Hagh Koshi

Powerful song about homosexuality by Saye Sky

Hagh Koshi
by KayvanAli

The lyrics to this song are amazing. Listen closely. Saye Sky has created a great work of art. -- jj

If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, don't miss "There are No Gays in Iran" comedy show Friday night, March 12 at Cafe du Nord.


Recently by KayvanAliCommentsDate
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by KouroshS on

I am sorry to hear that you have to go through this,

I can feel your pain. Sorry Though. It is how it is.

Holden Caulfield

"...dictatorial agenda..."

by Holden Caulfield on

From taxes we pay to the side of the road we drive on, are based on a degree of dictatorship which is euphemistically called "indirect democracy".

Preserving the sanctity of a "normal/natural" family is my, as you call it, "dictatorial agenda".



by KouroshS on

All Social issues at one point, would harbor the potential to be viewed as  "self-serving" matters. You are promoting a dictatorial agenda here. What do you suggest we do? Ration Rights and determine who gets to have what rights?

You should accept them as they are, as they should respect how you view their lifestyle. Don't get tangled up with each other and we all will be fine.


As a general matter

by Mehrban on

[Human Rights should not, and can not be used as a ticket for a free ride on every single self-serving social issue.]

As a general matter, no argument there.  

As long as the human rights of all citizens including the Homosexuals is guaranteed, which it is not in Iran, which is the topic of this video.   

Holden Caulfield

"...human rights of all citizens must be protected..."

by Holden Caulfield on

Human Rights should not, and can not be used as a ticket for a free ride on every single self-serving social issue.


Ms. Dadvar

by capt_ayhab on

I second you on Rachel Maddow.

She is my favorite commentator, highly intelligent and most of all the most unbiased and fair journalist which, with all honesty should be a MODEL  as a true journalist.




Now you are adding innovation to the requirements of "Abnormal"

by Mehrban on

[Mozart did not overhaul the musical notes, or instruments according to his, as you call it, abnormality...]

You see how dangerous it is.  One could stretch this Normal/Abnormal thing to as far as suits one at the time.  Human rights of all citizens must be protected.

Holden Caulfield

"...a notorious killer, is viewed as normal..."

by Holden Caulfield on

Did my logic make you consider Charles Manson as a healthy person? How did it happen?

The Lesbians have abnormal sexual tendencies. They should not be allowed to raise a child in a household where mom#1, and mom#2 sleep together.


Holden Caulfield

"...Mozart was abnormally talented..."

by Holden Caulfield on

Mozart did not overhaul the musical notes, or instruments according to his, as you call it, abnormality...

Shoud he have done it?. Only within his private space; maybe





Holden: No need for insult

by minadadvar on

Based on your comments, I assume, you believe abnormal means unhealthy.  I totally disagree with you. Because,  Rachel Maddow, a compassionate, intelligent and highly accomplished woman,  who happens to be lesbian, is  considered abnormal(unhealthy).  Charles Manson, a notorious killer, is viewed as normal(healthy).  There is something fundamentally wrong with this kind of logic. 



Normal and Abnormal is a dangerous standard

by Mehrban on

When it comes to human rights. 

Mozart was abnormally talented (he was abnormal).  Should he not have the same rights as others?

The question should not be if someone is normal or abnormal.  The issue is the protection of human rights for all citizens. 

Holden Caulfield

"...young woman in men clothing?"

by Holden Caulfield on

Since I assume you are here under your real name, I refrain from a poignant  retort.

Your psycho-analytic remark, however, is duly noted, and refuted. Let's go, now, back on the issue of abnormality of homosexuality. Shall we?



by minadadvar on

Is your avatar the picture of a young woman in men clothing ?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

A bit Goth

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The photo definitely has a goth feel to it. Reminds me of some people I used to know at Berkeley :-)

There is nothing strange or abnormal about being Gay. The abnormal part is in those who get so upset about it. Live and let live. If you don't like it; then don't do it.

Darius Kadivar

tabar The Newcomer ...

by Darius Kadivar on

No it's called having a Sense of Humor which You seem to lack dramatically !

Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover !

If as a newcomer to this website You don't like what I blog ( which many others do and follow my contributions over the past ten years on a wide Variety of subjects than your selective choice) That's fine with me Brother but instead of lecturing me I suggest you focus on your own limited contributions First.



ya right

you're all right as usual!

by ya right on

Born into the wrong body - CNN will be premiering a documentary called "Her name was Steven". March 13 & March 14 at 8pm and 11pm ET & PT.


Darius Kadvar

by tabar on

If you don't have anything of value to say why do you waste your time posting idiotic videos? Don't you have a life? Isn't this type of behaviour considered spam?


Lol well I suggest

by tabar on

we ignore Holden, it's clear logic isn't his forte

Darius Kadivar

Benross Inspired me to post this song ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

La bandaison papa
Ça n' se commande pas ... LOL

Carla Bruni - Fernande(Georges Brassens)


Quand je pense à Fernande
Je bande, je bande
Quand j' pense à Felicie
Je bande aussi
quand j' pense à Léonor
Mon dieu je bande encore
Mais quand j' pense à Lulu
Là je ne bande plus
La bandaison papa
Ça n' se commande pas.

Holden Caulfield

Please don't sample...

by Holden Caulfield on

Acceptance of homosexuality, as a normal lifestyle(which in fact is not), falls within the realm of Political Correctness. Beware of the fact that  in the PC market, you can't hand-pick. Things, are packed in bunch; from freedom to execution and  practicing sharia law to let say Jack & Abdullah getting married. Capiche?


Very Powerful

by Monda on

If anyone knows about her CD's please post what you know.

Thanks Kayvan,  this is great work. 


Being  a Basiji cult

by vildemose on

Being  a Basiji cult memeber or a Hezballah groupie  is a mental disorder recognized by DSM XI as severe loss of gray matter  that makes up a bulk of a functioning brain and a  'human'.  In fact, all basijees and their clans are clinically certifiable. They are a danger to the public and themsleves. They should all be thrown in  insane asylums. Deal  with that bigotted homophobes.

Holden, here is a test for your personality/mental disorder:


Darius Kadivar

Tout Tout Vous Serez Tout Sur Le ...ZIZI

by Darius Kadivar on


Born with being gay... but abnormal???

by capt_ayhab on

How could a factor that they are born with can be considered abnormal???? Lets stop defining it as abnormal since it is normal for so many people[men and women alike] thorough out the world and history.

Blacks are also born with  color of skin, are they abnormal? Women are different[biologically] from men, are they abnormal?

Being a criminal is abnormal, being a bigot is abnormal,  having ONE eye[due respect to all one eyed people] is abnormal but not being a gay.



Homosexuality is NOT an abnormality

by Rea on

Abnormal are those who consider homosexuality to be abnormal.

Holden Caulfield

Some "S" words to discuss, or fret over...

by Holden Caulfield on

Sanctity of normal family...

No such a thing as "child adoption" for homosexuals.


Homosexuality is an abnormality but , .......................

by jasonrobardas on

    ...... there should be no discrimination against them . They deserve equal rights and equal treatment . The 'gay" issue is a human right issue .

       It is not fair to be biased against them because they did not make the choice . They were born that way . We are not prejudiced against people who are " color blind" . As long as they are not hurting anyone  " live and let live "


Exception is a rule of nature

by Kooshan on

So they are not normal; exceptional is an anomaly to a normal phenomena.


Mr. Tabar

by capt_ayhab on

You really should be proud of yourself for being so honest about your feelings.

Every single DECENT people on the earth should be proud of you as well. Homosexuality is not a "disease" nor it an "abnormality" as some bigoted posters shamelessly making it to be. We are all created in the image of the creator. 




Ms. Kaviani

by capt_ayhab on

After I posted that question to the gentleman I did realize my error. ;-)

Thanks a million for your wonderful comment.