آزادی بیان متعلق به گروه خاصی نیست

آزادی بیان حق همه است حتی آنانی که به نظر ما اشتباه ترین حرفها را به زبان میاورند


آزادی بیان متعلق به گروه خاصی نیست
by Ali_G

هرگز از مرگ نهراسیده ام اگرچه چهره اش از ابتذال شکننده تر بود
باری هراس من همه از مردن در سرزمینی ست
که مزد گور کن از آزادی آدمی افزون باشد

صحبت درخشان و خلجی یا هر شخص دیگر در میان نیست. بحث اینکه آیا من موافق خط فکری این یک یا خط مشی سیاسی آن یک هستم نیز نیست. مسئله بسیار اساسی تر از این حرفهاست که در بین نظرات شخصی ما نسبت به این یا آن گم شده است.

اکثر ما ایرانیها - و خیلیهای دیگر - خط قرمزها و حد نصابهایی برای آزادی قائل هستیم. این حتی شامل حال به اصطلاح لیبرالهایمان نیز میشود. تا اینجای قضیه هرچند جای بحث دارد اما حرفی نیست. مشکل از آنجایی شروع میشود که حد نصاب آزادی افراد را مطابق با افکار بسته و زنگ زده خود محک میزنیم.

از آن بدتر اگر طرف را متعلق به گروه یا خط فکری بدانیم که با آن - به حق یا ناحق - خصومت داریم برای آن مادر مرده هیچگونه حقی به عنوان آزادی بیان برخوردار نیستیم. من سالهاست که به صورت آماتور خواننده بعضی وبلاگهای فارسی زبان هستم. وبلاگ حسین درخشان را هم میخوانم

. نظر شخصی ام در مورد مطالبش این است که او علاقه مند به جنجال و معروفیت است ... دوست دارد مخالف جریان آب شنا کند ... بیشتر از سواد و معلوماتش گاهی حرف میزند ... بسیار دگماتیک فکر میکند ... گاها چیزهایی را میگوید که دیگران بنا به مقتضیاتی جرات بیانش را ندارند ... وخوشبختانه تعارف بازیهای ایرانی در مرور زمان در او کمرنگ و کمرنگتر میشود هرچند که بعضا از آن طرف بام به زمین میخورد.

من نمیدانم و به من ارتباطی هم ندارد که آیا آقای درخشان سرش با گروهی یا حزبی یا حکومتی در یک آخور هست یا خیر. آقای درخشان حتی اگر حقوق ماهیانه اش را از دولت ایران هم بگیرد باز هم باید آزاد باشد آنچه را که میخواهد بگوید.

خجالت آور است آقایان و خانمهایی که ادعای آزادی خواهی آنها گوش فلک را کر کرده و تریبونی هم در دنیای اینترنت در دست دارند یا به کل ساکت و بی تفاوتند - مثل آقای نبوی - یا بدتر چون درخشان را جاسوس یا سرسپرده حکومت میدانند او را مستوجب چنین مسئله ای میدانند.

زمان آن است که بدون در نظر گرفتن اینکه درباره حسین درخشان و تفکر او - یا هر شخص دیگر - چه میپنداریم اینقدر درایت و شجاعت داشته باشیم که بگوییم آزادی بیان حق همه است حتی آنانی که به نظر ما اشتباه ترین حرفها را به زبان میاورند. متاسفانه ما ایرانیها راه خیلی درازی برای رسیدن به درک و احترام واقعی به آزادی بیان پیش رو داریم. به امید نزدیکتر شدن به آن روز.


ardeshir keivan

Whoever believes in freedom of speech should have it.

by ardeshir keivan on

I believe whoever believes in freedom of speech should have it.

this is very simple. If the majority of a society like to have a theocrasy in the sake of democrasy you don't let them have it. That's why secholarism comes first , religious beliefs come after.

Germany is a free country but nobody is allowed to advertise Adolf Hitler and it does not damage the democrasy and freedom of speech because if Hitler's supporters get the power the first thing they will attack on is freedom of speech and they will nip it in the bud!

People who fliter all the websites should not be privilaged to have freedom of speech through the internet. This is hypocrasy.


Your answer again....

by jamshid on


You can't pick and choose!

by Ali_G on

There is a huge difference in the way we interoperate and understand freedom of speech. Let’s start from the most fundamental issue here … You either believe in freedom of speech or not. If you don’t then there is not much to discuss. Or maybe you only believe in your kind of freedom. Freedom for people who think close enough to what YOU feel is worthy of expressing. Let’s call this the modified freedom of speech. Again, in that case there is not much to discuss. But it seems like, at least in theory, you believe in existence of such a concept that people should have the freedom to express themselves.

If I understand it correctly you guys do not think that people who believe or support what YOU think is wrong or evil (in this case the present regime in Iran) should have the freedom to express themselves. Hopefully so far we are all on the same page.

I think this is in contrast with what freedom of speech truly represents, for multiple reasons.

First of all you can never truly convince your opposition that what you think is right and what they believe in is rotten and evil. Pure and simple it doesn’t happen. So although you and many others may think that the current Iranian government is such a criminal regime that they and their supporters don’t deserve the chance to have the freedom to express themselves, they are others that think differently. Indeed, they are as confident and passionate about their beliefs as you are. Don’t believe me, start a debate with a diehard baseeji, hezbollahi, or for that matter Hossein Derakhshan! You can continue until you are blue in the face and neither one is going to convince the other side. So who’s right here??? Again, don’t get caught up in the details here, look at the big picture.

Now we get to the second point … believing that people who are evil, dangerous, oppressor, etc. in our minds, don’t have the freedom to express themselves, starts a very dangerous trend with significantly negative consequences. If you give yourself the right to deny someone their freedom of expression because you feel that what they stand for is totally wrong and unacceptable (or evil if you wish), then who can prevent the opposite side from doing the same to you. What happens here is that “IRI” doesn’t think that “saltanat talab” deserves to have the freedom to talk, “mojahed” doesn’t want “IRI” to be able to have the freedom to speak, and the list goes on. So no matter who’s in power the basic concept does not change … only the people who have the freedom to talk and the ones whom can’t, switch their places. Unfortunately this seems to be the major problem with us and our country.

Last but not least, the real beauty and strength of freedom of expression is to let everyone with any ideology express themselves. There should be virtually no limitations, that can be imposed by a certain person or group on others. Otherwise, even the most dictator regimes don’t have any problem with their supporters to freely and loudly express themselves. The concept of freedom of expression is much more important than what we like or dislike. It is about what is fair and right. Just because a regime doesn’t allow it’s opponent to express themselves freely, does not give us the right to do the same with their supporters. That’s of course, if we are true believers in freedom of expression and don’t want to sink to their standards.

One sentence sums up all that I’ve said: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." This is what freedom of speech really stands for. Even murderers and rednecks of any sort deserve this right!


Hoder is an Iranian Redneck

by jigsaw on

Hoder beside endorsing and promoting the most barberic regime who has committed unspeakable crimes against its own citizens and humanity and whose foreign and domestic policies will bankrupt and deplete  Iran's natural resources  and leave the future generation of Iranians destitute, the man is  not interesting, by any stretch of the imagination. He is a Howard Stern of the blogsphere, a clown, an Iranian redneck, and an opportunist auctioning his services and himself to the highest bidder. In deciding whether he should be allowed to spread his propaganda to  the Iranian population inside Iran, one should measure how much damage his propaganda is causing inside Iran as far as helping the criminal reichwing cult to continue to loot, murder, and cause other intangible (e.g., in terms of opportunity cost: economic and social)harms to the nation and the Iranians.

ardeshir keivan


by ardeshir keivan on

When Khomeini is a hero for a person it means freedom of speech is not recognized by that person however who will use it as an excuse to play as an oppressed person.

Since even in a free country nobody is allowed to advertise racism, hate, Nazism... people who are in love with the murdere of the century ( Rohollah) should not be allowed to walk on our brain.

Please in the name of freedom of speech don't sacrifice it.



by jamshid on

Hajiagha, how is it possible for one to dislike you when you are such a funny ignorant imbecile?



Freedom of speech for murderers?

by jamshid on

Sorry Ali_G, but I can't agree with you. Derakhshan promotes IRI and IRI tortures, murders, rapes, and steals from Iranians. IRI and its lackeys like Derakhshan lost the privilege of freedom of speech long ago when it began committing the most barbaric crimes against its own people,





by Ali_G on

For the most part your comments are not relevant to this post. Maybe we can discuss them at another time and another place.


and why we have censorship in Canada

by hajiagha on

%99.99 of every things in Canada belong to the white Canadian such as news paper, TV and government and ....and please b....do not complain over Iran, Iranian government support news paper by pay to them I was working as members of the editorials, they pay me to I complain or draw nasty cartoons about them....you should know and others....in Canada in past then years I never had any chance to display my art works or publish my cartoons or any letter on news paper......we can not and we don't have right as immigrant to companies or any kind right here....Canada became one of the best democratic country choice by U.N .....please stop talking avre Iran you know and I know they are not bad as this white guys....I have problems with only car insurance we have in BC Canada and I talk to members of parliament and writr to news paper and call to TV no one care what we want why I don't have right to insurence my car with others company...why only one company sale car insurance in BC ...when gay are having right to get marride here.....