Where Filipinos had to support one spoiled Imelda Marcos, the people of Iran have to provide for hundreds--most of them the wives of multi-millionaire clerics topped by Ms. Khamenei herself
به امید روزی که دادگاه گهوارهٔ داد و عدالت گردد، وکیلان و حق جویان کلامشان آزاد و دستانشان باز، مردمان پر امید با اندیشههای گوناگون خیرخواه یکدیگر در سرزمینی آباد و آزاد در کنار هم زندگی کنند
Video series about Iran from Globe Trekker= Lonely Planet presented by Ian Wright
I am Persian; born in Iran.
An excellent documentary by the BBC's Adam Curtis on how governments use fear to control populations.
The turkey is in the fridge and the veggies are in the pantry
تقدیم به دوستان وهم وطنان عزیز - پس از مدتی دوری - انشالله که همه صحیح و سالم هستند
DHL is currently the only private mail carrier that services IRAN.
A century of political upheaval backed by thousands of years of history that make up our cultural fabric, galvanized by thirty years of national failures, treason, lack of transparency
آرین که فکر میکرد حسادت و تمامیت خواهی و یا حرص بیش از حد داماد آمریکایی مینا باعث این همه درد سر شده است فکر کرد که بهتر است که کنار برود و مینا را به دخترش بسپارد
I saw ‘Nine’ the movie last night. I think I’ve become Hollywoodophobic lately, well not lately; perhaps more so for a few years
Lately, Iran is on my mind a lot...