14-Sep-2007 (2 comments)
A quick and not-so-dirty guide to purchasing environmentally friendly commercial floor coverings products: To those of you looking to change the commercial carpeting in your place of business while seeking to reduce the environmental impact of that purchase, I have the following recommendation: Shaw Industries, one of the largest carpet manufacturers in the world, has a program which markets product under the "Shaw Green Edge" label. Seek this label, and under that label ask to see carpet tile (as opposed to carpet broadloom) making sure that the word "Eco-Worx" is tied to that carpet tile. >>>
14-Sep-2007 (27 comments)

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Also please write a protest letter (be vey professional) to the Editor of the newspaper.,
See the letter from Professor Marsha Cohen in Miami. >>>
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Alahazrat Hajagha
14-Sep-2007 (10 comments)
آقاي بوش چند ماه مانده به پايان دوره رياست جمهوري اش ايران را بد جوري بمب باران خواهد كردִ اولا چون دولت ايشون به پايان راهش داره نزديك مي شه و احتياجي به راي و نظر رسانه هاي عمومي ندارهִ به همين دليل بدون در نظر گرفتن هيچ گونه ملاحظه اي مي تواند اين كار را انجام بدهد >>>