Citizen of the world

Citizen of the world
by Sasan Seifikar

I am a citizen of the world

Yet, I don’t have a passport

Issued by a world government

I have regard for all people

Not only my kinsmen and compatriots

I acknowledge the humanity of all

Without regard to their religion, culture or nationality

I see my fellow human beings

As the inhabitants of a large city

In which different cultures live and meet

I scorn nationalism

I am wary of patriotism

I am suspicious of particular loyalties

My allegiances and loyalties are widely dispersed

You won’t see me raising the flag of any particular nation

I favor multiple attachments and cultural mélange

I take an interest in strangers

In their practices and beliefs

There is much to learn from our differences

Differences do not worry or frighten me away

They intrigue and draw me in

I love traveling and foreign cultures

I love world literature, music and cinema

I live in a world without borders

I lead a cosmopolitan life

I find my inspirations

In a cosmopolitan world


-Rotterdam, Netherlands


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Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Very nice.............

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on


Solh va Doosti




A Deep Coma

by Sabzi-polo (not verified) on

I read this poem 5 days ago and it put me in a deep coma from which I have just woken up. I am from a small village and we don't like strangers and chase them out. We don't want their foreign ideas. We don’t even like the people from the village across the valley. We stick to our own and only look out for our own.

Sasan, if you are a poet, then I am the king of France. Don’t quit your day job at the fish market yet. Will you put aside a bag of fish-heads for me on Thursday; I will be by in the afternoon to pick it up.

Thank you


Are you a TCK?

by ghermez on

Are you a TCK?


I have tears running down my face!!!

by Parthian on

Poetic skills ----->F

Conent-------> F (the subject done to death, lack of originality, Rumi did this about 550 years ago)

An empty rhetoric that makes the author feel good, makes him feel superior, and of course part of the upper echelon of humanity.

 Most importantly

Practical applicability------> Big, huge FFFFF, no one believes this kind of rhetoric, and I very much doubt that the author lives by what he has written. Case and point is the fact that you believe in the things you have written, therefore, you are displaying certain "loyalties" to those beliefs....