New rules to end ‘blogger payola’
US regulators will for the first time crack down on bloggers who fail to disclose fees or freebies they get from companies for reviewing products.
US regulators will for the first time crack down on bloggers who fail to disclose fees or freebies they get from companies for reviewing products.
In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US
نمیدانم میدانی که قد خر نمیدانی حیف اون نون که جون به جونت کنند قد خر نمیدانی نمیدانم میدانی که فقط به درد لایه جرز
I have always been fascinated with this Jahanshah Javid character. I have always wanted to know what makes this creature, who—if you look really closely—kind
Conspiracy theories are pervasive and popular. A poll for the Scripps Howard media organisation in 2006 suggested 36% of Americans suspected government involvement or deliberate
Dr. Zadeh, who has just received the 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering, is an old friend and wonderful soul who for years sent
NEW YORK — The U.S., Britain and France staged a bravura performance of political theatre last week by claiming to have just “discovered” a secret
The crisis that has gripped Iranian politics since the disputed June presidential elections and the controversial victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad persists as the rifts in
یارب ار زاهد مکار نهد چهره به خاک نیک داند که کند خاک پلیدی را پاک دامن آلوده، تن آلوده، ردا آلوده این بود زاد
Moshe Yaalon, a government minister and former army chief of staff, has canceled a trip to Britain, fearing he could be arrested on war crimes
Tehran Bureau has an interesting article regarding a rumored deal between Rafshanjani and the Supreme Leader. However see the comment from Scott Lucas (Enduring America) following
I came back from a visit to Iran last night and I just saw that Amir Zamanifar has died. This picture was sent to me
The memoir of the Missing Moments (in Persian: گمگشته لحظه ها Gomgashteh Lahzehaa) is the product of a human connection, in which this author revisits
یک روز یکشنبه که هوا خوب است، برای آدمی که سال هاست تله ویزیون ندارد، و تماشا نمی کند، و حال و حوصله ی نشستن
Western negotiators say they won two important agreements. Iran will allow inspectors to visit the controversial new plant later this month. Tehran has also agreed
A Very Funny Clip produced by I think its the MKO tv but still a Very pertinent parody on the situation in the political
An Italian “Sword and Sandals” Epic starring Giuliano Gemma, who later gained fame in numerous Western Spaghettis. “Arrivano i titani” aka “The Titans” Directed by Duccio
the position in the Empress of UK in the sight of Baha’u’llah. this can be seen on page no. 239 of the book Majmu’ih Asar-i
Say anything, absolutely anything about the IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, which because of the nature of the beast will be negative, and as sure as
Qishm, the first geophysics park of Iran, holds many natural wonders. The Valley of Stars is located in Burkah Khalaf Village in Qishm Island. It
فرهنگ طرفداران حکومت اسلامی جايی نداريم اما آن ها در فرهنگ ما، همان جا و حقوقی را دارند که دارندگان همه مذاهب و باورها و
Greetings to All, You may find the following of interest: The World’s oldest known Artificial Eye >>>
I just woke up from one of the worst dreams I’ve had in a long time: I was a guest in an apartment in a
یه روز توی شهر قم مرکز بمب اتم نزدیکیای حرم اون حرم محترم حوالی چمکران اون پایگاه رهبران تویه مرکز فساد یه چند تا بمب افتاد