Photo essay: My daughter Mahdiyeh's graduation
Jahanshah Javid >>>
What Iran has given to the world and why they matter
An invitation to revisit and re-examine facets of one of the most ancient civilizations – Iran – so as to reclaim that heritage and to exercise a degree of control over a historiography which it represents: The purpose is to add to the voices expressing discontent with the Eurocentric – more specifically Anglo-Saxon – approach to history which considers European history as the core history while the rest of world history languishes in the shadows and on the periphery. It is an invitation to reject the Eurocentric attempt at de-nationalization and de-culturalization of the history of those labeled “people without history” and fabrication of a superficial national identity subject to manipulation
If you haven’t yet made it to the shores of this wonderful and culturally-rich country
Modern day Spain has etched its place in the world as a country so diverse in its regions with 5 languages spoken and a multitude of different dialects throughout. A country rich in culture, history and influences… many of them the remnants of the Moor rule that can be traced back to 711AD lead by Tariq Ibn Ziyad and the subsequent invasion by the Al-Mohads from Northern Africa conquering Spain in 1147. Although these attacks devastated the Spaniards and cause great bloodshed, some of the things they have left behind in the wake of their destruction have enriched the strengthened today’s Spain greatly
تماشاگر مبهوت نقش آفرینی های تو بودم
آرام از کنار خانه ی تو گذشتم بی آنکه درش را بزنم .آرام بی آنکه حتی گل های آفتابگردان سرشان را بگردانند و نیم نگاهی به رد پای من بکنند. از کنار نرده های خانه ات که می گذشتم به رنگ آمیزی در و دیوار نگاه کردم و به یاد آن روزی افتادم که برای نقاشی صدایم کرده بودی. ساعت نه صبح بود که زنگ خانه ام را زدی. تازه میز صبحانه را جمع کرده بودم ، فنجان قهوه به دست در را باز کردم .با کلاه حصیری قهوه ای رنگ و لباس کار ایستاده بودی. دوچرخه ات را به نرده خانه تکیه داده بودی باصدای نرمت گفتی هنوز آماده نشده ای؟
Photo essay: Trip to Damavand
by Mahnaz Nazmi
Should I wake from this nostalgic dream into the nightmare of living?
It is dark. Lying under my bed, touching the thick harsh wooden board that holds the mattress, touching the cold metallic bed frame, listening to the drum-like sound of artilleries aimed at invisible enemies. The darkness of night blankets the absurdity of the situation, and still knowing that does not help me to calm down. I lower my hands to the ground, pressing the floor, hard, as if I am trying to dissolve into it, to transform into cold grey vapor--smoke and ashes. My body, my fingers, my back, feel numb, but still not as numb I dream of becoming
Victims of both discriminatory laws and punative and traditional discriminations
by Mahboube Hosseinzade
It is said that in the slums of Zahedan, there are many houses where several families each occupy a single room in a house. There was an opportunity for us to enter one of these houses. The mother, sister, wife, sister-in-law, father and two brothers of the man who has asked us to go in, as well as several little children all live in a single room. One of the women is 27 and has a 12-year-old son as well as a little girl who is only a few months old. When I ask her at what age she got married, she replies: "At the age of 10!" And later other people tell me that in some of the towns in this region 10 to 11 is indeed the usual age of marriage
Photo essay: Visiting New York, the vertical city
Orang Gholikhani >>>
Almost 100 signs of getting older
When I look intently at my black and white picture on my high school diploma, I realize how the passage of time has taken its toll on me. I remember when I was a kid, any time I did something nice for older people; they wished me to get old, elahi peer beshi. Now, that prayer has been almost answered and I am getting older. But believe me it is not much fun to get old. An aged man is like an old car, out of warranty with not much horse power, going up the hill and breathing rapidly but hardly. The pace of life becomes slower and slower with age. The only thing that is easier to do when you are older is waiting
Photo essay: Going back to the rebuilt war-torn Khorramshahr
Azam Nemati >>>
هنگامی که در سال 1993 به دانشگاه UCLA بازگشتم تا در رشته ی "زبان ها و فرهنگ های خاور نزدیک" درس بخوانم، نظریات پسااستعمارگرایی و بویژه پسانوگرایی باب روز بود، اما من به هیچ یک کششی نداشتم. تجربه ی انقلاب ایران به من درس هایی داده بود که عبارت پردازی های ضد غربی و ضد روشنگری را برایم بی اثر می کرد. هیچگاه از یاد نمی برم یک بار هانس پیتر اشمیت1 استاد آلمانی زبان پهلوی ام نظر مرا راجع به کتاب "خاورشناسی" ادوارد سعید2 جویا شد. میدانستم که او شش سال در هندوستان زندگی کرده تا کاری را که آبراهام آنکتیل د پرون3 فرانسوی، راسموس کریستین راسک4 دانمارکی، ویلیام جونز5 انگلیسی، ابراهیم پورداوود ایرانی و بسیاری دیگر آغاز کردند ادامه بدهد. آن روز برای اولین بار با او از تجربه ی خود در انقلاب ایران سخن گفتم.
اکنون می شود ثابت کرد که چرا دولت تنگه بلاغی را به آب بسته است، چرا می خواهد پاسارگاد را ويران کند،
آيت الله خامنه ای در ديداری از فارس و با اشاره به تخت جمشيد سخنانی گفته اند که دليل بسياری از وقايعی را که در طول چندين سال گذشته در ارتباط با ميراث های تاريخی و فرهنگي و طبيعی ما پيش آمده کاملاً روشن می کند. با سخنان ايشان اکنون ديگر به شکلی کاملاً مستند می شود گفت که دولت و حکومتی که زير نظر و تحت کنترل ايشان است نه از روی عدم مديريت، و نه از روی اشتباه و ندانم کاری، بلکه با برنامه ای حساب شده و به طور کاملاً عمدی به نابود سازی گذشته ی فرهنگي و تاريخی ما برخاسته است، چنان که به قول آقای بهشتی، يکی از مسئولين سابق سازمان ميراث فرهنگي، «در ده سال گذشته بيش از هزار سال تخريب انجام شده است».
The objection has always been in implementation methods applied by the Americans
Paul E. Erdman’s colossal #1 bestseller novel -- The Crash of 79 -- was published in 1976 while the recent fuel crisis was very fresh in Western memories. It was an exciting novel, translating complex world monetary and economical issues into simple language for every reader to understand. Using real life personalities, as well as current affairs of the time, it made its message convincing and even made the false portray depicted by the Western propaganda machinery of the Shah of Iran during the 1970’s, more plausible. Nevertheless this calamitous prophecy written three decades ago has never been more pertinent than today
Photo essay: Visiting home
Azam Nemati >>>
We arrived I was thrilled to hear the much familiar Abadani accent
It seemed like I had waited for eternity, but March 13 finally arrived. This would be my second trip to Iran in nearly 25 years. I spent the entire year working and cut off all my social and cultural activities because I was too busy. During 2007, I only attended two very small gatherings and two weddings and I was perfectly fine. Unlike last year, this year I had reasons, beyond my control, to be afraid of going to Iran. I am too old to change, have no fear and figured if I got held up, I would just deal with it
Photo essay: Celebrating Encyclopedia Iranica's 35th birthday
by Kayvan Izadmehr
بزرگداشت دانشنامه ایرانیکا در شمال کالیفرنیا
by Kayvan Izadmehr
سی و پنج سال پیش دولت وقت ایران بعد از یکسری جلسات و صحبتهای اولیه به دکتر احسان یارشاطر استاد آنزمان دانشگاه ماموریت داد تا تدوین و گردآوری دانشنامه کامل و مدونی را در باره ایران شروع کند. کار در ایران شروع شد وتا چهار سال بعد و تا زمان وقوع انقلاب در ایران کار با بودجه دولت ایران ادامه یافت . پس از انقلاب و با قطع شدن بودجه مربوطه مشکلات بزرگی در سرراه تهیه این دانشنامه قرار گرفت . سرانجام کار به بخش ایرانشناسی دانشگاه کلمبیا منتقل شد و بدون کمکهای مالی دو دولت (دولت آمریکا و ایران) و تنها با کمکهای سازمانهای غیرانتفاعی – موسسات پژوهشی و افراد خیر کار تا به امروز ادامه یافت. کاری بزرگ و در عین حال طاقت فرسا که اگر استقامت و پایمردی پرفسور یارشاطر نبود هیچگاه به انجام نمی رسید
"I am Jean-Paul Sartre and I am your waiter."
This is not going to happen again. I am not going to log on to any dating site as long as I live. After months of research, I finally met a seemingly nice person on line. I made sure to get to know all about her and her family. After over six months of day and night chatting, I knew what she liked and what she disliked. Which primary and secondary schools she attended and from which college she graduated. I knew what books she read and what movies she watched. I was sure I knew her like the back of my hand. So ten days ago I asked her if she would have dinner with me. Last night was our first date
با خودم گفتم عشق ورزی بیاموزم شاید چاره ساز باشد
شهریور شصت و شش از زندان آزاد شدم . سی و پنچ نفر تیرباران شدند . در کنار اسکله ی سنگی زیر باران قدم زدم . هوای تازه و نم نم باران مرا زنده کرد از هر چه میرایی . قدم زدم . صدای تیر خلاصی در ذهنم راه رفت .باران خیسم کرد .روی سنگ بزرگ ایستادم تا موج آب مرا با خود ببرد .مزه ی شور دریا ، شیرینی رها شدنم را حرام کرد . به سی و پنج تیر ، فکر کردم که فضای صبحگاه ، بارانی محوطه ی اعدام را پر کرد .هر گلوله قیمتی داشت .