یک سوزن به خودت بزن یک جوال دوز به مردم

ضرب المثل نهم


 یک سوزن به خودت بزن یک جوال دوز به مردم
by Troneg

باز یک ضرب المثل خوب که فراموش کرده ایم یا خودمان را زدیم به فراموشی و بر عکسش را عمل میکنیم

برا ی توضیح چند مثال میزنم براتون :

- خیلی ازایرانیها میگویند که خارجیها (اروپائی و آمریکائها) نژاد پرست هستند و ما مهمان دوستیم. من تا حالا افغانی ندیدم که از مهمان نوازی ایرانیها تعریف کند! از لحنی که درباره اعراب صحبت میکنیم که نمیگم. قبول اونام به ما میگن عجم ولی این هر دوش نژاد پرستی است. تا حال چند نفر ایرانی دهید ه اید که با یک سیاه پو ست یا عرب ازدواج کرده باشه؟ چاپلوسی به خارجیان پولدار را بجای مهمان نوازی جلوه دادن هنریست که نزد ایرانیان است و بس.

- بمحض اینکه یک ایرانی میخواهد کاری فرهنگی بکند بدون اینکه پولی یا بهره ای توش باشه یکی پیداه میشه که بگه این بابا جاسوسه یا عقده خود بزرگ بینی داره! بدون اینکه فکر کنند که خودشان چه کار کرده اند. کسی عقده خود بزرگ بینی داره که میخواهد بهمه درس بده و از خود بهتر را نمیتونه ببینه!

اگر شما هم مثال دیکری میبینید بگید



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more from Troneg

Majid jan

by Troneg on

We had many invasions as Arabs, Mongols, and Turks in our history as other countries like Spain, Italy and France had also! Compare where they are and where we are.

All this is the past. Today our concern should be to fix our country now. Our culture is sick and for me Islam is only the fever, the virus and the origin is deeper.I bet you if tomorrow you replace Islam by something brought from Mars, you will have still some people stealing Oil money and still some hard relationship between men and women.

Europe had the same problem before Renaissance. They changed not because they stopped Christian religion but because somebody told the earth may not be plate and people said he may be right and we need to travel to find it out!

I don’t know what the truth is but I say our culture may be is not THE BEST in the world and we need improve it instead criticizing others.

 Man Nemidanam vali midanam ke nemidanam

It is why I agree with this wise poem:

Aankas ke na daanad va na daanad ke na daanad

Dar jahl-e morkkab abaddoldahr bemaanad.



by Majid on

My dear friend ! How can you compare what I said before (the one you copy and pasted here) and what I said in this thread?

How do they relate ?????

What I'm saying here is:

Islam was invented for ARABs, who used to bury their doughters ALIVE!! while there were female comanders and queens and ministers in Iran!

Islam came to teach "Tasbeeh" industry to Arabs, so they would not play with themselves when listening to Friday sermon, while Iranians  were building "Perspolis" and " Tagh-e Bostaan" and.....etc.

Now, read (al Kowsar) in Qor'an, and see for yourself how the prophet himself tried to justify having a doughter (Faatemeh) to the Arabs who were calling him an "ABTAR"!!

And where Iranian women where at the same era ??

You know my friend? I'm sure you've heard this before: The best way to harm an ideology is to defend it UNWISELY ! 

That said, I Think it makes a lot of sense to say again: 

Aankas ke na daanad va na daanad ke na daanad

Dar jahl-e morkkab abaddoldahr bemaanad.


Racism is based on statistical Observation of a person.

by BeeDeen (not verified) on

People from certain nations have certain behavior which is a norm in their culture, but when other people are encountering it, it is unpleasant. For example statistically speaking I have found Indian people to be very nosy. They have a habit of asking personal question in their first hello. Such as income, citizenship, job etc. You can't help but form an opinion .That Indians are nosy. Am I a racist if I speak of my experience?


This IS what I've been

by JK (not verified) on

This IS what I've been looking for, lets get deep inside and try to analyse further without bringing in outside factors for the moment... just this once, please.

I am *GUILTY* of some of these things ... tell me why and how I became this way? Reason with me and give me more solid evidence.
I may be prejudiced, but I am willing to listen and learn... and change.
I am tired of myself.


agree also with khodadad but..

by Troneg on

آنالیز شما یکی از جالب ترین بود


چرا میترسید به ایرانها شوک بدهید !


 چرا ما ایرانها از انتقاد خود میترسیم؟ ولی همیشه ازدیگرن انتقاد میکنیم. و هر خرابی که سرمان میاید تقصیر دیگران میگذاریم؟


حکومت اسلامی کار اعراب. کودتای مصدق امرکائیان. عقب افتادگی انگلیس و روسیه.


 این وسط هیچکس نمیخواهد قبول کند که مسئول واقعی خود ایرانیان هستند و بس. باید پیدا کرد چرا تا در آینده تکرار نشود.


یک سوزن شوک کوچکی هست و ما به آن حتیاج داریم تا آینده خود را بسازیم وگرنه تا ابد در جهل میمانیم


Agree with Mr Khodadad

by samsam1111 on

For instance if we say that


رژيم اشغالگر عربی و مزدوران دزد خارجه نشينش.رژيم عربی در تهران و توله سگهايه قاتل تربيتی در پی تکميل 30 سال شستشويه مغزی عربی جوانان ايران تاايرانی را از سرشت ايرانيش تهی کنند.حمله دوم عرب به ايران..زبان ,الفبا،سنن,اعياد،پوشش،فرهنگ،روح و روان زوری عربي.خلافت نوه نتيجه هايه سعد بن ابول رقاص بر موالي..ايران ,ايران نشود تا رژيم عربی اَخ تف نشود و هوييت ايرانی بيدار. توله سگهايه ملای عرب در خارج چهره رژيم عربی را ماس ماسک می کنند.پاينده ايران سرزمين خدايی و 23 ايل و تبار جاويدان  


here we are trying to say that we adhere the regime,s policy of forcibly affecting & changing our collective heritage.It,s not saying we are better than others but that we want to preserve our national identity..there is nothing racist about it unless you are a regime agents and yes you would be offended.

Khodadad Rezakhani

خودشناسی ايرانی و نژاد پرستی

Khodadad Rezakhani

کل حرفتون رو از نظر دنيای جديد کاملا" قبول دارم و بقول معروف (ضرب المثل دهم؟) «مو لای درزش نمی ره». اما يک مسئله کوچکی در اين حرف هست که من چون از نظری به کارم مربوط می شه، الان مدتيه باهاش درگيرم و در موردش فکر و بحث کردم. اما متوجه هم باشيد که خود اين نظر هم شايد کاملا" پخته و کامل نباشه.

موضوع اول اينه که ما داريم «نژاد پرست» اروپايی رو که ريشه در استعمار داره (يعنی حقيقت ساده ای که غربی ها مستعمره داشته اند، نه مفهوم کمونسيتی/جمهوری اسلامی «استعمار») و صنعتی شدن و بعد هم عامل بسيار مهم «غرب مرکزبينی» و «تشخص غرب» رو با تعصب (حتی تعصب نژادی اگر دلتون می خواد) اشتباه می کنيم. ريشه ها و دلايل و مختصات نژادپرستی غربی و نژادپرستی/تعصب ايرانی کلا" متفاوت هستند. در نتيجه، نمی شه مثلا" بدبختی  سياه پوست ها در امريکا رو با مشکلات افغان ها در ايران مقايسه کرد. بقول امريکايی ها، مثل مقايسه سيب با پرتقال می مونه (اين هم ترجمه ضرب المثل شماره يازده!).

در درجه دوم، «مهمان نوازی» و بخصوص «چند فرهنگی» بودن ايران خودش ريشه در مسائل خاص ايرانی داره که متاسفانه عدم اهميت بهشون و بسط دادن مقايسه های غلط به اونها، امروزه داره باعث افزايش تمايلات جدايی طلبانه و تعصب گرا می شه. توجه کنيد که شما داريد در مورد «ايرانی ها» بطور عام صحبت می کنيد، يعنی بخصوص راجع به ايرانی لر يا کرد يا فارس يا ترک يا گيلک يا خراسانی يا کرمانی صحبت نمی کنيد، بلکه طرف حرفتون (و اظهار تاسفتون از وجود تعصب) همه ايرانی ها هستند (که درسته. در ضمن، توجه کنيد که «ايرانی» مساوی نيست با «فارسی» که اشتباهی هست که خيلی ها مرتکب می شند، بخصوص در زبان خارجی که مثلا" فکر می کنند «پرژين» و «ايرانين» يک چيز هستند!).

خوب، خود اين شخصيت «ايرانی» که شامل همه اقوام وزبان های بالا می شه، احتياج به يکجور بقول معروف «ملاط» خاصی داشته که پابرجا بمونه، و اون همون ايده ای هستنش که در جامعه شناسی غربی بهش می گويند «اويکومن» يا «کامن ولث» که فکر کنم بهترين ترجمه اش (که متاسفانه مفاهيم ناخواسته مذهبی داره که من منظورم اونها نيستند) کلمه «امت»» يا «ملت» (در مفهوم اصلی سريانی اش) هستش. اين يعنی يک گروهی که فقط خودشون رو «داخل» و «خودی» حساب می کنند (يا بزبون هرروزه، فقط خودشون را داخل آدم حساب می کنند) و بقيه رو نه.

 اين باعث شده که ايرانی ها در طول تاريخ، هرکسی که ايرانی بوده رو يکجور و بدون تعصب نگاه کنند و در نتيجه، برعکس جاهای ديگه دنيا (از چين «هان» مرکز بين تا اروپای «ژرمن» مرکز بين) از ترک و لر و بلوچ و عرب، همه با هم در شکل گيری ايران شرکت کرده باشند و کسی هم نگفته باشه که مثلا" چرا دختر يک آدم مشهدی با پسر يک لر خرم آبادی ازدواج کرده و مثلا" يکی از اعضای خانواده من دو نسل قبل، با يک مرد کاملا" سياهپوست اهل خرمشهر ازدواج کرده و کسی هم کمترين اعتراضی نکرده.

خوب، اين جنبه خوب قضاياست. جنبه بدش هم اينه که وقتی ايرانی در دنيايی قرار گرفته که ديگه تنها نيست و از نظری (تقريبا" از هيچ نظری) ديگه مرکز دنيا حساب نمی شه (حتی از نظر خود ايرانی ها)، هنوز هم بقيه دنيای خارج از ايران رو «خارجی» و «غير خودی» و «خارج از آدم» حساب می کنه که شما در موردش نوشتيد. نتيجه اش هم ساده است. اگر خيال داشته باشيم ايرانی رو از تعصب «ايرانی» بودنش ببريم و متوجهش کنيم که همه مثل هم هستند (که البته اگر روراست باشيم، هنوز در هيچ کشوری در دنيا به غير از حرف، به واقعيت ننشسته)، باعث خواهيم شد که اين «ايرانی» بودنش رو ازش بگيريم و متوجهش کنيم که پس فارس و عرب و لر و کرد و ترک هم متفاوت هستند و يک دفعه بهش شوکی وارد کنيم که به تمام شخصيتش و تصور از خودش ضربه بزرگی بزنه...


Well Said!

by maryam hojjat (not verified) on

I agree 100% with Rashidian And Majid.

Thanks guys! I am proud of you.


i know thousands with arab partners

by maziar.fayyaz (not verified) on

my best friend is half lebanese half iranian. My mother's friend's son married an arab...
I know that racism is also common in iran as we used to bully our arab classmate, also we are not very nice with afghans. But i think its much less common than for example where i live in london. For example here all white people are suspicious of all asians as being terrorists the police even came up to me and searched my school bag 4 no reason


واقعا گل گفتي

رضا (not verified)

واقعا گل گفتي عزيز.به اميد روزي كه شعور اجتماعي مردم ايران كمي بره بالاتر و اينقدر فخر بيجا نفروشيم.


What Torang is saying is so true!

by Nazgol (not verified) on

I agree with Torang. We Iranians like to believe we are above it all and don't have a bit of racism in our blood; but let’s get honest we are among hamvatans here!

We know we have always had negative things to say about the Arabs, and this was way before the Revolution, this existed even among hard core devout Muslim Iranians. We have always considered ourselves way above them, and it would be an insult if God forbid someone confused us with an Arab; we would immediately correct them!

Now let's go to the next how many times do we say negative things about Pakistanis, Indians, Sri Lankans, Philippinos, and as Torang said even Afghans... Common let’s not fool ourselves.

Baba ma taze Americayeha ro ham ghabool nadareem; what are some of you talking about.

Though I totally agree with JJ what matters is not race, ethnic background, religion, color etc.. but how good you are as a human being and how much we have contributed to the betterment of our world.



by MH (not verified) on

Yaadameh yek aghaee az famil keh ba yek khanoom-e siah-poost kheili ba mohebat ezdevaj kardeh bood ra chand saal pish dar NY didam.

Maadar-e in agha baad az gozasht 8 saal az ezdevaj-e oonha va yek bache, ba madar man dard-e del mikard: "akhe khanoom, in do ta migan ma khosh bakhtim, vali man mardom ra chekar konam? chi begam, akheh ma tu iran aberoo dashtim! hanooz kheili ha nemidoonan -- oonhaee ham keh midoonan posht sar-e ma o in bache (her 34 yr old son) harf mizanan!!"

I said what I had to say as politely as possible, but... Nothing- nothing made any sense to her, except her aberoo!.



by MRX1 (not verified) on

how many people in your family including yourself married a black person or even an Arab person? let's start from there and then we will see what happens..


spot on

by Marjan (not verified) on

آقا كوتاه گفتي ولي بسيار به جا و درست !
با اينكه خودم هم تقريبا يكي از همين هام كه دلت از دستشون پره ولي .. حرف حساب جواب نداره .. به اميد اون روزي كه همه ما ايراني ها خيلي از فرهنگ هاي غلط مون رو بريزيم دور و از نو شوروع كنيم..

Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

As long as I remember, colour of skin belonged to a number of aesthetic values in Iran. These aesthetic values aroused in the collective memory without a racial background. We had no criterion to distinguish between the skin colours except to describe a person beautiful, cute (namaki) or etc.

Iranian sensibility toward Arabs has nothing to compare with the racism in the West. It reflects a tragic and historic frustration. People consider the results of early Arabo-Islamic invasion responsible for the retatrdment of our development and democracy. This anti-Arab feeling is now reinforced because it is a mechanical reaction to Mullahs who are believed to represent the Arabo-Islamic invasion.



by Irany (not verified) on

Afarin khoob gofty


Aankas ke na daanad va na daanad ke na daanad

by Troneg on

Thanks for who support.

I'm amazed as every body is speaking about Arabs and nobody about Afghan and Blacks. Of course Iranians are not racisit because they love Haji Firouze !

Iranian's feeling about Arab existed before revolution and I agree this feeling is shared by Arab who are also racist and complain about westerners so ! It is not a reason to do the same

At least Westerns know themselves and admit some of them are racists.

I want just remind Majid what he put himself on the another thread //iranian.com/main/blog/orang-gholikhani-20 :

Aankas ke na daanad va na daanad ke na daanad

Dar jahl-e morkkab abaddoldahr bemaanad.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thank you Troneg. The replies to your wise and fair observation only support the view that Iranians either have no clue what racism means, or they're very proud of it.

Only he or she who does good in this world is a superior human being. Being Iranian, Arab, Jewish, Swiss, Chinese, Ethiopian, White, Black, Indian... has no "value" by itself. We are all equal. The only thing that makes a person more distinguished and "better" is by doing good. By loving more. By being more tolerant. More generous...

Race, nationality and religion are all kashk. What matters is our actions and contributions to this world.


Thanks Majid

by Behrooz (Persian name) (not verified) on

Dear Majid , (marhaba,Ah-saan,motoshaker,as-slaam….) if I can remember
Farsi anymore (dorood bar tu).after seeing for years Flag, billboards and banners of Arabic
Phrases and words in Iran.

You nailed it baby. Thank you.

In nut shell, took us thousand of years from beginning of Persian civilization with reach and magnificent history to EVALVED to present time.
Now we end up kissing Arab’s asses and giving them a blowjob. Our future generation one day will look back on the pages of history and tell themselves wowwwwwwwwwwwow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


Lets discuss one thing at the time

by Payola Baghariof (not verified) on

Dear Majid your words were Magic. Thank you. You could not have said it better. Thank you. Thank you and Thank you.



متعصب و نزاد پرست

بیداری! (not verified)

بله!!! از ایرانی, در مجموع, متعصبتر و نزاد پرستتر دیده ام, ولی ایرانی در خلوت خودش هم متوجه نیست که رفتارش و گفتارش نزادپرستانه هستند.


Let's discuss one thing at

by Majid on

Let's discuss one thing at a time:......... ARABs!

We, as a rule, are NOT against arabs, only we tried to introduce them to ONE imam vs 12 that they shoved down our throats ! and you see the results!

Their religion "ISLAM" was created for a specific race with a specific culture at a specific time and a specific location to teach some specific manners. IT WAS  NOT FOR US!

Now, when they tried to "bechepoon" that to us, we just retaliated, that's all !

P.S. go to Kuwait city and see for yourself what the racism really means, and for that matter to any other Arabic country, just let them know you're an "Ajam" from IRAN, and  RUN FOR YOUR LIFE !


Your article smells kinda akhoondi

by samsam1111 on

Nobody is against Arabs.we are against the  occupying  regime in tehran forcing us all to change our culture to their own brand of fake culture aka Arabic..I,m not saying it,s bad, only that it,s not ours..so thats that & nothing racist about it..so quit whining


I've known many Iranians who have married black, arabs, Filip...

by Observer (not verified) on

Don't jump into conclusion!
I've known many Iranians who have married people of different nationalities. In fact, I believe we are one of the most easy going and non-racist people on earth. Surprise, surprise! I really believe it. The reason could be the diverse nationalities that have lived along side each other for centuries.

ebi amirhosseini


by ebi amirhosseini on



I agree

by azar (not verified) on

Right on!