باد جنوب غربی

اجازه نده پروانه های سرگردان جلوی نگاه کردنت را بگیرند!

04-Sep-2009 (3 comments)
مداد جادویی ام را از قفسه بالای دیوار چوبی خانه بر می دارم تا دریای ما بین مان را از وسط نصف کنم. فرقی هم نمی کند توفانی باشد یا که آرام در بستری از صلح. نه! دیگر نمی خواهم بیش از اینها در خرافه های زنگار بسته زندگی کنم. دلم می خواهد بشقاب ماهی خودم را روی میز بگذارم و از مغازه های سیار ، بسته های تاریخ دار ماهی نخرم. دلم می خواهد شکاف میان دریا را درست نقاشی کنم تا هم برای تو ماهی باشد و هم برای من. خودت بهتر از هر کسی می دانی کودک درونم مثل همیشه بازیگوش و سر حال است با این تفاوت که متاسفانه دارم بزرگ می شوم و زنگ های هشدار را این بار به خوبی می شنوم>>>


Revealed... part one
04-Sep-2009 (5 comments)
Don't ask me for tender touch,
Passionate kiss or tempting looks
I am done with all those games
As this heart never had interest
In earthly, hurtful, selfish plays
A Random face with no boundaries
A thought with no Time and no space
A spirit joyful filled with love
A heart thirsty to learn and grow
Is what my soul will now embrace >>>


Restless dream

Whither this land that has touched my soul?

02-Sep-2009 (7 comments)
I have wondered in recent weeks why Iran has touched me so deeply. I have travelled to 25 countries in my life. In all of them, I have marveled at various aspects of culture, history and natural beauty. And yet this 25th country I visited, Iran, has touched me more than all others. It is a land that has haunted my dreams, touched my soul, and shifted my consciousness. Little did I know that, after visiting Iran, I would never be the same again. From unexpectedness came an appreciation inexpressible by frail words>>>


The Ascension (2)

When Nader stood up, his eyes glowed a wild red

02-Sep-2009 (5 comments)
This rare creature used to hang out at our house a lot. He wasn’t welcome anywhere else because he made other parents uncomfortable. And for good reason. When children played with him, someone always lost a shoe, fell off a bicycle, broke a tooth, or was stung by a scorpion. But my mother was impractically softhearted and couldn’t bear to see the child rejected like this. She felt sad to see Nader placed in the social outhouse from the very moment of his birth. I was born in a hospital, so instead of the outhouse, I was taken to a nursery. Yet even that wasn’t good enough for my mother>>>


درسهای استانیسلاوسکی

مشدی کاملاً گیج شده بود. عطرتن دختره تمام فضای بقالی را پر کرده بود.

02-Sep-2009 (2 comments)
مشدی عباد اندکی در خود فرو رفت. 15 میلیون پول زیادی بود. ولی وقتی به یاد گل چهره افتاد، دوباره سینه اش آتش گرفت. سرش را پائین انداخت و چشمانش را بست. قباد منتظر ایستاد. مشدی عباد به روی خودش نیاورد. قباد این بار با متانت خاصی قدم پیش گذاشت و گفت: میروم با گل چهره بر گردم. یک تاکسی برایمان بگیر تا برویم منزل تو. البته من وسط راه پیاده می شوم. ولی ... سکوتی برقرار شد. مشدی خوب میدانست که قباد میخواهد موضوع پول حل و فصل شود. مشدی عباد با مهارت یک بازاری مکار از صحبت در باره پول واهمه داشت. خودش را به کوچه علی چپ زد>>>




We were told that her house was the primary residence of Jens and their immediate families

02-Sep-2009 (2 comments)
My ominous association with ghosts goes back to my early childhood years. Aunt Sedighe my father’s youngest sister lived in Shoushtar, one of the oldest cities in the world, dating back to Achaemenian dynasty (400 BC). Shoushtar used to be the winter capital of Sassanian dynasty and it was built by the Karoun River. The river was channeled to form a trench around the city. A subterranean system called ghanats connected the river to the private reservoirs of houses and buildings, supplied water during times of war when the main gates were closed. The ruins of these ghanats still exist and one was connected to Aunt Sedighe’s house where my cousins and I explored if we dared to>>>


ازدواج کیکاوس و سودابه - بخش دو

بعد از آن سودابه آمد سوی شاه / گلرخش سرخ و کمند مو سیاه

02-Sep-2009 (8 comments)
در بخش اول از دو بخش این داستان به این جا رسیدیم که شاه هاماوران (یمن) راضی به ازدواج دخترش سودابه با کیکاوس پادشاه قدرتمند ایران نیست چون با این ازدواج دختر یکدانه اش برای همیشه از پیش او دور خواهد شد. ابتدا این دو نفر را با هم روبرو می کند به این امید که سودابه کاوس را نپسندد و راضی به ازدواج با او نشود ولی بر خلاف میل او سودابه و کاوس شاه یکدیگر را می پسندند و شاه هاماور کینه جویانه نقشهء شومی می کشد. پس از مراسم ازدواج این دو، شاه یمن از کیکاوس می خواهد تا برای تفریح و شکار هفته ای به صحرا و کوهستان بروند>>>


The land of China plus one

“Nothing is more important than liberty and freedom”

“The runway that you just landed on was the world’s busiest in the late 1960s because many of the American soldiers and much of the war materiel came through here,” our guide reminded us while we were waiting for our luggage in the Saigon airport. Soon we were taken to our hotel, the Caravelle. This was where, the guide pointed out, “the American mission everyday at 5 P.M. gave a progress report on the war.” For visitors of a certain generation from the United States this type of introductory comments about Vietnam is common. The Vietnam War is the part of your memory that demands immediate attention if this is your first visit>>>


Poseurs or Revolutionaries?

The worse thing that has happened these thirty years is that Iranians have become callous

30-Aug-2009 (88 comments)
One middle aged man, came back recently from Iran, I saw him at the July 25th protest here in our town where less people showed up than at my friend’s birthday party. Like many others that day he was wearing a cap, big sunglasses and scarf to hide his face, he stood way back and did not repeat any chants or slogans, he boasted to me of chasing plain clothes men on motorbikes during the recent protests in Iran. I thought to myself: how can this guy, who worked for the foreign ministry under the Shah, who covers himself so much here in the safety of Place Massena, have had the courage to go chasing motor-biker bassijis in Tehran?>>>


چه کسی از فیس بوک می ترسد؟

زندگی سیاسی و اجتماعی ما، چه این اعتراضات ادامه بیابد یا به زیرزمین کشیده شود، بدون فیس بوک، یوتیوب و تویتر قابل تصور نیست

با اینکه فیس بوک هیچ گاه شمار اعضایش را در یک کشور اعلام نمی کند اما دو قرینه نشان می دهدکه این سایت در طول بهار 88 محبوب ترین سایت ایرانیان در داخل کشور بوده است، نخست انتشار گزارشی از تعاملات جهانی در شبکه فیس بوک که در مقایسه با فصل مشابه در سال قبل نشان دهنده رشد شگفت انگیز استقبال از فیس بوک در ایران بود... اما این سوال که چرا ناگهان مسئولان سانسور در ایران که در همان حال حتی از فیلتر کردن وبلاگ هایی که کمترین نشانه اعتراض در آن موجود بود نیز نمی گذشتند، سایتهایی چون فیس بوک و یوتیوب را آزاد کردند؟ برای پاسخ به این سوال ابتدا نشانه هایی از استفاده عوامل اطلاعاتی حکومت برای ردیابی، رصد و مانیتورینگ نیروهای شاخص مخالف یا روزنامه نگاران یافت شد >>>


Middle Eastern Men

Does every Middle Eastern man have to be a wife beater in their stories?

30-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
On one of my recent trips to the Middle East, a friend and a business associate, Hesam, invited me over to his house for dinner. I eagerly accepted. The dinner was plentiful, the host and the hostess extremely gracious, and as the tradition goes, some relatives, including Hesam's parents and his wife’s two sisters and their husbands, were also present. Everyone was dressed in western-style clothing except my host, who was wearing a long while dishdasha. The house was sumptuously furnished with European sofas and chairs, artworks from the surrounding Gulf countries, expensive Persian rugs, and lavish, beautiful curtains, which dressed the bay windows that faced the Persian Gulf across the street>>>


Empty nest

Where's my humor when I need it the most?

30-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
Humor and practicality have been my safety net through life’s ups and downs, especially the downs. Years ago, I used my imaginative mind to change those wasted summers of youth at my father’s farms into an education. While my older sister nagged incessantly about the unfairness of missing the city fun, I took the three months of life in Abbas Abad as a learning experience and tried my hands on a few native skills: field work, tending to livestock and weaving baskets. During school, whenever I came across a subject too difficult to memorize, I made lyrics out of such subjects as the table of elements, names of fossils, or human nerve passages>>>


A sight for granted, never...
To unlock the lock, I must endure this pain,
To harness the journey’s craft, I must negotiate with
The stones on this path,
To kill the monsters, I must be willing to die first
And then watch how my ashes shall rise against
Another day's sunrise. >>>


كودتاي مخملي كار من است
30-Aug-2009 (5 comments)
در كمال صحت و عقل و شعور
خالي از هرگونه جبر و ضرب و زور

مي نمايم نزد مردم اعتراف
تا شوم از درد وجدانم معاف

عامل اخراج آدم از بهشت
كشتن هابيل وصدها كار زشت >>>


I’ll make you humble…

History of rape in Iranian prisons

29-Aug-2009 (13 comments)
Raping a man is a definitive act of callousness which breaks his spirit and completely drains him from self respect and worthiness. It so badly screws up the man’s mental state that “overthrowing a government” will be the last thing on his shit-list. A man with no self-worth is no danger to society. That’s why addicts are considered no threat to countries’ national security. The acts of gang rape in Iranian prisons should not come as a shock to anybody. I’m baffled at how Iranians act so staggered about this everyday occurrence.>>>