
by LalehGillani

چه دیوانه وار میتواند بلغزد
بر سر و پا و سینه ام،
طلسم حریر پاشیده بر عطر تنم.

چه پروانه وار میتواند برقصد
در نسیم،
بر پوست مرمرم،
گوهر گیس ناز و غمزه ام.

چه مستانه میتواند بخیزد
در وضوح،
پیلۀ تنگ بخار هوسم،
گرمای نفسم.

چه بیتاب میتواند بتابد
از درون،
انعکاس شهوت تار و پود و ریشه ام،
التماس تراش هیکلم.

چه پرستو وار میتواند بخواند
در بهار
غنچۀ داغ لبم،
ذوق دیدار قسمتم،
گل عشق دمیده از پر و بال قدمم.

در عوض
مانتو و روسریم.
زنده بگور در کفنم.
حجاب اسلامیم.
تلقین مذهب بر قامتم.
ظلم دین دشمنم.

خارش موی سرم.
بوی ننگ بدنم.
ریزش قطره قطرۀ عرقم.
تق تق غم زیر لفظ چادرم.

پچ پچ سوز دل لاله،
نعرۀ شیر زنان میهنم.

سرب گلوله
سینۀ عشق بر باد رفته ام...


more from LalehGillani

Khamenei Jumped out the Window for Namaz

by LalehGillani on

This is another example of how these geniuses think and reason!

I wish he had broken his neck!




by LalehGillani on

Was Rosie worte: “I don't understand the poem but I'm sure it's good. It's about him, right? That's what it's about. Him.”

The poem is about Islamic hijab. In the first part, by revealing the magic of her femininity, I write about a woman and her desires.

In the second part, I merely state the obvious: the pain of compulsory hijab and its effect on our dreams. At the end, there is something that rubs the likes of IRI the wrong way: The mention of a single bullet that has torn apart the heart of Persian lovers…



by Mehrban on

Go find someone who cares about what you say, maybe like this guy:


Was Rosie

'IRI" jan :o)

by Was Rosie on

Er...I know how meticulous you are about posting so I don't understand why you still haven't answered my question I asked you three times already. Having said to some poor Jewish American guy that came here to find out whether or not people think IRI (not you, dear, the Regime..) is making a bomb, because he loves Persian culture and doesn't want a military attack, but he's afraid, first that he should worry about his own country and not yours, and then that all Zionists like him (he said he doesn't even like Israelis, that when he went there he only got on with the Palestinians) sit at the supper tables with their grannies and plan how to bomb babies...and then having told me after that that I would only be happy if I got 'money'... why you haven't answered my question as to whether or not you are a virulent anti-Semite.

Sorry, Laleh, I don't understand the poem but I'm sure it's good. It's about him, right? That's what it's about. Him.



by jamshid on

Tell your fairy tale stories to the family of Kayvaan Goodarzi:


Take another good look at his face, his eyes, his youth and his hopes for the future. They are all gone.

And they are gone thanks to people like you who are in charge in Iran.

Tell me, how does it feel to reside in Yazid's camp and wave his flag?



by LalehGillani on

دهاتی هستم. سواد ندارم. از درس املای فارسی و هم چنین لطف بنده نوازی شما ممنونم. با حضور همیشگی خودتان مقاله ها و وب بلاگهای این نویسنده بی نام و نشان را معروف کنید.


Gilan is one L without Tashdid

by IRI on

Why Gillani? Making it sound like Italian. Gilan has one L


Laleh Gilani must thank me

by IRI on

Because this page was here for a while and no one visited it until I left the message. Here Laleh, enjoy more people visiting your corner.
Here are your answes:
Jamshid, in a referendum you will lose without a doubt. Iranian people, take it from the shores of Mrs. Gilani's village to pearl waters of Persian Gulf cities, they all had, have and will have hejab regardless of the government. You are on denial. There is no need to take a referendum, just take a trip to Iran and visit the country. All over it. This is nothing new.
This poem is only sad because the person who is writing it is in a sad state of mind. Today Iran is in the need of young, educated, and hopeful who are willing to push the limits to move the country forward. Forward because now we have a country that almost all the population is educated and in every corner of the country there are clinics, schools, railroad, highways, water, and electricity. All this is done. Yes now you can inherit a country that has a developed infrastructure matched by modern world. Population not behind in technologies and scientific research. Women who came from villages from traditional societies working among the best scientists in the country. And yes, in tomb because the "western" lady in LA is sad that she is not attending Googoosh concert. Give me (us) a break.


غسل شعر


کتاب شاعران ایران و جهان همزمان با نخستین همایش شاعران در تهران، اصفهان و شیراز منتشر شد. نام فروغ از کتاب شعر و شاعران ایران حذف شد.

فروغ فرخزاد دگر شاعر ایرانی نیست. فکر کردم شاید بتوانیم برایش ویزای آوارگی بگیریم...


بانو گیلانی


بانو گیلانی

بسیار زیبا در عین حال غم انگیز.

و واقعاً که  یاد شیرزن شاعر ایران زمین خوش.......... فروغ فرخزاد




مردان چادر به سر


در فیس بوک، کمپینی آغاز گشته که حال و هوای تقاضای شما را دارد. حتی مردان میهن چادر به سر کرده اند تا از ظهور زلزله جلوگیری کنند و عکس خود را منتشر نموده اند با عنوان زیر:

"بیائید با رعایت حجاب از وقوع زلزله جلوگیری کنیم"


Lovely poem

by divaneh on

Dear Laleh, I enjoyed your beautiful poem and although not a woman, felt the pain of being in the chain of hejab.

I however ask all our Iranian women to please bear the pain of hejab if that's the only weapon that we have against earthquakes.


پایان سخن


از حضور تمامی کاربران سپاسگزارم. آنان که آمدند و سکوت کردند و آنان که پیغامی از خود به جا گذاشتند، به امید دیدار مجدد...


میراث سرکشی


جمشید عزیز، با شما هم عقیده هستم. ظلم رژیم اسلامی به رشد اجتماعی و سیاسی زنان ایران ابعاد تازه ای بخشیده است. زنان ایران در کشمکش زندگی روزانه با قوانین ناحق اسلام روبرو گشته اند ولی به جور ملایان تن نداده اند. میراث این سرکشی بزرگترین هدیه زنان ایران به میهن است.



by jamshid on

"About the hejab I must say that we live in a religious society. Our greatest supporters, who are the majority of the country are religious and we are bound to satisfy their demands."

That's very nice. Now, if you are so certain about the above, why not hold a true refrundum and settle the matter in your favor once and for all? What stops you? Or should I say, what worries you?

Laleh: Very nice poem. If it makes you feel any better, I want to say that although the IRI has done what it can to cut off our women's leaves, branches and flowers, and leave them only with dead trunks, but this was at the cost of our women's roots growing astronomically underground, in the conscious and subconcsious of our women, in ways that is unprecedented in our history.

And now that the infection of the IRI has been exposed, these roots are bound to have a strong role in cleansing the future of our country and its disinfection from all that the IRI stands for.


مگر آبرویی برای آنان باقی مانده است؟


میان این همه غم و اندوه، از دلقکان رژیم ملایان باید تشکر کرد. در دهه اول قرن بیست و یکم، پیشرفت علم و دانش در قبال فهم و شعور این خبرگان چقدر ناچیز است.

در جواب به فراخوان مقام موذب امام جمعه، بیائید با بی حجابی تخت ستم را بلرزانیم.


Laleh gerammie the test for iri is on monday April26

by curly on

this mr bah bah bah iri tug could be right:D lets see if his hojatoleslam is correct or not on monday we will bare it all and see if there is a huge earthquake or not. they really are idiots.



تبار سیدان و جیره خورانشان


آداب و سنت ایرانیان و جغرافیای مینهم برای من کاملا روشن است. اصالت این گیلانی ریشه در دهات ایران دارد.

برای هزاران سال، ایرانیان صبورانه با تبار سیدان مدارا کرده اند. ایرانیان یکتا پرست هستند و دیگر از دست ظلم اسلام بتنگ آمده اند.

اسلام با شمشیر حکومت کرده است و با شمشیر باید ریشه کن شود. ارضای طمع تبار سیدان و جیره خورانشان غیر ممکن است و وظیفه ملت ایران نیست.


bah bah bah

by IRI on

You are not in tomb are you? I thought that you live in the US? Or are you writing for "other" Iranians inside the country? who you must know well.

About the hejab I must say that we live in a religious society. Our greatest supporters, who are the majority of the country are religious and we are bound to satisfy their demands. Once our religious leaders come to understanding and terms with most of the nation, why force hejab? No need for that. At this point we are going with the slowest part of our society to progress the most. Makes little sense if you don't understand the geography and religion of Iran. Of course those are only "dehaati" people for most of you, but we care about their values.

Our plans are to have free and democratic society based on Islamic Values. Inshalah we will be there soon. At the mean time, you can't make everyone happy, and we understand.


ردپای ظلم


مهربان عزیز، نظر سنجیده و منطقی شما واقعیت زندگی زنان ایران است. حجاب اجباری نشان ظلم اسلامی بر جسم و قامت ما میباشد.


برای فروغ


تقدیم به فروغ فرخزاد که با جسارت دیوارهای سنت ادبیات ایران را شکست و لطافت زنانه را به شعر فارسی پیشکش کرد. یادش گرامی...


Laleh jaan

by Mehrban on

IR thinks that it owns Iranians.  Hejab e ejbari is the physical manifestation of such ownership.  It is how cattle has to bear the markings of the farm it belongs to