Hands Off Iran!

From Ellie & Ardeshir in Iran

18-Apr-2009 (28 comments)
The view from our fourth floor living room windows looking out at the mountain range surrounding Shiraz is a joy to see, as the sun rises and sets over the mountains. Ellie has become somewhat of a weather-predictor, as when the low, dark clouds with wind roll in over the range, she excitedly points out that "baran miad" (rain is coming!). Our family jokes that we have come from the U.S. and brought lots of rain to Shiraz, which is so welcomed, after a couple of years of drought. Even the tiny little plants and shrubs on the mountain are turning into bright green decorations! Ellie will try to attach one picture, but because dial up is incredibly slow, we cannot send more at a time. We spent a bit of extra money on purchasing a satellite dish for atop our apartment building>>>


Justice not Shame

It is incorrect to accuse all intellectuals of “silence against crimes perpetrated against the Baha’is”

18-Apr-2009 (16 comments)
The first time I got to know a Baha’i was in Sa’di High School in Isfahan, when I was in the seventh grade. His name was Golestan Mossafaei, and he was in the eleventh grade. I met him at our school’s Literature Club. The club was managed by Mohammad Hoquqi, our teacher and resident poet. This club did not last long; it shut down under the pressure imposed by prejudiced school officials. Golestan always had a sweet smile, and sometimes he composed poems. A few times I went to his house, which was located close to a stream in Darvazeh Hasanabad. It was a modest house with one room. Even that room was barely furnished. Golestan explained how their house had been set on fire a few times, by an anti-Baha’i group called Hojjatiyeh>>>


A bird in love

Part I

18-Apr-2009 (one comment)
Getting away from the madness of every day’s life I retreat to my small sailing boat moored in MDR almost every weekends, it’s quite refreshing to sleep in the boat with latch open above your head, gazing at the star at night or watching the birds fly over during the day while the bed rocks gently, it’s a lullaby by itself, it reminds me of my childhood memories of sleeping on poshtebaam (rooftop) during the summer time. One day while reading my favorite book I saw a couple of tiny birds arrived and sat on the boat next to mine, I didn’t think of it much until I noticed one is chirping his heart out while the other is carrying small sticks to making a nest under the main sail cover, wow, I was amazingly surprised to have couple lovers in my neighborhood>>>


حساب قرض الحسنه

این آمریکایی ها عادت کرده اند به همه از بانک و شرکت های کردیت مقروض باشند و بعد درعین بی خیالی بازهم سفر بروند

18-Apr-2009 (3 comments)
دفترچه قرض الحسنه اسم دفترچه ای است که فعلا توش لیست بدهی هایم را نوشته ام. اینکه به چه کسی و چه قدر بدهی دارم. عمده بدهی هایم معطوف به شرکت های بزرگ سوپر مارکت ها و فروشگاههای معتبر است. می پرسید چه طوری؟ آهان. الان بهتان می گویم. این شرکت ها و سوپر مارکت ها که مثل کاسبهای ایران حساب دفتری و مرام و معرفت ندارند که وقتی پول نداری ازشان نسیه بگیری و بعدا بهشان پس بدهی برای همین این حقیر در اقدامی خودجوش و انتحاری اقدام به انجام عمل خداپسندانه نسیه به شیوه حرفه ای گرفته ام تا در اسرع وقت، زمانی که از زیر دیون وبدهی های کردیت و بانک خلاص شدم، حساب آنها را صاف کنم.>>>


شرف انسان

مسئولیت شخصی در دوران دیکتاتوری - اثر هانا آرنت

18-Apr-2009 (2 comments)
هانا آرنت متفکر و فیلسوف یهودی تبار در سال ١٩٠٦ در شهر هانوفر آلمان به دنیا آمد. پدرش را در هفت سالگی از دست داد. مادرش به سوسیال دموکراسى گرایش داشت و مذهبی نبود. با به قدرت رسیدن حزب ناسیونال- سوسیالیست آلمان و تشدید آزار یهودیان در آلمان، در سال ١٩٣٣ به فرانسه گریخت و در آنجا به همکاری با سازمان‌های یهودی برای مهاجرت کودکان یهودی پناهنده به فلسطین مشغول شد. درسال ١٩٤١ در حالیکه بخشی از کشور فرانسه تحت اشغال قوای آلمان بود، به آمریکا مهاجرت کرد. شرایط تاریخی و دوران سیاه نظام توتالیتر که شاخص نیمۀ اوٌل قرن بیستم بود، هانا آرنت را که علاقه‌ای به سیاست نداشت، به وادى اندیشه و نظریه پردازی سیاسی کشاند. او اعتقاد داشت که تنها با تحلیل دقیق و درک کامل فجایع نازیسم و کمونیسم می‌توان با طبیعت این نظام‌ها آشنا شد و علل رشدشان را کشف نمود.>>>
Reza 41
18-Apr-2009 (15 comments)
Here what GOD had to say about that.. >>>
18-Apr-2009 (2 comments)
محاکمه فرمایشی رکسانا صابری،  خبرنگار ایرانی-آمریکایی، که در ایران به 8 سال زندان محکوم شده است، بار دیگر تزلزل رژیم جمهوری اسلامی و ترس ملایان  را از برخورد مثبت باراک اباما و پیام او برای تغییر نمایان میکند! >>>
David ET
18-Apr-2009 (12 comments)
She was only 5 when her 17 year old sister did not come home anymore. Everyone seemed very disturbed at home but she could not understand why >>>

Imprisoned Baha’is Barred from Release ....


Despite Prosecutor’s Ruling

Iran Press Watch / AMIGO19
recommended by amigo19
18-Apr-2009 (one comment)
desideratum.anthropomorphized anonymous000
18-Apr-2009 (6 comments)

He is sharing carnal suffering, and I am thinking how any memoir would suffer without a decade of his history. I hear diagnosis and prognosis, but think copyright and psychoanalysis.


Iran Offers More Than Just Cash


Persia Rising

Counterpunch.org / Franklin Lamb
recommended by smhb
18-Apr-2009 (3 comments)
18-Apr-2009 (one comment)

Are the media produced by Iranian-Americans influencing the Iranians in Iran? 

18-Apr-2009 (3 comments)
I am wondering what you guys think of Farglisi that is spoken among second generation Iranian-Americans?>>>
18-Apr-2009 (15 comments)
This most holy day commemorates the anniversary of Bahá'u'lláh's declaration in 1863 that He was the Promised One of all earlier religions >>>


A permenant mistress
18-Apr-2009 (8 comments)
If anguish were to choose
A permanent mistress,
Forgiveness must own the night,
Vengeance has no chance.
If truth’s pill must be swallowed
So sparrows can take that flight,
Bitter taste is the wine,
Not out of a candy jar >>>