
روزي كه مدرنگرا شدم

سالها از روزي هائي كه خوندن و نوشتن رو ياد گرفتم ميگذره.اون زمونا ريز علي , چوپان دروغگو , كوكب خانم ,  روباه و كلاغ

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Mes Aïeux

English translation previously submitted. This is a live version with the jamming session at the end.

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Food, Quality or Quantity?

Is there enough for everybody? What is the future of food? Water availability and its quality? The food sold at fast food chains. Naturally grown

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Root causes

Since Dr. Kazemzadeh has been kind enough to enumerate his objections to my article I will respond referring his system of parsing his objections to

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The True Story

We have seen an unprecedented but expected propaganda attack against Israel in recent days going over to pure anti-semitic hatred every once in a while.

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We have to do it

Ramzi Kysia is a writer and activist, and one of the organizers of the Free Gaza Movement. Prior to 9/11, he spent two years working

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The good fortune

Two months ago I had an opportunity to see Claus Strigel’s film MOON SUN FLOWER GAME at the Iranian Film Festival in Chicago. It was

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The Land of Living

The face of a man lying in the dust hidden from shying eyes Children remembering the moment of disaster dead or alive silent as innocence makes I

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The film Frost Nixon, based on the award-winning play, is being tipped to do well at the Oscars. Although a Hollywood Production the film is

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Bristol Palin Welcomes a Son

Bristol Palin, the 18-year-old daughter of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, gave birth on Saturday to a healthy 7 lb., 7 oz., baby boy

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The Holocaust In Our Time

 With the death toll in the Gaza Strip rapidly rising, Obama’s initial reaction of “no immediate comment” has become “no comment.” Some naive people try

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