Things Not Talked About

Torture is one of those topics that aren’t covered. Why? That is today’s question.

28-Aug-2008 (14 comments)
there is something else strange going on. We all know there’s a consensus among leaders and the media to not talk about certain things: labor movements, anti-war and anti-nuclear power demonstrations, the privatization of natural resources and local utilities, and resistance thereunto. Bosses everywhere are for privatization and against popular movements, and media everywhere either belong to the bosses or operate at their sufferance, so it’s not surprising they don’t cover these subjects. Media don’t cover what the bosses want kept quiet. This is so well known that to learn what the ruling class fears and suppresses, you only have to learn what isn’t broadcast. Would you have guessed that the media don’t talk about torture? >>>


Can I go? Can I come back?

I wish we can set aside the political problems and look at the humanitarian aspect

28-Aug-2008 (19 comments)
I am sure that you believe in this massage and hope you consider my tragic situation. I know you receive tons of emails each day and you may be very busy at the moment to continue reading my email. But, I hope you take a few minutes and read this email to the end. Your time is greatly appreciated. I am an Iranian woman, perusing my Ph.D at Brown University. I came to this country 7 years a go hoping for a better education and future which was denied to me in my home country... Not long a go, my mother, whom I have not seen for 7 years was diagnosed with cancer. I was devastated hearing the news but again, did not go back to Iran hoping and praying that through chemotherapy she can overcome it>>>


به همين سادگي

نامه اي از درون زندان اوين ‏

28-Aug-2008 (21 comments)
مدير سايت خبري پويا نيوز ابوالفضل جهاندار، عضو سابق انجمن اسلامي دانشگاه علامه طباطبايي و عضو شوراي ‏عمومي دفتر تحکيم وحدت در دومين سالگرد زنداني شدنش، در نامه اي از درون زندان اوين که آن جا را "ميعادگاه ‏عاشقان ايران زمين" خوانده نوشته است‎:‎‏ "نه سلطان شکرم نه سلطان آهن و سيمان، نه اسکله قاچاق داشتم، نه‎ ‎گوشت ‏آلوده وارد کردم، نه رشوه دادم، نه اختلاس کردم، نه قاچاقچي کالا‎ ‎و ارز، نه توي خانه ام اسناد طبقه بندي شده و ‏محرمانه داشتم، نه‏‎ ‎جوانهاي مملکت را آلوده به چيزي کردم‏‎.‎‏"‏ وي ادعا کرده که اگر اتهامش هر کدام از اين ها بود با وي "خيلي بهتر برخورد ميشد" و اضافه کرده "شايد به جرم ‏نفرت از اسارت و استبداد بايد اين وضعيت را تحمل‎ ‎کنم، شايد به >>>


Scheherazade's legacy

Greatest women’s strategist of all time

28-Aug-2008 (5 comments)
Meninists are men who recognize and support the principles of women's political, social, and economic equality. Meninist men do not need women, as once Virginia Woolf pointed out, to reflect themselves back to themselves twice as large as they really are. Exit man who, to paraphrase Phyllis Chesler, says, : "Listen, children, here are the facts: Your real Mother is me--your Father!" Enter Scheherazade (Shahrzad) who, to paraphrase Phyllis Chesler, once again, says: "Listen, children, here are the facts: Never will man find a woman as able as willing, to give birth to him again." >>>