Foul language

We definitely DO NOT like seeing our work turned into a toilet-paper by commentators


Foul language
by Ben Madadi

This is supposed to be a blog entry, but I'm passing it as an article.

Jahanshah, my man, why don't you make a change to this new system of yours???? Come on man! I do not have the time to go and set up a website and compete with you. Please! Just do it for my pocket's sake! I am not poor, but I definitely hate losing money, and I know I am going to lose money at least for a couple of years if I start to set up a blog-site for Iranians who are suckers enough to write for free after having thought something through for hours, or even days!

Come on man, for the sake of my money! And even after two years of losing money I am only going to have ice-cream-cash profit after having paid a couple of guys. There aren't so many Iranians out there anyway who can read English, or who actually READ something. I am pretty sure there are too many Iranians watching porn on the Internet... that is where the real money lies (I am not doing that, just for the record).

So, Jahanshah, you like money less than I do, but I like to write once in a while, please man, do something about this new system of yours. It sucks. Now, seriously speaking, just take my suggestion into consideration! I am a hard-working ambitious guy, but what I really really hate is to see my work being pissed upon by idiots. That I dislike, and I am not a masochist to go and do something I dislike. And that is why I have started to dislike writing for the website.

But there is some attachment to the Iranian community and you have done a good thing by giving us the possibility to keep that. So, listen to us, the dissatisfied contributors!
I can come up with all sorts of bullshit (did I ever use this word before? I doubt... it is nothing compared to what you will see in the comments-section just below) like saying that Iranians need my "rant" (quoting from previous comments), I write to do good to the Iranian community, I am going to come after you, I am going to kill myself etc.

But the matter of fact is, and it is a simple matter of fact, that I (and many others like me) LIKE writing, but we definitely DO NOT like seeing our work turned into a toilet-paper by commentators, some of whom either use foul language while others talk about completely irrelevant things just below our articles. That bothers me, and other contributors.

However there is also a positive side-effect to the simple fact that some people like me like writing. That positive side-effect is that the small number of Iranians who actually read something can see some glimmer of uncensored IRANIAN stuff, maybe quality stuff, go and talk about them with their friends and family, and maybe, just maybe, the Iranian community (and the country) becomes somewhat a more open-minded, more evolved and prosperous place before we all die.

My suggestion is to give the contributors more power, to accept or reject some, or all, comments. You know what I dislike most? It is not the comments with the foul language but what I can call SPAM COMMENT. Comments that come from people who have nothing to say, who argue about nothing, who are sometimes non-Iranian (completely out of touch with the area we come from), and I need to say this again, it is NOT about the things that are addressed at the authors that bother the authors (or I am guessing) but more about seeing your work turned into a piece of trash by some people.

People have something to say about my (or other peoples') articles, okay, fine, I am a liberal, I endear freedom of expression so much, but they can always write their own articles in which they can argue about their cause. Nothing wrong with that! What is wrong with giving the author the possibility to accept, or reject, comments?
I know how you feel, and how you see things Jahanshah, and I have seen websites that also have comments-section. That is great. But virtual newspapers that have comments enabled usually let only some comments through, ones that are relevant to the subject, and that do not contain foul language.

I have simply lost the inspiration, or desire, to write, because it is not a pleasure now. Maybe it will all settle but I think some technical adjustment to give the authors more power would not only increase the quality of the pages, but would also give the people more incentive to participate more intellectually. Quality work will always be quality work, and junk-yard will always be a junk-yard, and I think there are SO many Iranians who would gladly write their stuff for the Iranian community using their real names, therefore giving more value to the work, but I am also sure they deserve to have their work respected, and also their integrity untouched. It is not a big deal, and it is about respecting the person, the person that has not usually known respect in Iran or outside Iran, neither from authorities nor from others.


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Rosie T.

PS Concerned Citizens

by Rosie T. on

I humbly apologize that some of you might find my last post too long. Unfortunately I don't believe it's legal yet to delete on the basis of length (within reason, of course). But you'll be pleased to know that you don't have to read it, as some are saying that I make no sense. Personally. I don't understand why making no sense is nonsensical. But on the other hand I do. Dear concerned citizens, rest easy in the knowledge that whether you read it or notI it will eventually enlighten you.

(And shortly thereafter go back to feeling as ignorant as a stone. This has happened many times to me).6


Rosie Talking Twaddle (don't flag me, it's not a curse).

Rosie T.

Sasha/Slasher Re: Burqa cc. Kaveh/Jamshid

by Rosie T. on

I am happy that you will wear no burqa because it is a serious health hazard, being one of the major causes of death of women in Afghanistan due to being implicated in loss of peripheral vision thus subject to fatal accidents. Additionally it is a major cause of osteoporosis due to preventing the vitamin D which is made directly from SOLAR ENERGY and is necessary to metabolize the calcium in our bones. Calcium is the most plentiful mineral in the human body and forms the hardest aspect of our physical identity. It could be thought of as our "diamond", so to speak. Howevver in order to be utilized it requires activation directly from the Sun, through thesupply of Vitamin D. The Sun of course is pure Energy, it is intangible and can be thought of thus as our Spirit or Soul. This process of balancing the soft and hard in order for Becoming to become Being could be thought of as analogous to the concept of yin/yang of the Daoists, or Relative/Absolute of the Buddhists. However, through an unfortunate paradox in the course of our human evolution although the bones are the hardest and therefore yang, the Sun which makes love to them, so to say, is also considered Male. Therefore, in scrutinizing the cultural history of Eurasian civilization, from the perspective of the BODY ITSELF, that is, of real human experience, that there must have been a mistake made and the Sun must actually be Female, for otherwise how could She make love to the yang bones. Actually what I've just said is complete total bullshit (please don't flag me) and at the same time completely true, but these paradoxes are so ineffable it takes hours to put them into words and I don't have the time to do so right now. Words are such poor vehicles of Truth, that's why the best thing is to dispose them into the Main Stream of the Collective Consciousness/Unconscious as we are doing now and allow the Truth to emerge on its own. Oh and also I didn't have the time to factcheck the stuff about calcium metabolism so it may well be totally wrong. So please no one bother to tell me I'm a pretentious a-hole (don'tflag me) because I know perfectly well I'm a pretentious a-hole. I know me as well as you know me and well as I know you, that is, both perfectly and imperfectly. Words words words the Truth shall set us free. I hope someone is getting my point. Anyway, back to the burqa, my dearest little Slasher, although I do not claim to have as great a medical knowledge of female health issues as the gtreat feminist thinker and barefoot doctor in the Chinese tradition and possibly midwife too, I refer of course to Kaveh Nouraeh, I can tell you one thing, the burqa's a bad deal. Yesterday was All Hallow's Eve, the Day of the Dead ended already at sundown so it probably wouldn't be a good idea for you to wear the burqa since it's too late to get killed on the Official Day of the Dead while wearing your Hallowe'en costume. I don't know where you live but I know it's Amrikaa, so it's too late to wear the burqa BUT:

if perchance you are in HAWAII you might consider trying it just for laughs. I'm not really sure, this is a serious issue, better consult with Dr. Nouraee.  (S)he knows better than I.hope I've answered all your questions even though you asked me none because you know sometimes I can be a little domineering, and that is why I get on so well with Colonel Hemayat. It is possible but not provable that Rosie T. is actually a man. By the way have you seen the Colonel lately. I miss him. I hope he comes back soon. I hope I've made things perfectly clear.

Roshanfekr namikonam

Rosie Testosterone This is just a Test I mean Tease I mean TESTES.Jamshid what on earth do you mean you sometimes can't make sense of me? And why do you think that nonsense is not sense?


Jamshid: Actually yes...............

by Sasha on

 Actually yes, in the old testament. Why did you want me to find them for you?. It has been awhile but I guess I could look them up for you. God had certain rules for war  that they had to follow. Sometimes they were not allowed to benefit from their conquest and were ordered by God to kill every man, woman and child of a certain tribe. Look it was not pretty in those times. It was a time of survival just like in the times when the Qur'an was given to Muhammad (pbuh).  Like I said you have to put everything into context. Remember no religion is without the sheding of blood.

Natalia (real name)


Jamshid: What title should the blog have..........Hmmmmmmmmmm

by Sasha on

 I can start a blog but what should the title be. How does a "Woman's Journey to Islam" sound?

Natalia (real name)


Re: Natalia

by jamshid on

I am not sure if I'll have time for that because I want to make it right. There are many issues about Islam I'd like to dicuss, mostly with die hard moslems. I want to know what they think about these issues.


Unfortunately they always turn the dicussion to personal attacks and sometimes life threats. I know there must be some true moslems out there that are willing to discuss things rather than throwing a knee jerk. One of those who was willing is Ayatollah Montazeri. He is still a mullah and therefore has forfeited his right to life, but he was at least willing to dicuss things none-violently. He is currently in house arrest.


I'll see if I can write a blog. Maybe you can get it started and I'll join in with a long list of problems with Islam.


Re: Natalia

by jamshid on

Are there any verses in the bible in which God specificially permits Christians to enslave women of defeated tribes? The god of Quran does.




Jamshid: How about..................

by Sasha on

 How about you create a blog and we move this discussion of the journey to Islam there? Let me know?

Natalia (real name)


To: Jamshid, Re: Origin of Name

by Vahraz Yazdanmehr (not verified) on

Vahraz is an ancient Persian name. He was a general in the Achamenid army. My parents (like me) are big Persian history buffs!


Jamshid: Look up Christianity

by Sasha on


Look up in the Bible how  when conquering a nation the men would take the enslaved women as theirs. You don't even have to go that far. Just look at the news articles of the Christian soliders in Iraq or Japan and how they have not only raped and pillaged the land but also the women.

I know you mean well but you need to put things into context. It is certain countries that allow such things to happen to women. Before the current government in Iran women had more rights and still they had Islam.

Natalia (real name)


Re: Vahraz

by jamshid on

I have read a few of Rosie's comments. Sometimes she makes a lot of sense, but other times you can't even understand her sentences. But overall she does well.

P.S. What does "Vahraz" mean? I know what your last name means, but what about the first name?


Re: Natalia...

by jamshid on

Take your time Natalia. Meanwhile I honestly hope your family doesn't become the victim of Moslem all-out war victory. That is for your sake and all other "females" in your family.


In a hypothetical war in which moslems conquer your country, by the command of Allah, they have the RIGHT, in fact they are ENTITLED, to enslave and take YOU, a female member of the defeated nation, as "war-prize" and do with you as they wish.


It is in Quran. Sooreh "alahzab", Ayeh 45 to 60. Somewhere in one of those Ayehs. Go read it, then go and thank god that moslems are not the superpower of the world.... Thank god many many times....



Right On Jamshid -- Rosie Is On (NOT onto) Something!!

by Vahraz Yazdanmehr (not verified) on

Amen Jamshid…It appears that this “Rosie T. Robin Jayne Goldsmith?!!!!!” (what the….?!!!!) has dug into her premium Afghan premium stash!!! While this is way off the subject of discussion, I do want to ask this obviously delusional (also heavily sedated?) individual to live my religion alone. Zoroastrianism is neither a fad nor a religion du jur for those who want to assert their Iranianism. As those who know something about Persian history can probably tell by my last name, I was born a Zoroastrian, and all of my ancestors were also Zoroastrians. Therefore, I take great offense to some obviously mentally disturbed individual calling my religion a “political tool”. Before you start spewing gibberish about Zartoshts, pick up Avesta and read a little about our religion. The last thing that Zoroaster wanted was political influence. In fact, he refused repeated requests, demands and threats by his contemporary Iranian ruler (it’s late at night and I have forgotten the ruler’s name) to join, or even attend, his court. He even refused to accept the king’s lavish gifts that the king was offering Zoroaster in exchange for him coming to the royal court to teach the king about Zoroastrianism.

“Assassin Sassainds”?!!! You uneducated fool! The Sassanids did more to create Iran’s social infrastructure and sense of identity and unity than any other period in Iran’s history. If it wasn’t for the legacy of the Sassanid dynasty and the identity that they bestowed upon the Iranian society, you would be speaking Arabic now.

Lastly, there is no such thing as “Mazdaist”. Followers of Zoroaster (which you are obviously not) are called Mazdasyn!


Rosie: You are funny but right :o)

by Sasha on

Rosie I have no intentions of wearing a Burqa. Heaven forbid.  Funny though, you should mention pure as snow, some people after seeing me or a picture of me have called me snow white.

Okay people back to reality now. Let us get back to what Ben was talking about and forget about my religious plans. I would go back and delete my comment but then people would think some of your comments are crazy so to spare you, I will leave it there.

Natalia(real name)


Jamshid and Anonymous327: No thanks! :o)

by Sasha on

Thanks but no thanks. I am almost 40 years old and I can think for myself. There are many qualities of the original Islam that I like. By the way Muslims believe in the same God that Christians and Jews do. I have been studying on Islam on my own for a long time now. My decision is not made lightly. I do not require reprogramming. You do not see me telling others what  religion to believe in.

FYI I was born into a Christian family, which at the time was Catholic but in time for whatever reasons my mother changed the type of Christians we were. My religion was given to me and not chosen by me.

I was just stunned by the video I watched. As much as some people would like to blame Islam for it, I  realize that it is the men in charge that twisted Islam for their own benefits. They have done the same with Christianity. I could give you plenty of examples on it but I doubt it would matter to you. Frankly, you can believe what you want anyway. I respect you and your beliefs, whatever they maybe. See the difference. :o)


My major concern is my family, there has never been a Muslim in the family. I am sure they will react the same way you did:

Are you kidding me? You wanted to convert to ISLAM???? Of all the religions, why Islam???

I am so not looking forward to it. It is why I have taken so long to convert. Did I metion I have two military people in the family? Oh yeah, someone is going to tear me to shreds.  I might  have to stand there and take it or do I.

You know I am tired of using my nickname Natasha. Okay people here it is, brace yourselves my real name is Natalia. Before you curse it out, remember it was given to me in honor of my two now deceased grandmothers. Rosie T. do you think the sympathy tactics will work on having my real named spared any toxic language. Hmmmmmmmmm.........remains to be seen.

Rosie T. is right and we have evidence of men's behavior when they thought Sasha was a man and when I informed them I was a woman. The change in comments was drastic. Feel free to patronize me as I am used to it. :o) Ha! Ha!

Natalia (real name)


Rosie, for the love of god...

by jamshid on

Make some sense! Mollana? Smash her to bits? Patronize? Zeitgiest? Wake up? Who cares? News?


What in the world are you talking about??? Or are you talking to yourself? Then why address me?


Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on




Sasha, don't convert to Mohammadism

by Anonymous327 (not verified) on


Before you convert to Islam, I recommend strongly you check out ( for some little known facts about Mohammadism. Spread the word on this great site, save a soul.

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

Sasha Slasher Our Sweet Little Mexican Jumping Bean doesn't need you to lecture her on Islam. She can go read Molanaa anytime she wants. If she were a guy you'd smash her to bits within the confines of this new "civilized" forum but she's a GIRL so you patronize her instead.

Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong about this and sorry if I'm wrong but who cares anyway I repeat myself it's not about what any individual says but about the ZEITGEIST coming out into the electronic COLLECTIVE MIND. 

Kisses, Rosie Takhteh Jamshid

Yeah, I'm a Mazdaist. So what? And i REFUSE to call myself a Zoroastrian, which was a tool of political coersion by the Assassin Sassanids, same as Mullahs, who cares so what? Nobody's religion is anybody's business, I like Zoroastrians anyway, and least of all is religion the business atheists which I am too because God to me is e=mc squared. Cosmic Mind. Don't believe me, baby, you're in it right now. Check it out. Wake up. Haven't heard the news?

Rosie T.

Sasha Yeah LOTS of Missing Comments

by Rosie T. on

I saw but I thought maybe I was just imagining things because the deletion was just so silly.  . Some guy Mr. Y says under Ali Mostafi  it's so dangerous for these BIG BAD Monarchists to be obsessed with SHAH PARAST, Shah is to Iran what Hitler is to Jews and we must never EVER let it go! And I said basically hey I'm a Jew and I let Hitler go. I have other fish to fry, like W. Bush. But also that as a Jew I found his comparing Shah to Hitler rather offensive, but then again maybe not because it was just so silly, like comparing a bonzai to a sequoia tree. And I asked him why he was so obsessed with people obsessed with the Shah.

And then this lady I don't even know in the I'cafe  tells me this amazing news so I stick in in in all caps  at the end NEWSBREAK NEWSBREAK PILOT WHO DROPPED BOMB ON HIROSHIMA AND NAMED HIS PLANE AFTER HIS MOTHER AND WAS PROUD OF WHAT HE DID TIL THE DAY HE DIED JUST DIED. TODAY.. GONE DEAD DONE. BYE BYE POOR PILOT. SHAH IS HITLERI DON'T THINK SO....or something like that...and I signed off Rosie Tokyo Rose...........

and then the whole thing was gone....vanished...poof! JJ, I HOPE you are you trying to teach us a lesson in censorship --although I don't need --I'm for voluntary moderation is a good compromise--because otherwise this too... weird.   Tozihol Massael Explanation of Problems please.

Rosie Tozi-Hole

Please RSVP


Shaming the mob into

by Javad Bakhtiari (not verified) on

Shaming the mob into submission won't work. Not if they won't take responsibility by having a real identity.

What are you people afraid of? Why not just use your real names?


Re: Sasha

by jamshid on

Are you kidding me? You wanted to convert to ISLAM???? Of all the religions, why Islam???


Sorry I just don't get it, that's all.


Lady, you'd better have a nice discussion with me on Islam and I'll UN-convert you "quickly" and "permanently", and I won't charge you for saving your soul either.



This site is sizzling Ben eat your heart out

by Shamirzadi (not verified) on

Ben instead of of asking for power to accept or reject our comments why don't just bring your hanging man and a nose than simply hang us, since that is exactly you would do if you were in power like the late shah and Khomeini or the people running our country in Iran now. another writer also threatened to leave this site you know like my Grandma used to say "rah bazo jade deraz" or as my wise friend say "if you can't take the heat get out of kitchen". This dose not mean that I don't appreciate what you have been contributing. Mr. kadviar has also been one of the best contributor and when he wrote about the late shah there were so many foul languages and such a vulgarity that made me shame as a Persian but did he come here and threatening the webmaster he will leave if he does not have a power to censor readers comments? No he just ignored them. this site is going to be hotter place to come and visit, before it was just like a small cafe that a few writers would gather drink tea and think they are better than average Joe and keep their club to themselves now the club is open and yes even I that don't have the writing talent like you do to be a writer can come here and leave a comment. You should not be afraid of criticism, but than you simply showing one of your true Persian trait that is intolerable personality, hence all the dictator we have had in our Persian history. So Ben take a chill pill relax read the comments laugh at the ahmagha and enjoy others that they actually take their sweet time and not only read your writing but care enough to leave a comment, so please keep contributing to this site because this is where you want to be its sizzling here.


His highness Ben-ness

by A nonymous (not verified) on

His highness Ben-ness sayeth: "Don't do as I do, but do as I say so" (and he tries to hide behind his cover of "freedom for all", but not for Iranians or people of Iranian origin, they should listen shut up and listen to him).


Bem Madadi

by Sohrab_Ferdows on

In my opinion the new features of are very nice and useful. The reason that anyone writes an article or blog is that they want others to read it and the best way to find out if they read it is through their feedback and comments.


The point is, blogging and writing articles is not for yourself or for those who are in complete agreement with you otherwise, what is the point of publishing them? you want to publish your article because you beleive to have something important to say to others in order to educate them about an issue or a subject. If the issue relates to whole society then all members of society have the right to express themselves on what they think about your views on the issue. These views are not always pleasant but this is how some people communicate for lack of better understanding or capability of communication. One of the major issues with a big portion of Iranian society is their misconceptions about communication and dialogue. That's why some people resort to foul laguage instead of debating the issue.


Achieving democracy requires freedom of expression and freedom of expression requires tolerance. It is obvious that we will always have people who abuse certain rights but unfortunately, that is the price of democracy which can be brought under control with more education and implementing certain rules (in this case "flag as offensive" is a good rule). Other nations have been practicing it the same way because there is no perfect way as well as no perfect society anywhere.


As last point I have to add, bad and irrelevant comments will not reduce value of your writings. you need to trust the intelligence of your audience in general without taking irrelevant and abusive comments personally.




I just saw...............

by Sasha on

I just saw the documentary    Prostitution Behind the veil. Somehow all this bickering doesn't seem to matter much anymore. I ......I am stunned. I finally understand why my Iranian friend is ready to have an arranged marriage to a man she doesn't love to leave Iran and be able to live in a Democratic country. I finally understand all this Mullah talk,  all this anguish and hate toward Islam. I was getting ready to convert to Islam this year but now I am not so sure anymore....................................I just don't know anymore.



You have got a nerve

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Well Ben I have got to hand it to you, you certainly have got a nerve
Just two articles ago you made a mockery of Cyrus the Great who defines the identity and pride of all true Iranians and expected us to swallow our pride and accept your bigotry.

So you have no problem with mucking us. but we are not allowed to return the favour. Is this a double standard or what?????????.

Respect my friend, is a two way street


Hey! Rosie T. Bienvenida to the verified account family. :o)

by Sasha on

Girl you have had so many pseudonyms. I do like the logo you selected. My logo is from a village in France.  A friend of mine sent me the photo some time ago.

IF you ever want to email me access my contact and then I can email you that way. I want to make sure that psycho you mentioned does not get my email address.

To everyone else reading this. Yes, I know this has nothing to do with the subject matter being discussed here. How else am I to communicate with my friend.



Yes! I have

by Sasha on

Yes! I have flagged some comments. Any comment that drags the author's mother and sisters with disgusting, derogatory and sexually explicit language will be flagged by me. So there I admitted it. So if whoever doesn't like it and is retaliating by flagging my comments. More Power to you, after all we are in the US or at least is. :o) Now, if you are being verbally abusive to the author including foul language, I won't bother flagging you. It's your prerogative.


So keep on deleting me............I don't care.......I will just post a new comment. :o)


To Areyo Barzan: See.........

by Sasha on

See if you were a verified register user you could do what I do. When I screw up, I simply go and correct the mistake quickly before there is any confusion. That is one advantage. The other one is that I can access my tracking and I can find out any new comments on any articles I may have commented on. I have a busy life and it simplifies things for me. :o) I always know where the action is.


PS:  I have made some major mistakes but I am not telling where. Ha! Ha! :o)

Ben Madadi


by Ben Madadi on

I have never flagged any comment.

My suggestion has been to... God, I am repeating myself... that if someone has something to say they can of course write their own articles. No-body is perfect but when I, and many others, do an effort and write something we do not like to see people mock and make fun of our work. Not that we are right, it is just our opinion. Those who oppose our opinions can of course make their own articles. Anyway, it's not a big deal ;)

This whole issue is not about freedom of expression but respect for people's work and opinions, and to have a website that has more quality content. Quality content will not look like what this website has become.