
نقد اندیشه های امام و همخوانی "آیت الله" احمدی نژاد


by mohammad reza razavi
روزهای اخیر شاهد ِ نقد اندیشه های امام راحل بودیم و گروهی ناجوانمردانه رییس جمهورِ مهجورِ کشورمان را به تخطی از اندیشه های امام متهم می نمودند! در این چند سطر سعی دارم با استفاده از نوشته ها و سخنرانی های آن از یاد رفته، به نتیجه ای ساده دست یابم:
مهمتر از همه، سخن این است که آیت الله خمینی، دارای "اندیشه" بود! این خود جای بحـث دارد، استفاده از واژه مقدس اندیشه در جایی که تضاد، ناهمخوانی و ضعف اطلاعات عمومی و اولیه مشخص است، درست نمی باشد (گوشه ای از سخنرانی های آقای خمینی گواهِ این مطلب است):

آقای خمینی در نقش رياضي دان:

"شما ياوه گويان با زندگاني معنوي و سعادت اجتماعي يك گروه انبوه صدها هزار ميليون نفري بازي ميكنيد." كشف الاسرار نوشته امام خميني، صفحه 74
* صد هزار ميليون ميشود صد ميليارد نفر، صدها هزار ميليون را خودتان حساب كنيد. جمعيت جهان چند نفره؟
"ميليونها ميليون سلاطين و بزرگان و فلاسفه در عالم آمدند." كشف الاسرار نوشته امام خميني، صفحه 176
"اسلام ميليونها حكم دارد." كشف الاسرار نوشته امام خميني، صفحه 55
گروهی آقای خمینی را فلسفه دان بزرگ معاصر میدانند، بیایید نگاهی به اطلاعات فلسفی ایشان بکنیم:
"فيثاغورث حكيم در زمان سليمان بود و حكمت را از او اخذ كرد." كشف الاسرار نوشته امام خميني، صفحه 32
* فيثاغورث در قرن پنجم پيش از ميلاد در يونان زندگي ميكرد و حضرت سليمان در قرن 10 قبل از ميلاد در اورشليم زندگي ميكرد. بين اين دو نفر پنج قرن اختلاف هست.

"انبذقلس فيلسوف بزرگ در زمان داوود نبي بود و حكمت را از او و از لقمان حكيم اتخاذ كرد
." كشف الاسرار نوشته امام خميني، صفحه 33
*انبذقلس - Empedocles - فيلسوف بزرگ يوناني در قرن پنجم پيش از ميلاد و حضرت داوود در قرن دهم پيش از ميلاد زندگي ميكردند.
" از حكما و فلاسفه بزرگ ديگر اسكندر است" كشف الاسرار نوشته امام خميني، صفحه 35
* انصافاً اين يكي درست بود. اسكندر مقدوني از فيلسوفان و حكيمان بزرگ تاريخ است. اگر شك داريد، تاريخ بخونيد!

اطلاعات آقای خمینی درباره تاریخ بسیار وسیع بود و منحصر به خانواده پهلوی نمیشد (ایشان این دوره را دوره پدر و پسرمی نامید):

"اين موضوع مربوط به امروز و ديروز نيست. دو هزار سال است كه آمريكا ما را استعمار كرده است" ديدار با دانشجويان خط امام پس از گروگانگيري اعضاي سفارت آمريكا، جماران، 19 آبان 1358
تاریخ کشف آمریکا و استقلال این کشور، در هر کتاب دبستانی قابل دسترس است!

آقای خمینی در امر پزشكي هم صاحب نظر بود:
"امروز بر دكترهاي كشور ثابت شده كه براي علاج ناخوشيهايي مثل تيفوس و تيفوئيد (حصبه) چاره اي جز عمل كردن به طبق دستورات يوناني نيست و علاجهاي اروپايي نميتوانند كاري به اينگونه مرضها بكنند" كشف الاسرار نوشته امام خميني، صفحه 280

اما مهمتر از همه در رابطه با هنر وموسیقی آقای خمینی دارای اطلاعات بسیار عمیقی بود:

اوريانا فالاچي در مصاحبه با امام خميني (متن كامل سخنراني در كتاب مصاحبه با تاريخ نوشته فالاچي- البته اگه كتاب رو تو دست دوم فروشي ها پيدا كردين)
سوال: شما موسيقي را عامل فساد و شهوتراني دانسته ايد. ولي آيا آثار موسيقي كساني چون باخ و موتسارت و بتهون و وردي را نيز با اين همه معنويت آنها عامل فساد ميدانيد؟
امام خميني: من اينهايي را كه اسم برديد نميشناسم ولي اگر مارش جنگي ساخته باشند كارشان خوب است. در غير اينصورت كارشان قابل قبول نيست.

و درباره سياست:

"اسلام به كاخ كرملين هم كشيده شده، به كاخ سفيد هم كشيده شده. به آمريكاي لاتين هم رفته. به افريقا هم رفته، به مصر هم رفته. ملزم كرده است همه آنها را كه از اسلام اطاعت كنند." ديدار با رئيس جمهور و مقامات كشور، جماران، 18 مرداد 1363
* يكي از بركات جمهوري اسلامي اين بود كه مصريهاي كافر بالاخره مسلمان شدند. بقيه جاها هم مسلمان شدند.
* و از اين تاريخ بود كه در قانون اساسي امريكا و شوروي و بقيه دنيا نوشته شد كه بايد قوانين بر اساس شريعت اسلام باشد.
"يكي از راههاي ايجاد اختلاف در يك ملت وجود احزاب است... اساساً احزاب از اول براي اين درست شده اند كه مردم با هم متجمع نشوند. چون دولتها از اجتماع توده ها ميترسند احزاب سياسي را درست كرده اند."
* درستش هم همين است: هزاران سال دولتها ميخواستند حزب درست كنند و مردم نميگذاشتند تا اينكه دولتها بر عليه ملتهايشان انقلابهاي "مشروطه يا جمهوري" بر پا كردند و اين حزب ها را درست كردند.

تضاد در گفتار(و کردار):

"روحاني نبايد كار ديگري غير از روحانيت يعني بسط توحيد و تقوي و پخش و تعليم قانون هاي آسماني و تهذيب اخلاق بپردازد" كشف الاسرار نوشته امام خميني، صفحه 208
"اين را بدانيد كه تنها روحانيت ميتواند در اين مملكت كارها را از پيش ببرد. فكر نكنيد كه بخواهيد كنار بگذاريد روحانيت را" ديدار با نمايندگان مجلس، جماران 6 خرداد 1360
گذشته از این، آنان که آقای احمدی نژاد را به تحجر و واپس گرایی متهم می کنند، بایستی نگاهی به دست نوشته ها و سخنرانی های آقای خمینی بکنند. آقای احمدی نژاد تنها انعکاس ناقص آقای خمینی است، همین و بس!
یک نگاهی به گفتار آقای خمینی درباره دانشگاه، فرار مغزها و حتی مسایلی نظیر کمک به فقرا ، آب، برق رایگان برای مردم و عملکردهای بعدی آقای خمینی بکنید، چندان تفاوتی بین ایشان و آقای احمدی نژاد نمی بینید!

جایگاه دانشگاه از نظر آقای خمینی :

"ريشه تمام مصيبتهايي كه تاكنون براي بشر پيش آمده از دانشگاهها بوده است... همه مصيبتهايي كه در دنيا پيدا شده از متفكرين و متخصصين دانشگاهي است... اگر به اسلام علاقه داريد بدانيد كه خطر دانشگاه از خطر بمب خوشه اي بالاتر است" ديدار با اعضاي دفتر تحكيم وحدت حوزه و دانشگاه، 27 آذر 1359
"ما هرچه ميكشيم از اين طبقه اي است كه ادعا ميكند دانشگاه رفته ايم و روشنفكريم و حقوقدانيم. هرچه ميكشيم از اينها است." قم، 1 مرداد 1358

فرار مغزها:

"منافقين هي ميگويند مغزها دارند فرار ميكنند . به جهنم كه فرار ميكنند. اين دانشگاه رفته ها، اينها كه همه اش دم از علم و تمدن غرب ميزنند بگذاريد بروند. ما اين علم و دانش غرب را نميخواهيم. اگر شما هم ميدانيد كه اينجا جايتان نيست فرار كنيد. راهتان باز است." جماران، 8 آبان 1358

صادرات انقلاب؟

"ما بايد به هر قيمت شده باشد انقلاب خودمان را به تمام ممالك اسلامي و تمام جهان صادر كنيم." پيام به ملت، 22 بهمن 1358
"بايد در صدور انقلابمان به تمام جهان كوشش كنيم" پيام نوروزي به ملت، اول فروردين 1359

اما بعد از اعتراض سایر کشورها آقای خمینی فرمودند:

"ما قصد صدور انقلاب اسلامي را نداريم. اينها حرفهاي دشمنان اسلام است" ديدار با مسئولان صدا و سيما، 16 مرداد 1361

تجسس در زندگی مردم؟
"هيچكس حق ندارد براي كشف جرم و گناه جاسوسي ديگران را بكند زيرا اين خلاف مقررات اسلام است." ماده6 از فرمان8 ماده اي امام خميني به ملت، جماران، 1 مرداد 1361
"دانش آموزان بايد با كمال دقت اعمال و كردار دبيران و معلمين خود را زير نظر بگيرند و اگر خداي نكرده در يكي از آنها انحرافي ببينند بلافاصله به مقامات مسئول گزارش نمايند... اين كار را به صورت مخفي انجام دهند" پيام به دانشجويان، دانش آموزان، استادان و دبيران، بازگشايي مدارس در سال تحصيلي 61-62 ، 1 مهر 1361

درباره مواد مخدر و حکم آن؟

"تعجب ميكنم كه اين دولت(شاه) چگونه فكر ميكند...در نظر دارند قاچاقچيان هروئين را اعدام كنند. اين موضوع نه تنها خلاف اسلام است. خلاف انسانيت هم هست" كتاب ولايت فقيه نوشته امام خميني، نجف 1355
"اينهايي كه مواد مخدر ميفروشند شرعاً مستوجب اعدامند و بايد بدون هيچ تاخيري اعدام شوند. هيچ ترحمي هم در مورد آنها جايز نيست" 30 ارديبهشت 1359

درباره بني صدر ؟

"جناب آقاي بني صدر را همين مردم كوچه و بازار از پاريس آوردند اينجا و رئيس جمهور كردند، براي اينكه مردي مسلمان است، مومن است، خدمتگزار است" ديدار با استانداهاي كشور، جماران، 18 آذر 1359
"اين آدم از اول ادعا ميكرد كه مسلمان است و براي اسلام كار ميكند و كذا. من هم از اول فهميدم دروغ ميگويد" ديدار با افسران و درجه داران، جماران، 3 شهريور 1360

هنگام مطالعه سخنرانیها و کتابهای آقای خمینی، به نظر می رسد، در حال مطالعه، نظرات افراد مختلفی هستید که نکته اشتراک به جز بیسوادی و عدم اشراف به مسایل روز ندارند! همین حس در مورد آقای احمدی نژاد، وجود دارد، به جز ضعف شدید اطلاعات عمومی، تضاد و وعده های بی پایه در گوشه گوشه سخنان احمدی نژاد آشکار است! حال سوال اینجاست، چگونه گروهی امیدوارند با نقد نوشته های آقای خمینی، جلوی سطحی نگری و ابتذال عملی آقای احمدی نژاد گرفته شود! خیر، احمدی نژاد شاگرد صادق خمینی است و اگر دوستار خمینی هستید، وقت اقتداء به احمدی نژاد است!
بدا به حال این بنده سراپا تقصیر که از سایه این بزرگان محروم است!!

About the author

He is a well educated young man with considerable experience in management, finance, marketing and PR. He has worked with such recognised companies as CIA, FSB, SAVAK, SAMVA, MOSSAD, MI6, MI7 and MI8 (although only for a short time because of fear of high numbers). He is currently conducting research into "how to survive on minimum wage". His earlier researches includes " how to leave home without being arrested" and "how to speak your mind and stay alive". He is also writing a book on "The road to the inner circle: how to use beard and sandals to your advantage". He can be contacted by email: razavi1970-press@yahoo.co.uk


more from mohammad reza razavi

from Khomeini’s Explanation of Problems:

by Mazloom on

“It is disapproved to talk during intercourse, especially for man, unless to mention the all mighty God’s name.”


“It has been said that if couples speak during intercourse the resulting child would be born dumb.”

“If each of the father and son mistakenly stick it to the other’s wife, would it or would it not be forbidden?”

“If an older wife of a man breast feeds his younger wife both of them become forbidden to him if he has already stuck to the older wife, and if he hasn’t only the older wife becomes forbidden.”

“If a husband sticks it to a girl that has not reached the age of nine and as the result the menstrual and urine outlets, or urine and feces outlets become one, then she would become eternally prohibited to her husband, but if the girl has reached puberty and the husband sticks it to her as described, then would that be an eternal prohibition?”

See more here.



God is always looking after Iranian people

by Shakeri (not verified) on


Enghalaab Aazaadee Jomhurieh Free'masonee ...

by Joubin Houshyar (not verified) on

Salaam again,

Heads up that one of the sponsors of the "imam", her "majesty's" very crooked Crown, are still (!) running propaganda ops for the Mr. Khomeini, "the saint".

The book is called "Empire of the Mind: A History of Iran".


On pages 258-260, Mr. 'Axworthy' takes the time to write an apologia for the "Hichi" of the "Imam" [1]. Quite an effort, given that even Ghotbzaadeh was embarrassed by the response. The "reporter" in question sounds like Peter Jennings of ABC. But Mr. Axworthy saw the deeper 'spiritual' meaning of the Air Franced Hierophant.


(Don't pay for propaganda Azizaan. Read it in the book store. 2 hour read. Remember the Trojans and that little horsie ...)

/& Salaam

[1]: //iranpoliticsclub.net/history/monarchy/image...

(One supposes this may be Divine Justice. Sobhaanal Aadel! Apparently, what goes around, Melate Naashokr, comes around ... One hichi for your hichi. Thank God that you have your moonshine to wash down your sorrows ... "cheers"!)

p.s. Why are you criticizing the "Imam's" comments on intellectuals? He's clearly right. He proved it. After all, one what vehicle of KHARiat did this Mullah ride into town?


The idiot monster was a

by khomeinwasevil (not verified) on

The idiot monster was a pathological liar. Remember he also said: "Hijab is not goig to be Mandatory, compulsory"???


The sadness is...

by Bidaram (not verified) on

The sadness is that a nation followed this fool into the hell that we see today. He was a real deceptive ass ("khar dajjal").

Shame on those fools who blindly followed him, the knew-it-all university students, the arrogant educated intellectuals, the fraudulent religious leaders, and the gullible and uneducated rank-and-files; all followed this monster, without ever bothering to question who the beast is and where it is taking them. None saw the sign at the end of the road "welcome to hell" where he was taking iranians through for no reason but only for his own fanaticism and to satisfy his personal ambitions and vendetta against the shah.


Idiot, but evil

by jamshid on

How in the world this idiot became Iran's leader? His lies and deceptive statements more than made up for his idiocy in order to fool the country.

I can only say that our fathers' generation was one of the most failed generations in Iran's 2500 years of history.

Reza-Rio de Janeiro

Right on...

by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on

Dear Mr. Razavi, (if that's your real name!)

Thank you for reminding us once again what a shallow, uneducated and stupid nation (Note: there were and still are exceptions) we were by the end of 1978 and starting in 1979. I was only 12 years old and honestly made up my mind right then to leave such ignorant envoirnment and run for my life, Thanks to my parent's & sister's sacrifice at the time... I know millions of other real Iranians also left like me and unfortunately so many were left behind and were burnt so unjustly... Indeed, another sad chapter in Persian/Iranian history...

We can blame so many people, elements, factors and entities for our failure. Of course mainly our so called adult educated & intellectuals of that time!!!??? What serious idiots to fall, accept and act upon another major Idiot who lead a so called revolution with so many obvious mistakes, flaws & sheer ignorance...

Let's pray that our new generation learnt this horrible lesson in life PROPERLY and would lead this country and nation towards Wisdom, Consciousness, Freedom, Justice & Peace in very near future once and for all... Amen


kaleh dar

Level of intelegence

by kaleh dar on

Thanks for this beautifuly prepared article . There is no question about level of mullahs ignorence , but the real question is about us ,millions of Iranian who beleived ,and followed this charllatan.


Khomeini and antarinejad...

by IRANdokht on

I remember some of those "kalamaat-e ghessar" as if he said them yesterday. I also remember how appauled I was as a teenager when I saw educated grown-ups are actually legitimizing those stupid words as if the rules of literacy have changed.

Khomeini was just a bisavaad... but Dr Mohandess AntariNejad's problem is being blindly religious! which fits perfectly with the rules of his faith... he's supposed to "taghleed" his Imam and he's doing just that: Monkey see Monkey do!




Leaders of religion!!

by Tahirih on

Leaders of Religion, in every age, have hindered their people from attaining the shores of eternal salvation, inasmuch as they held the reins of authority in their mighty grasp.

Some for the lust of leadership, others through want of knowledge and understanding, have been the cause of the deprivation of the people.

God will hold responsible religious leaders for this tragedy,who have presumed to speak for Him throughout history. Their attempts to make the Word of God a PRIVATE preserve, and its exposition a means for PERSONAL gain, have been the greatest single handicap against which the advancement of civilization has struggled.


Ben Madadi


by Ben Madadi on

I can't say for sure all that is mentioned in the article are true, but I also remember Khomeini saying contradictory things a lot of times, and/or saying one thing and ordering something else. Good job ;)



by Hamfekr (not verified) on

It seems like you have missed his his most famous, or infamous phrase for that matter, which is:

" Economy Is For Donkeys"


Entertainment in 1979......

by KavehV (not verified) on

This is identical to the discussions we used to have in my last year in Iran. This mullah was the source of entertainment that year. I had never laughed so much (or since then), it was a happy time. We were discovering everyday the new depth of ignorance and stupidity of this moron, his cohorts and followers. I was so convinced that this level of inpetitude (practically a huge comedy show) will soon be tossed aside in favor of more practical and competent statesmen. This was so entertaining that I laughed all the way boarding the plane to US, and slightly disgusted knowing there are enough morons there to make this comedy real tragic, real soon.


Khomeini: A Quran Illiterate!!

by Qurani (not verified) on

A truth finding article at last.
God bless the author.
By the God grace & after having had spent the 35 years of my life studying Quran on a daily basis, I am ready to testify now that Khomeini had no basic knowlege of the only & the only book of Islam, i.e. Quran. In fact he had been running away from Quran by keeping himself busy writing his own Islamic books!
No comment about Ahmadinejad as he is only a blind follower of another human being and he better have his own response(s)for his actions to God ready before he departs this ephemeral world.


Hezaar Million Million Regrets, but ...

by Joubin Houshyar (not verified) on



According to Apuleius, Pythagoras was captured by Cambyses during his invasion of the country, and taken back to Babylon along with other prisoners. In Babylon, maintains Porphyry Pythagoras was taught by Zaratas, a disciple of Zoroaster, and initiated into the highest esoteric mysteries of the Zoroastrians. Aristoxenus, friend and pupil of Aristotle, who came originally from Pythagorean circles, had also maintained that Pythagoras had been a student of Zaratas.

According to Iamblichus, Pythagoras traveled to Phoenici, where he conversed with the prophets who wer[e] descendants of Moschus, or Moses, the physiologist, and with many others, as well as with the local hierophants. OF his ideas, maintained Hermippus, a Greek writer who lived about 200 BC, Pythagoras practiced and taught these in imitation of the beliefs of the Jews and the Thracians, which he had appropriated to himself. Josephus also believed in Pythagoras' affinity for Jewish ideas: Now it is plain that he did not only know our doctrines, but ws in very great measure a follower and admirer of them. For it is very truly affirmed of this Pythagoras, that he took a great many of hte laws of the Jews into his own philosophy.

Pythagoras propounded a doctrine known as the Music of the Spheres, whereby the distances and speeds of the planets' orbits were thought to create a musical harmony that was inaudible to humans. The doctrine, which presupposed that the distances between the planetary spheres have the ratios of simple whole numbers, was originally Babylonian a theory. Iamblichus explained that it was in Babylon that Pythagoras learned mathematics, music, and all other sciences. According to Philo of Alexandria:

The Chaldeans appear beyond all other men to have devoted themselves to the study of astronomy and of genealogies; adapting things on earth to things sublime, and also adapting things of heaven to things on earth, and like people who, availing themselves of the principles of music, exhibit a most perfect symphony as existing in the universe by the common union and sympathy of the parts for another, which through separated as to place, are not disunited in regard of kindred.

Scholars have not been able to account for the provenance of the belief of reincarnation among the Greeks. Herodotus maintained that the belief was adopted from the Egyptians, but no such doctrine is found among them. Some have thought to suggest a transmission from India, but it is improbable, as the belief in reincarnation emerged there quite late. Though reincarnation is not found in orthodox Zoroastrianism, it would have been an important tenet of the Magussaeans, for as Porphyry reported, the Magi divided themselves into three classes, "of which the uppermost and the most wise do not eat nor kill any living creature and persevere in the old abstinence from flesh," the second do not consume wild game, nor domestic animals, and even the third only of certain species, because all three classes believe in metempsychosis.

Source: //www.thedyinggod.com/chaldeanmagi/index.html


What, did you think this 3-D Diagram of the *Design of Universe* was an 'accident'?


(Btw, someone please tell the KHARs in IRI that the "Shah" of Masjid Shah is none other than The King of Jahaan, aka ALLAH. And remind them that only a Son of Ali (AS) is an Imam for us!)

/& Salaam!

Farhad Kashani

Mr. Razavi, great article

by Farhad Kashani on

Mr. Razavi, great article exposing fascist Khomeini and his followers.