
You will find these pictures only in Iran

تو هر کشوری، چیزهایی وجود داره که مخصوص همون کشوره!! مثلا هند تنها کشوریه که گاوها می‌تونند با خیال راحت وسط اتوبان بخوابند! یا تبت

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IRI ambassador’s wife in Paris

همسر سفیرایران در فرانسه : غده ای در سرِ ما زنان وجود دارد که اجازه قضاوت درست را از مامیگیرد / اینجا خانه من 12

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Yesterday October the 10th was the 8th annual World Day Against the Death Penalty. This year’s focus is on the USA which executed 52 people

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Islamic Car

As you might remember, in the past few years the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has made several advances in Islamization of the Iranian society,

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The Hate Mongers Among Us

ED Note: In this latest Criminal State Series — ‘The Hate Mongers Among Us,’ the author of Guilt By Association, Jeff Gates,  pretty much sums

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