I have never been this woman before you, before I found you
I need you to say you love me. I want your words to touch me again. Look, who knows maybe I will break into a thousand pieces soon. Perhaps morning tempers and letters burn, but I want my body to learn new words, a fistful of words as sweet and sour candy that happens to be in my mouth; words that stem from the heart and soul, making rich feathery sensation on the back of my neck; words that tantalize like the tip of your tongue finding its path to my lips. These are simple adventures that fill, pant, and pour the depth of my body where I let natural forces find fever at every beat, every beat that is as strong as my desires
Photo essay: On the road to Kalat Naderi
by Soroor Ghanimati
Repressing our primal tendency to stereotype
If I go around saying all Iranians are terrorists, I should not be surprised when Iranians respond by saying all Americans are backward, cultureless, ignorant rednecks. Stereotyping is a vicious cycle that feeds on itself. When the members of any two groups of people start seeing themselves as vastly different from one another it begins to impair their powers of perception, they gradually begin to see the other, through the blurring lens of intolerance, as inferior, and they fail to remember that we were all born with ten fingers and toes and that we all bleed red when we’re cut. Weren’t we all innocent at one point in our lives before we learned how to hate, for hating is surely a learned skill?
Provocation, freedom of speech, Islamisation and Fitna:
Okay, I like the Dutch as much as the next person, or actually I like them more than most people I know. I like their language, despite all the “ch” sounds (that is KH, a hard, laryngeal sound not dissimilar to one cleaning one’s throat), I like their country, and I like their penchant for the provocative and the controversial. Recently, I dragged my girlfriend through the streets of Amsterdam during a five hour stop-over in Schipol on my way from Athens to Los Angeles. She hated it, and it was cold, and all the stores were closed (we got there at 9am), but I loved it. I even want to live there, if possible, but apparently I will not be really welcome, looking at the way Mr. Wilders is warning his fellow Netherlanders. Why?
Photo essay: Child Foundation's Norooz bazaar in southern California
Peyman Raoofi >>>
گلچینی از اشعار فروغ فرخزاد به زبان انگلیسی
گرچه مترجمان بسیاری هم سعی داشته اند تا شعر فروغ را به زبان انگلیسی برگردانند و گاه ترجمه های غنی از ایشان خوانده ام اما بی شک شعله ولپی با حس شاعرانه و ممتاز خود یکی از زیباترین ترجمه های اشعار فروغ را در گلچین گناه برای خوانندگان به ارمغان آورده است. شعله با انتخاب و ترجمه این اشعار در عین حال به آگاه کردن مردم به وجود سانسور در ایران پرداخته است. بسیاری در جهان در مورد نقض حقوق بشر و استبداد حاکم بر ایران می دانند. با این وجود وظیفه هنرمند آن است که باز به افشای ستم بپردازد و توجه هر چه بیشتر جهانیان را به آن جلب کند. شعله با داشتن نامی آشنا در جامعه ادبی انگلیسی زبان به این مهم پرداخته است. وی در این تلاش یکی ازموفقترین ترجمه ها از شعر فروغ را ارائه داده است.
Photo essay: Southern California
Mohamad Navab >>>
Photo essay: Near Washington DC
ebi amirhosseini >>>
The last respectable home for the bigotted
A new film entitled Fitna, the Arabic word for ‘dissension’, by Geert Wilders, a rightwing Dutch parliamentarian, shouldn't be suppressed and should be made widely available for all to see. Not because it has anything valuable or insightful to offer in the debates and discussions surrounding Islam, modernity or the convulsions wracking much of the Middle East. Quite the contrary, it must be seen so that it can be openly criticized and shown up for the insipid propaganda video it is. To suppress the film in the name of political correctness has been a gross miscalculation, which has only gone to underscore the seductive mystery its creators have cleverly cultivated
از مهدكودك فرار كردي اومدي خانوم بلند كني؟ هوي هوي مواظب باش توي ديوار نري
با بلوغ همه چيز حتي بوي بدن آدم تغيير مي كند و تازه خيلي علامت ها ، اتفاق ها براي آدم معني دار تر مي شود و ديگر شنيدن خيلي از ديالوگ ها و برخوردهاي اجتماعي يا ديدن نگاه ها اشاره ها ، بي معني و عجيب نمي شود. بلوغ آدم را وارد لانه ي مورچه ها مي كند و مي گويد كه مدام بايد به دنبال شيريني رفت و به دستش آورد و شايد اگر شد براي بعدها ذخيره اش كرد. در عوض اعصاب آدم از چيزهاي جديدي خرد مي شود كه قبلا پشيزي ارزش نداشت. احساس هاي دوگانه اي در مقابل خيلي ها به آدم دست مي دهد. ناموس ، پرستيدني مي شود اما با دوست دختر خيلي چيزها را مي شود گفت و خيلي كارها را مي شود كرد.
Photo essay: First Annual Norooz Parade of Northern California
kfravon >>>
The unofficial users guide
With the switchover to a more bloggy style format, and the ease by which readers can comment on articles, I figure enough experimentation has gone by, to spend this piece defining a code of conduct that I think we can all agree on and hopefully abide by. It's probably not perfect, but it'll do, for me anyways. As I am sure you have by now seen, there are several problems. First, the sniper comments have exploded. These are those pointless, harm intending, vicious, often personal attacks on the site, by those tortured souls in our midst, who feel the inexorable urge to express what is obviously their own deep demonic torment. Except that they do it with comfortable glee
Photo essay: New York City's Persian parade
Alireza Tarighian >>>
I have a strong will to go beyond barriers to have a good relationship
I am a 23 year old Iranian blind boy looking for better relationship. I have always wanted to write about my life but I don't know how to start. I was just 13 years old when I approached a girl for the first time, a girl with soft voice and good sense of humor and every thing that can be desirable for a man. I asked her to go out but she refused. Her reason was her parent and police. I told her we are both blind, who can find out we are friends? At the end of the year she wrote me a letter and said "you are the best of the boys that a girl can reach. I wish you success and a good life."
Photo essay: Testing Volvos on snow
Nargess Shahmanesh-Banks >>>
I’m here to test cars on ice
“Darkness rises from the grave, seeming as limitless as the sky above us,” wrote Peter Hoeg of Greenland in ‘Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow’. Here too the dark sky sits very low. Sharing the same latitude as the novel’s setting, the Kiruna region is known as the last untouched wildness in Europe. I’m above the Arctic Circle in Swedish Lapland. The landscape is kilometer after kilometer after kilometer of fresh, unblemished snow, interrupted on occasion by charcoal-colored wiry tree branches.
Success story of some Iranians in United States
Ansary family have been very good friends with Bush Family since the time they moved to United States and resided in Texas in year 1979. The friendship is so close that at this point, Mr. Ansary is CEO of Bush family trust fund while continuing to maintain very close relationship. Mr. Ansary has also had many generous contributions to presidential campaign for George Bush sr., George Bush jr. and other Republican Party candidates for the House and Senate. In most of these investments, we can see some familiar names of American famous politicians as Mr. Ansary's partners. Mr. Ansary has a daughter, Nina, and a son, Nader, who both have been given extensive amount of wealth and investment by their good father!