Photo essay: Journey through northern Iran
Sid Sarshar >>>
خانم سرور سروریان، ۲۵ ساله، ظهر روز گذشته مورخه۲۲ فروردین ماه در منزل شخصی خود توسط نیروهای امنیتی در شهر همدان بازداشت شد. استقامت و وفاداری پیروان این امر و مقام علما، دشمنان و ناقضین در مناجات زیر آشکار است
This is the blog youv'e been waiting for
Why are you so angry ? Please let us know
شعر من
هق هق خواب معصومانه کودکي است
که تو را نيمه شب از خواب بيدار کند
دیروز هنگامیکه در کتابخانه دانشگاه بودم ساسان را دیدم که سر میز نشسته بود. جلو رفتم و پس از سلام و دیدار وی گفت که خسته شدم بیا که به بیرون برویم و چند دقیقه ای هم با هم باشیم.
A brief history of Baha'i instigated violence, assassination and murder.
Part One.
Islamic Republic of Iran's Leader's reply to a recent Bloggers’ open letter to him inquiring about the suspicious death of Omid Reza Mirsayafi.
Letter to President Obama
Let us suppose a worst case scenario through which Iran will produce, by 2015, enough fissile material for 5 atomic bombs, will actually decide to make them, and then sends these bombs over Israel. There is a good chance that one or two of them will misfire, one or two will probably be intercepted, and one or two may actually pass through. If the missiles are accurate, they will hit one or two targets; but the chances are that they will miss their targets, because of low accuracy. All of this to achieve what? To risk a massive retaliation, from Israel and the US, that may annihilate the whole country? One thing is for sure: the leaders of Iran do not operate in a suicidal mode
Iranians once again must believe in themselves and the power of THE PEOPLE
It is easy to sit outside and tell those who have to live every day under the current oppressive regime of Iran not to vote. But the undeniable fact is that the Islamic Republic is in power and everything possible must be done to reduce the power of its extremists. If voting for someone more moderate can help achieve and open the smallest channels to breath even a little more and to help somewhat soften the policies of the government in the international arena, ... that option should be examined. The experiences of the past 30 years have clearly proven that not voting has played directly in to the hands of the least tolerant elements within the regime
I think to myself: What can I do now?
On March 27, 2009, another little girl disappeared, this time closer to home for me. Eight year old Sandra Cantu was reported missing from the Tracy mobile home park where she lived with her mother. Her face was immediately on the nightly news, her rounded cheeks and innocent smile engulfed my thoughts those first few nights. I found myself thinking of her as I drove the highway, searching for her face to call out to me in the back of every white passenger van being driven by a menacing old man. I found myself looking out the window more at work, focusing intently on the faces of little girls walking past even though before I would barely have paid attention to passerby; I was just hoping to find her
Nobody knows what happened at last.
سال گذشته سال کشف گنجيه های برزگ در رامهرمز بود
رامهرمز يکی از شهرستان های استان خوزستان و در شمال شرقی آن قرار دارد و، مثل بيشتر نقاط خوزستان، انباشته از آثار تاريخی است ـ به طوری که حدود 200 تا 250 تپه باستاني متعلق به دوره هاي ايلامي و هخامنشی در آن وجود دارد که اگر حکومتی دلسوز در آن سرزمين بکار مشغول بود می توانست با بيرون کشيدن اصولی و صحيح بناها و آثار خفته در دل آن ها و به نمايش گذاشتن شان برای گردشگران داخلی و خارجی، علاوه بر ايجاد کار و رفاه برای مردم آن منطقه درآمد سرشاری را نصيب کشور کند. اما، متأسفانه، چنين نيست و من در اين جا فقط چند مورد از اين گنجينه های ملی و بشری فقط اين شهر را که يا ويران شده و يا در حال ويرانی اند و چندين سال است که بوسيله گروهی موسوم به «حفاران غير مجاز!» بصورتی بی وقفه چپاول می شوند برايتان ذکر می کنم.