iranian* idiot
Since the late 1990s, this website has championed itself with the motto “Nothing is sacred”. I’d like to put that to the test, by writing
Since the late 1990s, this website has championed itself with the motto “Nothing is sacred”. I’d like to put that to the test, by writing
Rare Footage of the 53rd Anniversary of the Imperial Iranian Airforce which coincided with the Pahlavi Dynasty’s 50th Jubilee Celebrations in 1977. Rare Footage of
آنچه فرزندانمان بايد بدانند : آیا میدانید : حذف بخش هخامنش از کتاب درسی تاریخ به تصویب رسید؟ آیا میدانید : فرزندان ما دیگر
Trick or Treat. Did I scared you. I love my self, why should I change it took my Basijiha 30 years of killing to get
150 سال است که قصد دارند احکام شرعي اسلام را از بین ببرند پاسخ به پرسش هایی که درباره احکام بهاییان
چرا ما بایست در تمام زندګی درد سر دین را داشته باشیم؟ متاسفانه بعد از انقلاب باشکوه اسلام به زعامت فقیه و دانشمند قرن و
This memoir from Dr. Wendy Coyle, an American who left for Iran at the age of 19 to live in Khorasan and roam the mountains
The IRI will eventually collapse. It’s inevitable. No dictatorship survives an educated, modern (mostly modern) society like Iran. But how do you think it will
Here are Sargord’s mid-term election endorsements for the great state of California: Governor: Jerry Brown After the 2009 election in Iran, an Iranian-American rally was
Is it possible to have a country that strives to achieve relatively advanced technical know-how, but whose society remains faithful to 7th century Arabia laws? It is. And
Russian Baha’i Census For Baha’is decimal places don’t count! Baha’i Faith transacts only in hundreds. Small currencies don’t exist. And now, this has been seen
This is the first time I’m using my 2 blogs per day quota! What can I say I’ve seen two good movies and thought to
As I was watching this film I noticed the name Vida Ghahremani as an actress in this movie. The named sounded familiar and I got
خاطره، خاطره، خاطره این خاطره لعنتی ناخنهای تیزش را فرو میکند توی پوستم، گوشتم، قلبم، روحم و روانم. دوست مهاجری می گفت: دلم تنگ می
در دسامبر 1970، الویس پریسلی خوانندة معروف، با پرزیدنت ریچارد نیکسون در کاخ سفید ملاقات کرد و به او گفت که علاوه بر اینکه طرفدار
اسناد محرمانهای که در طول یک هفته گذشته در اینترنت و رسانههای جهانی منتشر شده از بخش دیگری از فعالیتهای مخفیانه و پشت پرده جمهوری
Question: Whatever happened to the Islamist “green movement”? Would it be fair to say just like the eight years of charlatan Khatami, it masterfully first
There is a growing tide of opinion in the United States that religion and government should be intertwined. This view tends to be most widely
For three decades, the Islamic Republic of Iran has bedeviled the United States, resisting both incentives and disincentives and working all the while to foil
After delivering the excellent Ghost Writer this year, Roman Polanski has lined up his next film, Deadline reports. He will direct an adaptation of Yasmina
Lately i see lots of negative reactions about life and world on social media like facebook twitter etc… To all those people that
گم کردمش نشانی ش یک کوچه تا جوانی پیداش کن پرنده تا این نشانه باقی ست نور نگاه کورش بر بردگان بابل بعد از
آدم با چند تا اسم و عکس مجازی مدتها بطور مجازی صحبت و تبادل نظر و مشاعره و مشاجره و موافقت و مخالفت و قایم
Tough rules for the eurozone, aimed at averting another financial crisis, have been agreed at an EU leaders’ summit. The leaders agreed to a permanent
منوچهر منطقی، رئيس سازمان صنايع هوايی ايران از مذاکره با چند کشور برای ساخت هواپيماهای ۹۰ تا ۱۲۰ نفره خبر داد. منوچهر منطقی گفت ايران