به امید آن‌ روز

با افتخار این جایزه را به مادران عزادار تقدیم می‌‌کنم


به امید آن‌ روز
by Shirin Ebadi

خانم‌ها و آقایان

مفتخرم که جایزه حمایت بین‌المللی از حقوق بشر امسال به من تعلق گرفته است. بی‌ شک اعطای این جایزه می‌‌تواند مرا در اعتلای فرهنگ دمکراسی و حقوق بشر در ایران یاری بخشیده و باعث دلگرمی‌ سایر مدافعان حقوق بشر در ایران باشد، زیرا آنان درمی یا بند که مردم جهان به وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران بی‌ اعتنا نیستند.

بیش از سی‌ سال از انقلاب و تاسیس جمهوری اسلامی در ایران گذشته است، اما هنوز هم دادگاه‌های انقلاب بکار خود ادامه داده و با صدور احکام اعدام و زندان‌های طویل المدت، سعی‌ در ارعاب آزادی خواهان دارند.

بیش از سی‌ سال از تأسیس جمهوری اسلامی در ایران گذشته است اما هنوز مجازات‌هائی چون سنگسار، قطع دست دزد، به صلیب کشیدن، اعدام مجرمین کمتر از ۱۸ سال در قوانین ایران وجود دارد. استدلال جمهوری اسلامی ایران برای اجرای چنین مجازات‌هایی تبعیت از شریعت اسلامی است که البته استدلالی است نا درست. زیرا چنین مجا زات هائی در اغلب ممالک اسلامی مانند مالزی، اندونزی، تونس، مراکش، مصر و تعدادی دیگر سالهاست که منسوخ شده است و حکومت جمهوری اسلامی ایران و قانون گزاران وی باید پاسخ گوی این سئوال باشند که آیا فقط آنان قادر به درک و تفسیر شریعت اسلامی هستند و سایر مسلمانان در کشور‌های اسلامی دیگر راهی‌ به خطا رفته اند؟

خصوصاً آنکه  تعدادی از فقها ایرانی نیز بر این اعتقاد اند که می‌‌توان قوانین دیگری داشت، اما چون فاقد نفوذ سیاسی هستند به نظرات فقهی‌ آنان توجّهی  نمیشود.

بیش از سی‌ سال از انقلاب در ایران می‌گذرد، اما مردم حق ندارند به هر کس که مایل باشند به عنوان نماینده پارلمان یا رئیس جمهور رای دهند، زیرا در هر انتخاباتی که صورت می‌‌گیرد، صلاحیت داوطلبان باید در ابتدأ به تصویب شورای نگهبان رسیده و سپس مردم حق دارند از بین آنان فرد یا افرادی را انتخاب کنند- اعضای شورای نگهبان منتخب مردم نبوده، بلکه انتصابی می‌‌ با شند.

بیش از سی‌ سال از تاسیس جمهوری اسلامی ایران می‌‌گذرد، اما تبعیضات ناروای قانونی هم چنان حقوق زنان را در ایران پایمال می‌کند، از جمله ارزش جان یک زن نیمی از ارزش جان یک مرد است- شهادت دو زن در دادگاه معادل با شهادت یک مرد است- یک مرد می تواند چهار همسر داشته باشد و بسیاری قوانین تبعیض آمیز دیگر و نکته جالب تر آن‌ که زنان ایرانی که این چنین از حقوق انسانی‌ خود محروم شده اند، حتی از مردان هم وطن خود تحصیل کرده تر هم هستند، زیرا از سالها قبل بیش از ۶۵% از دانشجویان دانشگاههای ایران دختر هستند.

 اقوام متعددی از جمله کرد، بلوچ، آذری و عرب زبان در ایران بسر میبرند و طبق قانون اساسی‌ جمهوری اسلامی ایران حق دارند که زبان خود را در مدارس تدریس کنند، اما تا کنون چنین حقی‌ به آنان داد نشده است و همین امر سر آغاز اختلافات سیاسی اقوام فوق الذکر با حکومت مرکزی است.

آزادی بیان در ایران محدود است. حتی طبق قانون مطبوعات، انتقاد از قانون اساسی‌ در نشریات ممنوع بوده و باعث تعطیلی آنان خواهد شد. از ابتدای انقلاب تا کنون بسیاری از خبرنگاران، نویسندگان، دانشجویان، وکلای دادگستری و مدافعان حقوق بشر فقط به جرم بیان عقاید خود به زندان رفته اند. تعدادی از آنان نیز پس از رهائی از زندان مجبور به ترک وطن شده اند. دامنه سا نسور حتی به سایت‌های اینترنتی هم کشیده شده است، بسیاری از سایت ها  از جمله سا یتهای مربوط به حقوق زن را فیلتر کرده اند.

متاسفانه بعد از انتخابات ریا ست جمهوری که در ماه خرداد صورت گرفت وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران روز به روز نیز بدتر شده است تا حدی که سازمان ملل متحد چند روز قبل برای بیست و پنجمین بار حکومت جمهوری اسلامی ایران را به علت نقض حقوق بشر محکوم نمود.

مبارزه برای دست یابی‌ به حقوق بشر و دمکراسی که از سالها قبل در ایران شروع شده بود هم اکنون با گستردگی بیشتری در جریان است - این جنبش که نام دیگر آن جنبش سبز است مسالمت آمیز بوده و علیرغم خشونت دولتی که با آن مواجه است هرگز حاضر نشده است دست به خشونت زند.

طبق آماری که مقامات دولتی اعلام کرده اند بیش از چهار هزار نفر از ابتدای انتخابات تا کنون دستگیر شده اند - که البته تعداد واقعی‌ دستگیر شد گان بسیار بیشتر از این رقم است - تعدادی از دستگیر شد گا ن در زندان و تحت شکنجه به قتل رسیدند- چند نفر نیز در زندان مورد تجاوز جنسی‌ قرار گرفتند. تعدادی از دانشجویان، از دانشگاه‌ها اخراج شدند. ساعت سه بعد از نیمه شب به خوابگاه دانشجویان دانشگاه تهران حمله کردند با شلیک گلوله ۵ دانشجو کشته و چند نفر زخمی شدند. در خیابان به سوی مردم بیگناه شلیک شد- تعدادی کشته شدند. آمارها ی دولتی تعداد کشته شدگان را حدود بیست نفر اعلام کرده اند ولی‌ تعداد واقعی‌ هنوز مشخص نیست زیرا نه تنها حکومت تا کنون حاضر به اعلام اسامی کشته شدگان نشده بلکه با تهدید خانواده قربانیان مانع از اطلاع رسانی شده و حتی اجا زه برگزاری هر گونه مراسم و یا دبود را هم نمی دهند.

هم اکنون نیز در تهران و شهرهای بزرگ ایران به مناسبت روز دانشجو تظاهرات گسترده‌ای در جریان است و نیروهای حکومتی بی‌ رحمانه دست به خشونت زده اند.

در چنین شرایطی مادرانی که فرزندانشان در جریان اعتراضات مردمی کشته شده و یا دستگیر شده اند و هم چنین سایر زنانی که مخالف سرکوب و خشونت‌های دولتی هستند، کمیته مادران عزادار را تشکیل داده اند. این مادران هر شنبه بعد از ظهر با لبانی خاموش و چشمانی اشکبار در حالی‌ که عکس عزیزان خود را حمل می‌‌ کنند در پارک لاله- یکی‌ از پارک‌های شهر تهران- گرد هم می‌‌آیند و یاد جوانان خود را گرامی‌ می‌‌دارند. با وجودی که این مسالمت آمیز‌ترین شیوه اعتراض به خشونت‌های دولتی است اما متاسفانه مأمورین دولتی همین اندازه را هم بر نمی تابند و بار‌ها به جمع آنان حمله کرده، آنان را مضروب و تعدادی را نیز دستگیر کرده اند. در بسیاری از شهرها از جمله در کلن، ونیز، فلورا نس، رم، پاریس، کمیته ها ئی برای اعلام هم دردی و همکاری با کمیته مادران عزادار تشکیل شده است.

من که خود را هم درد و همراه با مادران عزادار می‌‌دانم با افتخار این جایزه را به پاس تحمل فراوان آنان، به این کمیته تقدیم می‌‌کنم. باشد که خون پاک جوانان بیگناه و بی‌ پناه مان، آزادی و دمکراسی را برای ایران به ارمغان آورد.

به امید آن‌ روز

شیرین عبادی



توضیح واضحات


خانم دکتر شیرین عبادی سالهاست که در دفاع از حقوق زنان و کودکان با مخاطره جان و مال خود در داخل ایران زندگی و تلاش کرده است. این شهامت و عمل کرد قابل تقدیر و تشکر است. گمان میرود بطریق مصالحه و مماشات با رژیم ولایت فقیه توانسته در بطن این دیو به قربانیان آن کمک کند. از این رو شاید بتوان حمایت ایشان را از دموکراسی بودن حکومت اسلامی به استناد رای ۹۸ در صدی مردم به یک اسم بی‌ محتوی وبدون قوانین مندرج، در بهار سال ۱۳۵۸ شمسی‌ معذور داشت، و حتی آلت دست و سخنگوی این حکومت مستبد مذهبی‌ شدن ایشان را در انتقاد از نقض حقوق بشر در آمریکا بنظر دفاع از جنایات دولت اسلامی "جبر جغرافیایی" دانست.

حالا دیگر اکثر نسل جوان ایران برغم تبلیغات مذهبی‌ حکومت تعصب و استبداد ملاها، آزادی و برابری حقوق زن و مرد را میخواهند که تنها در یک نظام حکومت مدنی و جدا از مذهب امکان پذیر می‌باشد. این دولت اسلامی نمی‌تواند از درون عوض شده به یک رژیم دموکراسی تبدیل گردد. رهبران جنبش سبز چون حسین موسوی، مهدی کروبی، و آخوند خاتمی از مومنین به ولایت فقیه بوده و در بقأ این رژیم مستبد مذهبی‌ کمک خواهند کرد نه‌ در تبدیل آن به یک نظام غیر مذهبی‌.

راهی‌ جز تعویض این نظام با جنبش همگانی ملت ایران در داخل کشور و به حمایت گروههای مبارز برون مرزی نمانده است.

"ترسم نرسی به کعبه ای اعرابی"  "کین ره که تو میروی بترکستان است" 


DK jaan I read your comments and they are painfully loooooooong!

by Anonymouse on

She slams the US for financing the Iranian Opposition then when in trouble Starts Rushing on VOA Persian and Radio Farda to cry about her predicament ... The VERY SAME MEDIAS which were to recieve That Financial Help From Congress she opposed so vehemently with the endorsement of NIAC/AIC ... 

This is the crux of your argument isn't it?  You go round and round about the same argument? You have youtube videos up the vazoo, would you please provide a clip of her slamming the Iranian opposition?

She slammed US for trying to start another war with Iran and in her opinion, more sanctions.  She just didn't join the Iranian "opposition" in diaspora. Considering Iranian opposition outside Iran is a lame excuse, I don't blame her.  Bascially she left them to their own misery.

Did she ever say VOA or BBC should not exist? Did she blame the uprisings on media? There is a difference between financing media and other kind of financing. 

So again I call this nagging and not constructive criticism or anything. 

Everything is sacred.

Darius Kadivar

ت شکن How did you jump in this conversation ? ;0)

Darius Kadivar

Where did you read that I was criticizing her speach ?


I wasn't even refering to her speach or its content in my thread ...

But was refering to Her contradictions and that of her fan club.

What she said here is quite fine and commendable not to say predictable.

What else can she say anyhow now that she is in exile like the rest of us ,,,

Besides Having an opinion be it political doesn't make you automatically a successful politician ! ... 





بت شکن

Nonsense DK!

by بت شکن on

This speech is a political speech not simply a legal one. If you can't see it, then the only one who is not a politician here is you. Remember in Iran EVERYONE is a politician, EVEN YOU. 

Darius Kadivar

Anonymouse Jaan Do you even bother reading through the threads ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Before Commenting ...

No one is attacking Mrs. Ebadi's persona or accomplisments but her political stance and personally I do blame her for her crusade against the Iranian Opposition in exile !

So what makes her FInally Reach the same conclusion :

ABC's Jim Sciutto: Nobel Prize Winner Says Iran's Regime Won't Last

Notice that she uses the word REGIME and NOT Merely GOVERNMENT !

What Took her so long to reach the same conclusion as the exiled Opposition she crusaded against all these years ?

The Fact remains that She Targeted the WRONG People while Befriended the WRONG politicians back home by giving them a pretext to prolong the survival of the Islamic Republic.

She could have done more than divide Iranians only to please the reformist Agenda back home with the results we see today ...

But My Problem is less with Ebadi than with Her Die Hard Fans most of whom come across as what I suspect them to be ANN TELECTUALS of the Dabashi type ...

She is a Lawyer for Heavens Sake NOT a Politician !

Probably even too idealistic and honest to be one.

Those who see her as a Potential President when she has never displayed any particular Political Wit !

Khomeiny at least had some ... Maybe directed to very different objectives than far more noble ones defended by Shirin Ebadi or Akbar Ganji today ( both of whom belonged to the Ayatoilet ANN TELECTUAL Fan Club of 1979) ...

If her fans would demand that Ebadi be Iran's next minister of Justice I would then applaud that as a COHERENT Statement and I would be the first to support her nomination if I had the slightest influence which I don't.

But to claim that she or Akbar Ganji could run the country and solve its problems from economy to civil peace or foreign relations seems a little Far Fetched don't you think ? ...

As for Ganji the former Revolutionary Guard Commander he probably could run the Ministery of Interior or even the Army but we are talking about Nation Building and offering a blue print for change not simply shouting out against anyone who has something to say or propose.

Or look at those ( not Iranian for a change) who Rank Rahnavard ( Moussavi's Wife) as Number 3 of Top World Thinkers !

Come On Give me A Break !

The Problem with You die hard groupies is you even refuse debate.

This is like some kind of Beauty Contest. Mirror Mirror on the Wall Who is the Beautifullest of them All ...

It has nothing to do with Jealousy or Hatred towards Ebadi or Ganji ... It's about having an argumented Opinion !

What has Marge have to say to other than she hates Reza Pahlavis ugly teath or Big Belly ? Did she even bother to offer counter arguments to the contradictions I underlined regarding Mrs. Ebadi, Akbar Ganji or their followers ?

All this mascarading and poking fun is childish and proves your own lack of suggestions and refusal to debate with anyone who doesn't share your Opinions.

Last Time Marge Opened her mouth was to slander Makhmalbaf for running some kind of Cinema Mafia only because it irritated her to see him support Smart sanctions in his interview on VOA by Sazegara !

That is always her Tactic when she runs out of arguments ...

You call yourselves Democrats but Your Democracy is a Private Club for your Selective Choices and preferences.

At this stage we don't even have a democracy in Iran to start boasting about Who is a Democrat and who is Not !

What is at Stake is to see our nation on the brink of probably its greatest challenge in the past 30 years is to achieve regime change towards a democratic society by avoiding as much bloodshed as possible. How can that be achieved without uniting ALL democratic Forces ?


I never equated Ebadi to Khomeiny. YOU PEOPLE HOWEVER Keep equating Reza Pahlavi to either Bush or a nobody like Chalabi !

Unlike Your blind worshiping of Shirine Ebadi's every word I don't even consider Reza Pahlavi as a Leader of anything nor will I compare him to Jean Paul Sartre or Raimon Aron when it comes to political thinking !

What I see in what him or rather his suggestions is an OPPORTUNITY towards reaching that common goal and that is regime change towards a democratic system of government be it a Secular Republic or a Constitutional Monarchy. That my personal preference goes to the latter form is something I have never hidden from public knowledge no more than Marge's hatred for the latter and most probably preference for the former.

What does that have to do with the Real debate which is the following :

What should be our Aim ? Reforming the Islamic Republic or Regime Change ? 


I try at least listen to what each person has to say and draw my own conclusions on whether or not what they say is pertinent or pure Bull Shit or whether it seems coherent and reconcilatory or simply aimed at demolishing and ridiculing the person rather than the IDEAS he or she is defending.

You people constantly avoid debate particularly when the questions raised are Logical or point to obvious contradictions which you dismiss nearly systematically on grounds that you are the victims and others are the bullies !

The truth is that it challenges Your Vision or political preferences !

This is PRECISELY  the kind of Behavior which most ANN TELLECTUALS indulged in back in 1979 by overlooking any critical thought not on grounds of logical arguments but emotional reactions, revolutionary rhetoric ( which by now should be obsolete given the disastrous results of their Poor Choice )or pathological hatred for anyone who opposed their views.

I don't hate you guys ... and forgive my rudeness but I simply think You are behaving just as Dumb if not dumber than your elders ! ...

But feel free to conclude that I hate Shirin Ebadi and am a Hateful War Mongering Neo Con monarchist Fanatic !

It won't stop me from Thinking !

Car Vous N'aurez Pas Ma liberté de penser ...


Anyways I don't know why I'm even wasting my time answering to you Anonymous ( e )  people. Might as Well speak to a Deaf Wall ...

Enjoy your weekend nevertheless ...

Bonne Nuit !





Shazde Asdola Mirza

Shirin Ebadi: a most courageous human rights champion for Iran!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Every voice counts! Every action counts!


DK jaan Khomeini and Ebadi are the same saints?! Think same?

by Anonymouse on

Besides I did not single out the Monarchists.  I said the usual suspects ;-) Khomeini never spoke a straight word.  The only reason people and anntellecutals rallied behind him was because he could deliver the mosque which was the backbone of bringing a revolution to Iran.

If Ebadi becomes as strong as Khomeini one day and can lead as many people in the streets, that'll be a great day.  At this stage of the game we just shouldn't criticize Ebadi.  Not worthed and nothing of substance to criticize over anyway.

Oh well.

Everything is sacred.

Darius Kadivar

Anonymouse Khanoum/Sir Don't take your case for a generality ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

You Say :"It's like they're going fishing but they throw away the big fish and keep the small fish!  They're always ass backwards and one step (make that 10 steps ;-) behind!"

If You Guys/girls Still Don't see the difference between Constructive Criticism  towards Her SAINTHOOD and Ill intentioned Slander Then You Sure have a problem ...

WARNING: This Blog is ONLY for Intellectuals ...

Last Time You Elected a SAINT to High Office in Iran was 30 years ago after claiming to see his face on the Moon. Had You asked the French for an explanation ... They would have explained to you that you were actually looking at an auto portrait of yourself ! ...


Its Seems YOU are 30 Steps Back ... One for Each Darn Year the IRI has been in Power due to YOUR POOR CHOICE but have not yet figured out which Foot to put forward first towards the right direction before making another silly comment.

But asking You to make an intelligent comment may indeed be too much to ask these days ...

Fereydoun Farrokhzad - Irani Boodan


Have a Nice Weekend !





Marge jaan like fishing, except they throw away the big fish!

by Anonymouse on

All these talk about Ebadi this and that is like whenever someone gets known (especially in Iran) for fighthing for civil rights or be in a position of making noise about it, they always look to find something negative to say.

It's like they're going fishing but they throw away the big fish and keep the small fish!  They're always ass backwards and one step (make that 10 steps ;-) behind! 

Everything is sacred.



by Khar on

More power to you, and thank you for inspiring all of us!


  Iranian authorities

by vildemose on


Iranian authorities should immediately stop their harassment campaign against Shirin Ebadi, the human rights defender and 2003 Nobel Peace Laureate, and her family, Human Rights Watch said today.

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry has summoned Ebadi’s husband and sister for questioning and threatened them with losing their jobs and eventual arrest if Ebadi continues her human rights advocacy.

In late November, a Revolutionary Court order froze Ebadi’s personal bank accounts and her retirement pay and authorized confiscation of the family’s belongings, including her husband’s safe deposit box that held her Nobel Peace Prize, Legion d’honneur, and other awards. Authorities gave no reason, although this followed their claim that she had not paid taxes on those awards.

“The government has been doing everything it can to silence those who speak out for human rights,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “It should choose today, Human Rights Day and the day the Nobel peace prize is awarded, to reverse course and call off its campaign against its most famous human rights activist.” Go to Human Rights Watch.


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Oh anonymouse you are right.... they are so scared of Ebadi

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I have watched this woman be mocked and torn to shreds by monarchists, as if they enjoy the way IRI treats her. It's like they converge in this venn diagram of stupid politics. HATE FOR SHIRIN (AGREE). I think it's pathetic, considering their alternative is a club med platinum member.

If I were Reza Pahlavi I would be shriveling at the thought of this woman. Who really has guts?! Shirin Ebadi!


Shir-Zan Ebadi به امید آن‌ روز


Dear Shir-Zan Ebadi,  

With this speech, you may have just committed yourself to a life in exile unless the current regime is displaced with a democratic one in Iran.  On second thought, the regime may be so scared/insecure right now that they will leave you alone?  Or, the lunatics will put you in jail and ....?     

What will you do next?   

In any event, hopefully, you will be able to go back to a democratic Iran, SOON.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I agree with Maryam

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I would never call myself a "fill-in-blank" first before being Iranian.

Maryam Hojjat

She Called heself a Moslem woman rather than an Iranian woman

by Maryam Hojjat on

in nobel prize ceremony.  Sometimes I feel sorry for her since I think she is not true with herself & people.  Perhaps she is trying to br diplomatic and save herself & her family from IRI Tugs.

Neda ye Iran e Azad

از خانم شیرین عبادی قدر‌دانی می‌کنیم

Neda ye Iran e Azad

و از همه مادرانی که فرزندانشان در راه آزادی وطن به خاک و خون نشستند. چه در جنگ چه در خیابان و چه در زندان

چه در سی و دو، چه در پنجاه و هفت، چه در شصت و هفت، چه در هفتاد و هشت، چه در هشتاد و هشت و چه در تمام تاریخ حکومت ظلم و منفعت

به امید آزادی ایران برای همه ایرانیان 

سبز سبز تا بهار

Darius Kadivar

Ebadi relevant, courageous, respected CERTAINLY But ALSO ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Terribly STUBBORN and NARROW MINDED Like Some of Her Less Recommendable admirors ...

For Instance People like Hamid Dabashi ...

SATIRE: Hamid Dabashi & George Galloway "Get me Out of Here, I'm a Celebrity"

who claim she should become Iran's Next President ...


Come On Give Us a Break !

She slams the US for financing the Iranian Opposition then when in trouble Starts Rushing on VOA Persian and Radio Farda to cry about her predicament ... The VERY SAME MEDIAS which were to recieve That Financial Help From Congress she opposed so vehemently with the endorsement of NIAC/AIC ...

A Nobel Peace Prize May indeed Turn One into a Saint but Certainly Not into an Able, Wise or Visionary Politician for that matter ? ...

For In Terms of Incompetance Even a Prolific Mouth Piece for the IRI apologist Think Tank like Hamid Dabashi Ranks Number ONE in My Book :

Hamid Dabashi "Most Iranians don't demand Regime Change" :


Am I being Too Harsh ? ;0)


I would say the same about Akbar Ganji ...

To Want and Create this Republican ( Jomhurykhahy ) Myth all of a Sudden as if Mrs. Ebadi's Generation supported a Secular Revolution back in 1979 only to dismiss their own moral and intellectual responsabilities in the outcome of this Middle Aged Theocracy is something which I personally find Hypocritical to say the least. Very much like her Nobel Peace Prize speach where she tried to draw parallels between Cyrus the Great and Mohamed !

Come On !

Why is it that Akbar Ganji accepts to sit down in a Hunger Strike with former Pahlavi Era Celebrities and Perfect Products of that Era like Googoosh :

When Giants Meet: The Queen of Persian Pop greets the Shahbanou of Iran in NY Live Concert by Darius KADIVAR

BUT Refuses to Shake the Friendly Hand of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi ?

REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc... By DK

PRINCE OF PERSIA: Crown Prince Reza and Iranian Asylum Seekers, London (2005) 

Oh But I suppose supporters of Mr. Ganji must be thinking that I am not qualified to give an opinion because I am the Regular Biaised Neo Con War Mongerer Fanatic Monarchist ? :

Prisoner of Conscience: Akbar Ganji and Costa Gavras' Confession BY Darius KADIVAR

The Struggle Continues: Nazanin Afshin-Jam New Human Rights Campaign to Stop Child Executions in Iran and Beyond By Darius KADIVAR

Iranian Diaspora Intelligentsia Unite Against Islamic Republic's Holocaust Revisionism by Darius KADIVAR


Nor am I allowed to observe the same Namak Nashnas Attitude in Shirine Ebadi when I see her shaking hands with France's Foreign minister ( also a Jew and therefore Staunch Pro Israeli ) who very similarily to Hillary Clinton threatened Iran of Obliteration ( L'Iran Aura La Guerre si il continue a menacer Israel ):

France's FM Bernard Kouchner Bows to Iran's Shirine Ebadi (Paris)

But refuses to acknowledge the Empress of the Regime that enabled her to become the first female Judge in Iran ...

Ebadi claims to look at Poland's Solidarnosc Leader Lech Walesa ( also a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate) as a Role Model : 

Iran's Shirine Ebadi and Poland's Lech Walesa

But Oh she won't shake the hands of Iran's Former Empress ? :

Iran's Farah Pahlavi and Poland's Lech Walesa

Probably Mrs. Ebadi or should I say KHANOUM REISS JOMHUR EBADI sees Our Former Shahbanou as some kind of Pariah or an equivalent Marie Antoinette Queen of France that deserved nothing but to be BE HEADED ?

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE:Farah chatting with a local lady in Gilan Province (1970's)

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Shah visits Nursery in Tabriz (1960's)

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Farah Pays Respect to Baloutch Sunni Minority (1970's)

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Shah meets Kurdish Representatives (1948)

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Farah Comforts Tabas Earthquake Victimes (1978)

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Farah visits compatriots inflicted with leprosy (1970's)

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Farah Helps Clean Village Sewage System (1970's)

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Farah visits village wives and children (1970's) 

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Farah Greeted affectionately by girls in Luristan Province (1975)

ROYALTY AND THE PEOPLE: Farah and Quashgai Kids (1976)

Oh Well ... May He or She who Has Never Sinned Throw me the First Stone :











Hee Hee ...


Do I need to Repeat Without Foreign Military Intervention ?

REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc... By DK


It's NEVER LATE for YOU To also Reach the Same Conclusion and Join the Democratic Opposition in Exile !

Instead of Contradicting Yourself by First supporting an Islamic Democracy a La Khatami ...

Khatami, Democracy, & Islamic Republic:


Only to Reach the same conclusion which we have been suggesting for the past 30 years but which YOU and Your Likeminds have been resisting because of Intellectual stubborness not to say dishonesty ...

ABC's Jim Sciutto: Nobel Prize Winner Says Iran's Regime Won't Last

And at the Bloody Expense of Our Compatriots Lives Back Home ...

Sokhanrani Dr. Bakhtiar be monasebat Mashrutiat :


Reza Pahlavi's message on the Anniversary of the 1906 Constitutional Revolution in Iran:









Who doesn't like Shirin Ebadi? The usual suspects.

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Jahanshah Javid

Courage and Hope

by Jahanshah Javid on

Shirin Ebadi is the most relevant, courageous, respected Iranian living today. She has not bowed to the Islamic Republic at any time during her illustrious career as a human rights lawyer and activist. May she live long and continue to be a beacon of hope for all who care about freedom, human rights and democracy.


ز تعارف کم کن و بر مبلغ افزا


زمان انشاء نویسی منجمله: " مبارزه برای دست یابی‌ به حقوق بشر و دمکراسی که از سالها قبل در ایران شروع شده بود هم اکنون با گستردگی بیشتری در جریان است - این جنبش که نام دیگر آن جنبش سبز است ..." که رهبران اسمی آن به وضوح و صراحت قابل تقدیر  میگویند قصد و هدف و آمال آنها نجات نظام پر برکت و باز گشت به دوران خمینی است  و ذکر مصیبت کردن خیلی وقت است که گذشته. ز تعارف کم کن و بر مبلغ افزا.  
