Takyeh, in Persian/Arabic may mean a mosque-like place where the mourners gather around to beat themselves during the Imam Hossain’s Aashura anniversary!? As you may know Imam Hossain activities is a very lucrative business in Iran these days. Do you own any of these takyeh places in Iran and if so do you receive proceeds based on what the mullahs make on these places?
Making the Middle East a WMD Free Zone won't ease Iran's appetite for nuclear technology.
According to Joseph Cirincione, director for non-proliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, most weapons programs in the Middle East began in direct response to Israel’s decision to go nuclear in the 1950s and 1960s.
Despite this analysis, I think the calls for a Free Zone in the Middle
East as a way for curbing Iran’s appetite for nuclear technology is
faulty. Iran is not responding to any Israeli threat, but to a US threat.
Israel will never threaten Iran’s territory like it does to other
bordering Arab states.
I have known BBC Persian program for more than 40 years, BBC was the only source of information that my father used to listen to since the days of the World War II. So I grew up listening to your radio program, with respect and reliance on impartiality and independence.
Wouldn't it be good if everyone was an eager student? Eager to learn
new things, explore new topics, always open to the idea that there is
more to learn. Here's to a beautiful year ahead.