The land of Ghool, Deev and Jens
If you spent even part of your childhood in Iran, you definitely remember the presence of ‘deevs’ and ‘ghools’ and other creatures such as ‘jens’
If you spent even part of your childhood in Iran, you definitely remember the presence of ‘deevs’ and ‘ghools’ and other creatures such as ‘jens’
Depuis 1979, date de leur prise de pouvoir en Iran, les autorités de la République Islamique, appliquent des mesures de répression contre les femmes qualifiées
اخيراً، در حين مطالعهء سخنرانی های انجام شده در «کنگرهء جبهه ملی ايران ـ شاخهء اروپا»، به سخنرانی بسيار جالب و معقولی برخوردم که بوسيلهء
Grrrrrrr!!!! Nothing frustrates me more than poor service in restaurants and hotels. Unnecessarily arrogant and condescending mannerisms that should, quite frankly, get thrown out with
From Poets and Pahlevans: A Journey Into the Heart of Iran by Marcello Di Cintio. The book chroicles the author’s travels throughout Iran in search
Mehdi Khalaji, an Iranian ‘expert’ at the Washington Institute for the Near East Policy (WINEP) has now officially filed a libel and defamation lawsuit against
«فکر میکنید بدن شما تحمل آتش سوزان انفجار یا داغی گلوله رو داره؟ به خون حسین قسم میخورم که پای شما به خارج از آمریکا
Our boys, Siavash and Kourosh, have just turned four. And they can tell you they are four years old all by themselves. In English, French
A week ago we attended a large family wedding in Toronto – the second trip to Canada this year for the boys. The first time,
According to reports by Etemaad Meli newspaper and other Iranian news agencies , Sina Paymard will no longer be executed. Sina Paymard who was sentenced
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Nov 4, 2007 ( — ICER is pleased to announce the success of the third annual Esurance ICER AIR event. Building on
In their first East Coast appearance, Kiosk performed in an intimate setting at Johnny D’s Uptown Restaurant & Music Club in Somerville, MA. The 2-day
Usually in the mornings when I wake up, I listen to CNBC or another financial TV channel as while getting ready for the day. Every
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
*فايل صوتی هر شب خواب آن ماهی را می بينم که در تنگه ی غرق شده می گردد و در دی. ان. ای ِ شرابی