

Pieces of the puzzle

Iran’s upheaval is multi-dimensional

07-Aug-2009 (12 comments)
The history of civil unrest in Iran since the inception of the Islamic Republic in 1979 points at an ever-increasing discontent among the general population in Iran. Whether this is an existential threat to Iran’s regime has a lot to do with what the ruling class may decide to do with the current unrest. There is a substantive difference between this one and all the others. One may argue that this upheaval is a natural culmination of the preceding ones which were left unresolved and followed by more forceful repression. To more objectively digest the situation in Iran it might be advised to have an open mind about the classification of the protesters>>>


ايران برای همهء ايرانيان؟

نه اسکندر يونانی شان کرده، نه عمر از آنان مردمی عرب ساخته و نه چنگيز آنان را مغول کرده

07-Aug-2009 (6 comments)
بنظرم می رسيد که شعار «ايران برای همهء ايرانيان» بجا و بهنگام طرح شده است. در سال 1376 بخش عمده ای از ايرانيان دريافته بودند که، با وجود حکومت اسلامی، مالک موطن خويش نيستند و به حد شهروندان درجه دو و سهء وطنشان سقوط کاگر نيک بنگريم، آشکارا می بينيم که نسل امروز ايران تاريخی سی ساله را در اين تفسير خلاصه می کند که «پدران و مادران ما برای تحقق "استقلال و آزادی" به پا خواستند. از آنجا که کشورشان را در تصرف عدوانی بيگانه می ديدند خواستار استقلال شدند، و چون آزادی های مصرح در قانون اساسی مشروطه را به دست دربار بر باد رفته می يافتند، از آزادی خواهی به جمهوری خواهی رسيدند. اما فريب بزرگ از آنجا آغاز شد که دينکار اعظمی، که بيشتر مددکار شيطان بود تا بندهء خدا، از فرصت استفاده کرد و لفظ بی ربط و معنا و خطرناک "حکومت اسلامی" را کنار آن دو خواست موجه و شيرين نهاد >>>


Crisis of Alienation

Necessity of a Strong Social Sector as a Countervailing Power to Private Sector Dominance

07-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
The solution to the current global economic crisis which is the direct result of the private sector dominance and decades of deregulation (regulations in favor of the dominant private sector) is now being presented in the form of massive public (government) intervention by way of the public ownership. But the instantaneous reaction has been against such intervention on the ground that government intervention simply means the loss of freedom. How ironic that in the name of freedom, the very essence of freedom by way of commodity peddling, commodification, market supremacy and market fundamentalism is being altered. This is a natural outcome of indiscriminate application of concepts in an ideologically loaded, politically distorted process and private sector dominant environment>>>


Becoming a Mind Reader

Today I’m going to talk to you about The Eyes, The Hips, and The Skin

07-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
What I’m about to reveal to you is not that difficult. As a matter of fact, it’s very easy. The truth is you already know how to do this. Here’s how it works. What I’m going to show you is – you observe yourself doing it and be more conscious when others do it. There are three things I’m going to talk to you today – The Eyes, The Hips, and The Skin. All three of them give you unconscious signals when someone communicating with you. Remember, when somebody is communicating, they are communicating more than the word that they are communicating. There’s body language, tone of voice and many other things.>>>


Heart aches for peace
07-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
This wretched heart of glass
Aches with each beat each pulse
Enfolded in pure silk net
The silk net is tight and strong
Won’t tear, expand or let go
Slowly squeezing the breath
Out of this heart that aches >>>


Much unconsidered

Simin Behbahani's poem in English & Persian

A much unconsidered thought: “in this rotten land,
What can captives do, with shackles of confinement?”
To run with shackles, that’s a skillful deed,
Else the ball runs freely on the princes’ field.
Many such imprisoned, like the golden Sun,
Have laughed down on comedy of these showmen >>>