
What’s Up With Obama?

Obama’s statement just now was pretty weak: 1) he seemed to take the election-review process seriously, when it’s going to be a rubber stamp; 2)

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The die has been cast

It is really mind boggling to see some intelligent people talk in gloating or complacent tones about the travesty that has happened in Iran over

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Iran’s disputed elections

Supporters of reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, upset at their announced loss and suspicions of voter fraud, took to the streets both peacefully and, in

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Russia welcomed Ahmadinejad visit

Russia welcomed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Russia on Tuesday and said the disputed election was a domestic matter. “The Iranian elections are the internal

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گردش در برکلی

خبر رسید که در برکلی آقای عباس میلانی یه گفتگو داره در موردِ کتابِ اخیرش, نامدارانِ پارسی، بعد هم خبردار شدم که یک تضاهراتی در

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I only hope….

I only hope this is the beginning of a real fight for freedom… I only hope that the masses have been educated enough to know

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Iran’s Disputed Election

Tehran and other cities have seen the largest street protests and rioting since the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Supporters of reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, upset

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Iran on a Razor’s Edge

It’s one thing to steal an election, another to steal it with the effrontery and ruthlessness apparent here in recent days. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the

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حرف بزن   وقتی حقیقت ناچیز شده   بگو نمیخواهی   وقتی آینده تو خالی شده   خبر دوستان بگیر   وقتی دشمن خندان شده

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‫دعوت به مشاعره

‫داشت رهبر علی خان خرکی ‫خرک بی ادب و بی هنری؛ ‫اسم او بود محمود انتر جان ‫اهل ایران ز دستش به امان؛ ‫هر کجا

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Fighting motorcycle gangs!

I do not endorse violence but I think people need to spread information on how to defend themselves by neutralizing motorcycle gangs. One good way

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Bayanieh After today’s Massive Ralley

بیانیه‌ای که در راهپیمایی روز دوشنبه بین مردم پخش شد ١- خلع ید از خامنه‌ای بخاطر دارا نبودن شرط رهبر عادل ٢- خلع ید ازاحمدی

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Get Real!

Being neutral and an observer, considering the new student movement and demonstrations, it reminds me very much of the last student movement in Iran. I

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