به آقای سيد علی خامنه ای

در آستانهء سفر به استان فارس


به آقای سيد علی خامنه ای
by Esmail Nooriala

آقای سيد علی خامنه ای!

اگرچه دون شأن من ـ بعنوان يک نويسندهء گريخته از جهنم حکومت اسلامی ـ است که «دنيادار» ی چون شما را مخاطب قرار دهم، و اگرچه می دانم در بين نزديکان و اطرافيان شما آدم با جنمی پيدا نخواهد شد که اين نوشته را به ديد شما برساند، اما، در آستانهء سفرتان به استان فارس، فکر کردم چند نکتهء با اهميت ـ از نظر خودم ـ را با شما در ميان بگذارم باشد تا شايد اين سفر را با اشراف و آگاهی بيشتری انجام دهيد.

 می دانم که شما نه به زيارت تخت جمشيد و آرامگاه های تخت رستم و پاسارگاد باستانی خواهيد رفت و نه حتی زمين ادب را در حافظيه و سعديه خواهيد بوسيد؛ و بيشتر وقت تان با مشتی دروغزن بادمجان دور قاب چين، و گله ای از عمامه داران و دينکاران بر مسند قدرت نشسته، خواهد گذشت. اما ـ چه بخواهيد و چه نه ـ در آن خاک که شما همچون طاووس عليين شده بر آن قدم می نهيد رازها و رمزهائی خفته اند که تصور گشودنشان خواب را در چشمان شما آشفته می سازد و می دانيد که تا اين راز و رمزها برقرارند آب خوش از گلويتان پائين نخواهد رفت.

من بخوبی می دانم که وجود شما پر از نفرت از همهء بزرگان ايرانزمين خفته در خاک فارس است و، همچون اجدادی که تاج حکومت ظلم شان را در هيئت عمامه ای سياه بر سر داريد، آرزو می کرديد که می توانستيد يک شبه خاک آن عجمی را که بعد از دو هزار و پانصد سال کلامش هنوز «انکار شما» ست به توبره می کشيديد؛ آرزو داشتيد تا حافظيه را به آب سيوند می بستيد، و خانهء سعدی را بر سرش خراب می کرديد. اما چه می شود کرد؟ اين ميخ های تابوت حکومت شمايند که از زمين پاک فارس قد برافراشته اند و، در مقايسه با هر کلمه شان، دروغ های شما در برابر روشنائی آفتاب فاش می شود.

بله، می دانم که اهل زيارت کاخ سازمان مللی نيستيد که در ويرانه های تخت جمشيد واقع است و هنوز نمايندگان ملل گوناگونش، نوروز باستانی را، با گياه و حيوان و دست سازهای آدمی، بر پلکان هاي فراخش جشن می گيرند، اما اگر از همانجا که هستيد گوش هوش تيز کنيد پژواک سخن داريوش هخامنشی را خواهيد شنيد که ـ نگران از آيندهء دوردستی که همين اکنون شماست ـ آرزو می کرد که: « خداوند اين کشور را از دشمن و خشکسالی و دروغ محفوظ بدارد». و اينک آن دشمن شمائيد؛ آن خشکسالی، فرهنگ شماست؛ و آن دروغ، راه و روشی است که شما برای ويران کردن «اين کشور» برگزيده ايد.

يادتان باشد: شما به خاکی پای می گذاريد که در ميانهء کوهستان هايش نطفهء کشوری به نام ايران بسته شده است و هم اکنون آرامگاه بنيانگزار اين کشور، تک و تنها، «بی چلچراغ و فرش»، و بی ضريح و حرم، در دشت پاسارگاد در انتظار آن نشسته است که آب های درياچه ای که با موافقت شخص شما بوجود آمده تا آثار زندگی و تمدن ايرانيان دوران پيش از حملهء نومسلمانان به اين کشور را غرق و ويران کند، پايه ها و سنگ های مزارش را سست کنند و بپوکانند. به ياد داشته باشيد که شما مسئوول اول و مستقيم اين جنايت فرهنگی هستيد و اگر روزی زنده باشيد و کارتان به دادگاهی که به جنايت ها و خيانت های سران و مسئولان رژيم شما رسيدگی خواهد کرد بکشد مسلماً بابت همين يک جنايت به چند بار حبس ابد محکوم خواهيد شد.

      يادتان باشد که شما بر خاکی پای می گذاريد که فکر «حقوق بشر»، برای نخستين بار در تاريخ مکتوب انسان، در آنجا و در ميان مردم اهل تساهل آن بوجود آمده و در منشور کورش بزرگشان منعکس گشته است. و شما با چه روئی به اين زادگاه حقوق بشر می رويد وقتی که لجن و گند ظلم و جنايت از سينهء رژيم تان بر گذشته و تا زير دماغ شما نيز بالا آمده است؟ براستی آيا اين سفر شما را به ياد چيزی به نام حقوق بشر هم خواهد انداخت؟ آيا شما لحظه ای فرصت خواهيد داشت تا خويش را در صفحات تاريخی که دستانی نامرئی هم اکنون مشغول نگارش آنند ببينيد؟ آيا هيچ به محکومان در بند خويش و جوانانی که به دست شما بی آينده شده اند خواهيد انديشيد؟ آيا در اين سفر گذری هم بر کشتهء خويش، زهرا کاظمی، خواهيد داشت که، خفته در گورستانی در شيراز، چشمش به دنبال جلادان شماست؟

      و نيز يادتان باشد که نخستين جرقه های فکر حکومت جدا از مذهب از طريق آزاد ساختن همهء مذاهب نيز در همين خاک فارس زده شد و کورش بزرگ با صدور منشور مشهور خود نشان داد که دولتش نه تنها خدمتگذار ملل و اقوام گوناگون که پاسدار آزادی انديشه و عقيده نيز هست. گاه فکر می کنم که کوشش شما و عملهء دولتتان برای نابودی آرامگاه کورش و به آب بستن آثار تمدن عهد او خود نشانهء آن است که تير سکولاريسم کورشی بر قلب نظام ولايت فقيه نشسته و به ياد جوانان ملتی آورده است که اتفاقاً در همين خاک آنها بوده که، برای نخستين بار در جهان، اصل جدا ساختن مذهب (و مذاهب) از حکومت ريشه کرده و به بار نشسته است.

      بله، البته اين هم هست که شما به خاکی پای می نهيد که سرمشق اصلی تان، اميرمبارزالدين، آنکه در کلام حافظ «محتسب» خوانده می شد، دين و دولت را يکی کرده و در گسترهء آن ـ گاه حتی به هنگام قرائت قرآن ـ به دست خويش سر می بريد و خون می ريخت. بدينسان، حضور شما در شيراز حکايت از تناسخی دارد که در تاريخ ما جاری بوده و روح استبداد و جور را از هيکلی به هيکل ديگر می کشانده است. و حاشا که در خاندان شما نيز «شاه شجاع» ی پيدا شود که بگيردتان و در قلعه ای حبستان کند تا شيرازيان امروز نيز، همچون حافظ، در رفع ظلم اميرمبارزالدين زمانهء خويش دست افشانی کنند و شادمانه بخوانند که: «شد آنکه اهل نظر از کناره می رفتند»... و آيا اين سخن انجوی شيرازی شما را به ياد روزی که ديگر نخواهيد بود نمی اندازد؟ ـ آنجا که، پس از شرح چگونگی دفع شر اميرمبارزالدين، می گويد که آن حادثه: «موجب خشنودی مردم و اميدواری آنان به ايجاد محطيی آرام شد: آروزی روشن ديدن افق، و نشنيدن بوی خون، و اميد به نديدن سرهای بريده و پيکرهای از دار آويخته...» آيا براستی اين همه کشتار و شکنجه و اعتياد و فحشا و دزدی و ارتشاء را که بر کارنامهء سياه خويش نوشته ايد نمی بينيد؟ و آيا نمی فهميد که حافظ اين ابيات را در مژدهء فقدان شما ست که می سرايد: «ای دل بشارتی دهمت: محتسب نماند! / وز می جهان پر است و بت می گسار هم!» و براستی آيا هيچ چهرهء خويش را در آينهء اين رند شيرازی نگاه کرده ايد تا صورت واقعی جذام خورده و کرم زدهء محتسبان و زاهدان ريائی و شيخان بی آبروی تاريخ را ببينيد؟

      آقای خامنه ای، شما به خاکی پا می گذاريد که سعدی اش دربارهء اميری از نوع شما حکايت می کند که: «دست تطاول به مال رعيت دراز کرده بود و جور و اذيت آغاز کرده، تا بجائی که خلق از مکايد فعلش به جهان برفتند و از کربت جورش راه غربت گرفتند...» و مگر نه اينکه او خطاب به شماست که می گويد: «هر آنکه تخم بدی کشت و چشم نيکی داشت / دماغ بيهده پخت و خيال باطل بست // ز گوش پنبه برون آر و داد خلق بده / وگر تو می ندهی داد، روز دادی هست...»

      نه، آقای خامنه ای، کرنش و تکريم استقبال کنندگان سفارشی تان را هم باور نکنيد. همين شيراز کارخانهء توليد دروغزنان و نامردان نيز بوده است؛ آنسان که گاه چنان دل حافظ اش از دست اينان می گرفته که بر خطوط کاغذ فرياد بر می کشيده که: «آب و هوای فارس عجب سفله پرور است / کو همرهی که خيمه ازين خاک بر کنم؟» توصيه می کنم که کمی در چشمان اين سفله گان که در اطرافتان می چرخند و تملق غرغره می کنند خيره شويد و ببينيد که آيا در آنها برق صميميت و محبتی هم باقی مانده است؟ و مگر سعدی همين شيراز در وصف اطرافيان شما نبوده که سروده است: «نه بينی که پيش خداوند جاه / نيايش کنان، دست بر بر نهند // اگر روزگارش در آرد ز پای / همه عالمش پای بر سر نهند»؟

      باری، می خواهم بگويم که شما ـ در قالب يک آخوند و ملا و زاهد و محتسب غاصب و مستبد که اينک مهار قدرت را هم در دست دارد ـ به تکه ای از خاک ايران سفر می کنيد که در طول تاريخش هميشه از نوع شما ابراز بيزاری نموده و در کلام همهء بزرگانش بدکاری ها و دغلبازی های نوع شما را افشا و نفرين کرده است. اين خاکی است که نه به آخوند و ملا و حجه الاسلام و آيت الله و ولی امر، که به کورش و داريوش و حافظ و سعدی اش مغرور و زنده است و از گذر کاروان ورشکستهء شما که سهل است، از گذر لشگريان خونخوار اجداد شما نيز، که سه بار مردمش را قتل عام کردند و آنها همچنان مترصد فرصت بودند تا سر به شورش بردارند، رنجی نخواهد ديد.

      نيز يادتان باشد که فارس تنها گوشهء کوچکی از سرزمين پهناوری است که در هر شهر و دهش زنان و مردانی آزاده زيسته اند، همان ها که همچون شمائی را، هزاران هزار ديده، و ناديده گرفته اند و هر کجا که امکانش فراهم آمده به آزادی و سرفرازی رأی داده اند.

      نه! اشتباه نکنيد. من شما را نصيحت نمی کنم. با غاصب نبايد از در نصيحت وارد شد. با جفاکار به عهد، با اهل مکر و حيله، و با تشنگان به خون معصوم خلايق نمی توان به نصيحت سخن گفت. البته شمايان نيز قرن هاست که خود گوش جان خويش را بر هر حرف سرکش و ناهمواری بسته ايد و دوست نداريد جز تملق و دروغ سخنی بشنويد.

      خطاب کردن به شما تنها بهانه ای است تا به جوانان فارس بگويم که از همان خاک که ايشان بر آن رسته اند آدميانی نيز برخاسته بوده اند و برخواهند خواست که در برابر اين حکمرانان سياهی تنها به صبح روشن انديشيده اند و خواهند انديشيد و بر باغچه های کوچک دل هاشان نهال های ديرپای ايمان به آزادی و عدالت را با شيرهء جان خويش آبياری خواهند کرد.

      آب از سر شما، آقای خامنه ای، مدت هاست که بر گذشته؛ و ديگر از دست شاه چراغ هم برايتان کاری بر نمی آيد. شما اکنون مظهر کامل «ظلوماً جهولا» ی کتاب دينی خودتان شده ايد.

برگرفته از سايت «سکولاريسم نو» به سردبيری اسماعيل نوری علا:


more from Esmail Nooriala

To: Jamshid

by Mehdi on

Simply running around and shouting against IRI is not going to make us any less "toosari-khor". My point here is not to stop progressing. My point is how to do it and how not to do it. As I have said many times, we did a lot of shouting aginst Shah and it didn't bring us improvement, did it? I am not saying that therefore we should never try. But I am saying we should realize what happened back then, and also that we should know better this time what needs to happen to get to the goal and not just make somebody else happy.

My question here was that expecting a single individual like Khamenei to do what the author suggest is minimally useless, and it could actually backfire. Imagine for a minute that maybe Khamenei does want to take some of the steps you are talking about but he realizes that if he did anything like that, all that could happen is take him out. This is what happened to Bazargaan and Bani Sadr, in my view. All that happened was that they were taken out, but the machine of the regime went on anyway. So a lot of individuals within the current regime do want to make a change but they don't find a way. That is why I believe "helping" IRI will be far more valuable than trying to "take it out" or change that regime. People could implement an actual change of regime without really calling it that. Words and titles don't mean anything unless backed up by actions. That is why sometimes we see a monarchy acts more civil and democratic than a republic. On the same basis, i think a lot of words can be ignored if people are smart enough, until such time that even the use of such words is unnecessary. i hope that makes sense.


Round and round indeed

by Mehdi on

I actually see some agreement developing here. I don't think our discussion has been fruitless, after all. I am in agreement with you all the way to the end of option 2 and the start of option 3. And I can't say I disagree with option 3. I just don't know what exactly it means. So I can't agree or disagree.

So we both agree that nobody is out there, really, to do this for us. We have to do it ourselves. We are it! Those who hope that others will do it for us, even those such as the MEK who think that they can fool others to do it for them and then somehow kick this "others" out at the end, are only fooling themselves. The imperialist did not amass mutli-trillion dollar armies so that it could "liberate" countries! If that was their intention, they wouldn't rip off nations in the first place. And to think that one can fool them is stupidity in its ultimate level.

Most of us can more or less envision the ideal state. We know there should be freedom, democracy, fairness, equality of rights, prosperity, hope, happiness, etc. The question really is how do we get there. We have a regime that is less than democratic, we have a nation that is far from educated, we have natural resources which has caused a whole lot of opprtunists to want to rip us off, etc. So how do we exactly get to our destination?

That is exactly why I started my first comment by saying, "What would you do exactly, if you were Khamenei?" You may think I was defending Khamenei, or maybe I was "excusing" him. But I also brought up the fact the people like Bazargaan and Bani Sadr did try to do something as individuals. We need to look at those incidents and learn something from those failed attempts. How did they fail?

We could just go around and "do whatever we can." But that does not mean we will get to our destination. It doesn't even mean that things will get btter. In fact that kind of attitude could make things a lot worse. The 1979 "revolution" is exactly an application of that mentality - that we should first "get rid of regime" and then we'll build "something" in its place. Well, we all know the result of that type of thinking. Things got a thousand times worse!

There are those who claim that well, things got worse but thing can't get any worse, so what is there to lose. Interestingly enough, these people seem quite oblivious of the amount of devestation that has occurred in Iraq. Yes, things could still get worse; far worse! So it is not only not enough to just "do whatever" but also very important to know what we are doing and where we will end up.

In fact the attitude of just destroying what is there in the vague hope that somehow magically something better might take its place shows how hopeless we are. That's ultimate apathy - nothing works, so let's just do whatever.

So I go back to my original question then. What would you or the author of this article really do if you were Khamenei? You think you could go at Friday Prayer and let everyone know that it was all a trick? I mean if Khamenei somehow magically came to his senses and decided to do everything he could to change the conditions. What could he possibly do that would be effective?

I don't have a problem with people writing articles and describing the ideal state that we all wish for. But I am afraid, there are those who are using every bit of this writings and talks, etc to justify their purpose of bombing the country. Every bit of "information" that the MEK supposed obtained from IRI and handed over to CIA is now being used to explain why it is a good thing to bomb Iran. While the MEK "officially" denounces any attack on Iran, every single step they take today and within the past few years, has been directly building the case for the war on Iran. So you see, we can't just go around and do "anything we can." It doesn't necessarity help. You show me a way that works, and I am with you. Personally, I prefer approches such a the one NIAC is taking, which is getting Iranian Americans more involved in the governments and also taking steps to bring the US and Iran government closer to each other. These two tactics could bring about a very improved condition in Iran. Don't you agree?


Mahdi,Round and round and round the same circle, Weepeeeee!

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Well Mehdi you do not seem to get it or even want to pay any attention to my point.

As I told you before I was against this revolution from the start and I was seeing and predicting this mass all those years ago. So please once and for all try to get it trough your thick scull


So stop blaming me. In fact I kept warning those who took part aal the way.

Also in case you still haven’t got it yet I DO NOT regard the West or imperialism and specially the U.S and UK or Russia as neither a friend, nor a reliable ally, nor even a mutual entity which might have some regards for our national interest or even the general good in the world, just out of its fairness and goodness of heart or even for its own long term interest.
After all they are THE ENEMY plain and simple. Further more when it is obvious from their behavior that these guys (The West) do not even consider their own long-term interest in most important domestic issues such as economy or arm sale etc anda ll they care about is short-termism and making a quick profit. then why should I expect them to threat me differently
I also agree with you a 100 percent on the point that the West had a heavy hand in bringing down the Shah and helping the Mullahs. But having said that I do not even for a moment forget or forgive our role as a nation for being naïve enough to (knowing or unknowingly) be a tool and an accomplist to this conspiracy and let ourselves to be taken for a ride

However what’s done is done and it is now pointless to point finger and say to people

I firmly believe that it is simply no good to blame people for their mistake without offering them a way out of the disaster they are in or by discouraging them from taking action in order to amend the damages they caused

The only thing that is now important to us is to try to find our way our of this mess by searching for an answer to the most important question of all:


I think we all agree to the need for finding a solution to our current problem. In order to do so, there are frankly a few options available to us.

1-We could simply sit on our butt doing noting and hopping for a miracle. hopping that after thirty years of incompetence, mass murder, treason and destruction of this country the IRI and its goons might finally come to their senses by having a change of hearth and decide that they have destroyed and killed enough. Begin to amend the damages that they have done or even stop doing further damage by claiming down from the position of power and handing the role and responsibility to other specialist and dedicated groups who actually know what they are doing. Now, we all know how fat is the chance of that happening!.

2-Or we can go cap in hand begging on the door step of the old enemies such as the West and specially US and UK or Russia, who orchestrated all this fiasco on the first place, hopping that they might have a change of heart and stop their centuries of manipulation exploitation colonization , looting and steeling, by helping us to get rid of their own agents, rebuild our country and become strong, prosperous and independent again. So that we could once again stand up to them and demand to be threaded fairly,rqually and with respect, and claim or rightfull place in the world. Well! Hopefully I do not event need to tell you how ridiculous and unrealistic wishful thinking would that be

3-The third option however would be to try and take our destiny in our own hand by fighting both these enemies and working hard to reconciliate with all our fellow countrymen. To put aside our differences and start rebuilding this country and repair the damage or at least stop any further one. The first step on this road would be to get rid of the destructive force (IRI) which has been and still continues to devastate this country and its people(naming IRI) and is the source of all our problems

Now all we have to do is to take side and select one of the above options.

So far from our correspondence it is obvious which path have you chosen to take and which one was my preference and until you are willing to see the world the way I see it or wise versa I see no point in going round the same circle by continuing this pointless argument


Re: Mehdi

by jamshid on

Your thinking process is too negative and is based on "khod kochak bini". You hold very little respect for and very little confidence toward Iranians.

1400 years ago, when the Arabs conquered Iran, there were many "failed" attempts by the Iranian "revolutionaries" to throw the Arabs out.

And there were many "Mehdis" back then who used to say the same things you are saying today.

If there were more people like you back then, today we would all be speaking Arabic instead of Farsi.

And if there were much less people like you back then, today... Oh well, it's just a dream that would never be realized.

No offense intended, but you need to upgrade your "bi gheyrati" and willingness to be a "too sari khor", at least to the level of those you are cirtisizing, which even then is still far far from where it should be in order to fix our country's problems.

But it would be a first step for you.


To: Behrooz

by Mehdi on

Either your English is not that great or you are just confused. The last comment and link I mentioned was to say that the Imperialism, or whatever you call it, LOVES religious fundamentalism; it LOVES the IRI. And you think I am saying IRI is good? Are you that confused? What I am trying to tell you is that the Imperialism is the one CREATING regimes such as IRI in order to rip off the people. And you call me a supporter of the IRI? Are you on drugs?

Look, just because what I say makes sense but it is against what you have been brainwashed with for decades doesn't mean I am tricking you!

The simple question is how has any of these so-called "revolutionary" groups and individuals halped the Iranian people and Iran since at least the 1960's? It's been more than 50 years that you guys have been fighting the Shah and then Khomeini and Khamenei, etc. You first screwed it up by somehow allowing a far worse regime to take over than Shah's. And then your "contribution" has been to fight the crappy regime that you helped bring in power. So what is exactly your contribution? Is it cleaning up the huge mess that you created in the first place?

I may be a master of disguise and treachary. I may be such an evil person that talking to me is useless. But you could still simply write a few lines and explain what has been your contribution. How do you see that you guys have been better than Hoveyda.

You have written pages and pages but you have not answered even ONE of my questions. "Fighting the IRI" is the ONLY thing that you quoted as your contribution. Yet IRI came to power AFTER you guys helped take out Shah. So that's a mess you allowed to create. So One more time, how are you guys more valuable to Iran than someone like Hoveyda or Shah or all those who worked with the system instead of fighting it?


Ha ha ha ,very smooth Mehdi

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Well my friend I got to hand it to you. You have mastered your trade quiet well.
Trying each and every single trick in the book in order to discourage us from fighting for our rights and divert our attention from the main issue.
You started from sarcasm and when it did not work you resorted to trying to legitimise this regime politically and blaming foreign forces or scare mongering.
Failing miserably at that task you then tried to hide behind Shah and Hoveyda and frightening us by claiming that if these people go the next regime would be even worse.
When that attempt was also exposed and failed, then you resorted to philosophy claiming that noting is perfect and this regime is the best that we can get or deserve.
And if that is not enough you tell us that fundamentalism is here to stay and so we are better accept and try to live with it.

However my friend your main mistake is underestimating your adversary. So I see the need inform you that I have been round the block a few times myself and for the past 20 years I have encountered this kinds of approach enough times to recognize a fraudulent propaganda when I see one.

The bottom line is that we people of Iran believe that we deserve and can have a democratic regime and after 30 years we finally have found the best way to achieve this goal

The only question each and every Iranian needs to ask him/her self, is “whose side they are”, and if we want a new beginning and democracy:
Have we got what it takes?


A very different viewpoint - supporting religious fundamentalism

by Mehdi on

Check this out. A very different viewpoint on why religious fundamentalism is not going to go away anytime soon.




A few points

by Mehdi on

1) Everything in the universe is relative. Nothing is absolute. So progress, destruction, good, evil, etc, are all relative. Some regimes are more this or that compared to other regimes. Some cultures are more this or that compared to others. So when you say Iranian regime is evil or destructive or whatever, you must be comparing it to something else. There is no absolute destructive or evil. This means that even the worst regimes in the world are not 100% evil or destructive. And no regime in the world is absolutely perfect.

2) You may have noticed that some people have an exceptional ability to talk to others and get others to agree with them. For example, salespeople can accomplish a lot more when talking to others, than non-salespeople. In other words, some people can "sell their ideas" far better than others. Where person A fails to get someone to listen to reason or see a certain point of view, person B might succeed. So the situation does not entirely depend on who we are dealing with, but also to our ability to convince someone else. So while we may find it impossible to "talk" to the Iranian regime and get it to listen to reason, there are those who are able to do that! So part of the "evil" or incompetence that we see in IRI is really our own incompetence. For example people could get a lot further if they wrapped their demands in "Islamic" wrapping. But some of us are too "proud" and are not willing to "legitimize" the regime and prefer to fight endlessly, even if the other approach could get us to our goals faster.

3) The reason I brought up the subject of Shah and Hoveyday, etc was to give you a point of comparison. I am not a fan of any government. But I am a believer in taking things the way they are and finding a way to improve it. The point i was trying to make is that all this "rushing" to force a better system has resulted only in backward progress. Now we sit around and regret the 1979 revolution. But we want another revolution!

4) The whole idea of "revolution" is nothing more than a mirage; an illusion. There isn't and can never be such a thing as revolution or even "regime change." I don't think it has ever happened anywhere! But we look at Russia or the French "Revolution" and we think that there is such a thing. There isn't! It is just a misunderstanding! No nation or culture has ever bypassed hard work to create a better scene. Commnunism, for example, was discovered by the Germans to be a destructive economical philosophy (it was born in germany, if you remember) and it was "exported" into Russia in order to weaken the Tsar's powerful government. It effectively disable Russia and allowed germany to get past Russia and leave her behind. Yet for so many years not only people in Russia, but people around the world were under the illusion that a revolution had taken place!

5) Whatever disaster 1979 revolution was, nobody could change it for 30 years. And now the regime change that some are looking for HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. But some of us don't want to realize that. We look at shortcommings in Iran and we blame it all on mullahs. This is falsehood. No matter who runs that country, there is an enormous work that needs to be done to bring that whole nation out of its ignorance. And the sooner we start work and stop tearing things apart, the faster we will get there.

6) The "evil" IRI is one of the easiest "problems" Iranians have. This may come as a shock to you but if you study Iran closely and don't listen to israel or BBC or CIA supported "revolutionary" groups, you will notice that mullahs are among the easiest people to control. But it takes a bit of ability to communicate!

7) Mullahs could use a hand today. They don't need another punishing force. And I think if we can't control our emotions today, we will have another regret in the future.

8) Take a quick look at the Israel Lobby and how a small few people manipulate whole countries. You think all of these people are pure saints? You think none of them is evil? But they do manage to NEVER speak negatively about their exclusive club, or allow anybody to say anything negative about them, no matter how many children their leaders murder in a good day. I would be the last person on Earth to suggest Israel Lobby as a model BUT there are things that one can learn from them and how they came to be so powerful.A revolution wasn't part of their trick.


Mehdi, Time to wake up and smell the coffee

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Yet another flaw and opportunism in your argument

For the past 30 years the IRI and their cronies used every single opportunity to bring down the achievement of Shah’s era and specially the government of Hoveyda.

But now as they have failed in delivering on each and every promise and devastated the country, they are trying to hide behind Shah and Hoveyda’s government.

To any logical person with even an unse of brain left in his head, who knows the first thing about politic and economic , political and governing competence there is not doubt that :

“The idiot illiterate incompetents Khameney could never be compared to the Shah who was a graduate from the school of economics and politics in Swiss and spoke four languages fluently, and certainly the psychopath incompetent Ahmadi Nejaad whose words and behaviors even embarrasses the IRIs inner circle is certainly NO Hoveida
Even trying to draw such comparison is simply plain Stupid and an insult to intelligence of each and every Iranian”.

Of course as I told you before I was against this revolution since 1979 when every body was for it. Although I too could see the short comes in the last administrations conducts and their misconducts, yet there was also many strong point and progress and that was why I still believed that they were redeemable. However for the reasons that I highlighted above these folks (IRI) are not redeemable. That is why we need to get rid of them and have a proper democracy.

If we had not started this on path in 1979 then I would have agreed with you that we should not have rocked the boat and instead we should have tried to influence the government in a constructive way. However that ship has not set sail and there is no going back. The best thing we can do now is to try and get the situation under control and bring an end to this turmoil while minimizing the damage. by completing this journey

However as you see, we still refuse to face up to the realities on the ground and accept our responsibility in all these. I really do not get it. What is it with us Iranians and shifting the blame. We damn and blame anyone and everyone, from the West to Israel from Shah to MKO and yet we all refuse to accept our own share of responsibility

In your past article you have claimed that Iran is now groving strong. Could I ask you how did you come to this conclusion???

Have you recently looked at the behaviors of the sheikh Neshins in Persian Gulf who are arrogantly trying to change its name? Have you listened their claims on our three Islands of Tombe Bozorg, Tobme Koochak and Aboomoossa in the Persian Gulf. Have you recently counted the number of American and other nations ships and aircraft carriers in Persian Gulf or paid notice to the dastardly whispers of the Western governments who are legitimizing these claims by breaking and disregarding international agreements which formally recognizes the Name of Persian Gulf and the right on Iran over these Islands??
Growing Strength? What Strength? Do you call hyper inflation record unemployment and ever increasing abject poverty drug addiction and women being forced into prostitution and on the top of that being bullied by some inferior Arab tribe in the Persian Gulf progress? Then I hate to know what would be your definition of failure :-)).

Come on man pool your head out of your back site, Time to wake up and smell the coffee


Re: Mehdi

by jamshid on

I asked you to back up your claim that Israel "funded" the Islamic revolution. All you provided was:

1. Shah's interview in which he claims Israel lobby is too strong. Now how does this prove that Israel "funded" the Islamic revolution? It doesn't and you know it. Don't accuse, provide evidence.

2. You provided two other links that only describe the US and Israel arm sales to Iran during the Iraq war. Again, how does that show us that Israel "funded" the Islamic revolution? Brazil also sold much weaponry to Iran and Iraq, does that mean that Brazil "funded" the Islamic revolution? Or that it just took advantage of it after the fact?

You call this "ample evidence"? You are diverting from "funding" the revolution to arm sales after the revolution. Sorry, it won't work. You have FAILED to provide evidence that Israel funded the revolution.

I agree with you regarding being duped into the revolution in 1979.

Quote from your post to justify that things are improving fast in Iran: "What I see is far more Iranians traveling to and from Iran; Iranian money is far more valuable than 1979; consumer products are at least available, even if highly priced; percentage of educated people and especially women is far higher and is increasing; etc., etc. What do you have to show that it has regressed?"

Let's analyze your quote:

You thing ability to travel is an improvement? No comment.

Iranian money is more valuable today that in 1979? Are you out of your mind? In January 1979, dollar was around 10 Toman. Today it is 1000 Toman. Even compared to 1999, Iran's currency is less valuabe against the dollar.  

Consumers products are "at least" available? They are "at least" availabe in Zimbabwe and Bangladesh too.

When you say that percentage of educated people and especially women is far higher and is increasing, you are wrong again. First, the percentage of overall literacy as well as women literacy in Iran grew only by a a few percent in the past decade, hardly an evidence of "FAST" improvement. Third, the percentage of Iranians with higher education is steadily decreasing due to Iran's huge brain drain problem.

You have FAILED to provide evidence that things are improving in Iran. 

You also asked me what do I have to show that Iran has regressed. Did you read my last post? I copy and paste it for you here:

Iran is been making record revenues from oil in the past 15 years, and yet most of our economic indicators are below even some African countries that have no oil and have a larger illiterate population. There is rampant drug addiction, prostitution, unemployment, suicide attempts, abject poverty, total dependence on oil, the need for two job shifts, the worst possible economic mismanagement, plundering of Iran's riches, isolation of Iranians from the rest of the world, daily imprisonments and executions, and ALL of these are getting worst.

Investment has decreased, trade deficit is worst, government deficit is worst, unemployment is worst, inflation is worst, income inequality is worst, percent of population below poverty is worst, gini index is worst, industrial growth rate is worst (less than Angola or Cambodia), all these while income from oil is soaring... and not to mention anything on the political oppression front which based on the results of the last mock elections is also getting worst.

Are you going to challenge any of the above? which one?

Contrary to your view, the IRI and its source of power can clearly be identified. Its main organs are:

1. Mollahs and their institutions such as the guardian council and the council of experts.

2. Bonyaads.

3. Pasdaran and Basij.

4. The above three are fed with a bankrupt ideology as well as with Iran's oil revenues.

The details of power struggles among their own selves are irrelevant. All of the above three institutions must be removed from positions of power for Iran to have any chance of improving.

As far as Bush bomging Iran, unfortunately, the IRI is leading Iran into the wolf's mouth. The IRI has done NOTHING to protect Iran's people from the monstrous bully that the US can be. In fact, some in the IRI are licking their chops for a war. They see war as "the" opportunity to reshuffle the power structure in the IRI, very much like the Iraq war did in 1980.

If war happens, we know who to blame in the US side. But the Iran's side of the blame is fully on the IRI's shoulders and its supporters as well, which includes you, even if you are just misled.

Lastly, I agree with you that the oppostion has not been much helpful. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE SHOULD STOP OPPOSING THE IRI AND THE CRIMES IT IS COMMITTING. It is both immoral and unintelligent to do so.


Behrooz: You are welcome ;)

by Mehdi on

Look, it's a simple question: how has any of these revolutionary movements helped Iran and Iranians more than Hoveyda did, or more than Shah did? It can't be that difficult to answer. There must be ample evidence. No?

The "terrible" conditions that you claim exist in Iran is known better to those who live in Iran. And last time I checked, they didn't like it but preferred it by a thousand times over ANY so-called opposition group! So why is that?


P.S. Do I support the IRI? It depends. Compared to who? Compared to a new revolution? You bet I support the IRI. Compared to cowboy Bush and their gang bombing Iran or their video-game-style "surgical" attacks? You bet I support the IRI. Compared to the MEK and the likes? Absolutely, count me in as a supporter of the IRI. Compared to "let's destroy everything and allow any idiot to attack Iran and let's see what happens?" Oh, I am a supporter of the IRI. Does that explain my position? But if somebody said "let's get the US, Israel and other to have a mano-to-mano talk with Iran" and the IRI flatly refused? Then I would consider other options.


To: jamshid

by Mehdi on

Little study for you: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQgZ3oLp_WY
Start there.
Why do you think Shah was specifically asked these questions? Was it because Wallacse was interested in truth? Or was it to promote to the world that Shah needs to be taken out because he is crazy or anti-semite, etc.? Which one makes more sense? He was simply being setup here in this interview. This was a setup to get support of other countries for his removal.

Here is another one:

Here is where the US sent representative to MAKE SURE the 1979 would succeed:

Do a Google regarding the sales of arms by Israel to Iran in order for Iran to destroy itself in a war with Iraq. Also how Saddam was given secret details about Iranian air force so as to encourage him to attack (Iranian air force was the only thing that he didn't have a solution for at the time).

Believe me, you just need to be willing to look. You'll find ample evidence.

By "you" I meant all those who actively started the fire. Iranians were simply duped into believing that a revolution was necessary.

Yes, the people of Iran have obtained "a bit" of power. I never said I support IRI, you calimed that. You have no evidence that the power of Iranian people have regressed. What I see is far more Iranians traveling to and from Iran; Iranian money is far more valuable than 1979; consumer products are at least available, even if highly priced; percentage of educated people and especially women is far higher and is increasing; etc., etc. What do you have to show that it has regressed?

One big probem in the way of faster improvement in Iran is the so-called "opposition" and "revolutionary" and "active students" who happen to be aligned with the expansionist US and Israel. These people and groups make the regime more repressive because of their attacks. Interestingly, if IRI did not report how many people were executed, everybody is left in the dark but when IRI reports the numbers, everyone of these people start shouting! They are not even smart enough to realize that at least now we can have a better understanding of what is going on and we should not kill that opportunity!

Your quote (or is it radio Israel quote?) "For your information, the Islamic Repulbic IS already destro...." General statements with no real statistics. Situations that exist in ANY country including the US and Israel, blown up out of proportion. i don't know of any thugs that have attacked my family or anybody's family. I do know of certain elements who want a confrontation with the government and they are getting one! Just like they did during Shah. Before 1977, I has never even heard of anyone getting tortured ot killed or anything. The same story is repeating today - exaggerations beyond any sense of reality.

You say "With the exception of MEK (another version of IRI) all those who were involved in the revoultion, Jebheye Melli, the Left, today's Melli Mazhabis, the monarchists, the ethnic minorities, and even many of the ex-IRI supporters have learnt their lesson..." What is that lesson? That there is a mythical monster named IRI that NOBODY is able to clearly identify. They have this massive power that NOBODY can explain where it comes from. they have thugs that nobody knows who are not humans and imported from Mars so therefore don't expect any human emotion from them..." What a crock! You really believe that?

You say "Their lack of talent in leadership has nothing to do with this fact..." What a super-funny statement. So with this groups of disturbed people who can't even decide on a leader, we are going to fight the mythical monster by first destroying everything and then see what can be done? Ooooooooooooooh! I am impressed. Maybe after Bush bombs everybody to death we will have time to decide who should lead us. What do you say?

I could go on but I honesltly done't see a point. I think if you could read your own comments as if you were someone else, you'd get your answer.

I mainly asked one simple question which has not been answered yet. HOW IS ANY OF THESE SO-CALLED REVOLUTIONARY GROUPS BEEN MORE HELPFUL THAN SOMEONE LIKE HOVEYDA? Is this that hard to understand? Give me good answer without excusing these groups left, right and center.


Well Mehdi, Thank you again!!!

by Behrooz (not verified) on

I believe that the most important outcome of this exchange was that I finally succeeded to smoke you out of your hole and made you to admit that you are indeed an IRI supporter. As you have admitted yourself, and I quote “I could be an IRI supporter.”

However the rest of your article was noting but baseless accusations, empty gestures, and uninformed statements about the situation is Iran, which could not be any further from the truth. Just like any typical IRI supporter you failed to offer any real solution and instead resorted to finger point shifting the blame, scare mongering and discouraging your readers from taking on the challenge ahead by being responsibly involved and taking the charge of their own destiny. I even offered you a realistic way out of this mess but you preferred to throw it back at my face and instead accusing me of being an agent of the West

I is really funny to see any dictator regime and its supporters from Mugabe to IRI, from North Korea to Hamas and from Saddam to Taliban when they have their back to the wall and can not defend their conduct or make any excuses for their incompetence or deterioration of support , they all point the finger of blame to foreign conspiracy. While in responsible democracies the government always reflect back at their own conducts and look for their own short comes, trying to improve themselves continuously.

But now that you have finally shown your true face and I know who I am dealing with, I would gladly be able to take you on

Now lets analyses your claims. First you stated

“you guys created a fake revolution. For the past 30 years you have been very happy with IRI”

Do you have any evidence that I personally was a participant in the revolution or even the street demonstrations?

For your information, from the very starting day of this revolution I was against it, not because I was a blind supporter of the previous regime. But because as I told you before most of those who participated in this revolution did not know what they wanted. Even those who were advocating political freedom and freedom of speech did not know what they wanted these freedoms for. They did not realize that in the end all these are just a tool to better people’s lives, but instead they were interested in politic just for the sake of politic.

Another important factor which contributed to this revolution was the attitudes of Shah’s regime and their approach to domestic and foreign issues. In the end these were the factors which fueled the flames of revolution and gave eminition to his enemies and enabled them to plot against him. However those affairs are now in the past and all we can do is to look back and learn the lessons. But that will not cancel or reduce from importance of the job in hand.

You continue
“Supposedly you are on your masters's side that even bombing all Iranians is good because although it kills everyone but at least we get rid of evil!”

Well! hang on sir! Do you even read what I wrote. Where in my article did I advocate bombing Iran or even promoted the smallest foreign intervention in order to get rid of this evil regime. In fact if you have bothered to read any of my previous article you will see that I am a strong opponent to foreign intervention.. So my advice to you is, to keep a real meaning full exchange please try to keep up with me by at least reading my replies properly before responding

Then you go on saying
“I'd rather live with a few shortcoming considering the fact that year after year things are improving.”

Well mate that is exactly the problem. The fact is that you are not living in Iran and do not have to deal with these so called ”few shortcomings”. In fact you are living a cushy life in U.S and visit Iran for a few weeks each year. And even then you wont go further than north of Tehran. Now sir, let ne tell you the realities of living in a small town in the center of Iran. Since the middle of Farvardin maah the piped water in our town has stopped flowing due to poor maintenance and shortages. This is while the temperature has already reached scorching 35 degrees centigrade. At the moment we have to queue up in the street for several hours everyday, in order to buy water from the tankers at 10 toomaan per gallon. Now I do not know under what standards you have been brought up put in our book this is a deterioration from even two month ago an NOT an improvement.

With regards to MKO the only reason that I mentioned them was the fact that I believe they are also part of this nation and in order for us to become a true democracy we should include all group.
However any person or leader in these group who have committed and act of treason has to stand trial and answer for their action, but as fas as the ordinary members are concerned whether they as Paasdaar MKO or communist I have not problem with them presenting their view to Iranian people and the last decision would be with our people to select which individual, croup or combination is more suitable for them

We should always remember the one would always makes peace with ones enemy. However this reconciliation should be done in a free and even environment where no one has the upper hand of power to enable them to enforce their own interested over the interest of the rest of us. with regards to IRI they had their chance and their leader are a bunch of murderers who have to stand trial for their crimes, however if there are some elements of Islamists in the society who do not have blood on their hand and want to promote their views in a free and evenhanded environment I do not have any problems with that(As long as it is done in a peaceful and civil manner)

It is true that I believe that in 1979 we as a people made mistake and if we are going to get out of this mess we need to face up to our responsibilities, accept out mistake and learn from it. As it is my belief that those who do not learn from the history are doomed to repeat it.

This is and was alas always my view and I make to apology for it.


Re: Mehdi

by jamshid on

Quote from your post: "Anybody with a little study will realize that Israel and the US heavily funded the "Islamic Revolution..."

So a "little" study can reveal that Israel funded the Islamic revolution? If it is that easy, then why don't you show us the evidence? You yourself said all it takes is just a "little" study.

If you can't come up with any evidence regarding Israel, then you are a "liar", plain and simple!

Quote from your post: "As soon as Shah became strong, you guys created a fake revolution..."

And who would "you" be? Two third of Iran's population was born after the revolution.

Quote from your post: "now that people in Iran (and not the regime) have started to gain a bit of power..."

You are not misled Mehdi, in fact you know exactly what you are talking about. You are simply liying. Let's analyze your statement "The people of Iran have started to gain a bit of power", shall we?

First of all you are admitting that the only thing the Iranian people have gained, after thirty years of IRI rule, is just a "bit" of power. Let me tell you that even if either Israel, US or Pakistan had occupied Iran and was "directly" ruling Iran, the Iranian people would have gained a "bit" of power after thirty years anyway.

But in reality, the power of the people of Iran has regressed compared to a decade ago. The result of the fake state selections that recently took place is testimony to it.

Quote from your post: "you want another destructive revolution again..."

For your information, the Islamic Repulbic IS already destroying Iran and its great potential on a daily basis. It's as though a gang of thugs have taken over your home, your wife and your kids, and then there are some of your relatives who want to get rid of these thugs, and here comes Mehdi and says, "Oh not stop! Leave the thugs alone! The wall papers may get damaged!..." So much for your "gheyrat".

Quote from your post: "Why ... if ... revolutionary groups destroy Iran we should be understanding ...but if the ruling elite messed things up we should destroy the whole country and government?"

With the exception of MEK (another version of IRI) all those who were involved in the revoultion, Jebheye Melli, the Left, today's Melli Mazhabis, the monarchists, the ethnic minorities, and even many of the ex-IRI supporters have learnt their lessons. Their lack of talent in leadership has nothing to do with this fact. However, the IRI ruling "elite" (what a funny word to use in order to refer to "akhoonds") has learnt NOTHING after 30 years. In fact they are making bigger and graver mistakes today.

Quote from your post: "I just belive in proper approach - an approach that will result in lasting solid progress... "

And what would that apporach be? Coud you expand upon this for us? Or are these just pretty words in order to decieve?

Quote from your post: "you keep painting this picture of Iran that rivers of blood are flowing everywhere. People are being whipped on every corner. Khamenei or somebody is personally beheading a young virgin girl every morning as a ritual. STOP your lies! You are liars!"

And what would the correct picture be? That Iranian citizens' rights are respected on a daily basis by the IRI? That stoning and amputation takes place oh, only once in a while, so it's not so bad? That in Iran's political prisons, they are serving prisoners chelo kabab? That all the executions are ummm, just to safeguard national security? Yeah right.

Quote from your post: "Iran's situation is (not) anywhere near as bad as you say it is...."

Wow! It is not nearly as bad haan? Iran is been making record revenues from oil in the past 15 years, and yet most of our economic indicators are below even some African countries that have no oil and have a larger illiterate population. Couldn't get any worst? There is rampant drug addiction, prostitution, unemployment, suicide attempts, abject poverty, total dependence on oil, the need for two job shifts, the worst possible economic mismanagement, plundering of Iran's riches, isolation of Iranians from the rest of the world, daily imprisonments, torture and execution, and it is not nearly as bad?

Quote from your post: "there is ample indication that things are improving FAST!"

Have you even taken a look at the economic indicators of Iran for the past 15 years, to see how things are getting worst?

Investment has decreased, trade deficit is worst, government deficit is worst, unemployment is worst, inflation is worst, income inequality is worst, percent of population below poverty is worst, gini index is worst, industrial growth rate is worst (less than Angola or Cambodia), all these while income from oil is soaring... and not to mention anything on the political oppression front.

And you are saying that "things are improving fast"?

Quote from your post: "In 10 years nobody will recognize Iran and its regime..."

In this one I agree with you. In 10 more years, Iran would be so @#$ by the IRI that it would become unrecognizable.

Quote from your post: "you guys are in a rush to destroy Iran before it gets a chance."

And you? You are in rush to keep Iran in being destroyed by the IRI, because you can, as you said it, live with its "few" shortcomings. nafaset az jaaye garm boland misheh mageh na?

Who are YOU trying to fool? You are the worst kind that Iran has to offer to its people. One day if and when Iran is liberated, when even more of the IRI's crimes and mess ups are revealed, your like who contributed to the IRI and to the oppression and misery of Iran and its people, have to crawl in a hole in shame and stay there.


Mr. Nooriala, I trully

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Mr. Nooriala, I trully admire you. You are a true intellectual Iranian. Like Mr. Rashidian said, a reflection of great but silent (Who is by the way,rapidly, staring to speak up) majority. Wish you all the best and please keep enlightening our people.


Behrooz: Maybe you are the one in the closet

by Mehdi on

I am not the one blaming "people" for what happened in 1979 - you are! You are saying "people" were victimized. You are saying they were stupid and therefore made a mistake. I never said that.

It is possible that you don't know the difference between "responsibility" and "blame." Responsibility means accepting that one was cause whereas blame is agreeing that one was a victim (effect). You are saying people were effect (victim). I am saying they were cause and they need to realize it.

I could be an IRI supporter. But you could be a West (Israel/US/criminals) supporter trying to get Iran into a mess by getting them to destroy their government every time it gains a bit of power - every time it gets close to becoming big in the region. Anybody with a little study will realize that Israel and the US heavily funded the "Islamic Revolution" and helped take out Shah. They established the current regime because it served their purpose at the time and they have no reason to take it out now but to weaken it to a point where it will be like 28 years ago - unable to pose any "threat" to the beloved Israel.

As soon as Shah became strong, you guys created a fake revolution. For the past 30 years you have been very happy with IRI but now that people in Iran (and not the regime) have started to gain a bit of power, you want another destructive revolution again. Who is the traitor now? You or me?

It is very funny that you claim that groups such as MEK should learn from their mistakes and not bash each other but the regime in Iran is non-redeemable. How did you come up with that brilliant conclusion? Why is it that if these so-called revolutionary groups destroy Iran we should be understanding and give them another chance but if the ruling elite messed things up we should destroy the whole country and government? Interesting. Is it possible that you are an agent of the foreign forces and not me? For your information, just because I don't agree with a revolution or violent confrontation does not make me a supporter of IRI. I just belive in proper approach - an approach that will result in lasting solid progress not emotional outbursts that will make us "feel goo" for a few days but leave massive destruction behind.

In your rantings you keep saying situation in Iran is so bad that anything is justified. You and the likes of you keep painting this picture of Iran that rivers of blood are flowing everywhere. People are being whipped on every corner. Khamenei or somebody is personally beheading a young virgin girl every morning as a ritual. STOP your lies! You are liars!

Supposedly you are on your masters's side that even boming all Iranians is good because although it kills everyone but at least we get rid of evil! Who do you think you are fooling? You have no interest in Iran or Iranians. Something else is your goal. Currently there is no reason to believe that Iran's situation is anywhere near as bad as you say it is. And there is ample indication that things are improving FAST! In 10 years nobody will recognize Iran and its regime anymore. But you guys are in a rush to destroy Iran before it gets a chance. And you claim you are the true heros! What a farse. You are either demented or an agent of the foreign forces. I am not fooled. Not another revolution, thank you. I'd rather live with a few shortcoming considering the fact that year after year things are improving. Go destroy another evil country - like your beloved Israel.


Mehdi, Time to come out of the closet

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Again I see noting new in your analysis but the same old clap trap that has already been offered by the IRI for the past 30 years

On one hand you shift the blame for the current misery to the Iranian people and the mistakes they have made in 1979 and on the other hand when the same people rise their voice and try to put right their mistakes of the past you warn them to stop doing so and try harder to put up these monsters

The fact of matter is that you can not haveit both way by having your cake and eating it too. On one hand blaming the people for the mistake their parents have made 29 years ago and at the same time discouraging them from trying to put it right and earging them to stick with this mistake.

Now I am not a supporter of any specific group or faction. However what I have in common with all of them is testifying to the fact that after 29 years of wasted second third and even one hundredth chances, we have finally come to the conclusion that this regime is not redeemable or reform-able and its is finally about the high time to drop the dead donkey

Now, about the solution and alternative that you are asking for.

Those groups , parties and individuals who want to engage in this fight (From MKO to Toodeh, from Comole to, monarchists and other left, right or middle groups) should first have a soul search and try to find the reason for their failure and mistakes made along the way.
Nevertheless this should not be in order to point fingers of blames towards one another and becoming divided by bashing the past on each others head, but to understand and learn from our mistakes, so that when in the future we came across the same issues, we would remember these mistakes and prevent repeating them

Secondly we need to learn to respect every group and individual and let them to have their say however daft they might sound. Because at the end of the day the biggest enemy of an idiot is himself.

However we should never be afraid of criticizing and pointing to each others mistakes without turning it into personal attacks and humiliation or prosecution

Finally on the matter of IRI, This is about accountability for the crimes that they have committed against this country. From imprisoning and executing hundreds of thousands of our young people in prisons such as Evin, Ghezel Hesaar, Masvdasht and many more, to devastating our economy and international reputation, to looting our assets and giving it to every Islamic tug and terrorist group around the world in order to buy themselves time and cheap publicity, to cultural genocide and destroying our most priceless and precious heritage sites like Pasargadae and Persepolis.

They have to be held to accountable for all of these crimes

The scare mongering strategy used by mullahs, their sympathizers and a few fools who believe them, to states that the next regime might be worst than mullahs just like they are far worse than the Shah, might have worked 20 years ago. However today looking at the situation in Iran (where I live) and the treats to our national interests and sovereignty of our borders; I can confidently tell you that


However I agree with you on one point, and that is the fact that this time round we need to have a clear strategy know what we want and have a precise plan to get it. We should also prepare for a long hall and bumpy road ahead. Also in order to prevent another dictatorship we should have a leadership council which has representatives from all political groups, religious minorities and ethnic factions in Iran, instead of having just one leader.

At the moment there are several pilot projects going on around the world to create just such council. For example Jonbesh- e Azarbaijaan is one shining example.

As for the rest of us it is about high time that we put our money where our mouth is and start getting active, not only by supporting these oppositions, but also by thinking about the road ahead and having a clear plan for the day after this regime is gone.

The main reason for the failure and disaster of 1979 was the fact that none of us knew what we wanted and even the leaders of opposition did not have any plans for the day after. This created a vacuum which allowed the mullahs and their tugs to muscle into the power by abusing our people’s religious beliefs and trust.

Such mistakes should never be allowed to occur again. That is why in the manifesto of the new revolutionary council the first principal should be separation of religion and state.

I should also tell you that we are living in a very dangerous and curtail period of our country's history. Never in the past 3 millennium the very existence of our country and national identity have been under such direct and huge threat. Therefore we can not afford to waste a single day or make any mistakes by looking for solution where it doesn’t exist (IRI and its corrupted system). That is why it is now time for all Iranians to stop dancing on the fence and clear their position.

You are either with the IRI and keeping the state of status quo, in the false hope of a miracle that would make thing to get better, or you are for a free and fare and democratic Iran, and are willing to take part in the fight for achieving this goal, by attempting to your duty

There is no in between. Its your choice.


I see no replies - only accusations and distractions

by Mehdi on

Yes, we are all just victims. It was all done to us. We were all tricked. That's a great way to go!

Educating people in falsehood is not going to change anything except for the worse. It is an irresponsible lazy attitude to blame it all on some un-describable group and feel good about it. But it doesn't solve anything, as we have seen in 30 years of blaming it on somebody else.

Or, you are simply an agent of the forces who wants destruction or weakening of Iran by pretending to be such a hero! No solution whatsoever - only invitation to destruction. And that you call patriotic. Great!


Focuuuuuuuussssssss * 1000

by samsam1111 on

Focus on Educating the new generation of youth in Iran against the systematic brainwashing of last 30 years.Dont get distracted by others.Do your job to Inform them of where we were and where we are ,through word of mouth & the net any time you get.Enlighting of one person will multiply the info ultimately to 10.There is how ever some truth to abarmard claim(there are mini divisions all over society) how ever the creator of this mess is mostly the occupation force in Tehran.Regards!



New example

by Abarmard on

After reading my comment below, take a look at this news. You might get the picture that I am drawing better:



Mehdi / Abarmard

by Anonymous b (not verified) on

Every body on this site already knows that you both spread any craps to confuse people. Your arguments only attempt to legitimize the IRI while shifting all problems and blames on Iranian people.


Those who simplify the system can't fight it-Structure of power:

by Abarmard on

One reason that the opposition is struggling could be the reason of the simplification. Mehdi here is saying a philosophical question not directed at the individual but as realities that exists inside of Iran.

Iran is a confused society. One trip to Iran, staying for a month or so will give you that impression. Somewhere between modernity and traditions, Islamic and secular, Freedom and dictatorial, hides our culture that has all of the above. The government in Iran is not only a dictatorial, but also a reactionary. Mehdi is asking what you would do? It's not easy to answer, is it?

The system is not too different from your own family. You might have a Shahi on one side, Pro IRI on another, Muslim on one side and anti religion on another. In most of the Iranian families, all of the above characteristics of our society exist. My grandparents and some cousins are very religious, while my uncles and some other cousins hate religion and Islam.
The system in Iran is a complex system and to simplify it is to not understand it. You can't fight an enemy that you don't know, as Iranians say: Know your enemy's language well. Khamenei has not been the decision maker that you might think. Ranfsanjani has not been either. They all are involved, but none are responsible, fully. If there was a person in charge, the west would focus to talk to that person only.

For example:

There are groups within groups that hate or like one another. Reformists are now divided and so are the conservatives. Mesbaah e Yazdi and Asgar Oladi are in a camp against Khatami and Rafsanjani. While Khatami and Rafsanjani were against one another, now they are united to fight the "opposition". Khamenei (who was far Right and now is more center) is aligning himself more and more towards the Rafsanjani camp, while absolutely dislike and distrust him. Yet has no choice because he want to have the image of control.
They all praise Khamenei, but know that he is nobody. Ahmadinejad who used to have the support of Khamenei and the Right wing censervatives, was asking unsuccessfully the center conservatives camp to join him, now is against all of them and has relied on his powerful Paasdaaran organization. Yet within that camp there is not a unity. While the current mayor of Tehran, Ghalibaf wasalso a member of Paasdaran, he is more towards the center and is willing to align himself to Rafsanjani.

Karubi who was similar to Khatami is now far left, while khatami is more towards the center and is in the neighborhood of Rafsanjani.They want to take the power and the possibility of the internal coup from the military based Paasdaran. But moving too fast could work against them, so they are careful that won't be forced to leave or even killed. This has happened in IR many times. The balance of power is gradually shifting from the clergy to military. Some clergy have agreed to this and want to secure a position in the future balance. Many reformists are warning the public of this shift but they are limited in their freedom to send their message clearly.

The IRIB that was towards the Khamenei camp, now is shifting to the center and is criticizing the dominante regime more than before. This camp is also confused between Mesbah e Yazdi and Khamenei. Larijani who was in charge of IRIB, now is the candidate for the speaker of the house, was close to Khamenei, getting closer to Rafsanjani. While Rafsanjani is now acting that he is with Khamenei, since they are afraid of the shift to "Secular-Military" Paasdaran. With him taking the speaker of the house position, the principalists and right wing conservatives divide totally and the components of the system will shift to a new power struggle...

The reformists are almost dead in this struggle and don't seem to have a room to be the part, so the Principalists might be the future Reformists, with a difference that they are more powerful. Unless of course the Paasdaran camp has a silent coup and it's all over. Yet Paasdaran might not want to do that if they feel that the system as a whole could be weaker. Regardless, Paasdaran have been the true power behind the scenes of the Iranian politics since Ahmadinejad took office. We'll see how all this works out in the next presidential election.

Things to watch for:

-If Ahmadinejad wins, the hope for the opposition camp to compete becomes extremely small to none.
-If Ghalibaf wins, Pasdaran have made a deal with center wing clergy, such as Rafsanjani and ultimately Khamenei. That would make almost everyone happy

-If Karrubi wins....He won't, he has no internal support

-Rezaie and his camp have lost all their power, showing that Khamenei is struggling. His site baztab has been closed. This shows that Khamenei can't even support his own "powerful" members and the camps have noticed his lack of power. Rafsanjani still believes that the stability comes with one leader who all agrees to. If Rezai runs again, he is getting support from the "other half" of the Sepah. The half that likes ghlibaf, which is the less powerful one at the moment. They most probably want to keep the system the way it is, unlike the other half that wants Paasdaran to be the ultimate decision maker.

-Larijani will be the big player, if he gets the Speaker position. He would certainly play a balancing the ball game.
-If Larijani runs for president, that means that he has made a deal with the devil, must wait and see which one.
Still the next election should be interesting, and I believe that the west is also waiting for the result.


To: Behrooz

by Mehdi on

Well, you sure are angry. A lot of heated emotion. But not very practical. You seem very confident that you know everything there is to know about Iran and the current regime, yet you are completely unable to explain why things don't improve, after 30 years of whining.

Let's look at some of your statements:

"If after 30 years of misery, humiliation, bankruptcy, theft and destruction of our national and cultural assets you..."

You know what this is duplicate of? Nonsense that was being circulated around before the 1979 destruction of the country. Almost exact lies and exaggerations and out-of-context statements to get people to "rise up" and destroy their own government and therefore their own country. I think any idiot admits today that things went from bad to extreme worse. But NOBODY wants to take responsibility for what happened. Everybody's answer is that "we were tricked" or "they stole the revolution" or some such nonsense. Why don't we say that we had no idea what we were doing and after 30 years we still have no clue? We enjoy heated emotional arguments and violent "uprising" which will destroy everything in its path but we have no interest in understanding what the circumstances are.

For your information, there is misery pretty much everywhere on Earth, even in our beloved USA. There is fraud and bankruptcy and destruction everywhere. In fact aside from the Iran-Iraq war, Iran has been one of the safest places on Earth. But could things have been a lot better? Who would disagree?

What I was trying to point out here, which you missed completely, is that the situation does not depend on one or two individuals to change things. Personally, I think Khamenei and a few others have a much better understanding of what is going on and are more eager to improve things than you would ever know. But you are so ignorant and so confident that you don't even look.

Khamenei and the rest of them were "put in place." They themselves didn't know why or how. They still don't quite understand. The best they could think of was that God wanted them there. That seemed to be the best explanation. In fact, the reason the West is now trying to bomb Iran is because more and more of them are beginning to understand who put them there and for what reason. Exactly the same situation that Shah ran into. As soon as he started to realize what was going on, he was taken out. It was done through a “people’s uprising.” Uprising my foot! But we the people are not smart enough to realize it. So we "rise up" again, stupidly, and destroy the country one more time in the stupid hopes that somehow magically there will be a beautiful country waiting for us the day after we topple our "evil regime" and destroy everything in our path. What a lazy bunch of idiots we are! I wonder how many more revolutions it will take before we realize that somebody makes us go through this nonsense over and over again. If our "bright students" and "heroes" had cooperated with Shah and helped him instead of take up arms and fight him, despite all "injustices" that existed, we'd have a far, far better country today. Yet, you can't find one "revolutionary" who is willing to admit that it was a mistake to fight Shah. I am no fan of Shah, but I am talking about the principles of things. Today we see that even Saddam was better than what Iraq has inherited, which could last for another 10 or even 20 years.

So, if you can fit some of this in your head, and try to push pure useless emotions away, you may start to see that one should not worry about appearances and should work towards a solid future, with a solid plan, instead of just keep destroying what is there for the empty hope that something wonderful will somehow fall out of the sky take its place.


Well Mehdi, Thaks

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Thank you for confirming my suspicions to the fact that you not only are a closet supporter of the IRI, but also you are full of crap and your logic is as flawed as it can get.

If after 30 years of misery, humiliation, bankruptcy, theft and destruction of our national and cultural assets you are still waiting for these assholes to change their ways and turn things around at their own will, then you are either a naïve idiot who refuses to pull his head out of his ass and face the realities of life under the mullahs and the nature of this regime. Or may be you are another well paid IRI agent (as they come in all shapes and disguises), who tries t prolong its existence by persuading our people that there is no alternative to these monsters and we should stop fighting them.

Also about question for Mr. Nooriala

“What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and found yourself in Khamenei's body?”

Wow and I really mean it, WOW.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell me man are really that thick and departed from realities of life or do you choose to behave as if stupidity is a virtue.

Khamene-ey did not drop in his body over night. Where he is today and the damages he caused to our country and his own cult (Islam) is the result of over ten years of systematic deception and destruction of this country’s assets by him and the continuation of the tame trend adopted by your 13th Imam Khomeini the bustard. The fact is that over the past 29 years each time any of these bustards had the opportunity to turn things around and stop further devastation (and you can forget about positive construction) they chose to serve their own interests and hunger for power. All of these in the expense of national, economical and cultural interests our people.

Your question is as stupid as if someone in Nuremberg asked the judge what would you have done if you were dropped into the body of Rudolf Hess in 1939.could you have resigned from being the man in charge of Nazi concentration camps or would you be able to stop the holocaust.

Furthermore until the mullahs are in the power and idiots like you promote the state of status-Quo. Why should they see any need to change their way as they certainly did not in the past 29 years. A leopard could never change its spots

Now if you prefer to sit on you big fat ass and count the IRI’s money, closing your eyes to the truth and wish for a miracle, then by all mean be my guest

But don’t you dare come here and belittle people who care about this country its people and their identity and culture.


more please!

by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on

I was very surprised to read this article of Mr. Norriala. I read his articles about Iran and related problems since many years and I have never seen such a direct attack from him to the "supreme leader". People like Mr. Nooriala who can write and express themselves very well and are well educted should hit the enemy where it hurts.
Mr. Nooriala please attack more the bloody root itself and explain to all of us how dirty these mullahs and their dirty and ertejaie idealogy is.
More please.

Javid Shah


Excellent article. I

by jamshid on

Excellent article.

I loved the very last sentence. Mollah Khamenei should frame it and look at it everyday.



سید علی خامنه ای (not verified)

بر خلاف آنچه که شما و بسیاری از ابرانیان در خارج به غلط تصور میکنند که ما شکایات ایشان را نمیخوانیم، باید عرض کنم که بنده شخصاً کلیه مطالب از این قبیل را خوانده ودر صورت لزوم پاسخ میدهم.

اولاً رفتن ما به شیراز یک مسافرت خصوصی است وپیشنهادات شما در مورد کورش و داریوش و وسط کشیدن پای میّت در مسائل خصوصی در شاُن یک مسلمان نیست. بنده ترجیح میدهم در مورد فالوده شیرازی صحبت کنیم که این جوانها چیزی بیاموزند.

دوماً، شما اگر شکایتی دارید باید مستقیماً با سفارت انگلیس در تهران تماس بگیرید تا آنها پیگیری کنند. دولت جمهوری اسلامی مسئولیت وجود و با عدم آزادی را به سفارت انگلستان محول نموده است، چه دولت علیّه در قبال نفت مجانی که از ایران میبرد ضمانت رسیدگی به شکایات سیاسی را بعهده گرفته است.


سگ خاندان علی
سید علی


Empty Writings

by Mehdi on

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and found yourself in Khamenei's body? If somebody kicked him out of his body and put you in there, what would you do? Would you stand up and tell people that Islam is a waste of time? Would that solve the prblems of that country? Would that cause everyone to, all of a sudden in unison say outloud that they have found the way?

Put yourself in his shoes and tell me what you would do exactly and how you would change things without getting blown out of the water! It's not that simple, I am afraid. Do you remember Bani Sadr? Do you remember Bazargaan? They tried it, foolishly. A backward people will not allow a progressive leader to take lead! You have to plan based on what people will agree with; you have to take into account all "external" forces. Unfortunately, the fake democracy period of Shah has made a lot of Iranians confused. They walk around thinking that there is actually an educated nation there. There isn't. The only reason that during Shah the educated people, more or less, were in charge, was because that was in alignment with the existing plans for that country. Nowadays, it is not! Khamenei or any one individual can do nothing. A group is needed. And such a group does not exists yet.

You better support NIAC;) Once more Iranians involve themselves in the government decision making processes (like Israel Lobby is doing) and once relations between Iran and the rest of the world moves closer to friendly, there will be options becoming available. Until then, you are wasting your breath.


Nooerialla Ghalam Tala!

by samsam1111 on

The power of pens like yours will enlighten & wake up the young minds hence will Bury the Shamefull khalifs occupation force in Iran.

Long Live Our Land.Down with khalifs occupation alien regime


I am sure

by Abarmard on

That Mr. Khamenei reads and will respond to your letter!

It's naive to think of khamenei the way you do. I believe if you know the system and it's design, then you would not write such letter. It's a complicated system that has been simplified to "Mullahs" by us. The check and balances in the government works interestingly in such parallels that takes the power from any groups or organizations. Although the Sepah has been gaining momentum, one must wait and see the finalized outcome of this system.

Although the leader suppose to have all the final say, but he does not have such power in reality. Many want their ways, and most get none...it's an organized chaos, yet not completely.