

Obama and Khamenei Must Compromise

De-escalation of Iranian nuclear activities must be accompanied with a de-escalation of sanctions

09-Apr-2012 (132 comments)
If President Barack Obama and Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei do not compromise at the upcoming nuclear talks next Saturday, the region will -- in the words of a diplomat involved in the matter -- head towards "total war." For the sake of world peace, both sides must compromise. Yet, there are some indications that the next round of talks may differ little from previous failed discussions... the talks have often been about imposing terms of capitulation on the other>>>


Iran Can Be Deterred?

The Cold War is an acceptable outcome

During the Cold War, the West did not have much choice but to pursue a policy of deterrence, because the Soviets already had the bomb. But with Iran, we do have a choice. Iran is on the way to having a bomb, but with enough international pressure, it can still be stopped. Just because the Cold War ended without disaster, does not mean it was destined to end that way. In Brzezinski's own words, "We might have had [a problem]">>>


What the Odyssey can tell Egyptians

I don’t see much cause for optimism

09-Apr-2012 (2 comments)
The Egyptians are left with not much of a choice. It’s either Charybdis and stricter application of Islamic law or Scylla, the secular but repressive dictatorship of yet another general. If they vote for the Brotherhood, they will have to accept a moderate Islamic state, except that there is no such thing. The French-Algerian journalist Mohammad Sifaoui, a secular Muslim himself, brilliantly demonstrates that there is no moderate Islamic state as there is no moderate Islam>>>


Killing Off Kahina

Creating a minority hero only to have her killed

09-Apr-2012 (4 comments)
I’m not asking that DC Comics create a plethora of Iranian characters, or that they should only be portrayed as heroes, or even that once created, they should never be killed. I understand narrative needs, primary characters and supporting ones, emotional beats and motivation. But when there are absolutely NO characters of a certain ethnic or cultural background in your stories, to casually kill off the ONLY example of one, after a mere 8 pages, seems very counterproductive to me>>>


دانه های امید
09-Apr-2012 (8 comments)
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