last night I began to paint.
I painted and painted all night until
she opened her eyes and ran out screaming.
My choice of canvas may have shocked her.
I thought it would be a good idea to paint us,
a beautiful portrait of us.
From when things were good and beautiful and real.
I started looking for something to paint on and
that’s when I started to paint us inside my eyelids.
With song for grandfather
by Azad Naficy
ساعت 7 روی تخت "برادر کوچک" ام بیدار شدم
محروم از خواب، بوی ملایم مرگ را شنیدم
از جا پریدم، یک ساعت دیگر امتحان روانشناسی داشتم
باید به خانه ی خودم می رفتم برای صبحانه و حمام
اما هنوز وارد خانه نشده، تلفن زنگ زد
پدرم بود که می گفت بابابزرگ در بستر مرگ است
شماره ی اصفهان را گرفتم و به خانه اش زنگ زدم
و از مامان بزرگ پرسیدم آیا بابابزرگ به ابدیت پیوسته؟
For my son, Azad and in memory of my father, Abutorab Naficy (1914-2007)
My father brought them from America
They were soft and cozy
Red on the outside and white inside
With a green headpiece in between.
We were sitting in the "turret room".
Father wore a sheepskin Caucasian cap.
His eyes were opened wide
And his hands covered his ears
Looking like a wolf in the snow.
British activist on "Hands off People of Iran" campaign
Meet political campaigner Benjamin Lewis. On Saturday, the 23-year-old Sheffield university graduate will be taking part in the launch conference of Hands Off the People of Iran (Hopi) in London. Hopi is being set up in response the fact that there is currently no anti-war organization in the UK that stands opposed to the policies of the US government and the Islamic Republic. In an age where the naming of teddy bears causes a national outcry, a sober, secular peace organization has its place. And Hopi's list of supporters is impressive
Have no misgivings about Bush abandoning confrontational policy
On Monday the nuclear standoff with Iran finally culminated in a nuclear explosion; yet one that didn't occur in a remote testing ground in the Alborz Mountains but right in Washington DC. The findings of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran should leave no stone standing in American politics: the President of the United was again caught red handed lying to the entire nation and the international community about the WMD program of a Middle Eastern regime, trying to construct a case for war on fraudulent allegations and by being forced to make the NIE public against his will was exposed as no longer in control of his own administration
The international community must put pressure on world leaders to lift current sanctions on Iran
Under the current administration, it is increasingly difficult to know who the enemy is, but what is certain is that the latest NIE is a brilliantly executed psychological warfare by way of misinformation. This dastardly plan is so devious that even the anti-war groups are jubilant at its release, and they are naively sharing its contents. Perhaps non are as enthusiastic about the report as the most powerful lobby group in America hostile to Iran. The AIPAC was quick to announce: "Far from acquitting Iran, the NIE reveals that Tehran continues to violate the international community's calls to end the pursuit of the fuel cycle and the ability to make highly enriched uranium
Iran had a clandestine nuclear weapons program?
Many have been quick to characterize Monday’s National Intelligence Estimate report on Iran’s nuclear program as a long overdue “Honest Intel” that will suck the air out of warmongers’ sails because it clearly states “with high confidence that in fall of 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program”. Forgive this writer for being a spoiler, but haven’t report after report issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the many years since repeatedly confirmed non-existence of such nuclear weapons program in Iran?
Bush continues to spin the NIE report
The NIE report on Iran was held up for more than a year in an effort to force the intelligence community to remove dissenting judgments on the Iranian nuclear program. A NIE coordinates the judgments of the US's 16 intelligence agencies on a specific country or issue. The aim of delay was to make the document more supportive of Vice President Dick Cheney's militarily aggressive policy toward Iran, according to accounts provided by participants in the NIE process to two former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officers that Gareth Porter talked to for his report published in Asia Times on Nov. 10th of this year (“Spooks refuse to toe Cheney's line on Iran.”)
Precisely because "Persepolis" is world-class art, it has set off political bickering, and triggered ideological opportunism
The graphic novels, Persepolis and Persepolis 2, now combined into a movie, do not look back to the classics. Satrapi’s self mocking style is ultra-modern. It combines a Disneyesque cuteness with the author’s Hedayat-like anguish. At first the work appears to lack subtlety, protesting the Islamic Regime’s repressions too directly. Later we realize this straight shooting is just another manifestation of the no-nonsense way in which the artist conducts her life. Satrapi’s uninhibited tendency to speak her primal mind has been the driving force in the events of her life.
Interview with vocalist Hamed Nikpay
Hamed Nikpay is that rare triple threat you don't run into that often. He appears to have it all. Brains, Talent , and (damn him!) Good Looks. In preparing for introducing him (to those of you who don't know him yet), I was finding it a bit difficult, and have been more than a bit stymied as to how best to describe him to newcomers to his music. Best to just jump right in. Hopefully you'll get it and become a huge fan like I am. First off, I have to say that along with my rather vocal opposition to the tripe known as 6/8, the next most displeasing sound I can name is the overdone traditional Persian Classical music, or Sonnati
داشتن يك عمو ي پولدار خيلي خوب است
by Abdy S
معناي لغوي : خواهر مادر
معناي استعاره اي: هر زني كه با مادر رابطه ي گرم و صميمي داشته باشد .
نقش سمبليك : يك خانم مهربان و دوست داشتني كه خيلي شبيه مادر است و هميشه براي شما آبنبات و لباس مي خرد .
غذاي مورد علاقه: آش كشك .
ضرب المثل : خاله را ميخواهند براي درز ودوز و گرنه چه
خاله چه يوز. خاله ام زائيده، خاله زام هو كشيده. وقت خوردن خاله
خواهرزاده رو نمي شناسه. اگه خاله ام ريش داشت، آقا داييم بود .
At the airport -- not with flowers
Human rights reporting rightly concentrate on violations that take place within the country and bring to the public attention those abuses where the victim's physical safety has been imperilled or is in immediate danger. Nevertheless we should not forget that there is a form of violation that does not physically touch the victims. There are no gallows, no visible bruises on the body, no cells or torture chambers and no bloodstains on the floor of the interrogation rooms. There could be miles or even oceans between the victims and the abusers
Che Guevara got the last laugh
It is said that on 18 October 1967, nine days after Che was killed,
Castro delivered a eulogy for Che, to a million people gathered in the
Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana, and, among other things, this too he
said, "They who sing victory over his death are mistaken. They are
mistaken who believe that his death is the defeat of his ideas, the
defeat of his tactics, the defeat of his guerrilla concepts ... If you
want to know how we want our children to be, we should say, with all
our revolutionary heart and mind: We want them to be like Che." Naturally, a lot of us pesky Iranian socialists got a good giggle back
in October when the Iranian government, just before the fortieth
anniversary of Ernesto Che Guevara's assassination
روحیه آزادمنشی را می باید پرورش داد وگرنه گفتار آزاد به حالت تاسف آوری می افتد
ما در بیرون ایران سرانجام به آزادی گفتار رسیده ایم ــ آن اندازه از دمکراسی که بیشترمان به عنوان بیگانه و میهمان می توانیم بورزیم ــ و همه چیز از آن آغاز می شود، از حکومت مردم برای مردم تا حقوق بشر. ولی مانند هر فضیلت نویافته می باید آدابش را نیز فراگیریم ــ مکانیسم هائی که سودمندی های نهائی آزادی گفتار را همچون بزرگ ترین سلاح در پیکار با دروغ و ستمگری به بار می آورد.
Despair persists in Bosnia under ethnic and religious divisions
In Sarajevo, I walked to the Old Town from my hotel, the Holiday Inn. The bright yellow hotel had been familiar to me from the days of the 1990s inter-ethnic war. “This is where the war began, when snipers from the rooftop shot two deputies in the Parliament building across the street.” I was now so reminded by a designer who sold her fine wool sweaters from a table set up in the dim corridor connecting the hotel lobby to its restaurant.