رویای خیس

در تاریکی و سکوت شب، به صدای نفس های تند و شهوت زده’ خودم گوش دادم


رویای خیس
by Parinaz Samii

می گویند بعضی مردها در خواب دچار ارگاسم می شوند و آبشان می آید.  نمی دانند بعضی زن ها هم همینطور.
دیشب دوباره تکرار شد.  با تکان های نا خود آگاه لگن خاصره و تشنج کسم از خواب پریدم. مثل این بود که یک نفر روی نوک پستانهایم دو تا گل آتیش گذاشته بود و از حرارتشان تمام پایین تنه ام در آتیش بود.  خواب بودم.  خواب می دیدم توی بستر من پیش من دراز کشیده.  لب هایش روی نوک پستانهایم متوقف بود و فقط از این پستان به آن پستان می رفت و آنها را می بوسید، می لیسید، و می مکید.  فقط همین.  همین رویای ساده باعث شده بود تا به جانم آتش بیفتد و در خواب بیایم. 

چند دقیقه ای در تاریکی و سکوت شب، به صدای نفس های تند و شهوت زده’ خودم گوش دادم.  به سینه هایم دست کشیدم.  نوک سینه هایم سفت و تیز شده بود.  آرام دستم را به شکمم مالیدم و آنها را بردم لای پاهایم.  خیس بود و هنوز در تب و تاب آمدن.  وقتی دستم به برآمدگی کسم خورد، بدنم به لرزه افتاد.  چه خوابی بود؟  چه رویایی بود؟  او که بود؟  یادم آمد که او که بود.  دلم برایش تنگ شد.  دستم را همانجا نگاه داشتم و با ریتم لرزه هایی که باز نمی ایستاد، خود ارضایی کردم.  وقتی موجهای هیجان و رضایت در بدنم آرام شد، به خواب قشنگ و آرامی فرو رفتم و امروز صبح آرام و راضی از خواب بر خاستم.
بار اولی که رویای خیس داشتم، از ترس گیج شده بودم.  شنیده بودم مردها رویای خیس دارند، جوانها بیشتر و پیرتر ها کمتر، اما هرگز نشنیده بودم زنها هم همینطور.  البته اطلاعات من راجع به این موضوع یا هر موضوع مربوط به مسایل جنسی چیزی حول و حوش لطیفه و مزاح بود، چرا که من اصلا چیز زیادی راجع به این جور چیزها نشنیده بودم و نمی دانستم.  فردای روزی که اینطور گنگ و وحشت زده از رویای خیسم برخاسته بودم، تمام روز در حال بدی بودم.  مثل این بود که تمام روز تحریک بودم و نمی دانستم چه باید بکنم.  لای پاهایم و در مرکز وجودم یک زلزله، یک آتش سوزی مهیب، یک خواهش غیر ممکن، تمام روز میسوزاندم و تکانم میداد و قدرت تفکر و زندگی روزمره را از من سلب کرده بود.  سر کارم وقتی در راهرو راه می رفتم، در جلسه’ خسته کننده ای می نشستم، یا تلفنم را جواب می دادم، در تمام مدت فقط به زلزله’ ده ریشتری که داشت در شورتم اتفاق می افتاد فکر می کردم.  یاد آن لبها روی نوک پستانهایم دیوانه ام می کرد.  بیچاره شده بودم.  از خودم تعجب می کردم و خجالت می کشیدم.  من که هیچوقت اینطور حشری نبودم!
آن شب با وحشت به خواب فرو رفتم.  می ترسیدم رویای خیس باز هم به سراغم بیاید و تمام روز بعدم را اسیر خواهشی نا میسر کند.  اما آن شب و شبهای دیگر شبهای رویای خیس نبودند.  تا وقتی که آن رویا کاملا از مخیله و یادم پاک شد و دیگر به آن فکر نمی کردم.  آن وقت شبی دوباره رویای خیس من به بازدیدم آمد و با حرارت پستانهایم و تکانهای غیر ارادی بدنم از خواب بیدار شدم.
باری، چند دفعه ای که این اتفاق برایم در تنهایی افتاد، یاد گرفتم که چه کنم.  خود ارضایی، تابوی سالهای بلوغ، ننگ اعتراف نشده’ زن ایرانی مسلمان، هنر شخصی ناگفتنی، به دادم رسید.  یاد گرفتم که تا ملاقات مردی که دوستم بدارد و به من عشق بورزد و همپای من در عشقبازی تجربه کند، ممارست بورزد، خویشتن داری کند، و با از خود گذشتگی و سخاوت با من همخوابگی کند، اول می بایست یاد بگیرم که خود را بشناسم، بدنم را دوست داشته باشم، و توانایی ایجاد و سیراب لذت برای خودم را پایه ریزی و اجرا کنم.  کسی که بتواند خودش را تا ایجاد رضایت کامل همراهی کند و دوست داشته باشد، می تواند برای دیگری نیز همین کار را بکند.
این روزها هر وقت رویاهای دوست داشتنی خیس من که اینک پاره ای از وجودم شده اند به من سر می زنند، می دانم شب و روز خوبی در انتظار من است.


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اول فوقانی بعد تحتانی

Anonymouszzz (not verified)

تو وضع زمین را نکو ساختی
کنون بر سماوات پرداختی

اول ایرانی ها وضع قسمت های بالای خانم ها را درست کند بعد قسمت های پائینی.
اول مسئله حجاب و حقوق زنان را درست کنند بعد برسید به قسمت های تحتانی.

ایران تنها کشور جهان هست که حتی اتباع خارجی هم باید با حجاب برند.


In response to some of the comments...

by Disappointed (not verified) on

There were a few comments directed at my previous post either directly or indirectly so I'm going to take a few minutes to respond. As I mentioned I do believe the topic of sexuality deserves more time and attention, especially in the iranian community where it's been suppressed at so many different levels. But lets be more elegant and classy about it. I'm sorry but this writing is plain vulgar. A woman that uses the word "Kxx" to refer to her vagina is using "Laat" jargon. For example you don't go to your geinecologist and refer to your vagina as "Kxx" do you? The persian language is not so poor in vocabulary that we don't have other names for vagina, underwear, etc.
And of course every language have curse words and words that are very explicit. And there is a time and place for using them. Indeed using these words can be very expressive and satisfying in the appropriate occasion. I couldn't say I haven't used such words myself. But you don't read the commentary section of economist.com or your local or school newspaper and see a lot of "f" words or other such terms used. That's what I said I expected from iranian.com!
But it's not only the language, this whole article sound very cheap and pointless. I don't think even the writer meant for it to be taken very seriously but what I'm really surprised and a little bit disturbed is all the cheering and high praises that I'm seeing in a lot of the comments. Are we so desperate for breaking "taboos" that we are willing to cheer and praise just about anything? I think we owe it to ourselves to set higher standard for ourselves, especially when we are trying to talk about subjects that are considered to be a taboo, so that they can be taken seriously.


نثر پخته


نثر قوی، سلیس، گرم و غیر متظاهرانه- چیزی که در این نوع نوشته های فارسی کمتر یافت می شود.  محتوای اروتیک به زیبایی در قالب نثر متین باز می شود...

نویسنده یک حرفه ای آینده دار است!

Multiple Personality Disorder

Too much misunderstanding

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

...and not enough explanation.


Jahanshah Javid

Let there be light

by Jahanshah Javid on

All the author has done is describe particular moments of personal sexual pleasure. Pleasure is what it is: Pleasure. We enjoy it, we seek it. Since it's such a powerful and important part of our lives, how can we ignore it and not be blunt and open about it? What's holding us back?

What is it exactly that critics of this piece find wrong or offensive? The part about sexual pleasure being an important part of life, or the way the author has given too much information too explicitly? Is it shameful to share sexual experiences with the general public in an intelligent and adult manner?

I think it's shameful that we are largely silent. We prefer to stay in the dark and be tied to religious and cultural customs and beliefs. Meanwhile we all do and enjoy "it" yet we want to put a lid on it. To protect "children" to preserve "public decency", none of which can justify silence over such an important subject.

If there's objection over style and choice of words, well when we have practically zero experience in this field, choices will be limited. Over time we will be more comfortable with this topic and better writers will come along. Personally, I think the author has broken very important ground.

Writings about sex in Farsi, or by Iranians in general in any language, are so rare that they are bound to raise eyebrows and shock us. But I see nothing but good things resulting from more open discussion about sex. Just like having open discussions on any subject, we will learn more, we will appreciate more.


پريناز جان

دكتر حميد مهدوي ، دكتر زنان (not verified)

من با آزاده عزيز راجع به اين موضوع كاملا موافقم٠ داشتن ارگازم طبيعي، چه در مرد، و چه در زن، چيز بسيار سالمي ميباشد٠ در ضمن، از برادران ايراني عزيزم ميخواهم كه مسخره بازي در مورد اين موضوع را كنار گذاشته، و فرصتي به زنان ايراني بدهند تا در مورد اينطور موضوع ها به طور آزاد صحبت كنند٠ همانطور كه ميدانيد، خيلي از مردان ايراني، وقتي كه به خارج ميايند، انواع و اقسام دوست دختر هاي خارجي داشته، و با آنها همه جور روابط جنسي بر قرار ميكنند٠ ولي وقتي كه موقع زن گرفتن ميشود، انتظار دارند كه فاميلشان برايشان يك دختر چشم و گوش بسته، و "باكره" پيدا كنند٠اشكال اين كار اينست كه چون اين مرد ها تجربه قبلي بسيار شديدي با دختران خارجي داشته، پس از مدتي حوصله شان سر رفته، و سر و گوششان شروع به جنبش ميكند٠ به عقيده من، صحبت راجع به اين موضوع ها، تا زماني كه محترمانه انجام گيرد، بسيار سالم ميباشد٠ من اميدوارم كه آزاده جون و پريناز عزيز اين كار خود را ادامه داده، و برادران عزيز، حتي المقدور، اين موضوع را جدي بگيرند٠ با كمال تشكر، مهدوي

Azadeh Azad

Self-love is a wonderful thing!

by Azadeh Azad on

Dear Parinaz, 

Another good writing. Thank you.

When I was still in high school and had a very few incomplete (and clandestine) sexual experiences, I had occasional wet dreams - none of them as magnificent as yours, of course! :-) But as soon as I became sexually active, they stopped. I would say the reason for your earth-shaking experience was probably that you have not had sex for a while. But why wait for a wet dream when you can have lucid multiple orgasms stimulating yourself on a regular basis with a vibrator? Having sex does not necessarily requite a partner, although insulated walls are recommended.




Ps. I suggest the use of the word "Gol" (Flower) for female genitalia; a word I have frequently heard being used by some women in Iran. The words I've heard for Clitoris are "Bazar" and "Chouchouleh"! The former must be Arabic and the latter ... maybe "vulgar"? I have no idea.


@TheMrs: what's wrong with

by Disappointed too (not verified) on

@TheMrs: what's wrong with using the word "vaazhen"?

And I did't claim anything about the use of curse words being typically Iranian behavior.

@all the hyper-sensitive second generation feminists on this forum: Talk about sex, talk A LOT about sex and especially from the female perspective. But don't pretend you've discovered the Columbus egg of the emancipation of Iranian women.

There is a long distance from arranged marriages, sighe, marrying for the mehrie (which is very popular in today's Iran) and all that to...talking about wet dreams and female masturbation.

@Nazy: when I say "vulgar", I mean the original meaning of the word, which is derived from the Latin word vulgaris (belonging to the common people/ belonging to or associated with the lower orders)

Flying Solo


by Flying Solo on




Disappointed Too:  

by TheMrs on

Disappointed Too:


Since you seem to be very eager and open to discussing the topic but also mindful of good taste and propriety, what is she supposed to call that part of her body? Should she refrain from referring to it altogether as if it doesn’t exist?


As for curse words, from what I know, all languages use genitals in their curse words. Not just Iranians.

Ari Siletz

For Nazy, on the use of certain words.

by Ari Siletz on

This tease of a poem by Lisa Williams is a gem. The sentiment could be termed "post-cuss word feminism." On the down side, these quick maturations in Western literature obsolete Iranian pioneer writings  even as they start out the gate, making them vulnerable to done-before criticisms. On the up side, the Persian Language is orders of magnitude more expressive than English when it comes to vulgarity.  I hope the lexical upgrades Iranian writers do to our vocabulary of sex leverage this. The new words should be more shockingly intimate, not less. It is claustrophobic to imagine our grandchildren stuck with the same crudeness our grandparents used.

Multiple Personality Disorder

In my scientific opinion

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

As a science geek I must say an earthquake of magnitude 10.0 on Richter Scale has never been recorded before, and if it ever occurs it would be an earthquake that would explode the entire planet to tiny pieces, according to the way the original Richter’s Equation is formulated to calculate the magnitude of an earthquake. 

What this wet dreamer experienced, in my opinion, from her description of it, was not a 10.0, but probably something between 6.0 to 6.9 magnitude on the Richter Scale (in comparison an earthquake of magnitude 6.6 destroyed the entire city of Bam). 

Nazy Kaviani

Disappointed too

by Nazy Kaviani on

Yes, I am protective of this writing, but no, I don't overrate it. I don't rate its form at all. I just read and accept it as an honest piece of self-expression in an area of Iranian culture, psyche, and language which is malnourished and underdeveloped.

Disappointed too Jan, it is not vulgar in my opinion. She talks about her body, describing her breasts, nipples, and vagina, using the few words availale to her in Farsi. If her reference to orgasm makes her writing sound vulgar and "laat-ee," it's because the only expression available to her is one which describes men's ejaculation, so it may appear vulgar to us because it's not sufficiently feminine. That is a recurring problem with Farsi language which has not developed new words for expressing sexuality. Until those new and more expressive words are invented by "Farhangestan e Adab e Farsi," something which has not been happening under a religious rule for 30 years, that part of our language remains dormant and restrictive.

But sexuality goes on, with or without those new words! It is expression of sexuality which in my opinion should be encouraged and protected. In time, the prose and language will follow and develop, too.


read, read, read

by Anonymouslie (not verified) on

Like many pure-bread Iranians, you didn't read. You missed the writing beneath the "Iranian.com" that says, "nothing is sacred". Either you don't know what that means, or you never seen it, or...God knows what. But when JJ claims nothing is sacred, that includes "talk about sex". So, chill out...it was a nice refreshing and interesting look inside a woman's mind, an Iranian woman's mind, which is quite vast and unknown for most Iranian men.

"Wet dream joon", keep on talking. It is healthy to be like you are and even healthier for our community to have an open mind and understand your gender better.

Happy wet dreams, and hope you find someone to tend to that fiery region of yours soon. You're not alone.


Disappointed:  Do you

by TheMrs on


 Do you believe all submitted material should be orginal? Have you ever complained of lack of originality before? You say:”You don’t have any problem with the topic” but only with “cheap garbage”. Do you care to set some standards here? How can it be uncheapened?

Disappointed too: What makes this laat and vulgar? If you object to the use of the K word, what other word is she supposed to use? What options are available? If you don’t mind her vocabulary then what’s making it tasteless?

Farsi ID too small for screen: Specific websites? This isn’t pornography you know. I could be wrong but it’s an expression of her feelings. It wasn’t meant to arouse anyone. Unless ofcourse you’re a teenager! In which case you should know your primitive and under developed physiological reactions will be a source of annoyance to the rest of us. 


I don’t think this subject is taboo for Iranians in 2009 living in the West. But I think some of us may not be comfortable with the topic but don’t want to appear back warded either. So we pick on inconsequential details. Some may feel more secure if the topic is presented in a sensual way in the confines of a story about marriage or extremely censored and watererd down with descriptions of the weather.

I wish the Prudes here years of rightousness and many virtuous encounters.

 I thought the story was average.

Ari Siletz

So human

by Ari Siletz on

She's worried about having another wet dream because she can't stay focused during the day. She's confused and scared, because what she'd been told wasn't what she actualy experienced. Would she give up this pleasure just so she could be "normal?"  Good writing. One ghor: Towards the end there seems to be some political moralizing that clashes with the innocent texture of the rest of the work. Not unpacking the message(s)would have been more powerful.


@Nazy: I appreciate your

by Disappointed too (not verified) on

@Nazy: I appreciate your protective reaction towards this 'taboo-breaking piece of writing,' eventhough I do believe you over-rate it all together.

I too admire a woman who doesn't shy away from speaking about sex, but to me it's the rather woman-unfriendly tone in the words that revolt me in this case. She uses the word 'kos' for her vagina, while I really wonder how many Iranian women refer to their vagina using that word. How many English speaking women (even the ultra feminist ones) use the word 'cunt' when talking about their private parts?

The question is: does the goal make up for the means which are used to get there? Is a vulgar piece of writing by a woman something we sould cherish just for the cause of breaking the taboo of Iranian women talking about sex?

I'd rather read Sheema Kalbasi's 'How it goes Naked', or Forough Farrokhzad if I want to read sexually inspired female writing.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Good night

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

...and good luck!

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

I doubt Ms. Samii has any claims to literary achievement, so let's not get all worked up trying to critique her writing. Sure, there are plenty other books and writings on the subject of sex which we can all read. And we can also look at the issue from a very scientific and clinical way. Why not?

But how many times have we heard an Iranian woman talk in everyday language about her desires, her sexual fantasies, and her behavior? Show me all those better written volumes of Farsi literature in which a woman describes all of that.

I think as lovers of Persian literature and poetry, over the centuries we have developed a love affair and a special talent for reading and decoding words authors/poets have used which are supposed to convey a different and sublime meaning. I think the concept is called "ee-haam" in Farsi. We are trained to read in between the lines so we can find the author's meaning which was restrained or censored because of the political oppression during the poet/author's times. Similarly, we can surmise the sexual desires of a poet only through his detailed description of a lover's dimples, eyelashes, or curls to her hair. The few poets who have tackled sex in their poetry, have mostly done it in their "hazliaat," which leaves us with good laughters but not that much sensuality. Of course, Forough Farrokhzad remains the outstanding exception to this, but we all know the cold reception she received from readers of her own generation.

After years of reading and "deciphering," we are now experts at "reading between the lines" and we expect a good writer to know how to write between the lines, using ee-haam. We are, therefore, appropriately shocked when we read Farsi text in which top-secret affairs of someone's life are opened before our eyes in simple, colloquial Farsi without any "protection." We find this jarring; it shocks and tickles us, and we might react negatively to it, but that says more about us than it does about the author.

I think what we have before us is not only interesting reading, but a pretty brave expression of simple and important feelings and thoughts. Nothing in what she says seems like the type of exaggeration you would see in pornographic material. Sounds to me like an Iranian woman is talking about sex, that's all.

And I appreciate this more than I can express.


I totally agree with

by Disappointed too (not verified) on

I totally agree with Disappointed. It's written rather 'laat' and vulgar, while it also could have been written in a more sensual and exciting style.

It's rather tasteless. Too bad, because other than what 'Disappointed' said, I don't think it's a problem to want to break a taboo. As long as you do it with flair and quality.


was this supposed to be funny?

by فاطی هرنی (not verified) on

I couldn't agree more with Ali1234:
"Nowadays everyone is "breaking taboos"! What a cheap intellectual excuse to write whatever sick garbage that comes to one's mind and get it published.

And JJ, we don't need to "talk about sex" in a public forum. Who does that?! Even in the most liberal societies, there are specific and specialized websites for that. When are you people going to stop wanting to "educate" us?!! "

Did I just read a cheap piece for horny teenagers in a cheap magazine? who gave me the link to this website?



by Disappointed... (not verified) on

You can claim that this topic is original but the way it was written and worded makes it hard for me to take it seriously. This is a language that you would expect from some "Laat" in the street, not a respectable writer. I would expect from iranian.com to show better judgment and not publish any nonsense that people submit because the topic is original. There are plenty of other websites where you can find cheap garbage like this, and there is no need for iranian.com to lower itself to that level.
I don't have any problem with the topic, and indeed I do think we should talk more about sexuality, since it doesn't get nearly enough coverage. I hope next time we see an article on this subject it will be something more intellectual.


Nowadays everyone is

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Nowadays everyone is "breaking taboos"! What a cheap intellectual excuse to write whatever sick garbage that comes to one's mind and get it published.

And JJ, we don't need to "talk about sex" in a public forum. Who does that?! Even in the most liberal societies, there are specific and specialized websites for that. When are you people going to stop wanting to "educate" us?!!

Shirin Vazin

Nothing is sacred

by Shirin Vazin on


Finally we are approaching the point to break the Taboos slowly but surely in iranian.com. Thank you JJ and of course thank you Parinaz. 

Your writing is very courageous and original. 



خود ارضایی


Nice going. Thanks for breaching the subject.

Only thing I may add, IMHO, masturbation can't replace the real thing. Thanks again, and keep up the good work.


آفرین. بسیار عالی بود


به شما برای این نوشته بسیار زیبا و اصیل (اوریژینال) تبریک میگویم.


Very blatant and straight

by Agha Rajab (not verified) on

Fantastic. I sure did enjoy it.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

No comment!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

دوستان و همشهریان عزیز:

این حقیر سرا پا تقصیر، با وجود تجربه زیاد در کلیه امور مربوط به این مقاله؛  در خواب و بیداری، تنهایی‌ و دسته جمعی‌، حلال و حرام؛  با توجه به اینکه تا کنون ۳ اخطاره هستم،  با توجه به اینکه جی جی جان چرت و پرت گفتن مرا با ایمیل ممنوع کرده است،  و با توجه به اخطار اکید ایشان در ذیل این مقاله؛  بدین وسیله اعلام میدارم که قادر به ابراز هیچ گونه عقیده‌ای نیستم.  لطفا از فرستادن ایمیل و پیام در این مورد خودداری فرمایید!


I am impressed. In a society

by An Iranian man (not verified) on

I am impressed. In a society that hushes any discussion of sexuality, in which sexuality is mixed with hypocracy, misconceptions, shame, and guilt, this lady was able to embrace her sexuality and express it without guilt. Even our intellectual circles tend to talk about sexuality often in a detached and technical form giving the impression of some form of superiority. Few are brave enough to state their true feelings and emotions. Bravo, I am quite impressed.


I'm jealous

by Anonynonoyes (not verified) on

I haven't had wet dreams for quite a while. Ohhh I so want to but they are gone (maybe the real thing takes away the chance of having the dream one?). The thing is that wet dreams are sometimes (as I remember them) so much more fun/deep/satisfying/spiritual/all the good stuff than the real thing. So I'm jealous.