
شعر چیست و شاعر کیست؟

اقای منوچهر عوض نیا گرامی ، وقت ان رسیده که از هنر شما قدردانی کنم و بگویم که؛ من یکی از طرفداران کارهای شما هستم

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Simple red dots

Like the weight of frost On a thin branch, Or, Simmering water in A Kettle on hot fire  –   A breaking point shall Break

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How Close Is Iran to a Bomb?

Iran now has enough low-enriched uranium to make one atomic bomb—at least theoretically. Independent analysts say that became clear after the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy

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The Future of the IAEA

Not everyone present at an open meeting of the UN Security Council this week was happy to hear our new UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, say

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Boy Meets Girl (I)

I was recently inspired by some nostalgic posts by Jahanshah, Monda, Majid, and Javad to review some memories of my youth.  I thought I would share

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نگاهی به درون

فصل اول – فصل دوم آشفته ام، در هم ریخته، و مثل کسی که پول زیادی را گم کرده باشد، مرتب سوراخ سُنبه های مغزم

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The ‘Fun’ Hoveida Years

After the royal land and social reforms, Iran quickly progressed in all aspects of material and social achievements, but politically remained a brutally repressive police-state.

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Happy Birthday, Dear JJ

Happy birthday, dearest JJ. I know the collage looks like a scene from the film “Being John Malcovitch” 🙂 But the idea was to

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Pigeon Point

Two weeks ago my pilot friend, Amir, and I flew over Half Moon Bay near San Francisco. I was able to take some photographs of

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دلم پرواز کرد دوباره   خورشید بجز غروب نداشت چاره   آسمان پر شد از ستاره   چکار میکنم اینجا من دیوانه   منطق سقط

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