Caspian Sea Off-Shore Drilling by Iran


Iran moves to explore offshore Caspian

recommended by capt_ayhab


Tehran to Kerman

Tehran to Kerman

Photo essay

by Maziar Behrooz
13-May-2009 (15 comments)



قضیه صابری

تأثیرپذیری رژیم از فشارهای آمریكا

13-May-2009 (20 comments)
تردید نباید كرد كه گذرنامه آمریكایی كار به دست ركسانا صابری داده و محكومیت هشت ساله اولیه او را رقم زده است. ولی همین گذرنامه هم بالاخره او را نجات داد. و الا چگونه می‌شد انتظار داشت كسی كه به اتهام جاسوسی چنان محكومیت سنگینی را گرفته است به این سرعت از زندان آزاد شود؟ دوره ۳۰ ساله جمهوری اسلامی پر است از افرادی كه به دلیل گذرنامه خارجی خود یا ارتباط با خارج با برچسب‌های جاسوسی و مانند آن گروگان گرفته شده‌اند و بعد از مدتی به صورت نامنتظره آزاد شده‌اند، ولی نه به این سرعت. گروگان‌های آمریكایی كه ۴۴۴ روز در اسارت به سر می‌بردند معروف‌ترین آن‌ها بشمار می‌روند. ولی نمونه‌های دیگر هم كم نیست. در نیمه دهه ۱۳۶۰ راجر كوپر بازرگان انگلیسی به اتهام جاسوسی دستگیر شد و به اعدام به اضافه ده سال زندان محكوم گردید>>>


The Moon-Maker of Khorassan

A great danger to traditional Islam

13-May-2009 (12 comments)
"The Moon of Nakhshab" was the most famous creation of Hashim ibn Hakkim, the Veiled Prophet of Khorassan, known sometimes as Mah-sazanda (the moon maker). Twelve centuries after he set himself alight in his mountain fortress to evade capture, his name remains a potent symbol of political and religious excess. A deranged charismatic prophet, a seducer of men’s minds (and women’s bodies), the leader of a failed revolt against the Abbasids, an illusionist who bound thousands to his cause through trickery and false promises: few figures in Iranian History have exercised a stronger fascination over the western imagination than the celebrated Veiled Prophet of Khorassan, more commonly known by his epithet “Mokhanna” (the veiled one)>>>



I am but another innocent victim of the Internet piracy

13-May-2009 (7 comments)
Give me any episode of Ironside, Law and Order, or Murder She Wrote and I’ll happily turn into a couch potato. Courtroom scenes have always fascinated me. What does it feel like to be innocent yet be dragged into an incriminating situation with no apparent way out? Well, I recently was in such a position and, let me tell you, none of that TV watching had made me the wiser for it. Last week, on a boring hot afternoon, I was checking my E-mail when I came across this message: “Ladan Khazai wants you to be her friend”, which I thought was not a problem. Ladan is my sister, she is already my friend, so what’s another click worth to me?>>>


Life in Iran and America

Reza Varjavand's "From Misery Alley to Missouri Valley"

13-May-2009 (10 comments)
Reza Varjavand arrived for the first time in the United States from Iran - a country with a long and rich history of accomplishment - in 1973. He attended the University of Oklahoma and received a Ph.D. in economics. Reza came from humble surroundings in what he describes as the Misery Alley. He had seven siblings and was the youngest of four brothers. Their father was a farmer and mother taught Quran to a few girls in the Reza's neighborhood. Fortunately, because he did not have to work alongside his brothers and father on the farm, Reza was allowed indulge his curiosity and desire for an education>>>

Israeli Propaganda Machine Hard At Work


Friction, but no crisis expected in Obama-Netanyahu talks

AFP / ?
recommended by capt_ayhab
13-May-2009 (one comment)
13-May-2009 (94 comments)
Iranians have again shown the usual sympathy, support, petition-writing, being-ashamed, being outraged, etc. etc to express their feelings about the arrest of Roxana Saberi>>>


اشتباه در اشتباه
13-May-2009 (one comment)
هر کسی در در این دنیا عیبی دارد و عیب من هم عشق به تاتر هست و ترجیح میدهم در تاتر و اگر نشد در تله تاتر های تلویزیونی و فیلم های سینمایی بازی کنم. شاید تصور کنید که اشتیاق من برای هنر بازیگری نه تنها ایرادی نیست بلکه حتماً حسن است ولی با توضیحاتی که خدمتتان عرض خواهم کرد کاملاً متوجه خواهید شد که چرا این علاقه من به هنر نمایش باعث درد سرم شده است. در مدرسه که بودیم همیشه جزو گروه تاتر و نمایش فعالیت میکردم. حافظه و صدای خوبی داشته و در تقریبا در همه ژانرهای نمایشی استعداد داشتم. از همان نوجوانی از دیدن تاتر های چخوف نویسنده روسی از خود بیخود میشدم. نمیدانم چرا من اینقدر نوشته های چخوف را درک میکردم. شاید دلیل عمده آن همسایگی دو کشور و داشتن شرایط تقریباً یکسان سیاسی و فرهنگی میتواند باشد. >>>
Daniel M Pourkesali
13-May-2009 (14 comments)
An article titled ‘Iran's missiles not an existential threat, study says’ published in Haaretz yesterday is a Cliffs Notes guide for anyone trying to understand Israel’s true intentions>>>

koo gooshe shenava?

Jahanshah Javid

Iran's missiles not an existential threat, study says

Haaretz / Amos Harel
recommended by Jahanshah Javid

What Would Iran Do If Attacked?


Understanding Iran's Deterrence Game

Times / Robert Baer and Hossein Bastani
recommended by capt_ayhab
13-May-2009 (5 comments)


Hollow Soul
13-May-2009 (8 comments)
There's darkness in your candle
And the inviting words you express,
Conceals the coward in you.

The senseless hollow notes you sing
In your song of whatever journey
Feeds the ego who is in charge
The Fear of death of the only "I" you know
Only a warrior can resolve >>>
rosie is roxy is roshan
13-May-2009 (12 comments)
since the topic of khod koshi just came up... >>>

What if you had secret documents on you in USA?


Jailed US journalist Roxana Saberi 'had secret document on war in Iraq'

times online / Catherine Philp
recommended by smhb
13-May-2009 (15 comments)