Propaganda onion

Today, Western propaganda has matured in sophistication


Propaganda onion
by tinoush

At the beginning of October, I wrote an op-ed piece on about the nature of Voice of America and Radio Farda as propaganda outlets. What compelled me to write it was the regular regurgitation of the pseudo-news broadcast on VOA by its listeners. I received many supportive emails and comments about that piece, and I thank all those who took the time to write. There was also something to be learned from the critical comments and emails. Actually, the lack of substance in the criticism was disappointing. However, that was to be expected from those particular critics, who often write on and exhibit a very myopic view of Iran’s political problems and challenges.

To begin with, not a single person disputed that VOA disseminates propaganda. That’s not surprising since I listed US laws that say it does. However, I would like to respond to two points that were raised. The two common counterpoints were that even though VOA and Radio Farda are US government propaganda stations, their broadcasts are still beneficial to Iranians everywhere. And, people, especially Iranians with their level of education, are smart enough to sift through the propaganda and see it for what it is.

Nothing could be farther from reality! The British government, with its vast colonial experience, has written the cookbook on the use and application of propaganda. One fundamental rule that they prescribe to is that it is best to make the educated, influential class of a society the target of propaganda. “It is better to influence those who can influence others than attempt a direct appeal to the mass of the population,” a British document from WWI advises.

This rule precisely shows the danger in thinking that people are smart or educated enough to see propaganda as what it is. It has nothing to do with intelligence or education. Propaganda is designed to be sophisticated, and by its nature takes advantage of the predilections that a smart, educated person may have. It takes time and dedication to unmask propaganda and when a society is under internal and external pressure, this task becomes even harder.

Besides, it’s also a point of equality. What is good for an Iranian is good for an American, an Arab, a Chinese, etc. And what is bad for an American, as the US Congress has clearly stated in case of VOA, is bad for an Iranian and everyone else. Ironically, it’s the ultimate manifestation of smart, educated minds rotten by propaganda that when they know VOA and Radio Farda are sources of propaganda, they still approve of their broadcasts.

Today, Western propaganda has matured in sophistication. At the heart of the system is real and overt racism. Western leaders engaged in outright aggression and terrorism are given a free pass. They are rarely if ever held accountable. The moral, ethical, and legal standards of guilt are far higher (practically unachievable) when a Western country terrorizes a non-Western country.

As George Orwell wrote in Animal Farm, “all animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.” And, how is such an immoral and inhumane standard sold to the world? It is wrapped in layers of propaganda like an onion. VOA is the very outer layer of the US government’s variety of the propaganda onion.




by Daryush on

Hey JT, sure some are "Hasood" (Begu jealous sangintari), you wrote a long comment to say how jealous some are to the success of the west? wow man, you remind me of: "man aanam keh rostam bovad pahlevaan". Watch out, the chinese are looking for a western philosopher, they might take you captive!!!



by JT (not verified) on

Here goes the ultra-leftist, U.S hating machine again! First of all, why do you guys who are so HASOOD of the U.S and West enormous success and carry on this never ending hate for them, live in the U.S and West?? I would think North Korea is where you guys belong. Second of all, Bavafa, meybokhor-manbarbesuzan, what the F, Niki, Tinoush, Q, how did the Media here act “Monstrous”??? Just because they report what happens now on daily basis by IRI and in the name of Islam? Are you denying the fact that the IRI are doing that in the name of Islam? If you are, you don’t need to listen to Bush, Cheney, Popeye, woody Woodpecker…!! Just listen to you Jam-e-Jam and the usual propaganda machine by the IRI. Just listen to what the Iranian Islamic fundamentals are saying. Are you asking the media not to report the facts? I think you are and that is not really surprising coming from the ultra-leftist, West bashing, IRI-Allied Iranians who for the past 50 years preached for freedom and human dignity, but with their IRI allies, destroyed our country and have been since 1979 the biggest obstacle for our people to effectively fight the barbaric regime by constantly bashing any decent Iranian voice who calls for the salvation of Iran, by calling it Pro-U.S, pro-capitalism and recently, “Neo-Con dummies”. It is not the Media that makes us feel like Monsters, it’s the Fascist Islamic mentality and groups that has plagued the Middle East since 1979 and caused nothing but death. They are the ones to blame. How do you justify the “terrorist and shameful act” of the 1979 hostage crisis? How do you justify the 24/7 U.S bashing, U.S flag burning, U.S foul mouthing and most importantly, working against U.S interests in the world by the fascist regime in Iran since 1979? If you are willing to tweak the definition of terrorism, it seems to me those are shameful terrorist acts too, specially the hostage taking. As far as the Israeli lobby power in the US goes, their influence has been so exaggerated by the ultra-leftist and Arab media around the world that I think the ones who are more shocked than anyone else are those lobbyists themselves! The fact of the matter is this: Many Iranians are HASOOD to what Israel, U.S and the West have accomplished and by VOA and Radio bashing you will not go anywhere. The ultra leftist and IRI united during the revolution in order to seize power. The religious forces won. The ultra leftist are so shameful and are trying so hard to justify their traitorous acts during the revolution that they have found the way to blame everything on the West, specially the U.S. like what Tinoush is doing. They have another goal in mind which is hijacking the struggle between the people and government in Iran, as in 1979, to seize power this time. As an Iranian, I denounce any war on the Iranian people by anyone. However, I believe the parties responsible for any war on Iran, are the IRI and people like Niki, Q, Tinoush, and like minded people who either have been oppressing or supporting the oppressor in the name of anti-imperialism and anti-U.S for close to 30 years now and are engaging in stand off against the U.S for absolutely no benefit to the Iranian people and just for the purpose for gaining recognition and support among young un-Iranian Muslims around the world to serve their interest, and the ultra-leftist Iranians (Some of them like Tinoush are very vocal in this site) who justify the acts of this barbaric regime and make the world lose sympathy for us.


وقتتان را روی مسائل بزرگتر بگذارید

دختر کوچکتر ایرج میرزا (not verified)

بجای این دعواها بروید مطالعه کنید و دشمن اصلی ایران، یعنی انگلیس مادر قحبه را بهتر بشناسید. این مقله را خانمی قرستادند، مطالعه کنید. خمینی هندی بود، هویدا فلسطینی، و زاهدی هم یک هندی زاده. انگلیس مادر قحبه ولتان نمیکند!

فکر ایران باشید


فرح و زاهدی
اردشیر زاهدی، پسر فضل الله زاهدی از گماشتگان هندی انگلیسی که برای اجرای قرارداد 1907 تقسیم ایران توسط انگلیس و روس از هند به جنوب ایران فرستاده شده بود. در سال 1919 زمانی که طبق قرارداد وثوق الدوله امور ایران به دست انگلیس سپرده شد برای فضل الله شناسنامۀ ایرانی تهیه شد و در زمان به قدرت رسیدن رضا شاه توسط انگلیس و ادغام ارتش هندی انگلیسی در ارتش ایران فضل الله زاهدی تابعیت ایران را گرفت. ابتدا از لقب بصیر دیوان استفاده می کند و سپس زمان تغییر اسم ها در زمان رضا شاه تبدیل به زاهدی می گردد.
فضل الله برای اینکه اصل و نسب ایرانی بگیرد مانند پدر هویدا که فلسطینی بود، با خانوادۀ اشرافی پیرنیا (خدیجه پیرنیا) وصلت کرد. اردشیر زاهدی در 1307 به دنیا آمد. او تحصیلات ابتدایی خود را در هند شروع می کند و در سال 1313 رابندرنات تاگور شاعر و استاد فلسفه هندی در آن مدرسه به او و سایر فرزندان صاحب منصبان انگلیسی تعلیم و تدریس می داد.
اردشیر زاهدی در سال 1325 دبیرستان اسلامیه بیروت را به پایان می رساند و سپس به آمریکا فرستاده شده و پس از دو سال فوق دیپلم کشاورزی را از کالج کشاورزی ایالت « یوتا » آمریکا دریافت می کند و پس از مراجعت به ایران با نفوذ پدرش، مدرک او معادل لیسانس شناخته می شود.
وی از زمانی که در بیروت به سر می برد به واسطۀ پدرش با سرویسهای اطلاعاتی غربی به خصوص انتلیجنس سرویس مربوط وی گردد. او در اردیبهشت 1331 به همراه مرتضی امیر ارجمند (همسر آینده لیلی امیر ارجمند) به استخدام وزارت کشاورزی درآمد و با توصیۀ انگلیس در پست معاونت و خزانه داری « کمیسیون مشترک ایران و آمریکا برای بهبود امور روستایی » در اصل 4 ترومن قرار گرفت.
اردشیر زاهدی در سال های بعد از کودتا و صدارت پدرش در کنار او بود و پس از برکناری فضل الله زاهدی از پست صدارت و فرستادن او به ژنو به عنوان سفیر شاهنشاهی، اردشیر زاهدی با حمایت سرویس های اطلاعاتی غربی در تهران ماند و در سال 1335 دختر محمد رضا شاه را به نامزدی او در آوردند و در آبان ماه 1336 با شهناز ازدواج کرد (البته این ازدواج با برنامه ریزی و حسادت فرح دیبا در سال 1343 به متارکه انجامید و حاصل آن یک دختر به نام مهناز بود).
اردشیر زاهدی پس از ازدواج با شهناز، بیش از پیش مورد توجه دربار قرار گرفت او در اوایل سال 1338 به توصیۀ علم نمایندۀ شاه برای رسیدگی به امور دانشجویان ایرانی خارج از کشور شد و با هماهنگی انگلیس بودجۀ دانشجویان ایرانی را مابین مخالفان رژیم پهلوی یعنی کنفدراسیون دانشجویی قرار می داد. پس از برنامه ریزی ازدواج فرح دیبا با شاه به توصیه انگلیس (فرح دیبا در این زمان عضو حزب توده و کنفدراسیون کمونیستی دانشجویی بود) اردشیر زاهدی با حمایت فرح دیبا و علم ابتدا در اسفندماه 1338 به سفارت در واشنگتن گمارده شد و پس از دو سال به دلایل حساسیت شدید دانشجویان ایرانی و واکنش آنها علیه حرکات زنندۀ زاهدی و همچنین نارضایتی امینی نخست وزیر از توطئه های زاهدی در واشنگتن (به گزارش ساواک تاریخ 19/12/1340 : ... وجود آقای اردشیر زاهدی به سمت سفیر کبیر ایران در آمریکا اشتباه سیاسی بوده، این امر موجب تقویت عناصر طرفداران جبهه ملی در آمریکا گردیده است ... ) به تهران فرستاده می شود.
پس از عزل دکتر امینی از مقام نخست وزیری و تشکیل دولت اسدالله علم، اردشیر زاهدی در شهریورماه 1341 به عنوان سفیرکبیر ایران عازم لندن شد و تا سال 1345 در این سمت بود. وی در بهمن ماه 1345 با همیاری علم و فرح دیبا در دولت امیر عباس هویدا وزیر امور خارجه گردید.
پس از آتش زدن مسجد الاقصی در اورشلیم، اردشیر زاهدی که مقام وزارت امور خارجه ایران را به عهده داشت از طرف انگلیس به شاه فقید پیشنهاد کرد که برای به اصطلاح نگهداری حقوق مسلمانان جهان، یک کنفرانس اسلامی از سران کشورهای مسلمان تشکیل شود و در راستای حقوق کشورهای اسلامی و تأمین مصالح آنها به بحث و گفتگو بپردازند. این پیشنهاد مورد موافقت شاه فقید قرار گرفت و نخستین کنفرانس اسلامی با پیشنهاد ایران در شهر رباط پایتخت کشور مراکش تشکیل شد. اردشیر زاهدی نقش اصلی را برای جداسازی بحرین در زمان وزارت خود ایفا می کند.
در این زمان با دسیسه های انگلیس و مزدورانش چون علم، فرح دیبا و زاهدی سناریوی جداسازی بحرین ترسیم و اجرا می گردد.
سال های وزارت خارجه اردشیر زاهدی (بهمن 1345 – شهریور 1350) یکی از بدنام ترین دوران های تاریخ وزارت امور خارجه می باشد. پروندۀ وی نشان می دهد که وزارت وی و معاونش پرویز خوانساری که او نیز به همجنس بازی و هرزگی معروف بود در میان کارکنان باسابقۀ این وزارتخانه تنش هایی را علیه این دو سبب شده بود.
در جلد سوم کتاب « خاطرات اسدالله علم » وزیر دربار در سال 1970، نخست وزیر سابق ایران و از وابستگان استعمار انگلیس، چنین می خوانیم که محمد رضا شاه از علم می پرسد : « آیا تاریخ، ما را (یعنی من را، از قول شاه) در رابطه با تجزیه بحرین خیانتکار خواهد نامید ؟ » و علم پاسخ می دهد: « نه اعلیحضرت، ما (یعنی او، زاهدی وزیر امورخارجه و تنظیم کنندۀ لایحه جدایی بحرین و انگلیس) ترتیبی دادیم که سازمان ملل، رأی بر جدایی بحرین دهد. »
سخنان و بهانه های خیانت آمیز وزیر خارجه وقت که گویی از دهان یک خارجی ضد ایرانی گفته می شد، هرگز از خاطرات محو نخواهد شد اما داریوش همایون شوهر خواهر اردشیر زاهدی، پنج سال پیش از تجزیۀ غیر قانونی بحرین، طی نامه ای به امیرعباس هویدا، نخست وزیر می گوید : « بحرین صرفنظر از موقعیت استراتژیک خود در خلیج فارس هیچ امتیازی ندارد که مبارزه به خاطر دست یافتن بر آن را موجه سازد ... » در صورتیکه مجمع الجزایر بحرین مروارید جهان می باشد و دارای دومین مخزن نفت جهان است و از لحاظ آب و هوا بهشت واقعی روی زمین است.
نکته ای که بیش از هر چیز تأسف بار است این است که مثلث فساد علم، فرح و زاهدی، دربار شاهنشاهی ایران را به صورت فاحشه خانه ای بین المللی در آورده بودند، هرگاه سران فاسد رژیم های دیگر هوس عیاشی می کردند به دربار ایران می آمدند. از جمله زمانی که سلطان قابوس برای عیاشی به ایران آمد، شاه برای ضیافت رسمی وی از علم خواست که برنامه ریزی کند ولی زاهدی همراه با علم به او تذکر دادند : « او بدون همسرش به اینجا آمده فقط به این منظور که کمی به خودش برسد ». بعد از دو روز شاه از احوال سلطان پرسید، آنها گزارش دادند : « هر شب با تعداد چهار تا پنج خانم بیرون اقامتگاه ملاقات کرده بود. نمی توانیم شهادت دهیم بعداً چه اتفاقی افتداه بود، اما به هر صورت سلطان راضی به نظر می رسید ».
وی در زمانی که وزیر امور خارجه بود، مسافرت های متعددی به تنهایی با فرح دیبا به کشورهای دیگر انجام می دهد و پس از بر ملا شدن روابط نامشروع با فرح دیبا توسط شاه از وزارت امور خارجه خلع و با همیاری علم و دوستان انگلیسی آمریکایی او به سفارت ایران در واشنگتن گمارده می شود و تا سال 1357 این پست را در اختیار داشته است. زاهدی که یکی از گماشتگان کمیسیون سه جانبه بود و با سران کمیسیون از جمله دیوید راکفر برای سرنگونی شاه در تماس بوده است.
اسناد ساواک نشان می دهد که در سال های 1346 و 1348 اردشیر زاهدی به شدت در تلاش برای احراز پست نخست وزیری بوده است. او در میان مقامات انگلیسی، اسرائیلی و آمریکایی دوستان زیادی پیدا کرد و با بالاترین مقامات رفت و آمد داشت ولی هرگز به دلیل شیوۀ رفتار سبک و نحوۀ عمل او مورد تأیید برای احراز پست نخست وزیری نبود. اردشیر زاهدی نه تنها به صدارت نرسید بلکه رفتارش با فرح دیبا و گزارشات ساواک در مسافرت های به اصطلاح دیپلماتیک آن دو و نزدیکی بیش از حد آنها باعث اخراج او از پست وزارت خارجه در شهریورماه 1350 گردید. او در اسفندماه 1351 دوباره به سفارت در واشنگتن اعزام شد و در آنجا به عملکردهای سبک و عیاشی هایش ادامه داد. اردشیر زاهدی یکی از هرزه ترین نخبگان سیاسی و دولتمردان رژیم محمد رضا پهلوی بود و به این صفت نه تنها در میان خواص، بلکه در سطح جامعه نیز شهرت کافی داشت. در دی ماه 1356 دو هفته پس از مسافرت جیمی کارتر و همسرش رزالین به ایران وقتی فرح دیبا برای شرکت در جشن بیست و یکمین سال تأسیس انجمن آسیایی به نیویورک رفت و در هتل هیلتون اقامت داشت، همراه اردشیر بود و سپس با او به واشنگتن می رود و مدت دو هفته در آنجا با هم بودند.
Ledeen Lewis. Debacl نویسندۀ آمریکایی در کتاب خود می نویسد: « ... شاه هرگز به اردشیر زاهدی اعتماد کامل نداشت و پیوسته به وی مظنون و بدگمان بود که او ممکن است از برکناری پدرش که قریب به سه دهه قبل اتفاق افتاده بود در صدد انتقامجویی برآید».
طی سال های سفارت وی در آمریکا و انگلیس، زاهدی یکی از چهره های خبرساز مطبوعات غرب محسوب می شد و بارها و بارها تصاویر و گزارش هایی از ریخت و پاش ها و هرزگی های وی در جراید کثیرالانتشار اروپا و آمریکا درج گردید. در این سال ها اردشیر زاهدی با کمیسیون سه جانبه آشنا می شود و به علت دشمنی با شاه با همیاری فرح دیبا کمیسیون سه جانبه را در مسیر براندازی شاه متقاعد می نماید.

شیوا رفیعی از پاریس
سازمان زنان مبارز ایرانزمین


BABA Hosh!!! chetuneh shoma

by Daryush on

I could understand some disagree with the author, but how
khod fufukhteh va gharb shifteh (Sucking Western Balls) you have to be to be upset at someone who criticizes YOUR country's radio against Iranian people. So you don't think it's true, why getting mad? Only Iranians, ONLY Iranians. WOW. (Or should I say Perzhiyans) Go googoosh.


Tinoush must have been on

by NB (not verified) on

Tinoush must have been on crack or most likely on LSD. Read it you then will notice smokes steaming not only from your ears but from every hole in your body. Then, a voice says, wtf! And that Voice is not Voice of America. You are just is full of hate, fear, punishments, and if you could you would support gender inequalities, unfair practices, contradictions, and the no law land, etc. The worse thing about this frightening attitude is that its offer is “As Is”. Mankind has billions of radio and TV stations that are well but there isn’t one for “Dummies” like Tinoush. What a screwed up "Media" we have to not offer one Moulaei would like!



by gholi (not verified) on

I only need to remind you that while your views are interesting to hear, they have no value as facts for they are the same type of stuff the IRGC gives to its agents to distribute among the Iranians abroad. So please don't stop writing on this site as whenever I read your pieces, it is as if Ahmadinejad has given you such instructions to publish under your name. Thank you for reminding us who is an IRI agent. Obviously, the fabrication factory of the regime is not out of steam yet.


lot of codswaddle

by gholi (not verified) on

How embarrassing. Can't you IRI agents wake the hell up out of your fossilized 'brain cells' and stop worshipping a bunch of murderous, torturing, looting plebs and shiny pebbles?



by JT (not verified) on

Here goes the ultra-leftist, U.S hating machine again! First of all, why do you guys who are so HASOOD of the U.S and West enormous success and carry on this never ending hate for them, live in the U.S and West?? I would think North Korea is where you guys belong. Second of all, Bavafa, meybokhor-manbarbesuzan, what the F, Niki, Tinoush, Q, how did the Media here act “Monstrous”??? Just because they report what happens now on daily basis by IRI and in the name of Islam? Are you denying the fact that the IRI are doing that in the name of Islam? If you are, you don’t need to listen to Bush, Cheney, Popeye, woody Woodpecker…!! Just listen to you Jam-e-Jam and the usual propaganda machine by the IRI. Just listen to what the Iranian Islamic fundamentals are saying. Are you asking the media not to report the facts? I think you are and that is not really surprising coming from the ultra-leftist, West bashing, IRI-Allied Iranians who for the past 50 years preached for freedom and human dignity, but with their IRI allies, destroyed our country and have been since 1979 the biggest obstacle for our people to effectively fight the barbaric regime by constantly bashing any decent Iranian voice who calls for the salvation of Iran, by calling it Pro-U.S, pro-capitalism and recently, “Neo-Con dummies”. It is not the Media that makes us feel like Monsters, it’s the Fascist Islamic mentality and groups that has plagued the Middle East since 1979 and caused nothing but death. They are the ones to blame. How do you justify the “terrorist and shameful act” of the 1979 hostage crisis? How do you justify the 24/7 U.S bashing, U.S flag burning, U.S foul mouthing and most importantly, working against U.S interests in the world by the fascist regime in Iran since 1979? If you are willing to tweak the definition of terrorism, it seems to me those are shameful terrorist acts too, specially the hostage taking. As far as the Israeli lobby power in the US goes, their influence has been so exaggerated by the ultra-leftist and Arab media around the world that I think the ones who are more shocked than anyone else are those lobbyists themselves! The fact of the matter is this: Many Iranians are HASOOD to what Israel, U.S and the West have accomplished and by VOA and Radio bashing you will not go anywhere. The ultra leftist and IRI united during the revolution in order to seize power. The religious forces won. The ultra leftist are so shameful and are trying so hard to justify their traitorous acts during the revolution that they have found the way to blame everything on the West, specially the U.S. like what Tinoush is doing. They have another goal in mind which is hijacking the struggle between the people and government in Iran, as in 1979, to seize power this time. As an Iranian, I denounce any war on the Iranian people by anyone. However, I believe the parties responsible for any war on Iran, are the IRI and people like Niki, Q, Tinoush, and like minded people who either have been oppressing or supporting the oppressor in the name of anti-imperialism and anti-U.S for close to 30 years now and are engaging in stand off against the U.S for absolutely no benefit to the Iranian people and just for the purpose for gaining recognition and support among young un-Iranian Muslims around the world to serve their interest, and the ultra-leftist Iranians (Some of them like Tinoush are very vocal in this site) who justify the acts of this barbaric regime and make the world lose sympathy for us.



by Anonymous man (not verified) on

You did not have anything else to write? You are confused with your day dreaming and nonsense. Here, you got one attention. Hope you feel better.


to Tinoush

by aziz (not verified) on

"Opium production is up at least 300% (latest figure I remember), women's rights are out the window." Incorrect DATA.


Ignore the haters

by Nazanin (not verified) on

Hello Tinoush. Fellow "agent" here. You're right on this. It's sad stuff. But more important than VOA is the US Iran policy, which is also full of crap and expensive. Iranians deserve a better policy.


To Mr. Jamshid

by tinoush on

I'll try to be concise, but please don't take offense to that.

1. I can't give you a quantitative figure, because I don't have the time to do an academic analysis. Others have, and you can look into that. Nancy Snows little pamphlet that I referred to in my previous piece is a good primer, but I suggest (and I'm sure you will) that you get data on both sides and fact check the sources. I would say that 100% of IRIB broadcasts are suspect and 100% of VOA broadcasts are suspect. Neither one would put a single word on the air, unless they had an agenda. The point is that the agenda on either side is NOT to the benefit of Iranian people.

2. Examples: VOA portrays Afghanistan as improving. However, every international report is contrary to that. Opium production is up at least 300% (latest figure I remember and WE will pay the price of that), women's rights are out the window, and outside of Kabul there is no security. Iraq and Afghanistan's elections were portrayed as being democratic, while even a person with a nickel worth understanding of statistics could see that the results were suspect. Never mind the issues raised by the international monitoring agencies. Iran's nuclear issue is 100% portrayed from the view of White House. I absolutely do not want Qom to have nuclear ability; however, I also don't want anyone (Iranian or not) to roll over because Bush is pointing a finger at them. The issue of Iran's involvement in Iraq suffers the same fate. I won't get into the details. In general, VOA plays the tune that is set by US government and they admit that (as a sort of disclaimer.) This will not help Iran, as it has not in the past.

3. As I explained in both of my pieces, the number one proof that I have that VOA is propaganda are the very US laws. I only added the prerequisite of equality. I see myself neither lesser nor greater than an American. I see Iranians in the same light. Do we accept that very simple truism?

4. As you correctly pointed out, Iranians do need a second opinion, and a third, etc. However, should we not point out if the alternative opinions are as false as the single opinion put forth by the likes of IRIB and Keyhan? We should. Iranians deserve that much. IRIB has actively silenced free speech at home. VOA is NOT a substitute, if anything, VOA is "ghuze ba laye ghuz."

5. And now, I have a question for you. Could you point to me specifically what parts of my writing are pro-IRI?

Ooops, so much for being concise!!!


i say everyone leaving a

by gholi (not verified) on

i say everyone leaving a message for Tinoush post his/her comment as gholi.


It may interest you Tinoush

by gholi (not verified) on

It may interest you Tinoush to know a recent study concluded that the presence of people like you may be related to the presence of a certain bacteria in the U.S. system. I say "MAY" of course because the scientists who conducted this study were not sure if they were paid by the IRI the same money as you are paid they would want to work or not.


Re: Tinoush

by jamshid on

Tinoush, you didn't answer the questions I asked about VOA and IRIB. I asked for an approximate weigh of lies by each side.


Thanks for the link to your other articles and I did look at some of them. I agree with you that I may sometimes display a "one-sided" view, but that is no fault of me or anyone else who may do the same. Fault the IRI for their brutalilty and supression which causes people to become enraged. 


In this article you defintely have a pro-IRI tone, as the IRI people are the only ones who want to take any voice that is against their establishment away from the Iranian people. Why shouldn't Iranians hear a "second" opinion that differs with what IRI feeds them every day and read between the lines and judge for themselves?


Again, we go back to my first question. What percent of each of IRIB and VOA propoganda are lies? You don't need to be mathematically correct, an educated guess will suffice.



Right on Jamshid. Right on

by gholi (not verified) on

Right on Jamshid. Right on Jigar. We are fraternal twins.



jamshid there are many

by gholi (not verified) on

jamshid there are many gholis on even tinoush and niki have been ejaculating as gholis on multiple occasions.


Are you a professional moron?

by vij-x (not verified) on

Or you take us for idiots? Please tell us how you came to this conclusion about VOA? Did you do it all on your own? Or you had help? You seem incapable of ordinary reasoning and are known to have bad judgment in public and political matters. The more your opinions diverge from those universally held, the more likely are you to utter no word which you will wish to recal.


Re: Gholi

by jamshid on

PLEASE STOP USING/COPYING THE WORDS IN MY COMMENTS ELSEWHERE, by copying and pasting them in your comments. I am refering to this sentence:


"I find it to be such great pleasure to find that after almost X years, the mere mentioning of the word X lands such sharp thorns in your eyes, making you groan and roll in pain..."


I have written the above sentence many times elsewhere, and you are pasting it in your comments in this thread. In any other situations, I wouldn't mind, but the way your comments are, I DON'T APPRECIATE you doing this at all. I don't want anyone to get the idea that you (Gholi or whatever other id you are using) is me.




Two comments originally

by Anonymous^5 (not verified) on

Two comments originally posted by people elsewhere on are posted as one for this article and you and your friend registered as Niki come up with a theory. Very self COMPLACENCY, don’t you say so?


a damn interesting woman.

by gholi (not verified) on

a damn interesting woman. thanks for the intro but not my type. tinoush joon you are much more my type and we can have niki jigar and her baathist boy join us.


Tinoush, please explain how

by Nader - West Covina (not verified) on

Tinoush, please explain how these propagandas “damaged Iran”. Are you claiming that we, so over-proud of a people, with a civilization of over 5000 years, who call ourselves one of the most intelligent people in the world, who have one of the highest education rates among minorities in developed countries, who have been pioneers in science and arts and humanity throughout the history, suddenly since 1953 became incapable of thinking, understanding an making our own decisions and let a few news organization decide the fate of our country? Did we go through a genetic change that I’m not aware of? These broadcasts reach all over the world, why was it so capable of “damaging our country” only? This victimization mentality has absolutely ruined our country and wounded our psyche. It has prevented us from progressing, from achieving true democracy and being a member of the world community. Even Communist China has joined the world for the better of its citizens. Can you compare China now to the communist era? Look at India, a country absolutely plundered and occupied by different colonials and foreign occupiers for centuries with a population of over 1 billion people, it has turned into a world giant. And we are still blaming others for our fault. A country never occupied by colonials, with only 70 millions population, enormous resources and manpower and intellect, and look at where we’re at now ! I have no doubt that one of the most important reasons we’re in such disastrous conditions, is the victimization mentality. If you think everything that happens to you is because of someone else’s action, why even bother to try to make a difference? Even on this site, one could easily see that our leftist friends engage in personal attacks mercilessly on everyone who disagrees with them, calling us Neocons, Israelis, Zionist,…and as soon as we argue back, they play the victim role to make us look heartless. They comfort each other and lower their tone and respond with emotional arguments


niki and tinoush jigaraka,

by gholi (not verified) on

niki and tinoush jigaraka, let me get back to you with this one. have to see who she is.


Niki the moron, if we had

by gholi (not verified) on

Niki the moron, if we had more people thinking like yourself we would actually get something done in the direction of wisdom for assholes. We have the same comments all over the I say you report all of them.

koskholia. If you know what I mean.


Report to Site Administrator and/or Police

by Niki on


This comment that starts with "Tinoush make sure you have a reconstructive surgeon close by to repair the damage that a reality checkup will do to you" totally crosses the line.

I really don't know who my stalker is or why he/she seems to obsessively track me online, but it looks like you have the same person (or at lest the same kind of person) tracking you online as well.

Things enter a whole new level when a person makes a physical threat on your life. I suggest that at minimum you contact the site administrator and perhaps look into what kind of police protections your jurisdiction offers in cases where you receive cyber-threats.


Once again, keep up the good work.



i'm not playing with you anymore

by what the F (not verified) on

dude, this is not funny anymore. whomever wrote this comment should be reported to the police or something:

"Tinoush make sure you have a reconstructive surgeon close by to repair the damage that a reality checkup will do to you."!!!!!!

as the saying goes "you can take the girl out of the army, but you cant take the army out of the girl", if you know what I mean, "gholi".

i'm not gonna play here anymore.
thkrew you guyth, i'm going home.


Talking out of your ass

by hamzeh (not verified) on

Talking out of your ass Tinoush?


Tinoush make sure you have a

by Anonymous^5 (not verified) on

Tinoush make sure you have a reconstructive surgeon close by to repair the damage that a reality checkup will do to you. I am glad that you wrote this opinion so it could be dissected by everyone and show what misguided thought processes are being fed everyday.


thanks tinoush mama. a

by gholi (not verified) on

thanks tinoush mama. a threesome or can niki and Q join too?


gholi jigar, i find it to be

by gholi's mama (not verified) on

gholi jigar,

i find it to be such great pleasure to find that after almost 36 years, the mere mentioning of the word sheema lands such sharp thorns in your eyes, making you groan and roll in pain.
