Sound of Silence…
Hello darkness, my old ,Ive come to talk with you again,Because a softly creeping,Left its while I was sleeping,And the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin
Hello darkness, my old ,Ive come to talk with you again,Because a softly creeping,Left its while I was sleeping,And the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin
April 7, 1972 President Richard M. Nixon The White House Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. President: We take this moment to wish you great success
Recently Twitter has been rather obviously been pimping and shopping itself around the media. The tried and true technique used by all social networking sites
This crisis began with a television program, named al-Haqiqah [The Truth], which aired on Egypt’s Dream-2 channel on March 28th. A mob went to the homes of the
FROM: هنوز شاه سقوط نكرده بود كه خانههای “زال ممد” درخيابان جمشيد تهران سقوط كرد. در همان اولين روزهای سقوط نظام شاهنشاهی، شهرنو را
I’m was simply dumbfounded when I discovered this on Google Earth. First the ‘Arabian’ gulf nonsense and now this. It all seems part of an
دیگر نمیترسم از رسیدن روز نمیلرزم از داستان مرموز دیگر ندارم احتیاجی به سلام از منفوران فتنه دوز چرا اینهمه شباب و
Oakton, Va. – The new Israeli prime minister recently appeared to give President Obama a blunt ultimatum: Stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons – or
همسر حسين فاطمي در همايش ايرانيان مقيم خارج از كشور با اشاره به ديدار سال گذشته خود و فرزندش با احمدينژاد گفت: اين ديدار زندگي
To get a handle on what’s “really” going on in the world, look at the it as an onion and strat revealing the truth by
A portrait of the Royal couple of Iran in exile took by Crown Prince Reza. Cuernavaca, Southern Mexico. (1979-1980)
فکر می کنم در تاریخ معاصر ما واژه Fiascoکه از ایتالیایی وارد انگلیسی شده نقش مهمی دارد. در اوایل بامداد روز یکشنبه 25 مرداد سال
Top IRI criminal, Rafsanjani says IRI needs 40 million votes to “guarantee” its existance. وی با اشاره به بیانات رهبر انقلاب پیرامون انتخابات اظهار داشت:
Israel risks losing Arab support against Iran if it does not make progress on the Palestinian issue, says US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. “For
به درگاه الهی، رفتم دیروز، که بپرسم ای ایزد، من نمی دانم، کاین مذهب برگیرم، و یا انسانیت، که بپرسم ای خداوندا، رفیقی دارم، که
من و گوشه پارک و این نیمکت خالی تو و غریو شادی و بی خیالی من و خواب دیدن بر این گلیم کهنه خرامیدن تو
Dear Supreme Leader, Thanks for your kind offer. It is indeed an interesting proposition, however after careful consideration over the past 30 years, we must
He strained to hear, yes, a female voice, repeating “Djinni Djinn Djinn! Come through the howlin’ wind! Come to your purple kin!” It sounded like
حجتالاسلام حکیم افزود: تقریباً تمامی سران بهائیت در شهر چالوس دستگیر، بازداشت و تبعید شدهاند، ولی قانون دقیقی برای برخورد با بهائیت وجود ندارد. >>>
John Martyn – Don’t Want To Know …I just want to know about love
به گزارش سلام، منتسبین به دولت در یک اقدام تبلیغاتی دیگر صبح دیروز همزمان با سفر احمدی نژاد به اسلامشهر مبادرت به توزیع رایگان پرتقال
Self-portrait from prison by Delara Darabi, with red symbolizing her attempted suicide. “The paintings in front of you are not wordless images and colours, they are
In 1993, Bill Clinton joked, “Gosh, I miss the Cold War.” And, he explained, somberly: “We had an intellectually coherent thing. The American people knew