am sure that you have heard of the term: "Not seeing the forest for the trees". I am afraid your writings remind me of that.

In any event, a good attempt :)


Very simple folks...

by Shohar (not verified) on

If you don’t have enough DECENCY to exit your marriage before getting involved with another man (Men) you are a JENDEH!! because you are using your clueless husband as a John (sex customer) for money. Infidelity hurts & sadly often kills people and the effect of it is even worse when there are children involved in the marriage. There is nothing sexy about infidelity, at the end it is HELL for everyone man or the woman, the person who commit it and the clueless party.


An iranian man is genius I

by akhmad (not verified) on

An iranian man is genius
I think he hit the nail on the head.
she really needs help. All these fantacies show some chemical imbalance.


من جنده نیستم

An Iranian Man (not verified)

Dear Parinaz,

I have read your previous comments and article. I truly think that you are suffering from a great depression so much that you want to take revenge from every man and women you see in your life. For your information, there are lots and lots of happily married couples who are living together and raising children according to the decent values that are promoted everywhere even here in the United States the center of western countries. I think you are a SHAME and DISGRACE to all poor honest and sincere JENDEHS who do this (still unacceptable) job out of their hunger and poverty. I feel sorry for your ex-husband who made a poor decision in selecting you as his lifetime partner and soul mate. You really need a professional help.

Best Regards
An Iranian Man

Flying Solo


by Flying Solo on

Mr. Siletz:

Good throw. 

Yes - excellent analogy to the 'gay' vocabulary. I do understand the association of 'jendeh' with 'ball buster' and the hidden compliment - of course the term is reserved for a select few  specifically those who are not financially dependent or morally (rightly or wrongly) directed by the social norms. I could see it as a status to be envied and despised by caged women (financially and morally so - rightly or wrongly).  There is a certain ring and quiet admiration for the woman who does 'use them and lose them' because, well, simply put, she can and she will. :)

Lately I have taken to studying the "Urban Dictionary" on line. My knowledge on the subject of 'colloquial" words in the American community is expanding in leaps and bounds.

I have no idea how old Ms. Samii is. I fancy her as a 'cougar' if she is above 45.  Two words for her then - Kim Catrall.


Lastly on the subject of marriage, security and prostitution!  I am no historian or biologist neither a religious buff but I dare say, we all - female and male alike are born free of a moral code.  Left as such  - we all would follow the path biology has set for us - with no guilt or pretense; taking pleasure where we can - with man, with woman, with self.  But what happened back in the early days of 'civilization'. Somebody somewhere decided this state of affairs wasn't good for the 'community', allegedly - so he/she went about placing a 'code of conduct' and then the brainwashing of what is right and what is wrong. Then the issue of raising children - who should look after it at home, who should go out and hunt for food etc etc.  You get the gist - so 'Marriage' was born - "Monogomy" was lauded - to assure the creator of the 'code of conduct' of proper 'ownership'.  Throw a few thousands of years of this on a woman and a man and he/she long forgets the cues of her instinct and now the 'moral code' becomes her 'first nature' - not even second.  Along comes a Ms. Samii who has her own money (I bet she does) and feels free to do whatever and just for the heck of it she writes about it - and aha we get a glimpse of "EVE" before the "Fig Leaf". 

More stones?  I can see the argument has enough holes to make a good sieve. :)


Here we go again!

by Landanneshin (not verified) on

Just mention "women and sex" and the whole Iranian nation, whithin and without the Land" gets hot under the collar! Whilst acknowledging the point Ms. Samii is trying to make, I hope she is not suggesting, or claiming, that the western sociteis have come fully to accept that a woman who leads a casual sex life is leading a "socially accepted" life, not least by the women themselves.In fact,the most derogatory terms against "free flying" women is used by their same gender; words such as "slut", "easy lay", "harlot" are some of the more polite expressions that even school girls use to describe their more sexually active school mates, let alone the unmentionable ones! Call it what you will, but the physiological and anatomical fact that women, if they choose to,could have multiple partners and sexual intercourse in a given time whilst their male counterparts just can't, puts a different light on the whole question between "jendegi" and "freedom". And in case nobody has noticed it yet, that's why you can't find a prolific male prostitute over the age of 30! Gotit?! Finally, show me a woman, or a man for that matter, who upon the begining of a more "romantic" relationship, opens her/his heart and during a nice night out talks about all the fantastic f..ks they had before their meeting.Honesty, as they say, is a virtue, but not apparently when it comes to ones sexual behaviour.


"Woman infedilty by Shohar

by Anonymouspissed (not verified) on

"Woman infedilty
by Shohar (not verified) on Sat Feb 07, 2009 02:27 PM PST

Woman who sleeps around outside of her married life is doing it for the thrill of sleeping around to "experience life" while the husband is still believe in this broken union not knowing that the wife is living a double life! "

to add:
I say that when a woman is married and fed by her husband if she sleeps with other men then she is worse than jendeh.
Why Because she gets support and foor from one man and shares her body with others. at least a jendeh while being with a man she does not think about others.



by Azad99 (not verified) on

Reading this article and most of the comments in this thread, reminds me of how disconnected the so-called Iranian "intellectuals" are from the real issues of the society. A bunch of adults spending hours debating and analyzing the roots and applications of the word "jendeh" and fighting for the right of women to be promiscuous. Donya ro aab mibareh ina ro khaab.

I am really curious to know what are the ideals, visionary goals and dreams of such "intellectuals"? What kind of utopia are they trying to create? A society where everyone sleeps with everyone without being called names?

Ari Siletz

Thanks Azadeh

by Ari Siletz on

The etymology of "jendeh" that you offer lends itself well to linguistically emancipating the word. And it gives a new twist to the title of Parisa Samii's work, "man jendeh neestam." Why the heck not? 


"خیلی دلم می

Khanandeh (not verified)

"خیلی دلم می خواست بحثو ول نکنم و براش چند تا خاطره تعریف کنم، بهش بگم به شوهرم خیانت کردم، با مردای غریبه خوابیدم، و از سکس لذت می برم"

clap clap clap!

Azadeh Azad

More on "Jahi"

by Azadeh Azad on

This is an entry on Jahi from Barbara Walker's book (1983) A Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets.

 - "Jahi the whore":

"Persian patriarchal epithet for the Great Mother who brought forth, then mated with, the serpent Ahriman, as Lilith or the pre-Adamic Eve was supposed to have done with the biblical serpent. Zoroastrian scriptures said Jahi brought menstruation into the world, for she menstruated for the first time after mating with her serpent. Jahi also brought sex into the world by seducing the first man in the primal garden. Jewish patriarchs probably derived their notions of the sinfulness of women (by virtue of their descent from Eve) from Persian ascetics who claimed all women were "whores" because they were descendants of Jahi.

"Oddly enough, some of the earliest forms of the name of the Jewish God seem to have been masculinized versions of the name of Jahi. Variations included Jahu, Jah, Yahu, Yahweh, Iau, Jaho. Some myths indicate that this God like Ahriman once had a serpent form and may have played the part of the Great Mother's serpent."

Azadeh Azad

Etymology of the word "Jendeh"

by Azadeh Azad on

Jendeh is the present Persian word for "Jahi," Avestan name of the female demon of "lasciviousness" in Zoroastrianism.

Her name in Middle Persian is "Jeh." As a hypostatic entity, she is variously interpreted as "hussy," "rake," "libertine", "courtesan" and "one who leads a licentious life." She is the consort of Ahriman and the cause of the menstrual cycle!!! Actually, she is appointed by Ahriman for the "defilement" of females, and it is this "defilement" (!) that causes women to have their menses!!! So very misogynistic! And her gaze is said to be powerful enough to kill. This one is not too bad. She has probably been another goddess of fertility before turning into a demon by the monotheistic religion of Zarathustra.

So, Jeh seems to be somewhat a melange of Lilith and Medusa. The following link goes to a poem I wrote a while ago in praise of Lilith, the Jendeh par excellence, who forever fights against Yahweh and his patriarchal order! I nelieve that Jeh, like Lilith, could represent women's independence.





بهش بگم به

Anonymousrt (not verified)

بهش بگم به شوهرم خیانت کردم، با مردای غریبه خوابیدم، و از سکس لذت می برم، اما جنده نیستم.

I think 90% of women do this in US and only the husbands do not know. those who know get divorced or do the same to get even. so society has a problem and maybe this article although may make it worse it sheds some light on the truth.

Ari Siletz

casting the first stone

by Ari Siletz on

Flying Solo, a successful precedent for owning "jendeh" as a way of social progress is the way gay folks rehabilitated the word "queer." You would be right to point out that gays really are homosexual whereas calling a woman jendeh is often a dysphemism. In which case I would refer you to how the modern language machine uses, "bad ass," or "sonovabitch,"   as superlatives. I could see constructing contexts where a female character would be called jendeh because she is a ball buster, not intimidated by social norm. "Money? Sure love you ain't got nothin' else I'd want."

As an aside, since you're interested in words, check out the biblical story of Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38). The oiginal Hebrew uses the word "Zonah" which is another possible etymology for the word in discussion. The story is also a fascinating exploration of marriage, security, and prostituton.

Flying Solo

Well Put

by Flying Solo on

Mr. Siletz,

Refreshing as always. Who better than yourself to start that Dictionary that the Persian language so badly needs. 

I am going to take a 'Flying' leap into a discourse with you, for I am assured you are well equipped for the verbal volley.

You may be right in that the colloquial term for a harlot would be 'jendeh'. But consider this - and how it can be tied to money, which will quickly preclude Ms. Samii's status to be defined as such.

In the Farsi vernacular - a woman who could not 'fetch' a solid marriage and long term financial support out of her 'virtue' had to turn tricks for sustenance - hence the term jendeh.  This is further supported by women who pay for hymen-rejuvenation to assure the 'intact' (pardon the coarseness) status and hence assure a 'solid' - ROI.

Let the stones start flying ----- this way .:)

Ari Siletz

Flying Solo, don't stop

by Ari Siletz on

Your comment on semantics was thoughtful. It helped me pause on the word "jendeh" and how we use such words as sticks and stones. I propose though that there is liberation in owning the word. Samii disowns it, and you are looking for an alternate word for a woman who engages in free sexual expression. If we had a Webster's (or Oxford, if you must) Dictionary in Iran, the second defintion of "Jendeh" would be: usually colloquial: a woman who is open about her sexuality. Etymolgy: prob. Sanskrit, zuNDA: harlot.


and what's wrong with being a jendeh?

by shirazi3 (not verified) on

while the writer is angry about the negative connotations associated with a woman who sleeps around, she herself is looking down on the profession of jendegi. if you don't like being judged for how you have chosen to lead your life, then let's not judge jendehs for how they choose to live their lives.

Flying Solo

Thank you

by Flying Solo on

Mr. Amir Hossein,

My writing or reading in Persian does not hold a candle to that of Ms. Samii or yours.  So you can be assured of 'shutting me up' to ever express anything as openly dramatic in Persian.

No holier than thou attitude here - simple word definitions.

Questioning? Accusing?  Hardly. Bold essays beckon bold responses.

I have congratulated Ms. Samii for her courage. Have you?


اگر یک زن با چند تا مرد بخوابد جنده است؟

Fatollah (not verified)

I am not sure whether it is Ms. P. Samii or Mr J. Javid who has put forward the question above?

And it is ridiculous to see how the writer is being attacked! You don't like her writing and encounters in life, move along and simply don't read them! And if you happen to read them, at least have the decency not to be condescending while leaving a comment, it's easy to educate others!

--Amir Hossein

I think she has used the term in her previous writings. There is a history there ...

جناب سرهنگ

By the way, instead of "Jenab-e Sarhang" if Teymour Bakhtiar was the neighbor in that neighborhood, no F#"#"#" soul would dare to utter a word

استشهاد محلی!!!

I thought this kind of shit was reserved to small towns and communities in Iran, I am surprised that this went on in Gheytariyeh Tehran way back then!

PS! I seem to learn more even after reading blogs of this nature.

Parinaz keep up


doda, there have always been pockets of sexual freedom...

by Ostaad on

in Iran for a long time.I agree with you about Iranian attitudes about how women should behave. But some Iranians depending whether they lived in Tehran, or some big city, have managed be sexually active. I am not sure Iran will have a "sexual revolution" any time soon, but that does not mean people are not screwing around.


Flying Solo

by Amir Hossein (not verified) on

You say:

"I am amused all the same how a liberated 'woman' such as you still refers to the act as 'dadan'. That connotes servitude and as such gives me a hint that deep down you really are still very much caged in the language, rites and rituals of your ancestors - contrary to what you wish for us to believe."

Where did she say 'dadan?' I can't find it. I think you imagined it in your haste to criticize her.

And why the better than thou attitude? She is writing this not you. Stop shutting up someone who is talking honestly about her thoughts about sex and her sexuality.

Are you trying to tell us that you could write it better? Maybe you could and so you should. But I want to read what Parinaz has to say and I don't think it's right for you to intimidate her by questioning her like this and accusing her of things.


Ours is the kind of culture

by dodar (not verified) on

Ours is the kind of culture that leaves no room for female sexuality, and open expressions thereof. I heard from a certain famous literary figure, one of those super-intellectual people who give invited lectures at conferences, that even "Forough baa vojoode inke khaili shaa'ere khoobi bood, jendeh bood"; most likely because of her free expressions of sexuality. And even Forough censored her poems when she read them in public or on radio. Go figure. Forget your grandmother's generation: My wife, a very educated Iranian woman who's spent most of her life in the US, thinks that Parinaz' writing is trash - actually her exact word was "filth", and her only reason was Parinaz' use of "inappropriate words", specifically those of the K bloodline. In the old days it took way less than being caught with somebody's cock up your ass to be labeled "jendeh"; chewing gum, or smiling was more than sufficient evidence for a girl's jendeh-itude, and I seriously doubt that much has changed since the old days. In a country where the talk of town is a seeing a woman in Vanak who has a robe an inch above her knees, or whatever else of the same caliber, talking about a sexual revolution is premature - believe me not much has changed. A couple of pictures in the Times magazine of yuppies is not reason for celebration. Who are we kidding. 90 percent of the population still lives under the same norms.