Preview: Batebi on 60 Minutes

First U.S. television interview to be Aired Sunday April 5

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Ahmad Batebi tells Anderson Cooper on CBS 60 Minutes how he was tortured during his eight years in an Iranian prison and how he was finally able to escape.
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Bask in the glory of freedom

by Fred on

Any and all who, under any pretext, by word or deed help to extend the life of this monstrosity is culpable in every torture, rape and murder routinely meted out by the Islamist republic.

 Ahmad, here in the land of the free your Islamist tormentors can’t hurt you physically anymore.  All that the Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies can and been doing is to taunt and harass you with words which in itself is confirmation of the vileness of their depraved mindset.