فعالان حقوق كودك و وكلاي دادگستري در نامهاي به مجلس شوراي اسلامي و رييس قوه قضاييه، توقف اجراي احكام اعدام براي افراد زير 18 سال را تا زمان تصويب لايحه تشكيل دادگاه اطفال و نوجوانان خواستار شدند.
In Iran Bahai's are being denied access to higher education. Bahai’s are a discriminated class in Iran and are often ignored by the Diaspora completely. In Iran, they have in many cases been uprooted from their homes, denied access to resources equal and on par with other Iranians, and even violently attacked strictly on the basis of their religion.