
A Few Good Men

Hedayat Matin-Daftari is the grandson of Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh. Dr. Matin-Daftari is the son of Ahmad Matin-Daftari who was Mosaddegh’s son-in-law (1896-1971). He studied law

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It would mean disaster

Jeffrey Goldberg has come away from his research convinced that the Obama administration is serious about Iran. But if the administration’s strategy fails to stall

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Learning from India

As Iran finds itself increasingly sanctioned and condemned by human rights groups, it should look to a forgotten source for an answer to its woes:

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جایِ مهین خانمْ خالی است

گرفتنِ اَخبارِ غم آلود در مورد ایران شده کار روزانه من،مشغول بستن بار سفر دیگری بودم که متوجه شدم که مهین خانم،خانم مهین شهابی درگذشت.

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The Superpower in drag

During the unveiling of their latest weapon, a Nazi Vengeance 1, V1, lookalike, which the show president of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic called “an

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Assimilation Days

We were talking about all the dreams we had back when we thought we were white. It was sad to think of them, but it

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حمله نیروهای نظامی و شبه نظامی نظام پر برکت به کوی دانشگاه را بیاد دارید، نه آنکه ده سال پیش بود و حداقل یک دانشجو،

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