Ever so dearer to us

Dear Mr Abtahi, we open our arms more than ever to embrace you


Ever so dearer to us
by Mahmoud Farjami

[I read this moving piece in support of Mr Abtahi on the weblog of the Tehran-based satirist, Mahmoud Farjami, www.debsh.com, and translated it for Iranian.com. -- Translator]

Dear Mr Abtahi

I have read the confessions attributed to you. They had all been carried by Fars news agency and [the official agency] IRNA. This was the first reason for their being baseless, because I have seen repeatedly how these dishonest carriers outrageously turn the most obvious facts upside Your browser may not support display of this image. down, let alone such a story that is fundamentally based on misrepresentation. Even the reporter for the [official, English language channel] Press TV was not allowed to enter the court, let alone the independent media.

The second reason is more obvious than the first, namely your face. I still cannot believe that your appearance could have changed the way it has. Not because I did not suspect that you would be placed under pressure and torture, but because I have always seen that prisoners, especially those who are kept in solitary confinement, no matter how much pressure they suffer, end up gaining weight. The reason is obvious: anyone confined in a small, tight environment, not involved in any activity that would consume energy, would gain weight, even with the small quantity of prison food.

However, you have not only not gained weight, but have lost it, and there are clear signs of illness on your face, as if you have been given injections of powerful tranquilizers or even hallucinogenic drugs.

Even if all of this can be denied –  and the walls of denial have risen to the stars in the past few years – your mere arrest and detention raise questions about all these confessions. What were the evidence and documents on the basis of which you were arrested? Where have you been kept? What about your right to meet your lawyer? How were you informed of the charges against you? When were you able to meet your family? Where was the jury?

In such circumstances, even if you have actually made the confessions that the lying, outrageous and preposterous news agencies have attributed to you, they would not reduce your value in the least. You were not a nameless, opportunist who would join a group for a short while, motivated by greed and ambition, in the run-up to the elections, only to make such confessions after a few hours of interrogation and threats, and add something to them to gain favors. You are a well-known personality and your weblog alone proves that you have been, and still are, one of Iran’s thoughtful and prestigious politicians; one who has withstood several weeks of continuous pressure, so crushing that we may not even be able to imagine it. Your more than twelve years of political activity during the reform period, and your seven or eight years of presence in the blogosphere cannot be undermined by a half-hour interrogation.

Dear Mr Abtahi,

Every day that you have resisted, every note that you have placed on your weblog, most of them about defending freedom and people’s rights, every gram of weight that you have lost, every strand of your hair that has gone white in these past weeks, and every bit of pain that you have suffered or will suffer has made you ever so dearer to us.  

Government positions mean nothing to us, but we shall never forget that you entered the blogosphere at the time when you were a vice president. Rather than using your weblog to impress politicians and statesmen, you created such warmth that you became subjected to plenty of accusations. We shall not forget any of that.

Dear Mr Abtahi,

We open our arms more than ever to embrace you. Please come back early. We’re waiting for you. There’s plenty to do …

One of your thousands of friends and admirers,

Mahmoud Farjami



Rosie, really

by Jaleho on

I do try to ignore you and I don't read most of your posts as I promised you. But, will you please stop making meaningless vez vez like a "magas" CONSTANTLY and in every blog? It's tiresome to go around so many of your irrelevant comments.


Sassan, Good that Rafsanjani NOT RETARDS

by Jaleho on

were at the helm of Iran during the war, or else Iran would have lost a good part of its territory to aggressors like Saddam for time-buying tactics and BS rumors! There are international rules for getting any war reparation, the first pre-requisite is the recognition of the aggressor in the war according to the article 39 of the UN. I just showed you that in every UN resolution except the one that Iran finally accepted, UN refused to accept Saddm as the aggressor, thereby making any lawful reparation unacceptable. That is for example completely unlike Saddam's attack on Kuwait where the UN immediately called him the initiator of that war.

I also showed you that in the now-revealed-secret-documents-of national-archive US tells Saddam that Iraq's status as supporter of terrorism is being lifted and help is coming soon to change the direction of war and that Saddam just need to buy some time after his big defeat in Khorramshar.

The Fez conference of Sep, 11 was actually way after the other BS offer of Saudis that I already mentioned. Here's what happened:

13 days After Saddam's miserable defeat in Khorramshar which turned the war against Saddam, Israel attacks Lebanon. All the Arabs try to stop Irans gains by demanding that Iran join Iraq instead of fighting it, and go to war against Israel instead. {This is while US is secretly starting massive help to Iraq to change his sudden loss(check the archive link)}. Three days later, Guinea president, Ahmed Sekou toure and the head of a group of Islamic Conference ask Iran and Iraq to join hands against Israel. Saddam immediately accepts of course. There are some "talks" of Arabs giving Iran $60 billion in case Iran accepts this offer. However, in the talks, they refuse to recognize Saddam as the initiator of the war agiain. Now the UN which has been quiet for 20 months while Iraq is inside Iran without asking a return to international borders when Iraq is 110 KM inside Iran, now asks a cease fire in res. 514 without recognizing Iraq as the initiator again.  In Sep. of 82 the Arab leaders in Fez use the Haj ceremony excuse to make same proposition to Iran with Dilip Hiro suggesting that Islamic reconstruction fund would pay Iran $100 billion this time! When Iran writes to Saudi king on why they, who have so heavily supported Saddam financially so far, all of a sudden decided that Iran should make peace with Iraq, Saudis replied: "because Iran-Iraq war is diverting international attention from Israel attack on Lebanon, and Iran should join force with Iraq to defeat Israel."

So, now you're suggesting that Iran closes its eyes to ALL evidence of Saddam and the Arabs trying to buy time to re-attack Iran, to actually get into a war with Israel (that means a direct war with the US), and believe that the Arabs who have been financing Iraq's war to the tune of $60 billion, all of a sudden decided to give war reparation to Iran, but did not accept the pre-requisite for such payment, which is agreeing with who started the war? Indeed Iran waited until the day after the res. 514 in which the UN again repeated the same garbage as before, to attack Iraq.

Now, suppose we didn't know all of this regarding 1982. Don't you think that the later events in the war, that is when in fact Iran together with Iraq accepted the cease fire and peace, and shortly after when Iraq thanks to direct US attack on Iran got stronger, what did it do? attacked not only military sites., but civilians with chemical weapons viciously and profusely. One fellow to trust the minute he says,"forget that I killed hundreds of thousands of your citizens, now I am done for a while and I want you to join me to kill some Israelis," and Iran should have immediately said:" yes brother, we believe you!"

rosie is roxy is roshan

Nonsense in a "nutshell"

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Sassan, you wrote: This is my last comment on this subject, for I'm starting to believe in Rosie's advice that talking to the repugnantly Islamic J.lo is an utter waste of time.

No, not exactly. It is not about being an Islamist or a propagandist. It is about...well this is what is it is about. Monarch Notes version of her first post:

Someone who is digusting and a traitor to begin with for calling electoral fraud is even more disgusting and treasonous because he is forced to make a fraudulent confession of his own fraudulence, in a disgusting fraudulent triat. The Regime which orchestrated this disgusting fraudulent trial is however neither disgusting nor fraudulent nor treasonous, and therefore should put something else on state tv that has the ghost of a chance of demonstrating this non-fraudulent fact.

I rest my case..


Yet again, NONSENSE!

by Sassan on

I should've known better than to engage an Islamist propaganda artist, who still backs that retarded monkey, Ahmadinejad, to this very day. Live and learn, I guess.

When I was referring to 8 peace offers on the table for the taking by the mullahs, I wasn't simply talking about United Nations Resolutions. There were other channels from which peace offers were delivered to the anti-Iranian mullah regime, one being the September 11, 1982 Arab League summit in Fez, Morroco, where Saddam Hussein himself actually was in attendance.

And a peace offer was drafted at this summit, which the mullahs rejected, an offer which would have included upwards of $80 Billion dollars in reconstruction funds to be paid to Iran by the oil-rich Arab states in the Persian Gulf. Rafsanjani, however, summed up Iran's rejection by placing a ridiculous conditon on the peace agreement, that being, "punishment of Saddam as a war criminal."

Of course, this was the ayatollah's way of prolonging the war and feeding Iranian youth into the meat grinder, as there was absolutely no way that any Arab country would put Saddam Hussein on trial as a "war criminal." It's almost as ridiculous as when Ahmadinejad publicly declares that Iran will talk with America ONLY when America stops supporting Israel.

They place these unattaibable, unrealistic conditions so as to maintain the status quo, simply because they don't want to sit down and seriously engage America because it would immediately bring their revolutionary cause to a grinding halt, which would in turn make their existence no longer necessary (after all, anti-Americanism is the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran).

And back in 1982, the mullahs didn't want to stop the war with Iraq because the war beautifully served their illicit purposes, i.e., the elimination of their homegrown enemies inside Iran. As any historian will tell you, it wasn't the barbarians at the gate that brought Rome down to its knees, but rather, it was the barbarians inside the gate! Obviously, the wretchedly disgusting mullahs are a student of history, the anti-Iranian bastards that they are! 

This is my last comment on this subject, for I'm starting to believe in Rosie's advice that talking to the repugnantly Islamic J.lo is an utter waste of time.


Sassan, provide ACTUAL documents, not BS!

by Jaleho on

I give you the actual UN resolutions, and you repeat the unsubstantiated propaganda repeated in Iranian.com in return?!!

I give you the US National Archives exact documents on how in 1982 US decides to protect Iraq as the war turns against it. Saddam who has attacked in Sep. 1980 with a hope of quick gains and  clear announced demands on Khuzestan, Tunbs and  Abu musa and complete soverignty over Shat-al-Arab has nullified Algiers accord single-handedly. Now that in 1982 Iran with great sacrifice has taken back Khoramshar and Iraq has become dying economically and militarily, he's given a promise by the US which just takes him off its terrorist list to pour down aid to change the trend of war. Israel attacks Lebanon, and Saddam to buy time and save himself, offers Khomeini to stop the war and the make a common front and go to war agaisnt Israel for Lebanon's sake! The Saudis give some lip service on that account too as if Palestinians should come before Iran (something people like YOU actually accuse Khomeini of!). There is not a single UN resolution or a written offer regarding any retribution to Iran from either Iraq or any other country. I give you the exact UN resolution numbers which denies Iran the credit of being attacked and thus getting any war reparation. In fact, in 1982 UN is still referring to the war as "The situation between Iran and Iraq" and Res. 514 or 522 refers to resolution 479 which urges parties to accept a cease fire when Iraq is 110 KM inside Iran....

 Where is the darn document that you repeat like a parrot about $80 billion reparation from Saudis except for some gossip in some new papers and some idiots in Iranian.com?! There are only 14 UN resolutions, is it that hard to read them?

Provide documents and data or stop spreading BS that after 30 years so many documents have proven them to be complete garbage!

rosie is roxy is roshan

"Nonsense". Sassan, well, we tried to warn you...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

please see the beginning and end of my long (second) post. (You could scan the middle part if you need proof).

It isn't about ideology or facts. I am sure that you and I disagree about at least half of the first and as for facts you know more than me. (I'm not Iranian). The irony is that so does Jaleho.

But, honey chile',  you are trying to debate someone who DOES NOT REASON. Suggestion-try someone else on the thread whose ideas differ from yours but who does. You will not be rolling a rock up and down a hill like Sysephus.

(If you still don't believe me, click on her account name next to the avatar and check out her blogs and comments under them...)

Sorry, folks, if I sound harsh (and especially you, Shaayad keh, after our first and only encounter so far, you must think I'm the Dragon Lady..) but THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM. Every time Jaleho gets involved in a serious discussion it gets monopolized by her because some poor unsuspecting soul (and we have a lot of them now due to the new compulsory registration) is fooled by the vocabulary and the numerous information bytes and assumes there must be logic somewhere.  There isn't. Yet they keep trying and trying...and Jaleho will NEVER stop as long as they keep trying, so...

So all these potentially important threads go NOWHERE.


(Sorry Jaleho, but, well...you know the score).



by Sassan on

Of couse, the US knew that Iraq was using chemical weapons! That was not the issue, you anti-Iranian, deceptively criminal hezbollahi! Iran, under Khomeini, was the declared enemy of America (the "Great Satan")! They had humiliated Carter. They had committed an act of war, by seizing the American embassy in 1979 and holding diplomats hostage for 444 days! Iran had financed and carried out the Beirut bombing of US Marine baracks, killing 241 US marines in the dead of night! America had good reason to support Iraq against Khomeini's revolutionary Iran! Wouldn't you if you were America, considering that the mullahs had been so aggressively pursuing an Anti-American foreign policy in the Middle East!

Saddam, at that point, had done nothing wrong against America or Western interests -- this is big boys politics! The akhunds were trying to spread their filthy black revolution througout the Islamic world in order to end American hegemony in the Middle East. And America naturally wanted to stop that illicit takeover, so I completely understand their national security concerns, even though I do not support their cause in any way whatsoever!

What I don't understand is why the filthy anti-Iranian mullah regime would behave so criminally against Iran's national security concers when Saudi Arabia (at the behest of America) offered Iran $80 Billion dollars in the summer of 1982 for war reparations, money that could've re-build Khoramshahr, specially since the brave Iranian forces had kicked Iraq out of Iran at that point in time!

That's because the anti-Iranian mullah regime did not (and still does not) respect Iran as a "nation-state," let alone respect its national security concerns vis-a-vis the international community. The only thing that mullah Khomeini cared about in 1982 was Islam's political hegemony in the Middle-East. Iran was a mere vessel, a means to an end. If the tretcherous mullahs really cared about Iran, they would have taken the Saudi money in 1982, rebuild Khoramshahr, and stopped feeding innocent lives into the meat grinder of war.

The J.los of the world can spew all the misinformation they want, but the REAL TRUTH is out there! I suggest everyone to read Dilip Hiro's book, "The Longest War." The anti-Iranian mullahs had numerous chances to stop the war (and save hundreds of thousands of lives), but they ruthlessly continued the war against Iraq so as to keep Iranians preoccupied with war and eliminate their homegrown enemies in Tehran and elsewhere.

Shame on mullah Khomeini and mullah Rafsanjani, Khamenei and the rest who have so much Iranian blood on their hands! Shame even more on their paid supporters who will surely someday pay heavily for their crimes against humanity in Hell!


Please boycott Jaleho. If

by vildemose on

Please boycott Jaleho. If she is not responded to, she will eventually leave.


Sassan, you repeat Iran-Iraq war PROPAGANDA

by Jaleho on

that has been proven false after passage of years has allowed the ACTUAL documents to reveal the truth! I am amazed how many Iranians in IC still repeat those nonsense like a parrot! Check this:

"Here's part of a comment I had written in one of my blogs.  As you know, the The Freedom of Information Act, allows the release of former secret information where the passage of time has made it non-sensitive and can be released to public for research. The link to National Archives at the end, together with UN site for UN resolutions, is a good source for real info on Iran-Iraq war:

"From Sep 1980 that Iraq attcked Iran until the final Resolution 598 of 1987, which Iran finally accepted, none of the UNSC resolution either accepted Iraq as the aggressor who initiated the war, nor the party who used chemical weapons (the 2 condictions that Iran requested repeatedly from UN).

While Iraq was INSIDE Iran, the resolutions like 479 demanded cease fire (that is Iraq borders be defined by the territory captured from Iran) The first time that a demand was made to return to international borders was when Iran actually went INSIDE IRAQ.  

And even in 1986, when Iran captured FAW Island, and it made the west and Arabs worried about Kuwait, US in resolutions 582 and 588 of 1986 refused to accept Iraq as the culprit in initiation or use of the weapons, thus any war reparation to Iran.

Yet, from 1983 US knew that Saddam is using chemical weapons against Iran, (since they partly provided it to him,) but according to the now declassified documents, US policy was to help Iraq defeat Iran regardless of CW treaties,  way before Rumsfeld trip to Baghdad in 1984. You can slook up Reagn's declassified National Security Directive  of March 1982, (NSSM4-82), and april 1984 (NSDD139) to that account.

For US knowledge of Iraqi use of Chemical weapons on Iran, in the following link from the National Security Archives, click on document #24. Read just the douments, not the narratives of the link.



shaayad keh,

by Jaleho on

you raise many valid points. I will try to stick with your a,b,c...format for clarity.

a) Khamenei IS the spiritual leader, but different presidents have different approach or else we wouldn't be having this discussion ;-)presidents Do matter a lot.

b) I only go by actions and results. For example, I think Ahmadinejad trying to make the football games open to both men and women was one of the most courageous attempts in those regards, but didn't get results. I won't credit him for that, but for other matters that he DID get results, like unfreezing nuclear equipments I certainly do. Khatami to me has done nothing but inherit an AFTER WAR environment which naturally could be more open, and frankly a lot of BS TALKS, no action.

c) 1.irrelevant again. 2. I agree with you completely there. In 2003, Iran was very scared of US attack on Iraq and a redux in Iran. So, a part of Khatami accepting freeze was due to fear of a US attak. But, Ahmadinejad detected that US would not need an excuse for attack, and Iran's ass-kissing  the west will not gain it anything either. His clear cut stated policy towards the west re. nuclear policy got a completely unknown Ahmadinejad elected because he represented the true desire of Iranian people on that regard. Playing sweet games of Khatami has FAILED clearly by then.

d) agree completely again! And, I in my blogs I have tried to make my position clear on that. For example, I have said that the election of Obama and feeling of security from external threats has made Iranians attend the internal problems which has been put on the back burner more urgently. However, I don't consider this internal problems result of a fraud in election or resulting in anything like a revolution, no. I believe it is an evolutionary phase of the revolution which is casued by internal contradictions of the "Islamic Revolution." The rsolution of those contradictions will propel Iran to a better phase in which the "Islamic" will fade away from "Islamic Republic," not as commonly seen by reformers as "republic" fading away and dictatorship brought about  via a "coup d'etat!" I tried to explain my opinion on that in the following blog:


e) because regardless of how it was started, it got abused by a lot of different groups. The movement was diverted by the foreigners and its face changed by them through massive propaganda. The most salient feature of the election was the participation of 85% of people, among whom 94% were FOR IRAN NUCLEAR RIGHT and majority were anti-Israel also, and majority was FOR rapprochement with the US and starting a new phase on that regard. How come it ended up with Makhmalbaaf asking for more Iran sanction, and curbing its nuclear achievements and isolating Iran further? and that was asked in the EU parliament?! So, ask the reformers how did this internal democracy movement got interjected with foreign policy issues of such importance to Iran's life-line! I guess then you know what I mean that Iran's history will write off the LEADERS of this movement worse than Shaban bi-mokhs of the Mosadeq era who tried to turn the wish of millions of Iranians, and sold themselves to the west against Iran's interests.


Thanks for the civil debate, rare in here :-)


Just a matter of time

by capt_ayhab on

Mr. Abtahi has more decency and gheirat in one strand of his gray hair than 100 IR criminal traitors like Ahmadinejad, let alone the talking head malijaks in this site, who have stunk up  Iran with their miserable existence.

There is a saying:[What goes up MUST come down] and Ahmadinejad, Khamenie, and entire criminal bunch in IR have no place to go but DOWN. This is not matter of IF, but WHEN. !

And as  for those pity talking-head criminals who present  IR as a democracy, one day they SHALL  receive same sort of JUSTICE that their damned beloved genocidal masters have been dishing out in Iran. Too bad real decent Iranians are so forgiving.




Ali Uk

by Sassan on

Instead of throwing out empty charges, like my 10 paragrahps have no substance, tell me where and why I'm wrong. And I am awake! You're the illiterate kabke, with your polluted mind buried in the Arabian sand!

rosie is roxy is roshan

Jaleho, the workings of your mind...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

  are a SWAMP. Every time I see one of your postings I say, don't do it, don't do it, Rosie! You know you can't convince her of anything; you'll just get more and more caustic about same 'ol same 'ol; don't even read it..so I SCAN it and every time it remains clear that some people must be informed (or reminded) that there is no logic to your non-arguments and they are simply nonsense to be dismissed. So it is once again my (reluctant) duty to comment. Forthwith:


Your first post: title and first sentence: 

What a pathetic low-life is Abtahi

and what a disgusting trial is this!

 If you admit this is a disgusting trial, then how can you pass absolute judgment on anyone 'confessing' in it, because god knows what disgusting things happened to them behind closed doors.

As the saying goes, Abtahia is "choob do sar gohi," first for being one of the people who helped greatly to overthrow the wish of 40 million Iranians by instigating a "fraud" accusation which he knew well did not exist;

 if the 'fraud' accusation was itself a fraud, then how can a legitimate Regime be staging a 'disgusting trial'? If they are staging a disgusting trial, then they are disgusting, meaning perfectly capable of fraud .

But here's the other part you still haven't gotten: EVEN IF on the .5% chance that there was no fraud, the goddam Regime has already delegitimized itslef completely by these kids coming out in body bags and..and..and TRIALS LIKE THESE.

and now he goes and tries to separate himself from the rest of traitors!

Well, if they are traitors, why is it disgusting for him to separate himself? Isn't he doing a service for the public good? Why can't he just be viewed as having a legitimate change of heart over to the 'good guys'? Oh, I forgot, it's because it is a 'disgusting trial'..but not by the legitimate Regime that is incapable of electoral fraud...it's a trial by...

the tv station!

And, the Iranian TV does not need to go through these disgusting forced trials.

Yes, Jaleho, it is a trial by IRANIAN TV!  Something like "The People's Court"! It has nothing to do with the non-fraudulent Regime, it's just a media event, and not even by "IRI" TV, by "Iranian TV".l..just look at the language you choose..you're suuuuuuuuuch an ingrown, inbred propagandist..and such a bad one..and you don't even know you're doing it, and that's the really scarey part, I mean funny, I mean scarey part..

People already have realized that there was nothing in their own protests except for some youth frustration which was diverted by bunch of TRAITOR leaders 

Wouldn't the government who stages these 'disgusting forced trials' also be a  'traitor government'? Which would substantiate that there was more than 'some youth frustration'...(oh that sowing their wild oats argument of yours again, so patronizing, so revolting...)..oh I forgot, not a traitor GOVERNMENT. A traitor "tv station"..

bla bal bla bla bla

________________ So much for the first half of the first post, the second half is more bullcrap, so is the next post and every one after.

She has no logical arguments. She has no arguments at all. It is like a house built on a swamp with no landfill under it. It may LOOK like a house, it may FEEL like a house (albeit a cheap, shabby one) but very soon it falls into and becomes part of the SWAMP. From the swamp it cometh and unto the swamp it shall return.. Some big words, information "bytes", SLOGANS GALORE, but NO ARGUMENT! And these non-arguments are not worthy of being replied to by arguments, except for ONE argument: that she has no arguments. (deep breath, Rosie, deep breath...), so each one make your own decison whether you want to waste your time debating a swamp. And if the answer from one single person is no, then I haven't wasted mine. (Exhale...)


Jaleho, kafar hameh raa...

by Ostaad on

beh kisheh khod pendaarad. The only "ghohi" side in this equasion is the side you belong to. For someone who's up to his/her eyeballs in the Khamenei/Ahmadinejad's sesspool, calling others "traitor" is a stretch.

I know it is very hard to see, from the chaah mostraah that you live and breath in that Ahamdinejad has not diddly-squat for Iran. He, just like his incompetent born-again Christian counter-part George Bush, never had a POLICY! Those two goat herders only displayed attitude, no substance, and history will judge both as two people who damaged their nations's integrity, economies and standing in the world to the extent that present and future generations have to work hard to make up for their destructive words and actions.

Obviously you're too ignorant to realize Khatami's policies bought Iran time and breathing room to work out the glitches in its nuclear program as well as showing the world Iranians are quite capable of rational thinking, something that Israel and its supporters had work hard to prove Iranians were incapable of. Khatami's policies also exposed the Western duplicity in dealing with the Moslem/Third World nations, while Ahmdinejads foolish behaviour turned all of that around.

It pains me to agree with you that the West is not fighting Iran for its non-existing nukes, but Iran's independent stance, which the louti and antarash (Khamenie and Ahamdinejad) are endangering with their despotic and decietful actions.

rosie is roxy is roshan

A couple of points:

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

From Sahimi's latest article //tehranbureau.com/stalinistera-show-trials/ :


Abtahi "had told his family on Wednesday that they [the security agents] had put him on medication that “relieves him of all pressures and relaxes him.” "..."Everything that Abtahi stated in court ran contrary to everything he has been saying over the years and publishing in his personal blog, Webnevesht. In the past he had repeatedly said that, “such confessions are not accepted by the majority of society.” It is interesting to note what he once wrote in his popular blog (before being arrested) about one of the “confessions” in the past by a political prisoner:

Everybody is happy [after the “confessions”]. The political establishment is happy because it believes that it has convinced people [of the accusations against the prisoner]. The prisoner is happy because [after the “confession”] he will be released, and he can speak differently [deny what he has “confessed”]. People are happy [not to have to accept them] because they know that the confessions were made in jail and obtained by force [torture].” "


Bearing in mind that Abtahi's use of the word 'happy' in the italicized quote cannot be construed by any stretch of the imagination as having anything resembling the conventional meaning of the word, and taken in conjunction with the current use of what are known as 'happy pills', there is a lot of 'food for thought' here--as opposed to the little food for stomach Abtahi appears to have been allotted in prison.


Before and After pictures of Abtahi's Miracle Weight Loss Diet:




Sassan , wake up

by ali_UK on

Your dislike for IRI has clouded your judgement. Your 10 paragraphs of text has zero substance.

better luck next time for a counter argument.


Jahelo the merchant of bullshit

by Sassan on

You are so full of shit, it's mind-boggling -- actually, it's quite understandable when you take a step back and process your posts with the pending circumstances in Iran. You and your anti-Iranian ilk will say ANYTHING (which includes lies, half-truths, exaggerations, i.e., you slyly practice such blatant dissimulation: taghieh) in the hopes of saving this rotted pile of dog doo-doo we call the Islamic Republic of Iran.

All of your patently pathetic comments regarding the West and "colonialism" and IRI's ability to break away from the "colonial yoke" is a disgustingly cheap attempt at pulling on people's nationalistic sentiments, specially in the case of Iran -- the misused nationalitic card that keeps on giving! You traitors used this asinine play-book once to fool us (in 1979), but we won't be fooled again!

Specifically, for the sake of brevity, I will only refute your propaganda post on one ground, which will go a long way toward refuting your ENTIRE mantra.

You refer to the Iran-Iraq war as "the imposed Iraq war." This single point of reference shows the massively duplicitous nature of this grossly heinous hezbollahi. First of all, the mullahs repeatedly antagonized Saddam's Iraq well before the Iraqi attack on September 22, 1980. In the immediate aftermath of the revolution, mullah Khomeini and his crew of anti-Iranian savages were all too desperately seeking war with Iraq, for a host of reasons.

But let us consider what happend AFTER the Iraqi attack. In the summer of 1982 (after several heroic battles), Iran expelled ALL Iraqi forces from Iranian soil. Korramshahr was free, and once again part of Iran. At this point, Saudi Arabia (mostly likely at the instigation of America) proposed a truce settlement, offering Iran $80 Billion dollars (and that's 80 freaking BILLION in1982 dollars!) for reparation costs. But Mullah Khomeini, the anti-Iranian traitor that he was, rejected the offer, saying, "We will not stop until we capture Karbala."

That was in 1982 -- some 50,000 Iranians had been killed by then.  From 1982-1988, an additional 700,000 Iranians were killed UNNCESSARILY, and Khorramshar still remains in ruins!!!

In total, there were 8 peace offers on the table in 8 years of fighting with Iraq, and the treasonous bastard mullahs rejected EVERY single offer! "Imposed war," my ass! Of course, we all know WHY the bastard mullahs desperately sought a war with Iraq and WHY they desperately continued it UNNCESSARILY!

First, this illegitimate barbaric regime (whose origins can be traced back to the Cinema Rex fire where they murdered over 400 innocent movie-goers, women and children) survives on crisis -- whether it be holding American hostages for 444 days and solidifying their power base after the revolution, or the Iraq war or the Palestinian cause du jour -- without crisis, this anti-Iranian regime would collapse for lack of an excuse for their abject incompetence in so many areas!

As such, the Iraq war was instigated by the mullahs who were hoping to spread their filthy revolution into "Shiite Iraq," while at the same time, they intentionally kept the Iranian nation at war to keep the people preoccupied with fighting Iraq and to crack down hard on all forms of dissent (labeling dissenters as traitors) which conveniently gave them the perfect excuse to liquidate and eliminate all of their homegrown enemies. 

"Imposed" war -- such heavy-handed bullshit! The mullahs have so much blood on their hands, it's obscene!!!  To waste any more time refuting this regime lackey, "Jahelo," is repulsive! 

David ET

گفته میشه در

David ET

گفته میشه در اعترافات دیروز آقایان ابطحی و عطریانفر مسوولیت زلزله "بم" رو نیز قبول کردند. انفجار شدن هواپیما هایی که سر نگون شدند.  من اصلا فکرشو نمیکردم که ابطحی یه همچین جور ادمی باشه. از زنای محضه با انا نیکول اسمیت بگیر تا دست داشتن مستقیم در کودتای بیست و هشت مرداد، ایشون دست اصلی پشت پرده بوده. من که وحشت کردم وقتی این چیزارو شنیدم. ادم مو رو کف پاش سیخ میشه.

Abtahi also confessed that he was responsible for Bam's Earthquake , crash of Iran's airplanes as well as death of Ana Nicole Smith and Michael Jackson. He said when he was a kid he caused 1953 Coup and this also explains why OJ was innocent


تجربه سی ساله


تجربه سی ساله نشان داده که در مواجهه با فهم رفتارهای این نظام باید مثل خود آنها فکر کنیم نه بجای آنها. ما چون معمولا عادت داریم از عقل‌مان استفاده کنیم خیال می‌کنیم خامنه‌ای هم با دیدن این همه اعتراضات وسیع مردم و کشت و کشتارها و ضرب و شتم‌ها به این فکر می‌افتد که باید راه حلی را پیدا کند و از بن بست بیرون آید.
در صورتی که خامنه‌ای اصلا توی این باغ‌ها نیست. او یا اصلا فکر نمیکند و یا اینکه موقع فکر کردن مثل ما فکر نمیکند.
خامنه‌ای اعتقاد دارد که راه سعادت این مردم آن است که همیشه در نبرد با غرب باشند. او اعتقاد دارد دمکراسی و اتکای به رای مردم از شگردها و ترفندهای غرب است تا ملتهای مسلمان را زیر سیطره خود بگیرند. بنابر این او کسی را میخواهد که در مواجهه با غرب پررو و پرجرات باشد و با او هماهنگ.
او تقلب را در انتخابات امری مباح میداند که به مصلحت کشور است. تصور او از اعتراضات مردم این است که با ایجاد ترس و کشتن تعدادی از دستگیر شدگان سر و صداها میخوابد و وضعیت قابل کنترل میشود.
او اصلا مثل ما اعتراضات مردمی را آنالیز نمیکند. برای او کشته شدن ندا و امثالهم و انعکاس جهانی آن آنقدر مهم نیست که بخواهد تجدید نظری بکند. او میگوید اگر یکقدم عقب بیایم مردم تا خیابان پاستور و بیت رهبری خواهند آمد. بنابر این او تصمیم دارد تا آخر خط برود!
خب اینها را نگفتم تا شما را بترسانم و یا ناامید کنم. اتفاقا میخواهم بگویم شرایط فعلی طوری است که سبب امیدواری است. خوشبختانه یا بدبختانه ما با یک گاو شاخدار عصبی طرف هستیم. ضمن اینکه مقابله با گاو عصبی خطرآفرین و پردردسر است اما خوشبختانه او گاو است و نمیتواند درست فکر کند و قضایا را تحلیل کند. او حتی خیر و صلاح خودش را بخوبی تشخیص نمیدهد. گاو عاقل نیست که دست از نبرد بردارد. این ما هستیم که باید با تدبیر او را به زمین بزنیم.

ناامیدی زمانی به سراغ ما خواهد آمد که انتظار داریم قضایا با خوبی و خوشی و در کوتاهترین زمان حل شود و وقتی اینگونه نشد و انتظار ما برآورد نشد بیدرنگ ناامید ی به سراغ ما خواهد آمد.
اما اگر شناخت واقعی از خوی و خصلت دشمن مان داشته باشیم هرگز ناامید نخواهیم شد. خوشبختانه خامنه ای تصمیم دارد تا سقوط این نظام کوتاه نیاید. این نظام اگر سقوط کند بساط دخالت مذهب در سیاست و اجتماع برچیده خواهد شد و تا ابد مردم ایران از قید و اسارت افکار مذهبی نجات پیدا خواهند کرد.


shaayad keh

Islamist apologists!

by shaayad keh on

I personally do not like labeling in general since a good idea could come from any side. this game of labeling an idea or an individual is the simplest way of execution. Asghar jan, Your have a good view, do not let your message get lost in your divisive labeling.

We better learn to deal with the islamist apologists, Shahi or other labels easily used in our conversation if we do not want our new Iran turned into and compared with its predecessor dictatorships.

But who am i to demand such a thing?


Shaayad Keh


The truth of

by Asghar_Massombagi on

the Islamic "Republic" is these show trials.  No legitimate regime needs to resort to these types of disgusting forms of public humiliation and intimidations.  The historical precedence are there for all to see. From Stalinist show trials of the 1930's to House UnAmerican Activities show hearing and confessions in the 1950's to public recantings broadcast during the Shah to the IRI's own grotesque live-from-Evin broadcasts in the early 1980’s written and directed by their appointed monster Lajevardi.  The regime apologists can bark and bark about their glorious elections but the stench at the core of their beloved regime will not relent. Open your eyes, this is the true face of the IRI.

shaayad keh

I wish we could figure what this fight is all about....

by shaayad keh on

 Political movements including simple social reforms up to the most complex one being a revolution is a dynamic process and not a static one. I am not at all for comparing social movements even within the same community without specific data analysis done by many historian to prove a point.

Subject in point in our conversation as you brought up, is the period of Khatami's presidency vs. AhmadiNejads;

I have the following reminders for you:

a)Khamenei was the spiritual leader and the decider on both occasions.

b)Khatami and his failure on both foreign and domestic issues are directly dependant to his oppositions including fundamentalists as yazdi, Khamenehi, and the likes of AhmadiNejad. You can very well see Khatami's radical domestic positions when he is not under the gun.

c)AhmadiNejad is getting a lot more credit on the foreign policy issues than he deserves, since 1)Khamenehi is the decider, 2)weaknesses and mistakes that the west has made in their foreign policy due to being bugged down in a multi-war entanglement.

d) This movement started off as a disagreement within the establishment and the issues are all relating to domestic issues. The reason that foreign policy has joined this debate is that AhamadiNejad has gained some grounds in this area, but looking into the future, do not under estimate the role that the west will play.

e)Why are we being distracted  by this foreign policy interjection into this domestic  democracy movement? If we are worried about colonizing powers, should we discuss Russia? Or China? Do we have enough data on them to tag them as dangerous states?

At the end, thank you Jaleho for your concerns for our Iran and only through these conversation we can learn from each other and achieve our democracy in a free Iran.


Shaayad Keh


"The only way Iran has for

by vildemose on

"The only way Iran has for its own advancement is by standing its ground, as proven by achievements gained by Ahmadinejad's tough foreign policy".

LOL, you're so blinded by your hatred and colonized  xenophobic self that you can't see straight. 



shayad keh, our difference is this:

by Jaleho on

I don't believe it is a nuclear Iran which is making the west isolate and constantly threaten it. What you are saying is like beaten woman syndrom in which the beaten party feels she must behave better or else she'll be beaten by the bully. It is Iran's ANY progress, Iran's independence, and Iran's freedom from colonial yoke that is causing this reaction from the west! No one in the west gives a damn about crazy rhetoric, and they don't need any real excuse for attack either. They would do so if they CAN, and if it is in their interest. It is only becasue they CAN'T that they have not attacked Iran yet.

You can see this in all of the past thirty years when Iran decided to take control of itself and its natural resources, in particular its oil. In that respect, actually you can go back all the way to Constitutional revolution of 1905, the support of Reza Shah, the 1953 coup, the 1979 revolution, the imposed Iraq war, the sanctions following Iran's missile technology started by Clinton and way before you had Amadinjejad, the increased sanctions when Iran started its space program, when its started its nuclear program...... it is the nature of refusal of the west to let Iran be independent, advanced and wealthy and free.

It is the fundamental relation that the west has always had with its colonies, and former colonies, and in particular control of the natural resources in the Middle East which has required it to prop up strong bases like Israel against Arab nationalism, and installing lackeyes like Saudi kings and Shahs of Iran in order to control the mid east oil and pipeline routs.

The only way Iran has for its own advancement is by standing its ground, as proven by achievements gained by Ahmadinejad's tough foreign policy. None of the compromises of Khatmi for example have proved useful, it was under him that Iran kept on kissing western ass, and kept on getting tougher sanctions and was branded as axis of evil.

shaayad keh

Jaleho, do you know something that we don't...

by shaayad keh on

 You say: " And, the Iranian TV does not need to go through these disgusting forced trials."

But they did. Why? If you look deeper into what you wrote, you maybe surprised to find out that this is how IRI works to cover their fraud.

Also, "choobe do sar gohi" is really unfair to be given to someone who changes his position under torcher. Just think about it.

I am afraid you are exactly making the same mistakes that Khamenehi is making after this unrest. Both of you have decided on the same direction and anything slightly different is to be eliminated/discredited. I do not wish to say this but have you ever thought how would you react to this movement if you were in charge?

 I think, if I am not mistaking, AhmadiNejad's foreign policy in regard to Iran's nuclear energy has a lot to do with how you see this movement. I, too, have wondered if I wanted my Iran to be a strong nuclear power country under a dictatorship or a non-nuclear Iran with free people. I chose the later, since a free and democratic country can judge better if nuclear Iran ought to be.


Shaayad Keh


ما اکنون باید


ما اکنون باید منتظر دستگیری میر حسین و خاتمی و کروبی
باشیم زیرا امروز سید علی در قوطی کرم اتهامات برای خفه
کردن جنبش مردم را باز کرد

Abtahi is making a case for indictment of Mousavi and Khatami and the rest of the influencial reformers.

Mousavi and Khatami better plan for the worst case senario.

Kayahan also accused both Khatami and Mousavi as traitors.

David ET

Abtahi mentioned practice session in same room!

by David ET on

افشای تقلبی بودن دادگاه توسط ابطحی: ابطحی در دادگاه با اشاره به حضورش در دادگاه یک روز قبل از دادگاه واقعی و نیز اشاره به حضور

"آقایان" از مطالبی که در آن جلسه تمرین کرده اند نقل قول می کند



He looks very sick.

by vildemose on

He looks very sick.

gitdoun ver.2.0

to Shia of Khamenei AKA Jaleho

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

"for being one of the people who helped greatly to overthrow the wish of 40 million Iranians by instigating a "fraud" accusation which he knew well did not exist; and now he goes and tries to separate himself from the rest of traitors!  "

do u have any references or citations to back up you illogical claim that fraud did not occur whatsoever in the June 2009 election and it's just a instigated "made-up" accusation??? when infact the opposite has been proven true by IRI's own limited re-count!!!!!

are people who seek constitutional and human rights to be dubbed as traitors  ???




what a load of sentimental nonsense

by fozolie on

When he disrobes and stops supporting the stinking Islamic Republic then he may earn my respect not before. 

Mr. Fozolie