
State of love

The shutter opened to reveal the screen that spanned the entire ceiling in the observatory room. Kayhan Pesaran had invited Hafez 73 over to celebrate.

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Only 24 days to 22 Bahman

There are only 24 days left to the anniversary of the 2nd invasion of Arabs which happened in 1979. Please plan something for this day.

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‘دادستان خوی ترور شد’

منابع خبری در ایران از کشته شدن ولی الله حاج قلی زاده، دادستان شهر خوی در استان آذربایجان غربی خبر داده اند. موسوی، رئیس کل

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Perseus Rex

As I daydreamed in class I often wondered about the face hung over the blackboard above Ferdowsi’s famous rhyme on wisdom being power. But power

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Iran & Israel

While for all intents and purposes the sane world has given IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic a pass on openly meting out Islamist barbarity on

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