Give me Capitalism, or give me Death!

Two great crashes, one surviving United Slaves of America


Give me Capitalism, or give me Death!
by Ben Tanosborn

First, it was the foreign policy crash of 2001. Yes, that much-milked by Bush 9/11 which instead of serving as wake up call to review and remedy America’s deplorable policies towards the peoples of the Middle East, only provided the Bush administration with a presumed casus belli as well as a raison-d’ètre for both the neocon empire-building and the economic sacking of the nation by an unscrupulous elite. Now, we all know the cost and results of replacing a “call to reason” with a “call to arms.”

And now, as if a foreign policy crash hadn’t been enough seven years ago, and as if trying to mend relations with much of the world weren’t a formidable task, here comes the nuclear detonation that precedes America’s economic crash; what may turn out to be the mother of all crashes, but one still to reach ground zero. O, we’ll survive the impact here in America, but other than the elite, and a small affluentocracy, the rest of us, probably 85 to 90 percent of the population, will de facto help redefine this nation as the United Slaves of America.

Give me Capitalism, or give me Death! That seems to be the droning chant in America; one that long ago replaced what Patrick Henry is attributed to have said, as liberty’s great luster quickly dulled and became money-matte as greed and gluttony are allowed to roam free, without appropriate restraints. And sure enough, as our capitalism has become more expropriatory, greedy, cruel and predatory, we have been brainwashed to feel we have no choice but to learn to live with it. It’s our country, our way of life… and God’s will being done here on earth. Americans have rationalized the suppression of two capital sins, insisting that the number ought to be five, not seven. After all, isn’t greed really the basis for capitalism, and consumerism (gluttony) the way we measure well-being and success in today’s society?

Quickly, very quickly, it’s becoming vividly clear that our much-touted American Dream is metamorphosing into an economic nightmare, one taking place right before our eyes. Another gilded epoch in America is quickly coming to past; this time, however, its exit appears to be of the farewell-forever kind, as our nation no longer looms so vast and overpowering, economically, before the rest of the world.

A week ago, as Black Monday in Wall Street helped turn on the lights on Main Street, there was a hint of mobilization by the mainstream media to do journalistic speculation, for their efforts did appear hapless on investigation, as they started reporting that maybe the nation’s economic fundamentals weren’t as sound as they had been reporting all along… courtesy, of course, of the White House (and Fed) propaganda machine.

Then, after a week of turmoil and the appearance of a White Knight or, should we say, a White Trojan Horse, the US as the guarantor of last resort, the market ended the week just where it had started. And during the weekend, the polluted minds of a corrupt and incapable Congress, the “brilliant” Bush advisory cadre and an incredible Fed that has really known the facts that would bring the nation to this chaos for years, got together to construct a bailout package, or program, that they project will add up to $700 billion. And, with zero power that we citizens have in this republic of ours, where democracy is a cruel joke, the citizenry, many somewhat remorseful for their contribution to greed and gluttony, will bite their lips and take it in stride. Except for one thing… this action will solve nothing, only provide a temporary lifeline for domestic as well as foreign banks that may have been affected by the greed-induced mortgage crisis; and that eventually will help cronies acquire additional wealth as the disposition of real estate assets takes place. But these folks, who dedicated “their Sunday” to the welfare of the nation, and an orderly solution to our economic ills, are missing the point; they still don’t get it!

We seem to micro-look at the situation and never grasp the problem in its entirety. First, it was just mismanaged sub-prime lending, and then the escalation went on until all major financial institutions became houses of ill-repute. But no $700 billion is going to save these institutions, nor our entire economic system; not when we may have somewhere between $350 and $500 trillion in structured financial paper (derivatives) just roaming in this US, most of it in the over the counter markets. An incredible mess!

Back in 1999, Alan Greenspan, addressing the Futures Industry Association, stated: “As we approach the twenty-first century, both banks and non-banks will need to continually reassess whether their risk management practices have kept pace with their own evolving activities and with changes in financial market dynamics and readjust accordingly. Should they succeed I am quite confident that market participants will continue to increase their reliance on derivatives to unbundled risks and thereby enhance the process of wealth creation.”

Well, Mr. Greenspan, did it occur to you that self-regulation that directly or indirectly you (the Fed) promoted, the do-as-you-please risk management practices, would become pure hoax and that the derivative market would grow more than ten-fold? The process of wealth creation was enhanced, all right… but only for a thieving few. What a fraud you’ve been, sir!

And now, as our economy is at an ICU, attached for dear life to a few tubes, we have a staff of quacks coming up with a reviving prognosis; the same staff, let me remind you, instrumental in creating this bacterium with an unregulated nucleus: an administration bent on redistributing wealth to the affluent; a Congress in the hands of lobbyists; and a Fed operating at the White House beck and call.

Our economic-political predators of the Republican-biped species have succeeded in taking down regulations, or not permitting the creation of necessary ones – to bring fairness and order to the marketplace – so as to bestow wealth on a few, part of the “privatization” dogma of conservatism. Now, as the house of cards is collapsing, there seems to be a bipartisan cry in Washington that favors “socialization” of all costs that might be incurred.

If Japan’s economic crisis of 1989-1992, one with repercussions lingering to date, is a close model to the economic fiasco now in the US, we can expect the Dow 500 going down to the 6,500 level within a year or so, and remain there for the next decade. As for Real Estate folks, their flipping will not be of houses, but hamburgers.

God help us all! We have had two crashes within one decade: in foreign policy and in the economy. We, small-case demos, have become the United Slaves of America!

© 2008 Ben Tanosborn


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Like it or LEAVE it...

by kian7 (not verified) on

There is always your IRIRAN, available to you at no cost, why don'y you go back? they have a much better system...


The psyche

by Ajam (not verified) on

The media is of course a part of the establishment hence working as a tool to control the public opinion. Yet, a part of the blame lies on the American public themselves who are not so keen for illumination to begin with, something the European public opinion (for example) would not put up with.
Much like a person trying to cover his bald spot with a comb-over or an over-weight person who, while looking for a miracle diet pill, tries to fit into the same skinny jeans as the decades past, people in America do not like to be told about the harsh reality (i.e. diet and exercise is the only real way to shed the excess weight).
The majority of people in the U.S. do not wish to part with their large-size SUVs, consumer goods and speculative markets. They're still holding out for the super-hero to come and tell them that he'll take care of the culprits and everything is going to be alright so they don't have to change anything!


every thing dead from his weaknesse

by Troneg on

Capitalism didn't defeat Communism. Communism died from his weakness a kind of cancer.  It is like Judo, you let you go down and keep your enemy with you. When Communism went down Capitalisms thought all is good in Capitalism and they made all these excesses. Now Capitalism is dying from his weakness as Communism.If they think more about people than power they won’t do such mistakes.


Food for Thought

The reason it's gone unnoticed by the media...

by Food for Thought on that they control the media, and they create these crises too... It's all part of their long term plans. They of course being the ruling elite who are actually very un-American; in more ways than one.

// The destruction of America as a power independent of the globalist bankers could never have been tolerated.

"We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it." -- Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932 (Rep. Pa)


The decline...

by Ajam (not verified) on

Interestingly, a point briefly raised by Obama (in friday debate) "we are the only power in the world that has maintained its military superiority while declining economically..." has gone unnoticed by the mainstream media for reminding the public how hurtfull the truth can be!
Jimmy Carter's warnings of America's dependency on foreign oil, proposals of strategic planning for future and the need for regulating the capital market fell on deaf ears for the same reasons. As a matter of fact it expedited Ronald reagan's rise to power --with a little help from IRI and the hostage crisis of course-- for his optimist attitude and denial of the looming crises ahead that made Americans feel good about themselves.
George Bush's epiphany to tell his fellow Americans to "go out and shop to defeat terrorism..." the day after 9/11 pretty well exposed the religious status that unbridled capitalism enjoys in th U.S. It's Much like the religious doctrines and words of the almighty himself, the holy market shall not be tampered with. Even if the defence of crony capitalism calls for corporate socialism!

Food for Thought

Grand Theft

by Food for Thought on

Watch this:


America is being destroyed by these charlatans...


Nicely articulated your position

by Shahriar S. (not verified) on


I just wanted to say that it was a joy reading your well written article, even if I don’t agree with the fundamentals of its argument that Capitalism is dead in America.

Nicely done.

Food for Thought

Excellent Analysis of a Corrupted 'Capitalist' State

by Food for Thought on

Excellent because he understands what is actually going on economically. Corrupt since the congress gave power to private bankers through the federal reserve system in 1913 who bankrolled Wilson into the White House. And 'capitalist' only for the poor who live in the dog-eat-dog world but when the rich can't survive with these rules they get bailed out; ie it's only socialism for the rich. It has nothing to do with propaganda! These are facts. That's why even some decent republicans are against this fraudulent bail out.

President Wilson knew he'd sold out his country to the international bankers who have no allegiance to the USA, and I quote the foolish president:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

 [Although he signed the Federal Reserve Act, Wilson later realized he had been duped by the money lenders.]

Since then the bankers have been manipulated the markets through the control of money supply to create outcomes that benefit them. Here's another quote:

President James Madison:

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."

Are these ex-presidents all spouting propaganda?

Farhad Kashani

This gentleman is promoting

by Farhad Kashani on

This gentleman is promoting socialism and leftist ideas and bashing Capitalism, but maybe he missed the part that Capitalism defeated Communism and the fact that most former communist and Socialist countries converted to Capitalism, and as result, achieved more equality, more economic growth, more opportunity, a better life, lower poverty, and along with those, strengthening democratic institutions.  


No system is error proof, but history and experience have proven, there is no better system than this.

 I don’t even think the Chinese government, which has adopted Capitalism, but calls itself “communist” agrees with all the pro socialist and sometime, communist propaganda machine on!