
by akoohbor



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آواز خواب می خواند

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بیدار خواب می بینم

وای که اگر رؤیایم

کشف حجاب کند!


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more from akoohbor

kashfe hejab!

by akoohbor on

I just come across these comments and I felt like clarifyint some points.

Sometimes imaganiation is more powerful than words. That's where words start simplifing and the image starts emerging from words. By misplacing the words I want exactly give the reader this impression that words don't matter any more!

And by saying" vay agar royaam kashfe hejab konad". I want to emphasize that even my dreams are hidden with masks! and let me remove these masks so you can see my naked dreams! I want now to entice you uncover what inside is! because I think It's more wild and erotic than my naked body! I want to create this atmophere of contrasts.. hejab belongs to religion and limitation and ritual... aginst agnostic dreams filled with worldly desires! I want to encourage the reader to imagine those dreams without any "hejab"!

Ava Koohbor


Good comment!!

by asseman (not verified) on

Good comment!!


Dourod Bar Shoma,.Khanome Ava jan e KoOh bAr,

by Mehregan (not verified) on

Khanome Ava jane KoOh bAr,
Basyar zibaA sorodeed,.... ba kamtareen vache-ha va kalamat,..
shaear e ziba, ba bodane khod,....zendegi Mekonad,..
Sorodan e yek shaer,.. Meydane Zoorkhane Nesst,.. aghai S. Kashfi, F. Solymani, Va degar dalalane Adabyat,.. ..
Neghah koOn! mebeni,..?!
va be ghole Esmail Jane Khoi .. "To Hameni,.."
sabzo Taze basheed,...


The meaning of "Kashf-e Hejab"

by SiroosA (not verified) on

Kashf-e hejab does not mean finding hejab; it means removing hejab.


Very nice...BUT

by Abarmard on

Short and to the point, but I have a slight problem with it. It's a bit cliché and not powerful enough.

Having this problem in Iran today, at least for some modern women in the country, I would expect the poem to define the words rather than using them to simplify. The beginning for example has no connection to the end, although the linkage is made by bed, sleep to dream:

The bed is "wearing" while you are "Naked" and wondering if your dream will find "Hejab". Again, it all sounds nice, but there is something missing. Although having said all that, I believe your message is clear.

Thanks, as always I enjoyed your beautiful poem.


beatiful poem

by bluepiano2 on

very powerful.

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Keep writing!