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July 21, 2004Top

* Explain

Roger Howard,

Your article [Good cop, bad cop] has delicately supported the US and Israel's bad cop policy of war, killings, striking at independent nations and basically smoothing the way to inhuman policies of zionists, imperialists and their props. Here is an example: "... extensive overseas investments that many of the regime's leaders are known to hold in Western banks..."

Could you explain how did your unknown personality found this as a fact and not mere lies and gray propoganda? Why does Israel have several hundered nuclear heads and you assume that Iran is developing nuclear heads? Could you explain?

Why is US which is in possession of tens of thousands of nuclear warheads building new ones?

Did US not attack Iraq based on lies and the support of the propogandists like you? Does that not make you and the likes of you an accomplice to killing of tens of thousands?

Does Israel not kill its own Arab citizens -every day? Do you support this policy?

Did Lebanon not face terrorism when Israel and US occupied it? Why is Lebanon, dominated by Hezbullah, facing no terrorism today? Could you explain?

Did Iran not have complete democratic system in 1953 when your savage govenment took it down and from the words of Mr. Bazargan in the court (to savak) that this would be the last try of peacefull political disent before a radical one?

Was the occupation of US embassy by Iranian caused by the pervious actions, ploys and coups conducted by and from withing this embassy? Were the spy operations not proven?

Were there not 40 Indian people killed in their recent elections where in Iran no voilence reported?

Isn't the president of Iran a more popular president who was elected by 80% of its people while Mr. Bush is just a corrupted skull and bone zionist who works for the benefit of big corps and against the will of the many countries in the world?

Has the us not invaded and aided coups in more than 8 countries in just the past 7 years?

Who are the terrorist, killers and accoplices Mr. Howard?

So it is a fact that your gray prpoganda without any facts regarding terrorism, WMD and political violence?

I bet you would not even try to explain. I even doubt is a real Mr. Howard exists. Or is this just a rogue intelligence ghost writing just as many we see on the blogs?

Hess Aletaha


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July 21

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* Proof?
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Shirin Ebadi
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Sand & Fog
* Eastern fatalism
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* You have no idea

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Jamaran blog
* Good-bye
* Hadd o hodoud-e tanz
* Doroud
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Googoosh & Azam
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* She's human
* Most strange
* Bad role model?
* World according to Azam
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