30-May-2009 (32 comments)
This is the story of how a small group of patriotic Iranians overthrew a system of occupation and tyranny, and established Iran as a free and proud democratic nation.>>>

so what about the mass murders of 67, mr. mousavi?

30-May-2009 (4 comments)
This is a very moving piece about the Seven Bahais who were executed in Hamadan in 1981; The  Music is by Farzad Khozein. Qudratullah Khozein, one of the seven Bahais executed in Hamadan was his paternal uncle.

blue vs. green


Facebook ban lifted: "the only place where we can talk about politics"

The Observers / Omid Habibinia
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Ardeshir Ariana
Checkmate is a situation in chess in which one player's king is threatened with capture (in check) and there is no way to meet that threat. >>>

Moussavi's Attacks on the Universities

Masoud Kazemzadeh
Mashrote News / عبدالکریم سروش
recommended by Masoud Kazemzadeh

What do you think?

Ali Lakani

Diane Sawyer interviews Roxana Saberi

recommended by Ali Lakani
30-May-2009 (18 comments)
Niki Tehranchi
30-May-2009 (2 comments)
May was the month from hell.  Thank god summer is finally upon us... >>>
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
30-May-2009 (one comment)
My teaching philosophy is to prepare my students to be successful in their lives >>>
30-May-2009 (one comment)
An equal opprtunity employer >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
30-May-2009 (24 comments)

از آزادی چه گویم یار دلبند؟

دهان تلخم من از این پارۀ قند


arrested even before the bombing


Iran executes trio for mosque bombing

recommended by Parham
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
در باره دختر جوانی که اعدام شد. دختر جوانی همراه با دوست پسر خود که او را باحتمال برای ازدواج برگزیده است به دیدار فامیل خود با پسر جوان میرود>>>