Five days in Tehran

It is important to understand that Tehran is a world class city

24-Aug-2008 (33 comments)
Tehran is a very large and beautifully picturesque city with many hidden worlds within worlds to discover, which runs downhill from the foothills of the Alborz Mountains in the north all the way down to the edges of the Dasht Kavir desert in the south. Never far from the skyline is the immense Mount Damavand whose snow capped peak can often be seen rising above the clouds like the Mount Fuji of Iran. Since the revolution, 30,000 trees have been planted in Tehran and it is one of the greenest cities you will ever see anywhere on the planet. The traffic is jammed like L.A. or NYC but there is a subway system which is clean and efficient and like NYC or Paris, the city never sleeps>>>


Russia Strikes Back

U.S. and Georgia have made clear their long-range objective is to expand NATO’s military influence

24-Aug-2008 (8 comments)
After a long time being used as a leverage to extract greater concessions from Russia, finally on August 14, 2008 with great fanfare and at a much higher price, Poland conceded to letting the U.S. use part of its territory for establishing a sizeable military base in northern Poland run by American military personnel and armed with 10 U.S. global interceptor rockets. Among the most crucial factors that spurned the binding of the agreement at this moment in time were the extremely tense relations between Russia and the U.S. over the crisis in Georgia, which in turn motivated Washington to upgrade the terms of the deal with Poland. Apparently the White House was in such a hurry in the early days of the Georgian crisis to wrest the Polish accord that it was ready to pay practically any price to entice the pro-imperialist Polish ruling elite>>>


لطیفه ای که دیگر ما را نمی خنداند

حکایت خبر بهایی شدن هادی خرسندی و جان شیرین و جان مهناز و بقیه

24-Aug-2008 (3 comments)
در گویا نیوز خبری دیدم مبنی بر بهایی بودن هادی خرسندی، کلیک کردم و سر از اصغرآقا در آوردم. رفتن به اصغرآقا آسان است ولی بیرون آمدن از سایت خرسندی، که همواره با خرسندی همراه است، مکافات دارد. سخت است از آن همه مطالب دلچسب و طبع روان و قلم شیرین و بانمک دل بکنی! به هر حال، شایعه برای ایرانی جماعت صنار خرج برنمی دارد. هر کسی بنابه نحوه ی تفکر خود، به دیگری تهمت می زند و در سایت اینترنتی و یا در روزنامه و یا مجله ای منتشر می کند و قانون هم در آن کشور گل و بلبل، فقط جیب وکلا را پر می کند و لطیفه ایست که دیگر ما را نمی خنداند.>>>