08-Jan-2010 (5 comments)
من طالب ملتی خموشم
از دست نفس کشان بجوشم >>>
08-Jan-2010 (13 comments)
I wonder after a decade of Iran as a pure secular democracy, who would we blame for our problems? >>>
In the current climate of oppression and violation of human rights by the vicious Islamic Republic of Iran, someone has to take a step>>>
Mona 19
08-Jan-2010 (6 comments)
بار دیگر سایه شوم اعدام >>>
Jahanshah Javid
08-Jan-2010 (20 comments)
What we have is a popular movement, not some foreign plot>>>
Fariba Lotfi
08-Jan-2010 (9 comments)
Here is a new one from my mundane existance! >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
آرین که فکر میکرد با کنار رفتن از خانواده مینا دوباره آرامش به آنان باز میگردد. کلید ماشین را به مریم داد>>>
08-Jan-2010 (one comment)
Hundreds of Iranians, named and otherwise, have gone on a Symbolic Work Strike in support of democracy and human rights in Iran>>>
Brian Appleton
08-Jan-2010 (one comment)

  edited down to ten minutes for You Tube...

08-Jan-2010 (3 comments)
How an Iranian immigrant family thought of returning to Iran in the aftermath of their son's death but decided to stay to honor his passion for America>>>
Noosh Afarin
یادشان گرامی باد >>>
08-Jan-2010 (5 comments)
ای تمبلهای پهلوان اگه حلوای عمو سام اینقدر واسه شما شیرینه ایران به شما چه >>>
Darius Kadivar
08-Jan-2010 (12 comments)
Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi with the French Talk Show Host Karl Zero (i.e: kind of the French Version of US Letterman's talk show)>>>
It is a done deal>>>
لطفا این رو برای همه بفرستید. اگر اسم این جوان رو معروف کنیم شانس بیشتری برای زنده بودن داره >>>