Obama's life in danger?

Don’t claim that no one warned you


Obama's life in danger?
by Amil Imani

In eloquent speeches presidential candidate Obama has made copious promises, understandably to attract voters. He talks about “change,” without really spelling out change from what to what. It just sounds good: “change.” A great sound bite, indeed. Change is exciting, while status quo is viewed as stagnant and boring. It is all part of the political game of telling people what they want to hear, getting elected, and worrying about delivering later.

The electorates are both short on memory and long on forgiving. So, the farce of empty high-sounding promises fills the air at campaign times. But there are instances that a promise during vote-gathering can later haunt the person. This may indeed be the case with at least one of Barack Hussein Obama’s promises.

Obama boasted that he would embark on a personal diplomacy to solve our foreign policy problems with countries such as Syria and Iran. He said that he would meet their leaders without any preconditions to settle our disputes. Doesn’t that sound like change, a real change of great relief to us all? Never mind the fact that he has about zero experience in foreign policy matters, he is foolish enough to aim to negotiate with the ever-conniving Assad of Syria and masters of deceptions such as the Mullahs of Iran.

Okay Obama, don’t claim that no one warned you. If you get elected President and you receive an invitation from your fellow Muslim brother Ahmadinejad to make good on your promise and visit him in Tehran for a tête-à-tête, don’t you do it. BBC’s recent report ought to be enough for you to recant your foolish and naïve promise:

“The European Union has criticized the new penal code being drafted in Iran, particularly a section that imposes the death penalty for giving up Islam...Death for apostasy already exists in Iran under Sharia or “Islamic - law.” But the changes would for the first time bring the punishment into the criminal code. An EU statement expressed deep concern about what it calls the ongoing deterioration in the human rights situation in Iran. It singled out Section Five of the draft penal code currently before the Iranian parliament, imposing the death penalty for apostasy. In the past, Iranian courts have handed down the death penalty in such cases, but have done so relying on Sharia law. If the draft is approved by parliament, the sentence will be formalized in the country's criminal code.”

Who is an apostate according to the legislation? Anyone in the world, not just Iranians, born to a Muslim parent; also, any convert to Islam who leaves it. Only one parent needs to be a Muslim at the time of conception for Islam to own that child for life. Islam is Ummehist. Islam doesn’t recognize nationalities and national boundaries. And these Islamist zealots are very serious and have no sense of humor. Some say they have no sense at all, and they may be right. What they certainly have is a thirst for blood, particularly for the blood of infidels and apostates.

My advice, Obama: Elected President or not, don’t you hazard a trip to the Islamic Republic of Iran. In fact, don’t you go anywhere near where the crazed Islamists can get their hands on you. You don’t even rate a fatwa from one of the many bloodthirsty crafty Ayatollahs or Moftis, asking for your head. Your fate is already sealed. You are on automatic, so to speak-- a person who was given the gift of Islam and who ungratefully turned his back to the one and only faith of Allah, so the Muslims believe. The punishment for this kind of betrayal is prescribed as haad (most severe), meaning death.

You may protest that you are free to choose your religion and that you have chosen to be Christian. Nothing doing! You are stamped as Muslim at conception because your father was Muslim. Further, you have been doubly-stamped by your middle name Hussein. Muslims name their sons Hussein in honor of one of Islam’s most revered saints. Hence, the Muslims want what is theirs and you either repent and return to the fold or prepare yourself for the ultimate punishment: Death.

The only time that these inveterate liar killers of Allah mean what they say is when they threaten violence and killing. So, please be careful. Stay close to home where a whole platoon of Secret Service at the taxpayers’ expense is shielding you from the thugs who would be just too happy to slash your throat while they joyously scream: Allah is the greatest.


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more from Amil Imani

Chai and Baklava for Imani!? (to anti-faschist guy)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Anti-faschist says: "anonym 7: Do you think you're better than the zionists? You support the Islamic republic of Oppression, one of the most brutal, racist, and fascists regime in recent history...You're the Islamic version of zionism."

My posts are against AIPAC, as you know fortunately not all the Zionist are with AIPAC.
Mr. Imani is simply lying when he says "In fact, don’t you go anywhere near where the crazed Islamists can get their hands on you. You don’t even rate a fatwa from one of the many bloodthirsty crafty Ayatollahs or Moftis."
Saying that is a lie has nothing to do with saying that I am better than Zionists or IRI does nothing wrong!
I re-paste what I said earlier:
Imani, I and many other non Muslim Iranians (my Bahai friends etc.), as well as foreigners visit Iran regularly with ease. You and some of these extremist Iranians including Muslim Iranians (MKOs etc) who have sold their sole, and would do anything to come to power should not expect to be welcomed to Iran and treated with Chai and Baklava!
Iranians not showing hospitality to likes of you who actively lobby for the war against their country has nothing to do with your religion or you middle name.


Imani is a loser extremist Neocon (to Imani .... and Jesus)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Jesus says: "None of your f***ing business why I am here, stick to proving your senseless, and meaningless accusations."

Mr. Jesus, it is not my business why you post here although I am very glad that extremists such as you and monarchofaschist Imani post here. I am also not hear to prove anything to you to the level that satisfies your majesty's requirements!
This time I put my "accusation" on the subject and we'll see if Mr. Imani rejects that?!
Mr. Imani is not only in the Necon/AIPAC camp but also among the very loser extremists of that gang such as John Bolton who don't agree with the latest US NIR report on Iran. In fact he had an article about it in iranian.com.
Anyhow Mr. kAsehe_dAgh, if you are here to learn go find his article! Also George Soros has a good article about AIPAC warmongers at //www.nybooks.com/articles/20030.


No bombs on Iran

by Babak56 (not verified) on

"And when it comes to doing something the prudent way, it is good to follow the advice of the ancient Persians: “The lion of the meadow of Mazandaran can be captured by no other than a Mazadarani warrior.” The best match for the ruthless Mullahs and their hired Islamic storm troopers are the Iranian warriors themselves. The people of Iran themselves are the best solution for the present Iranian conundrum. The valiant Iranians need a bit of help. And the last thing they need is appeasing negotiators to give the Mullahs a new lease on life, or invasion by the Marines, or a shower of bombs from the skies." Amil Imani




by Jesus (not verified) on

Anony7 is just babbling now, talking about Soros, and creating strawman. Before searching "google", and learning or teaching people about internet; learn logic 101. You are like your masters in Tehran, shooting junk into sky, and calling it a space program.
Bring proof. Don't tell me about Soros, don't give me your opinion on Imani, don't give me your various "intelligent" comments throughout this site. Don't give me interpretations. Bring one quote from him where he has advocated war against Iran. Just one, I will apologize to you on this very website.

YOu are truly islamist, trying to suppress people's opinions, and speech. First you ask me why I waste time here, now you are telling me that I am a "ash-daghtar...". None of your f***ing business why I am here, stick to proving your senseless, and meaningless accusations.


I repeat: We Love Iran

by I love Iran (not verified) on

All you haters of Iran
Stop hating Iranian people,

We love Iran and Iranian people
Iranian Fars,
We love
Iranians of all religions
including Iranian Christians, Jews and Bahais.
So stop this hate mongering language about Iran, Islam, etc. etc.
Any body who advocates to bomb Iran has a different agenda than love for Iran.


anonym 7: Do you think

by anti-fascists (not verified) on

anonym 7: Do you think you're better than the zionists? You support the Islamic republic of Oppression, one of the most brutal, racist, and fascists regime in recent history...You're the Islamic version of zionism.


The students at Shiraz

by Uprising (not verified) on

The students at Shiraz University forced the chancellor to flee campus this week and chanted anti-regime slogans during their mass protest.
NCR-Iran reported:

Students chanted anti-government slogans against Mohammad Sadeqi, the school's chancellor, demanding his resignation. Protesting students occupied Sadeqi's office when he escaped the compound thought the backdoor fearing for his life.

Demonstrators shouted, "Resign, Resign, we don't want a corrupt chancellor," "This is our last warning, students' movement is alive," "We don't want a Pasdar (a member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-IRGC) as our chancellor."
Shiraz students give a last warning to the occupational Islamic forces:

"Farmandeye padegaan een akhareen payam ast! Jonbeshe daneshjooyi amadeye ghiam ast! Maa zan o marde jangeem! Bejang ta bejangeem!"

(english translation: Commander of Islamic forces this is our last call! The students movement is ready to rise up! We, men and women, are ready for war! If you want war we will bring war to you!)
Here is another video from the Shiraz University protesters chanting against the regime this week:

Watch the video:



The Saudi's, Bahrani's and

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

The Saudi's, Bahrani's and Kuwaiti's just ordered thier nationals out of Lebanon, with the Saudi's saying women and children should be out in 48 hours..

And reports have said the US Task Force deploying off of Lebanon is configured for EVACUATIONS, not combat.

Future Television, privately owned by Saad Hariri who heads the majority anti-Syrian bloc in parliament, said Saudi Arabia had advised its nationals to leave Lebanon "as soon as possible."
From Reuters:

(Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has advised its citizens in Lebanon, especially families living there, to leave immediately due to the security situation, a Lebanese government source said on Saturday.


to Jesus,

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Jesus says, "Even so, associates and friends don't mean anything, why don't we judge him for what he actually says! Bring proof."

Yes, this guy's association with the most known group of warmongers i.e., necons/AIPAC, matters! Besides, you don't need to be kAseh_az_Ash_dAghtar. He seems to have plenty of time to write and is very capable of responding. I have also posted many comments on his other articles here at iranian.com, just click on his name and see those articles.
BTW, if you are here to learn, read George Soros' article: //www.nybooks.com/articles/20030 . That should give you some idea about AIPAC etc.


To: I LOVE IRAN I think you

by we're not fools (not verified) on


I think you mean you love the Islamic Republic. I don't blame you probably you're one of the Aghazadehs or perhaps your parents got to be filthy rich because of it.



by Jesus (not verified) on

Bring me a quote from his article, any of his writing where he advocates attack on Iran. I don't care about his associations, or contacts since I don't know much about it, and those things can not be determined from any google search. Even so, associates and friends don't mean anything, why don't we judge him for what he actually says! Bring proof.



by Jesus (not verified) on

Bring me a quote from his article, any of his writing where he advocates attack on Iran. I don't care about his associations, or contacts since I don't know much about it, and those things can not be determined from any google search. Even so, associates and friends don't mean anything, why don't we judge him for what he actually says! Bring proof.


I love Iran

by I love Iran (not verified) on

All you haters of Iran
Stop hating Iranian people,

We love Iran and Iranian people
Iranian Fars,
We love
Iranians of all religions
including Iranian Christians, Jews and Bahais.
So stop this hate mongering language about Iran, Islam, etc. etc.
Any body who advocates to bomb Iran has a different agenda than love for Iran.


anonym 7: Wipe off the

by sf (not verified) on

anonym 7: Wipe off the frothy foam from the corner of your mouth and learn to read the comments. It shall set you free.

You're not the only one who visits Iran. Many Iranians visit Iran and have families back ther whom they are regularly in touch with...stop your demogaugary...

It is not Islam that people are attacking. It is the militan Islam that is promoted by the IR that is going to face the consequences. Unfortuantely, Iranians have to pay for this stupidity while the mullahs and their families will leave Iran as soon as the war breaks out...


who is dumb? (to Jesus)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Jesusjan, go read his other articles and visit his web site. He is very closely associated with neon/AIPAC gang. There is a tool called web browser and it has something called google. Go utilze those. Don't be so dumb even if you are "degenerate" (the term you sometimes use to refer to yourself)!
And BTW I am not a Muslim, so save your Imam Zaman BS for where it applies!


Bombing Iran starts with advocating regime change

by I love Iran (not verified) on

read between the lines,
This Mr "whatever" is advocating no diplomacy with Iran,
and look what happened in Iraq,
Iraq's destruction started with the talk of regime change,
we know what we are talking about,
You are talking about a people who have been a nation for thousands of years,
We have survived many invations,
But we are still standing without bombing any other county,
or grabbing somebody else's land,
or killing little children,
Yes the majority is moslem,
So what?
Is it a crime to be a moslem?
or Christian or Jew?
Go and ask Christians and Jews who have lived in Iran if they want to be bombed.


Chai and Baklava for Imani! (correcting sole to soul)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

(sorry for my bad spelling)
Imani says: "In fact, don’t you go anywhere near where the crazed Islamists can get their hands on you. You don’t even rate a fatwa from one of the many bloodthirsty crafty Ayatollahs or Moftis"

Imani, I and many other non Muslim Iranians (my Bahai friends etc.), as well as foreigners visit Iran regularly with ease. You and some of these extremist Iranians including Muslim Iranians (MKOs etc) who have sold their soul, and would do anything to come to power should not expect to be welcomed to Iran and treated with Chai and Baklava!
Iranians not showing hospitality to likes of you who actively lobby for the war against their country has nothing to do with your religion or you middle name.


Islamist posting response on this article must be really dumb

by Jesus (not verified) on

Where did Amil Imani suggest an attack on Iran? I keep reading the article, and I can not find it.
Are you islamist, pro IR people see invisible things, or do you have help from Imam zaman to see things that the rest of us ordinary people don't see?


Chai and Baklava for Imani!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Imani says: "In fact, don’t you go anywhere near where the crazed Islamists can get their hands on you. You don’t even rate a fatwa from one of the many bloodthirsty crafty Ayatollahs or Moftis"

Imani, I and many other non Muslim Iranians (my Bahai friends etc.), as well as foreigners visit Iran regularly with ease. You and some of these extremist Iranians including Muslim Iranians (MKOs etc) who have sold their sole, and would do anything to come to power should not expect to be welcomed to Iran and treated with Chai and Baklava!
Iranians not showing hospitality to likes of you who actively lobby for the war against their country has nothing to do with your religion or you middle name.


Stop hating Iranian nation you lovers of Israel

by I love Iran (not verified) on

All you haters of Iran
Stop hating Iranian people,

We love Iran and Iranian people
Iranian Fars,
We love
Iranians of all religions
including Iranian Christians, Jews and Bahais.
So stop this hate mongering language about Iran, Islam, etc. etc.
Any body who advocates to bomb Iran has a different agenda than love for Iran.


Excellent work as Usual Mr.

by grand bargain (not verified) on

Excellent work as Usual Mr. Imani. The American left and the neo-marxist Obama is ready to come to terms with the criminal mullahs at any price.

If Obama is elected as the next President of the United states, he will give the Islamic Republic the "Grand Bargain" they have been lobbying for through their various lobby groups in the US.

What does this grand bargain mean? The grand bargain will give the mullahs the longstanding guarantees they have covetted for the past 3 years.

The Grand Bargain will essentially give the mullahs Carte Blanche to oppress and destroy Iranians and Iran's future in peace and without being harassed by human rights organizations.

It means that the regime will not be challenged (no regime change overtly or covertly) by the U.S. or any Western countries in oppressing and plundering the Iraninans and the Iranians national resources, respectively, as long as the mullahs guarantee that they won't attack Israel or other Arab Allies of the U.S.

In other words, the hell with the Iranian people and their plight for economic security, prosperty, and freedom as long as the brutal dictators in Iran can be friendly to the West and pro-American...


Stop hating Iranian people

by I love Iran (not verified) on

All you haters of Iran
Stop hating Iranian people,

We love Iran and Iranian people
Iranian Fars,
We love
Iranians of all religions
including Iranian Christians, Jews and Bahais.
So stop this hate mongering language about Iran, Islam, etc. etc.
Any body who advocates to bomb Iran has a different agenda than love for Iran.


Losers and ...! (to Zion)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Zion says "It is also nice to see the usual losers using yet another excuse to badmouth Jews and Zionism in a topic that has nothing to do with it. Again most revealing".

Zion, those who start wars including the ongoing war in Iraq are death worshipers, those who created Talibans (and empowered Alqaeda) are death worshipers.
And the very same gang who has been doing all that, are in the damage control phase in Iraq, and are not in a good shape fighting their other creations (Taliban ..) in Afghan-Pakistan area, ....
That LOSER gang is the ultra right AIPAC controlled gang which Mr. Imani is part of.
Needles to say that this gang does not include descent Americans including Jewish Americans (see Geoge Soros' articles: //www.nybooks.com/articles/20030)


Amil a MORON and a ZIONIST

by -\/- (not verified) on

You are no iranian. You are a MORON who is like a dick hanging in the pants of Zionists (=anti-huamns)


Mr. Imani's articles get picked up by thousands

by Babak56 (not verified) on

Mr. Imani's articles get picked up by thousands of midea outlasts around the world including Washington Post and New York Sun and Jerusalem post. In cyberspace, information transfers very fast. I know that you are an Islamsit. Meaning, you have no brain to think for yourself to what to do,what to eat when to have sex with your boyfriends or girlfriends and have to ask from an illiterate local mullah around the corner. Another words, who the hell are you to know? You are nothing. You worship Muhammad the rapist, you worship Hussein who fough for a woman and was beheaded by another Arab terrorist, Yazid who killed many Iranians, do you expect us to consider you Islamist, an Iranian? Zereshkkkkkkkk

Bebin, if I tell you to just get lost and pack your Arabic garnet and leave, would that make your Islamic feeling hurt? Good, then pack and leave please.


Thanks Alizol

by Zion on

Thanks for introducing his article. It was a just cry of truth that makes the likes of you whine in pain. He proves to be a true Iranian, what Iran`s past and future will be like. A free land, an ally of other free people and a threat to death worshipers. I know it pains your type to realize you have no place in it, that you never belonged to it, that you are a miserable hate monger who belongs to nothing but a death cult. The more you whine the more you leak out your fear. That is nice to watch.


Amil Imani's real Identity

by Alizolfaghari on

If you really want to know who Amil Imani writes and works for see his recent article:



Hmmmm who is it that has an anti-Islamic website and writes for Israeli newspaper, hmmmmmm, an Israeli !


I don`t think so

by Zion on

The Islamists are much more of opportunists and have very little `higher principles` to abide by (Ultimately Islamism is about having the right excuses to rule and to practice death worship.) If Obama proves himself to be stupid enough to give them legitimacy, they are willing to do much more to please him. The executions and the tortures of these types are intended for those they find vulnerable, the ones they have already got power over to satisfy their death lust. Those who represent something stronger that can be manipulated to their benefit are treated very differently. The same was true for all such systems and such gangs in human history.

It is also nice to see the usual losers using yet another excuse to badmouth Jews and Zionism in a topic that has nothing to do with it. Again most revealing.


Just a piece of bigoted trash writing

by screw_zionists (not verified) on

As usual the bigots are admiring this racist writer and love his lies.

People know about you little Zionists hoping to destroy my country Iran.

That won't happen and Israel will be gone too.


Amil Imani, a Zionist (= Anti-Human Blood Sucker)

by Olaghdool (not verified) on
