برای آیندگان

به بهانه سفر به ایران

21-May-2008 (12 comments)
نگارنده طی دو سال گذشته دو سفر به ایران جمعا" به مدت سه ماه داشته است . بر همین مبنا لازم دانستم مشاهدات خود را با علاقمندان به اوضاع ایران در خارج از کشور و از طرف دیگر جنبش فعال عدالتخواهی در ایران در میان بگذارم تا شاید بتوان با تبادل نظر و بررسی دیدگاه های مختلف نسبت به شرائط ایران ، در راه مقابله و خنثی کردن نقشه های دشمنان داخلی وخارجی قدمی برداشت . وظیفه عدالتخواهان ایرانی است که در این شرایط بحرانی به دور از هرگونه تعصب وتنگ نظری غیر علمی و با توجه به منافع ملی ومصلحت مردم ایران ورق های تاریخ را برای آیندگان با صفحات زرین حقیقت پر کنند . >>>


Uncle Scrooge & Iran's crown Jewels

Uncle Scrooge & Iran's crown Jewels

Classic 1961 Comic Book

by Darius Kadivar



خواهر مرجان

دیروز سر کار توی فکر بودم که ناگهان کسی از کنارم گذشت و صدایم زد: خواهر مرجان!

20-May-2008 (one comment)
فرانسویان سخت شان است که نام مرا تلفظ کنند. "ه" را به کل حذف می کنند و نامم تبدیل می شود به "مایستی" طوری که گاهی دیگر با شنیدنش خودم را دیگر به جا نمی آورم. با لئا کمی تمرین تلفظ کردیم ولی می دانم یادش خواهد رفت. آدمها با شما آشنا می شوند با روحتان نزدیک می شوند و بعد،... دفعه ی بعد حتا اسمتان را هم یادشان نیست. این سالها خیلی ها مرا "خواهر مرجان" خطاب کرده اند ولی در سالهای اول سکونتم در فرانسه هرگز کسی مرا "خواهر مهتاب" صدا نزد. سالهای جنگ بود و جو ضد ایرانی خیلی قوی و رایج بود. بیخود نیست که مرجان ساتراپی وقتی داستان همان سالها را می نویسد در دوره ای از ایرانی بودن خود خجلت زده است و یک بار به ناچار خود را فرانسوی جا می زند و خود را "ماری ژان" معرفی می کند. >>>


Familiar faces

Familiar faces

Photo essay: National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC

by Jahanshah Javid
19-May-2008 (7 comments)



 از بی قانونی به قانون مندی

پیشرفتی در احقاق حقوق شهروندی بهاییان

19-May-2008 (12 comments)
گرچه شاید خنده دار به نظر برسد اما از نگاه من دستگیری چند تن از سران بهاییت گام مثبتی در راستای احقاق حقوق شهروندی بهاییان است. فهم این نکته تنها در صورتی امکان پذیر است که در نظر داشته باشیم بنابر قانون اساسی ایران بهاییت در زمره اقلیت های مذهبی رسمی قرار ندارد. بر همین اساس بهاییان از حقوق مذهبی قانونی اقلیت های مذهبی نظیر حق تشکیلات اجتماعات مذهبی محرومند. با این حال همان قانون اساسی بهاییان را از حقوق شهروندی بهره مند می سازد. در نتیجه قانون اساسی به بهاییان حق داشتن تشکلات مذهبی را نمی دهد اما در عین حال به آنان حق می دهد تا از حقوق شهروندی چون تحصیل، اشتغال و امنیت برخوردار باشند. >>>


I Witnessed Two Murders

I saw it with my own eyes a man being killed

19-May-2008 (6 comments)
It was two in the morning and I was the last customer left in the bar. I decided it was time to leave and head home. Since my car was parked in the rear of the building, I decided to exit from the back door and use the alleyway as a shortcut. It was very dark out there except for the full moon that gave a silvery hue to everything it touched. As I walked toward the main road, I heard a faint cry coming from somewhere to my left. I was afraid to get involved but my inborn curiosity was too strong to overcome. Very quietly I headed toward the sound>>>


Reaching out to the neglected

Reaching out to the neglected

Photo essay: Children of Persia event for street and working children in Iran

by Negar Assari-Samimi



Cooking for friends

V and I preparing food an d sipping great Spanish wine

17-May-2008 (16 comments)


In the dark

In the dark

Photo essay: Chador and other forms of hejab

by Sid Sarshar
17-May-2008 (76 comments)



Rooting for Ross

Rooting for Ross

Photo essay: Supporters back Ross Mirkarimi's re-election bid in San Francisco

by Nazy Kaviani
16-May-2008 (16 comments)



Why the cultural stigma? The jokes?

The question of marriage

15-May-2008 (29 comments)
My parents made the decision to leave the Islamic Republic of Iran specifically because they wanted their daughters to grow up free. And by freedom, I mean the freedom to ride bicycles, the freedom to wear shorts, to swim in public pools and to play on the beach, the freedom to speak with boys, the freedom to speak our minds, the freedom to choose our careers, the freedom to succeed in life without the specific barriers created by an oppressive patriarchal hegemony, both in the public and private sphere>>>


Iran's Rock Prodigies

Interview with Guitarist Raam

15-May-2008 (6 comments)
WASHINGTON, DC - Emerging on the global music scene not long ago, Hypernova proves to be a legend in the making, already. Rocking out sold-out venues in major cities across the world, these Iranian rock-prodigies, Raam (Vox/Guitar), Kodi (Lead), Kami (Drums), Jam (Bass), are a part of all that’s prideful and consuming about being Iranian. Jamming away in unison passionately, Hypernova creates a magical sort of synergy between themselves and their fans>>>




Photo essay: Iran and Iranians

by Basheem
14-May-2008 (23 comments)



Pigs are us

Pigs are us

Photo essay: Street art in Seattle

by Orang Gholikhani
14-May-2008 (6 comments)



My Very First Bus Ride

I was so excited that I was jumping up and down like a monkey

14-May-2008 (2 comments)
Among the students in my elementary school, there were many whose family could not afford to have an automobile. Therefore, they did not have the privilege of riding in one. Unluckily, I was one of them. For the kids like me, riding in a car was a luxury that existed only in our dreams, waiting to become a reality. A very few kids whose families had an automobile often made us envious by telling us stories about the pleasure of their joyrides. In those days, of course, there was no sign of Paykan, Peugeot, Patrol, or Pride, especially in smaller cities. Only horse-driven carriages served as the primary means of public transportation. The ones powered by two horses were equivalent to the deluxe models>>>


What next?

Questions over American policy toward Mojahedin Khalq in Iraq

14-May-2008 (13 comments)
If, as seems likely, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO, MEK, PMOI) is de-proscribed in the UK, this ought to be good news for the group's 3,300 members in Iraq. I reported on the situation there back in February and concluded that since the Iraqi Government is adamant that the MKO be expelled from the country as a foreign terrorist entity, the only practical solution was for a western government (most probably the UK) to de-proscribe the group so that the members currently trapped in Camp Ashraf could gain safe refuge there. I am looking to see whether the MKO's western backers will now push for this solution>>>


Beautiful, uplifting

Beautiful, uplifting

Photo essay: Niosha Dance Academy Mother's Day event

by kfravon
13-May-2008 (6 comments)



The last TV tycoon

An interview with Reza S. Badiyi

Born April 17th 1930 in Tehran Iran, Reza Badiyi moved to the United States in the 1960s to pursue a film career. He was educated at Syracuse University. He has Over 40 years of industry experience which include over 400 hours of primetime television, four feature films, and more than 60 documentaries. His directing credits include episodes of Mission Impossible, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Hawaii Five-O, The Six Million Dollar Man, Starsky and Hutch, Cagney & Lacey, Falcon Crest, Baywatch, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, La Femme Nikita and dozens more. He received the Gold Medal of Art from the hands of the Shah of Iran in the mid 70's. >>>


We salute you

We salute you

Photo essay: Iraj Jannati-Ataie and friends' evening of solidarity with political prisoners and students

by Shirin Mehrbod
12-May-2008 (7 comments)



شب همبستگی

گزارشی از برگزاری مراسم همبستگی با زندانيان و دا‌نشجويان سياسی در استکهلم

12-May-2008 (2 comments)
عصر روز جمعه، مراسم شب همبستگی با زندانيان و دانشجويان سياسی، در پی فراخوان «ايرج جنتی عطايی»، ترانه‌سرای نامدار ايران، در مرکز آموزشی کارگران سوئد ABF در استکهلم برگزار شد. به همت کانون نويسندگان ايران در تبعيد، اين برنامه علاوه بر استکهلم، ديروز و امروز در دو شهر ديگر سوئد، گوتنبرگ و مالمو نيز برگزار شد. >>>