02-Sep-2008 (one comment)
I am adding a clip that I was watching earlier. It's a bit long but if you watch it all the to the end you will see how truly we are divided by our beliefs>>>
AmirAshkan Pishroo
02-Sep-2008 (15 comments)
Following Virginia Woolf’s model of sexual equality, the internationalist feminists are convinced of the universality of women’s needs and rights beyond national boundaries>>>
02-Sep-2008 (9 comments)
Protesters Dress-Up and Sing 'Bomb Bomb Iran'... I am wondering how the Iranians felt when attending as Democrats or Republican. It must be a real good feeling. >>>
Ali P.
02-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
احکام روزه و استمنا،، فتاوي آيت الله خامنه‌اي و توضيحات اصغرآقا (18+) >>>


Bedroom Do’s and Don’ts

2,500 Years of Sexual Relations in Iran

02-Sep-2008 (25 comments)
Male superiority was a sine qua non, also in sexual matters. Women were on the receiving end; they were dominated by their underlying position by the man, and this showed who was in charge. Because marriage gives the man the right to have sex with his wife, a woman can neither leave her husband’s bed when she has been invited nor refuse to come; she even has to cut her prayers short when he wants to sleep with her. Furthermore, because a man has paid for his wife, (although payment of the mahr usually takes place on divorce), only he has the right to decide when and how he wants to have sex, which he also might want for medical reasons. For only men are allowed to show sexual desire, also towards women with whom they are not married>>>



I knew I was going to be safe as long as my homework was perfect, as long as Mrs. Mostofi remained our family’s friend

02-Sep-2008 (12 comments)
It’s hard to be a victim. It is harder to be a witness. Every man in my childhood city -- at some point in their lives -- was one of my father’s students. He had built the first high school of the town, one that allowed only boys. This accomplishment made him walk with pride, showing off his weighty influence. We lived at the end of a narrow passageway, where, in summertime, the neighborhood boys played with a plastic ball in the dusty road, fought over their turn to ride the postman’s bicycle, and the silence of their absence was the sign of approaching cold. Mrs. Mostofi, my first grade teacher, lived next door. Every time she made Halva for a religious mourning or celebration, her maid brought a plate to us>>>


Women 101

All the women inside of me...

02-Sep-2008 (20 comments)

There is a little girl, bright-eyed and hopeful inside of me.

There is a young woman, with a brisk gait, a boisterous laughter, a pair of feet full of dance, and a deep curiosity about people and places never seen inside of me.

There is a sultry woman, a seductress, a mistress, a lover, full of knowing touches and promising glances and welcoming kisses inside of me.

There is a giving mother, a nurturer, and a provider inside of me.

02-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
Leonard Cohen, "Everybody Knows", 1988>>>


Be Longing

BELONGING: New Poetry by Iranians Around the World

02-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
I hate it when I take too long to write a review. It seems these days that the intense competition on Iranian.com has created a speed match of postings. But I am sorry, I just can't work that way. Especially when I really like something. I want to savour it a bit before I jump in and write about it. So, to those of you who have read a previous review of "BELONGING", I apologize, hopefully you'll like mine as well. If you will trust me though, and don't want to read my justification, you can know that this is simply one of those books you need to have on your shelves, one you can look for and find at a party, and hand to one of your closer American friends and smilingly say, "Here Bradley, this will explain everything!" >>>


همراهی روحانیون با جنبش مدرن خواهی

روحانیت در عصر مشروطه

02-Sep-2008 (19 comments)
در نگاه اول این سخن شاهپور بختیار که " از زمان ساسانی هر چه بر سر ایرانیان آمده است کار آخوندهای آن زمان و آخوندهای این زمان بوده است" (نقل به مضمون) کاملا منطقی می آید. حکومت منسوب به روحانیون بعد از انقلاب 57 سد جدی راه گروههای مدرن خواه بوده است. امروز هم هنوز حکومت میانه خوبی با مدرن خواهی ندارد. در بین اقشار بزرگی از روشنفکران ایده های متمایل به تطابق دین با مدرنیته مرتب به ارائه چهره نادرست از دین متهم می شوند. جالب اینجاست که این اتهام هم از سوی مذهبیون سنتی و هم از سوی گروههای لائیک متوجه این گروه است. عده ای هم اصرار دارند که کار این حکومت اتفاقا مطابق اسلام و نمایانگر خشونت آن است و اسلامی که از آن با نام اسلام نواندیشانه یاد می شود چیزی جز تقلب کاری نیست. با این حال سلامت تاریخی این نوع گفته ها قابل مناقشه است. نقاطی در تاریخ بوده است که بخش هایی از روحانیون اتفاقا ضد سنت غلط جامعه و به نفع نیروهای مدرن خواه عمل کرده اند.>>>


مونیک واقعی بود، یعنی هست

- آه مهستی، من یه سرطان کوچولو دارم.

02-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
امروز درست دوازده روز است که از مونیک بی خبرم و همین نگرانم می کند. باید پیش از این که خیلی دیر بشود این مطلب را در موردش بنویسم. تا پیش از این جریانات اخیر، یعنی تقریباً تا دو سال پیش مونیک به قول ایرانی ها یک دختر "همه چی تمام" بود. اول از همه: خوش هیکل بود، مونیک دختر بلندبالایی با اندامی متناسب بود. دوم: شیک بود. مونیک با موهای بلند خرمایی و اندام کشیده اش، خوش لباس هم بود، بیشتر اوقات مینی ژوپ می پوشید و ساق ها و ران های کشیده و خوش تراش خود را در جوراب شلواری های نقش دار در معرض نمایش می گذاشت. سوم: مونیک هنرمند بود. مونیک آرشکیت و نقاش بود یعنی هنوز هم هست. مونیک در رشته معماری تحصیل کرده است ولی نقاشی را بیشتر دوست داشته و تابلوهایی با طرح های آبستره می کشید، یعنی می کشد یعنی امیدوارم هنوز بتواند نقاشی کند. چهارم: خانواده دار و اصیل. مونیک از یک خانواده ی اصیل فرانسوی بود،>>>


Azadeh Azmoudeh
02-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
One more time, and you change what? >>>

The Ph.D. from hell

02-Sep-2008 (4 comments)

Meeting couples in the NW Los Angeles area...

Red Wine
02-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
خاطرات سفر به كاليفرنيا >>>