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Iranian-American contingent at San Francisco anti-war march


Join us
by EK

(For more info call 408-315-2758)

Dear Friends,

The political situation in the Middle East is pointing to more bloodshed and war. Aside from the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, the drumbeat of war against Iran is on the upbeat from the Bush administration. The extremism of Ahmadinejad's rhetoric is only fueling the propaganda machine of the pro-war elements within the Bush administration in gathering more public support for an attack on Iran.

The Iranian-American community needs to use every opportunity to have its voice heard against both regimes to prevent more war and killing of innocent people. March 18th, 2007, marked our strong show of solidarity in San Francisco where more than 250 Iranian-Americans rallied against war.

Last March, we had one of the biggest anti-war contingents in the Bay Area. Subsequently, we received encouraging and supportive feedback from different American activists and organizations. Our pictures were seen on many Iranian websites, while we caught the attention of local media, providing us with good coverage. Our banners and fliers reflected our common voice against war, advocating alternatives for peace among both Iranian and American activists.

On Saturday, October 27th, we have yet another opportunity to make our voices heard against the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the potential attack on Iran. In these critical times, where an attack on Iran is high on the agenda of the Bush administration, we need to find a common voice and say NO TO WAR regardless of our political and ideological differences.

Join us with your own banners, placards and fliers and march with the Iranian-American contingent among other activists.

(For more info call 408-315-2758)

* * * * * * *

We will be gathering at 10:30 am in front of the main public library in San Francisco. The address is: 100 Larkin Street at Grove in Civic Center.




peace rally

by mahe (not verified) on

Can anyone explain why these peace rallies seem to always feature Ernesto "Che" Guevara? He was a Marxist.

If these socialist wish to change to communism I am ready, then I would not have to work a full time job and a part time in addition. But wait I am paying through my taxes for there social programs right now. Where will the funds then come from. My guess is that all of those at the peace rally in SF will be ordered to work ordered to contribute to societies true needs.



Gladly love to see gencide ever Mullahs them guard & supportive

by Bomb Iran NOW (not verified) on

I can't wait to see the American's attack Iran and kill all the mullahs and their supporters, whatever they call themselves, sooner is better.
Stright to hell.


F* All Mullahs, Ayatollahs with every Imams around world.

by Anti Of Anti-War (not verified) on



No way am I going support you for another 30 yrs, Go to hell,
I am going the opposite way in supporting the American war or WWIII, by hopfully attacking all those mother F* mullahs and their crews.

Our SOME of Iranian/Persian dream is to see all those Arabs Mullahs monkey are drop dead and DEAD.

how come Afghans people are got free from the Talibans and Iraqi people got free from dictator regim, but not Iran!

so What every war has sacrifices to reach freedom, somehow they have to pay for it.
We are already homeless and banned by them and already Iranian people are dead in their hands long ago, how many more are you looking for!

Anti-War is my A*s. I am anti of the anti-war, bring it on and no mercy to all.



Kill them all & Death to all MULLAHs
No more fishing for free pray foods & rapping.



Photo on this page

by mary (not verified) on

I'm working with an anti-war group, and we sometimes need images for fliers. With permission, I'd like to be able to use the photo on this page. Does anyone know how to contact the photographer?


Oh ya keep Iran Islamic for another 30 years

by hassani (not verified) on


No war on Iran

by ironiLover (not verified) on



by Tonya (not verified) on

You are wrong!  No sane person is going to support an attack on Iran.  Unfortunately, there are many insane people in Washington.  Are there any protest events scheduled for southern California???  How can someone participate in or promote such a thing?  There needs to be more of them... period! 


Bush attack on Iran

by hezbolahie (not verified) on

Bush please attack on Iran we are going to support you