
نهار روز ” شکر گزاری”

“به به سلام، چه عجب از این طرفها آقا! خیلی خوش آمدین. مگه اینکه دیگرون دست شمارو بزور بکشند و بیارنتون اینجا، خودتون که اصلاً

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Our Beloved “Iran”

May The Forces That Cause Separation Be Damned .. May People who Conspire To Create Havoc Be Abolished .. May All Spirits That Intend To

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My Brothers “Iranian”

Do Not Be “Deceived” By Such Nonsense .. You Are “First and Foremost” Iranian .. If You Are Baloochi, Kord, or Lor .. Bakhtiari, Ghashghayee,

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Brainstorm !!

  There are a few of us here in USA discussing how we can deal with extremists who believe in violance in and out of

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Peace like a river…

This morning began as they usually do, Aman leaping out of bed yelling because he might be late, Amir rolling over, smiling and saying “Thank

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Empty voyage

American foreign policy issues are debatable, not negotiable Five years ago Bush invented the “Coalition of the Willing” to wage war on Iraq; now he

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